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Witches Page 13

by Colin Wilson

  How? I have no idea—any more than I know why a ‘charm’ from the Bible should enable Fred Martin to cure warts. The answer may lie in the writings of W. B. Yeats, with his suggestions about the connection between symbols and the unconcious, or in the psychology of jung. As to myself, I am content to regard the ‘symbolic’ magic as an unsolved mystery. What continues to fascinate me is the mind itself, and our increasingly clear recognition that, like the earth, it contains immense and violent forces beneath the solid-looking crust. Science is an attempt to harness the forces of nature; magic is an attempt to harness the forces of the mind. The history of witchcraft could yet prove to be one of the most important pages in the story of human evolution.


  The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

  Abbé Guiborg 22

  Abramelin the Mage 136,138

  Accolon of Gaul 53

  Adolf, Prince-Bishop Philip 86

  African witchcraft 14-15,63

  Afterword 154-156

  Agrippa, Cornelius 65

  Albigenses 26

  Alchemy 89-90

  Amahuaca indians 19

  Angèle de la Barthe 56

  Anne of Denmark 23-24

  Anthony, St 46

  Apuleius, Lucius 43

  Aradia 28

  Arc, Joan of 30,89

  Artison, Robin 76

  Arthur, King 50-53

  Aschhausen, Bishop von 86

  Auldeame witches 97-98

  Avalon, Isle of 50,53

  Avebury 19,31,34

  Baker, Professor Robin 34

  Bamberg trials 86

  Baphomet 55

  Barrett, Francis 47

  Barthe, Angèle de la 56

  Bavent, Madeleine 109-110

  Baybars 55

  Beelzebub 138

  Berwick witches 22-25

  Birth of spiritualism 126-127

  Bishop, Bridget 118,120

  Bishop of Evreux 110-112; of Nantes 90; of Ossory 74,76

  Black magic 37-40,64

  Black mass 110,122,124

  Blavatsky, Madame 128-129,132

  Blond, Adam le 74

  Bogomils 26

  Bosse, Marie 121-122

  Bothwell, Earl of 23

  Boulle, Fr Thomas 110

  Bourgot, Pierre 68-69

  Bourne, Lois 154-156

  Brazil, Witchcraft in 25,63,150-153

  Breadhead, Janet 98

  Bredin, Mark 11

  Brigue, Jehanne de 58-59

  Brittany, Jean V, Duke of 90-92

  Brodie, Margaret 98

  Brody, Sam 149

  Buirmann, Franz 84-88

  Burroughs, George 118,120

  Byles, William 78-80

  Calendar, Lunar 32-34,64

  Callawaya Indians 18-19

  Calvin John 78

  Canidia 43

  Cardinal Wolsey 94-96

  Carnac 31

  Carrier, Martha 120

  Cathars 26,47,78,109

  Cavendish, Richard 53

  Chambre Ardente affair 121-124

  Chelmsford witch trials 78-81

  Christianity 44,45

  Church of Satan 146

  Circe 42

  Clarke, Elizabeth 113-114

  Coming of the Witches 35-36

  Cordova-Rios, Manuel 19

  Cornelius Agrippa 65

  Cornwall, Duke of 51

  Corey, Giles 118

  Cory, Martha 118

  Count Raymond of Toulouse 26

  Covens 141-142

  Cromwell, Thomas 96

  Cross, Colin 144

  Crowley, Aleister 67,135-140,142,144,149

  Crusade, First 54

  Crusaders 47

  Cult, Dianic 28-31,89

  Darcy, Judge Bryan 80

  David, Fr 109-112

  De la Reynie, Nicholas 121,124

  Delany, Martin 14,22

  Deshayes, Catherine 122

  Destruction of the Templars 54-55

  Devil, The 44-47

  Dianic cult 28-31,89

  Dominic, St 26

  Dowsers 34,129

  Druids 142

  Duncan, Gilly 22

  Dunning, John 102,104

  Duke of Brittany (Jean V) 90-92; of Cornwall 51

  Dupreyat, Father Andre 20,81

  Earliest witches 42-43

  Eisler, Robert 68

  Endor, Witch of 40

  Erichtho the Witch 48-49

  Excalibur 53

  Familiars 80

  Farson, Negley 14,22

  Ferron, Geoffrey do 90

  Fertility rituals 101

  Fetich 14

  Fian, John 23-25

  First Crusade 54

  First witch trial 56-57

  Flade, Dietrich 84

  Flying ointment 69,72,102-104

  Folk Lore Society 141,142

  Fortune, Dion 67,133

  Fox sisters 126-127,152

  Francis, Elizabeth 78-80

  Freud 101

  Frithelstick Priory 30

  Fynee, William 80

  Gandillon, Pierre & Perrenette 69

  Gardner, 141-144,155

  Garnier, Gilles 69

  Gaufridi, Father Louis 108

  Geiss 86-88

  Geller, Uri 11,12,14,155

  Genghis Khan 55

  Geoffrey of Monmouth 51-53

  Giant’s Dance 51

  Gilles de Rais 30,89-92

  Givry, Grillot de 28

  Glastonbury 50,53

  Golden Dawn 131-133

  Good, Sarah 118

  Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall 51-53

  Gospel of the Witches 28

  Gowdie, Isobel 97-101

  Grandier, Urbain 108

  Grenier, Jean 72-73

  Grimble, Sir Arthur 18

  Grimm, Jacob 35-36

  Grosse, Maurice 106

  Guibourg, Abbé 122

  Guinevere, Queen 50,53

  Gwenddolau 51

  Gypsies 28

  Gypsy Lore Society 28

  Hamnett, Nina 140

  Harrison, Michael 30

  Haussibut 58

  Hawkins, Professor Gerald 34

  Hodson, Geoffrey 16

  Hoffmann, Albert 104

  Holy Grail 53

  Holy Land 54-55

  Holzer, Hans 148

  Hope Robbins, Rossell 22,59,61,97,108,109,112,114,116,129

  Hopkins, Matthew 84,113-115,116,121

  Howe, Ellie 131

  Hunting magic 38

  Hurkos, Peter 12

  Huxley, Aldous 104,106-108

  Igrain 51-53

  Illuminati 112

  Indians, Amahuaca 19; Callawaya 18-19

  Isle of Avalon 50,53

  Italian witchcraft 28

  James I of England

  23-24 Janet, Pierre 108

  Jenane de Ruilly 58-59

  Jehanne de Brigue 58-59

  Joan of Arc 30,89 Johannes Junius 59

  Johnston, Charles 128

  Jung 133,155,156

  Junius, Johannes 59

  Kabbalah 67,131-133,140

  Kardec, Allan 152

  Kelly, Gerald 137; Rose 137

  Kempe, Ursula 80-81

  Kenyon, Theda 141,142

  King Arthur 50-53; Philip IV of France 55; Orien 53; Vortigern 51

  King, Francis 65

  Knights Templar 54-55

  Kordeiv, Serge 144

  Kramer, Heinrich 61-62

  Kyteler, Dame Alice 74-76

  Lady of the Lake 53

  Lamb, F. Bruce 19

  Lancre, Pierre de 72

  Landrede, Richard de 74,76

  LaVey, Anton Szandor 146-149

  La Vigoreux 122

  Left hand path 20,37-40,43

  Leland, Charles 28,35

  Lepère, La 122
  Lemnos, Theoris 42

  Lethbridge, Tom 64,144,156

  Lilly, William 96

  Linden, Johan 84

  Lissner, Ivar 20

  Loher, Hermann 84

  Loudun, Nuns of 106-108,116

  Louvier nuns 109-112

  Lucifer 44

  Lunar calendar 32-34,64

  Luther, Martin 47,78

  Lycanthropy 68,72

  Macarthy, Senator Joseph 26

  Maclean, Euphemia 23

  Maddelena 28

  Magic & magicians 63-67

  Magic, Black 37,40,64; Hunting 38

  Malleus Maleficarium 61-62,78

  Manichees 109

  Manning, Matthew 12

  Mansfield, Jayne 146-149

  Marshack, Alexander 32-33

  Martin, Fred 11,14,156

  Mass, Black 110, 112,122,124

  Mathers, MacGregor 132,135-138,142,144

  Mentot, Philibert 68-69

  Merlin 50-53

  Messing, Wolf 65-67,140

  Michell, John 19

  Miller, Arthur 116

  Molay, Jacques de 54-55

  Monmouth, Geoffrey of 51-53

  Montespan, Mme de 122

  Morgan le Fay 50-53

  Morgause 53

  Moses de Leon 67

  Mother Shipton 93-96

  Murray, Margaret 28-30,32,35,89,97,98,141,155

  Myrddin 51

  Nantes, Bishop of 90-92

  Napier, Barbara 23

  Nature deva 16-18

  Neal, James H. 14,20,81

  Necromancy 40

  Nostradamus 93

  Nuns, of Loudun 106108,116; Louvier 109-112

  Nurse, Rebecca 118,120

  Obeah 120

  Obsession 106

  Oillets, Mme de 122

  Ointment, Flying 69,72,102-104

  Old religion 31,89,98,112,141

  Ornstein & Sperry 11

  Osborne, Sarah 118

  Outlawe, William 74,76

  Palud, Madeleine de la 108

  Papuan sorcerers 22

  Paracelsus 65,67

  Parise, Felicia 12-13

  Parris, Revd. Samuel 116-120

  Payens, Hugues de 54

  Pencard, Francois (Bishop of Evreux) 110-112

  Peuckert, Professor Erich-Wili 102-104

  Peyotl cactus 72

  Philip IV of France 55

  Phips, Sir William 120

  Picard, Fr. Mathurin 110-112

  Playfair, Guy 25,106,120,150,153

  Poer, Sir John le 74

  Poltergeists 106-108,120,126-127,153

  Porpoise caller 18

  Possession 106-108,110,120

  Poulaillon, Madame de 122

  Powys, John Cowper 149

  Prelati, Francois 90-92

  Primitive sorcery 32-34

  Prince-Bishop Philip Adolf 86

  Putman, Ann 118-120

  Queen Guinevere 50,53

  Rais, Gilles de 30,89-92

  Raymond of Toulouse, Count 26

  Regardie, Israel 133,140

  Religion, Old 31,89,98,112,141

  Reynie, Nicholas de la 121,124

  Ridfort, Gerard de 54

  Rituals, Fertility 101

  Robbins, Rossell Hope 22,59,61,88,97,108,109,112,114,116,129

  Roulet, Jacques 72

  Sade, Marquis de 89,148,149

  St Anthony 46

  St Clair, David 120,149,150-153

  St Dominic 26

  Saladin 54

  Salem, Witches of 84,116-120,121

  Salmon, Ross 18-19

  Salve, Witches’ 102-104

  Samaetha 42

  Sampson, Agnes 23-24

  Scarlet Woman 138

  Schuler, Johann 86-88

  Schultes, Richard 104

  Scot, Reginald 80

  Seaton, David 22

  Sevigné, Mme de 122

  ‘Shabti’ figures 64

  Shaman 18-20,22,25,28,32-34,35,37,40,63,127,132

  Shaw, Bernard 149

  Shipton, Mother 93-96

  Shreeves, Donald 81

  Sille, de 90

  Sinclair, Upton 64

  Skinner, Stephen 64-65,72

  Slippery Hills 16,31

  Smyth, Frank 142

  Snake attacks 20-22

  Society, Folk Lore 141,142; Gypsy Lore 28

  Sorcerers, Papuan 22

  Sorcery, Primitive 32

  Sperry & Ornstein 11

  Split-brain research 11-13

  Spiritism 152

  Spiritualism 126-127,152

  Sprengel, Fraulein 131

  Sprenger, Jacob 61-62

  Stella Matutina 133

  Stonehenge 19,31,34,51

  Strappado 88

  Stubbe, Peter 73

  Stumpf, Peter 73

  Summers, Revd. Montague 8,10,24,25,30,31, 61,97,109,113,120,126

  Symonds, John 140

  Talismans 64-65

  Templars, Destruction of 54-55

  Theoris of Lemnos 42

  Thiliaire, M del 72

  Thom, Professor Alexander 34

  Thorlowe, Grace 80-81

  Tintagel Castle 51

  Tituba 116-120

  Tolkien 37,53

  Trevor-Roper 22,127

  Trial(s),Bamberg 86; Chelmsford witch 78-81; First Witch 56-57 Trompin, Katherine 73

  Umbanda 152-153

  Urien, King 53

  Uther Pendragon 51

  Valle, Richard de 74

  Van Der Post, Laurens 16,31

  Vallière,Louise de la 122

  Verdung, Michel 68

  Vigoreux, La 122

  Viviane 53

  Voisin, La 122

  Voodoo 120,152

  Vortigern, King 51

  Waldenses 26

  Walpurgis Night 35,146

  Walton, Charles 38

  Warlock, Peter 65

  Wart charmer 11

  Waterhouse, Agnes 80

  Webb, Professor Geoffrey 30

  Weinstein, Marion 155-156

  Weishaupt, Adam 112

  Wells, H. G. 8,10,14,31

  Werewolves 68-73

  Wescott, Dr Wynn 131,133

  Westcar Papyrus 38

  Wier, John 47

  Wilkinson, Oliver 140

  Williams, Abigail 180

  Williamson, Cecil 142

  Wilson, Monique 142

  Witchcraft, African 14,63; in Brazil 25,63, 150-153; in Germany 84-88; Italian 28

  Witch trials, Bamberg 86; Chelmsford 78-81; First 56-57; in Germany 84-88; in Prussia 88

  Witches, Auldearne 97-98; Coming of 35-36; Earliest 42-43; Gospel of 28; Salem 84,116-120,121; Salve 102-104

  Wolsey, Cardinal 94-96

  Yeats, W. B. 132,156

  Yvelin, Dr 112




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