Dark Side of Tomorrow (Ivan Bennet of Scotland Yard Book 1)

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Dark Side of Tomorrow (Ivan Bennet of Scotland Yard Book 1) Page 9

by J. R. Martin

  “Humm, I didn’t know about Cynthia Bost till this week and certainly didn’t know her father had been murdered and was an abuser and known quite well by Mr. Éclair. I will continue to follow the leads that you have un-covered, Commander.” Bennet said.

  “That will be good, Bennet, now tell me, how do you really feel? Is your head on straight or do you need to go see a counselor?”

  Bennet’s heart skipped a beat, he didn’t want to have to go see a counselor or a psychiatrist, but he also knew his Commander was a smart man, so he better not lie to him. He said, “It’s hard sir. I’ve lost two people that I loved with all my heart. Two people that somehow I feel I should have been there to save. One was my wife who was killed right in front of me, and the other my partner who was killed while I was right across the street. I think any man would be troubled by that. But, I don’t think going to a counselor or psychiatrist can change either one. In the end, I’ve got to accept that I’m just a human, not superman. I can’t help what happened.”

  The Commander looked at him and said, “Bennet if at any time you feel you need someone to talk to other than medical, I want you to know I’m here for you. Anything you tell me I will hold in confidence. I just don’t want you pretending things are alright when in reality they are driving you crazy. Sometimes, just having someone to talk to helps, I’m here if you need that. The work we are involved in alone, is stressful and often, down right unbearable. At times, we all need someone to help us carry that burden.”

  Bennet bowed his head and said, “Thank you, sir. I appreciate that.”


  The next day Bennet once again drove out to Cynthia Bost home. He hadn’t called to make an appointment as he just wanted to drop in on her and see if she reacted differently than she did the first day he met her.

  When he arrived at her house he pulled up in front and walked to the front door. After ringing the bell twice he started to think no one was home, but, then from the side of the house Cynthia called,

  “I’m out here, Detective.”

  Turning he saw Cynthia coming around the corner of the house with a hoe in her gloved hand.

  “I’m working in my garden. Have a seat on the swing and I’ll go around back and be right out there.”

  Bennet did as she had suggested and sit down in the swing. The smell of fresh lilacs filled the spring day’s air. I could get use to this, Bennet thought.

  Soon, Cynthia came through the front door with a cup of coffee in her hand. She offered it to Bennet who refused saying he had already had his quota of coffee for the day. “Well, I haven’t.” she laughed. Then she said, “What can I do for you, detective?”

  “While we’ve been investigating the findings of the skull in Mr. Éclair’s pig pen, Cynthia, it has come to our attention that Mr. Éclair knew you and your family pretty well. He told us that your dad was murdered about five years ago. That had to be hard on you, losing your boyfriend and your father around the same time.” Bennet said.

  “It was hard losing Gregg. It was a relief losing my father. He was a worthless, abusive drunk. Whoever killed him did our family a favor.” She said.

  “Sounds like you didn’t love your father.” Ivan said.

  “Not at all, detective.” Cynthia answered.

  Ivan looked at her close and then said, “I’m sorry, Ms. Bost, but I have to ask, “Where were you the day your father was murdered?”

  “I was at home, with my mother.” She answered.

  “Is there anyone else that can verify that?”

  “No, I’m afraid not. It was just mother and me at home that day.” Cynthia said.

  “Well, thank you for being honest with your answers. Of course, you realize, Scotland Yard will investigate all the leads pertaining to these two murders.” Ivan stated.

  “Oh, of course, I know that, detective. Go right ahead and if I can help you in any matter please advise.” Cynthia said.

  Thanking her, Ivan turned and got back in his car and left the home of Cynthia Bost. On his way back to headquarters he thought about the evidence they had pertaining to the two cold cases and to the murders going on in the White Chapel District. He shook his head and thought, man oh man, one thing right after the other and no hard evidence about any of it.

  When he walked into headquarters the Commander was waiting for him. He said,

  “Come into my office and tell me what you found out from Ms. Bost this morning.”

  “Nothing, sir, I found out nothing. She basically told me the same thing she did you. It’s evident she’s glad her father’s dead. She, nor her mother, have an alibi for that day. They were at home, together.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Is Cynthia Bost mother still alive? The Commander was asking.

  “Damned if I know.” Detective Bennet answered.

  “Well, you better find out. I should have and you should have, asked that question the day we talked to Cynthia.” The Commander said.

  “I know, just didn’t even think about asking that. I’ll go back out to Cynthia’s today and find out.” Ivan volunteered.

  “Well, Mr. Éclair would know too if Cynthia isn’t home.” The Commander said.

  “Yeah, I’ll take care of it.” The detective said as he walked out of headquarters headed for the parking garage.

  When he pulled up in front of Cynthia Bost house he noticed that she was sitting on the porch in the swing. He waved as he got out of the car.

  “Hello again, detective.” Cynthia called.

  “Hello again, Ms. Bost.” Ivan answered as he walked to the front porch.

  The two made small talk for a few minutes and then Ivan asked, “Ms. Bost I didn’t ask you the last time we spoke and I should have, is your mother still alive?”

  “No, I’m sorry to say. Mum passed away last year. I miss her so.” Cynthia replied.

  “Did she know the Simmons and Mr. Éclair?” Ivan asked.

  “Yes, yes she knew both families.” Cynthia said.

  “So she didn’t object to your dating Gregg even though she knew his brother Garth was a lunatic?” Ivan said.

  “She wasn’t exactly excited about it, but really, she didn’t object either. She felt that Gregg was like Grace, a pretty good person. She was kind to both Grace and Gregg.” Cynthia said.

  “What did your Mum die of?” Ivan asked.

  “Pneumonia, she caught pneumonia and just couldn’t get over it.” Cynthia said.

  “Did she die in a hospital?” Ivan asked.

  “No, she died here at home.” Cynthia answered.

  “I see. Well thank you again for your help.” Ivan said and shook Cynthia’s hand. Then he walked back to his car and left.

  For a long time, Cynthia remained seated on the front porch swing. She thought, I wonder what that was all about. Why would he have asked if Mum died at home?”


  When Ivan got back to headquarters his first stop was at the Commander’s office. He knocked and was motioned in. He said,

  “Her mother is dead. Died last year of pneumonia and died there at Cynthia’s house. She knew the Simmons and the Eclairs, well, or so Cynthia said. I ask if her Mum objected to her dating Gregg Simmons just because she did know the family history of violence. She said if her mother objected she never told her that.” Ivan told the Commander.

  “Humm, well, now we need to talk to Éclair again and ask if he remembers Ms. Bost Senior and if so if he remembers how she died.” The Commander said.

  “Do you want me to go back out there to Éclair’s tomorrow?” Ivan asked.

  “Yes, yes, I think I do want you to do that.” The Commander said.

  The next morning found Ivan in route once more to Simon Éclair’s farm. When he arrived Simon Éclair was at the barn feeding the pigs. He waved at Ivan when he saw him and started to make his way back to the house.

  “How are you this morning, detective?” He asked.

  “I’m fine and you?” Ivan said out of courtesy.
  “I’m good, I’m good.” Mr. Éclair said.

  “I’ve got another question for you Mr. Éclair. Did you know Cynthia Bost mother?”

  “Yes, I did. She was a good woman.” Éclair declared.

  “I understand she died of pneumonia last year, at Cynthia’s home.” Ivan shared.

  “Yeah, I believe that is correct.” Éclair said.

  “Mr. Éclair, do you know if Cynthia’s mother approved of her daughter dating Gregg Simmons? She knew them all well, Cynthia said.”

  “Oh, she did, but there would be no reason for her not to like Gregg. He was a good man. He was nothing like his brother, Garth.” Mr. Éclair said. “Why are you asking?”

  “I’ve got to run down all the leads, Mr. Éclair. Gregg’s murder, Mr. Bost’s murder, there’s two cold cases that we don’t have a clue who could have killed them. We know Garth didn’t because he’s been locked away all this time.” Ivan said.

  “Well, Ms. Bost died from natural causes.” Éclair said. “Gregg, I don’t know who would have wanted him dead. He liked everyone. But Bost, I didn’t know anyone that didn’t want him dead. He was no good, detective, no good. Anyone that knew him would have wanted him dead.” Mr. Éclair said and once again, spit out a large chew of tobacco. “The only other person that was despised more was Garth Simmons, and he was already locked up.”

  “Okay, thanks again Mr. Éclair. Maybe one day we can get these cases solved and everyone can rest easier.” Ivan said.

  “Well, it’s for sure I’d like to know who killed Gregg Simmons and then fed him to my pigs.” Mr. Éclair said.


  When Ivan got back to headquarters, he once again went to the Commander’s office. He told him of the conversation between he and Mr. Éclair. Then the Commander said, “Well, detective, one things for sure, someone killed both Gregg Simmons and Edgar Bosts. Our job is to find out who.”

  “Yes, sir.” Ivan answered. “I’m trying, sir. What’s Ray Roberts reporting about the hospital?”

  “He’s seen someone go in Garth’s room, but he didn’t know who it was. They got away from him before he could identify them. And, for now at least, the White Chapel District murders have slowed down. I would like to know why and what, has caused that.”

  “Me, too, Commander, me too!” Ivan said. “I think I would like to go with Roberts one night and just observe the workings of that hospital when no one knows we are around. I know Roberts is a cop too, but the hospital thinks he works there. Apparently he’s doing a good job, they haven’t complained about him.”

  “Well, you have my permission to do that anytime you want.” The Commander said. “You might see something that Roberts has missed. But, you better not let Garth Simmons know your there because that would blow Roberts cover.”

  “I think I’m going to do that tonight, Commander. Rest assured, Simmons won’t know I’m anywhere on the place.” Ivan said and he started making plans to be at London’s Hospital for the Criminally Insane from eleven p.m. to seven a.m. that very night.

  “By the way Commander, will you let Roberts know I’ll be there?” Ivan asked.

  “Of course, detective, I’ll do that right now.” The Commander said as he picked up the phone.


  Ivan Bennet parked his unmarked car in the hospital parking lot about ten thirty. He sit and watched for Ray Roberts to show up for work. The Commander had told Roberts Ivan would meet him in the east parking lot, so all Ivan had to do was wait for Roberts to show and they would go inside together. If anyone saw them they would think it was just two janitors going to work.

  When Ray Roberts pulled up he waved at Ivan and the two got out of their respective cars and started walking to the hospital, talking and laughing as if they were just to guys reporting for work. When they reached, the employees entrance they walked through as Ray did every night and then he and Ivan went up to the fifth floor.

  Ray had the keys to the Janitor’s closet so he unlocked it and each one took a mop bucket and a mop. Ivan helped Ray mop the hall floors and do the other odd and ends jobs that he needed to do. About two a.m. they took a break and sit down the hall where they could see the door to room 501 and they relaxed and talked in soft tones so no one could overhear them.

  Suddenly, Ray poked Ivan and pointed toward the door. A figure dressed in black was unlocking the door. The figure went in and the two lawmen had to make a decision. Did they rush the room now and arrest whoever was in there are did they wait and try to find out who it was and then decide how to handle the late-night visitor?

  They decided to wait in hopes that whoever it was would lead them to others. The figure spent a good hour in Garth’s room. Ivan and Ray didn’t try to eavesdrop on this conversation, but instead waited patiently for the unknown person to come out of the room.

  They slinked back into the shadows and waited. Their efforts were soon rewarded when the dark figure came out of the room and headed for the stairs. Ivan and Ray waited until the figure had gone about half way down and then they followed quietly behind, still out of sight. By the time the dark figure reached ground level the two were close enough behind they could see the figure as it went out the side doors. The wind caught the figures robe and for a brief minute the two could see the person’s hair. It was a female, a female with brown hair. They watched as the figure was picked up by a dark colored sedan. License number GYL 238.

  “We may have messed up by not stopping them right here. Or going into Garth’s room and arresting them.” Ivan said.

  “On what charges? All we have is making a visit to a prisoner without permission and coming in a mental hospital after hours. That’s not what we need, Detective, we need to find out, first who it is, and second what business they have with Garth Simmons.” Ray said.

  Ivan knew Ray Roberts was correct so he said, “Well, we can see who picked them up by the license plate number. We can do that and start building the case from there.”

  “That’s exactly correct, detective. We can do that.” Ray reached over and slapped Ivan on the shoulder. “I think we’ve had a good night.”

  “Not as good as it could have been,” Ivan mumbled.

  The next morning, Ivan got to headquarters and immediately asks the desk Sargent to run license number GYL 238. In about thirty minutes the desk Sargent called for Ivan and handed him the report on the license number he had given him. Ivan looked down and could hardly believe his eyes, it said, registered to the City of London Police Headquarters.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” Ivan said. The desk Sargent looked over the rim of his glasses and said,

  “That bad?”

  “You’re not going to believe it Sarg. It’s registered to the Police Department, right here.” Ivan said.

  The desk Sargent smiled and said, “Well, at least it won’t be hard to find.”

  “You can say that again, but, it might be harder than you think.” Ivan said

  He picked up the phone and then Ivan called Ray Roberts. When Ray answered, it was apparent that he had been asleep and Ivan said,

  “Geez, I’m sorry to wake you Ray, but you are not going to believe who the car is registered to.”

  “I’m in, who?” Ray asked.

  “The City of London, The Police Department.” Ivan said. “Can you believe that?” Ivan gasped.

  The other end of the phone was silent. It was evident that Ray Roberts didn’t believe it.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The one shocked most of all was the Commander. When Ivan broke the news to him he jumped up and said, “you’ve got to be kidding.”

  “Have you called and asked the Police garage who had that car out last evening?” The Commander asked. He was breathing especially hard and his face had turned beet red. Ivan bet his blood pressured was well over two hundred. The diastolic pressure was way too high as well. He looked at Ivan and said,

  “Man, get yourself in gear. We need to know immediately who checked that car out.”

“You’re not going to believe that either,” Ivan said. “No one is on record as having checked the car out. Oh, it was used, mileage says so, but not a soul knows who took that car.”


  “Well, the next time someone sneaks in and visit’s Garth, late at night, we will arrest that person immediately.” The Commander said.

  “Yeah, but as Ray said, we really don’t have anything tough enough to arrest anyone on. Visiting a mental hospital without checking in, yeah, that was against the law, but still just a misdemeanor.” Ivan said.

  “Well, but we would know who that someone is. Then we could follow up. Remember the conversation Ray overheard? When the woman was telling Garth she was there to do whatever he wanted her to and he told her, no more killings in the White Chapel District until I tell you to resume. You remember that conversation?” The Commander said.

  “Yes, I remember, sir. But, we want to make arrests that stick.” Ivan said. “We can’t afford to go off halfcocked. We’ve got to have good hard evidence.”

  The Commander just kept huffing and it was apparent he was totally blown away by this turn of events.

  Ray Robets came strolling in to headquarters and when told who the car was registered to he just shook his head and said, “Now isn’t that a fine turn of events?” He turned to Ivan and said, “We’re going to have to lick our calf over, detective. And next time, get the voices in Garth’s room on a recording.”

  “Now, how in the world do you intend to do that?” I asked.

  “Simple old buddy. We’ll plant a Nanny Cam in his room when he goes to the cafeteria to eat. Then we will have every bit of every conversation on file. We will have positive proof that will stand up in court.”

  That made sense to Ivan. As a matter of fact that was the best idea he had heard of late. “Then let’s get to it.”

  It didn’t take Ray but a few minutes to get the Nanny Cam planted and hid in Garth’s room. He waited until Garth went down to lunch. He unlocked the door and hid the camera behind the far away wall. It was almost certain the camera couldn’t be found. Ray was happy that he had found a perfect place to hide the camera. Then he walked out of the room and locked the door.


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