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Spanish Eyes: Texas Heat

Page 5

by Sable Hunter

  “Besides having nabbed my brother’s heart? She killed Saldado’s brother in Yemen last year. You see, Saldado is in league with a Sheik who is a major funder of Hamas. Aliyah infiltrated a white slavery operation, making sure she was captured. She was made during the mission and imprisoned there. During this time, Saldado and his brother came to meet with the Sheik. When Aliyah got the chance to escape, and she’s Mossad, there’s always the chance of that, she killed several and one of them was Manuel Torres, Saldado’s half-brother. Hamas and Isis consider her to be their most wanted, guilty not only of taking Torres’ life, but also of assassinating the Sheik’s son. In this situation, she is the scapegoat.”

  An eerie feeling haunted Drew. Having been raised in church, he knew the story of the scapegoat, the innocent sacrifice who bears the sins of others. After seeing the look of adoration on Tyler’s face, he knew if anything happened to Aliyah, it would kill the big Ranger. They’d both found love. “This is complicated and I understand. Even if Tyler could walk away, he wouldn’t and neither will we. Just like in the old days…one for all…” Drew began.

  “And all for one.” Kyler finished.


  “Walk, bitch!”

  Angelina was pushed to her knees, then had to struggle to rise. She was so weak. At least she wasn’t crazy on the drugs, it had been almost twenty-four hours since she’d been given an injection. “Where are you taking me?” she asked Juan, who was walking beside her. They were both following Tattoo across the palace grounds. Only recently had Angelina figured out where they were. She’d learned that if she pretended to be asleep, people spoke fairly freely around her.

  “The bosses want to talk to you. Something’s going down. Even the auction for the latest batch of slaves has been postponed.”

  Tattoo whirled around. “Shut-up, idiot! Your mouth is big enough to drive an eighteen-wheeler through. You don’t have to tell everything you know!” Tattoo shoved her through a door. “Get in there and do as your told.”

  Angelina had strength to do little else. She’d lost weight, which she needed to do, but the circumstances of the diet had left a lot to be desired. Once she was in the hall, Tattoo poked her in the side with the end of a gun.

  “Sit, Dr. Montoya-Alejandro.”

  Saldado motioned to a chair. Angelina wondered what he’d do to her if she mentioned his real name. He still wore the ski mask and she could just imagine how uncomfortable that was in this heat.

  “You have endured much, Doctor,” Sheik Ben Yasin spoke up from his position in a throne-like chair. “I commend your strength.”

  “I’m still not going to tell you anything. I won’t help you.”

  The Sheik waved his hand in the air. “As much as I regret our exchange wasn’t profitable, I fear our time together has come to an end.”

  Fear struck Angelina right in her heart. He was going to have her killed! For a moment, her gaze darted around the room. There was no escape. What had she expected? This was the only end result. She’d resisted and he’d given up trying to change her mind. Trying to argue seemed futile, but surrendering to death was unthinkable. “No! You can’t!”

  Yasin seemed to ignore her outburst. “The Director of Mossad has contacted me. Your government is proposing an exchange.”

  Angelina couldn’t believe her ears. “What kind of exchange?”

  “At first, I wouldn’t hear of it. You are too valuable. If I couldn’t have access to your knowledge, I wasn’t about to return you to my enemies.” He smiled with pure evil. “Until…I learned they were offering me my greatest enemy in exchange for you. Aliyah Sharon.”

  There was that name again! Angelina wondered at this Aliyah. “What did she ever do to you?”

  “What did she do?” he bellowed. “She is the epitome of evil, a sword of judgment that hangs over our head. She is one of the warriors on the frontline in the battle between the righteous and the damned. She is Mossad!” he said with venom. “And she killed my son.”

  Angelina kept silent. She was afraid to believe what she was hearing.

  “Don’t look so skeptical.” The Sheik laughed. “Kismet is being kind to you. You will be flown back to the states and Aliyah Sharon will willingly take your place. I will not wish you well, I will warn you not to lift your hand again to aid my enemy. Find yourself another job, become a wife and mother if you can find someone who’ll have you. Just remember, I know who you are and I know where to find you.”

  With his dire warning, Angelina was led out to a waiting helicopter.

  She was going home.

  * * *

  After taking stock of their situation, Drew made one final trip back to the clinic for more medical supplies. He hadn’t counted on the fifty extra agents and mercenary soldiers who’d arrived to help, better to be safe than sorry. The hardest part had been not answering questions from Patsy and the rest of his staff. They were understandably curious as to why he was carting off bandages, antibiotics, and plasma. As he was nearing the old whitetail preserve, he saw a helicopter coming in for a landing. Immediately, he suspected the worst. Giving his truck more gas, Drew sped up, determined to arrive not long after whoever was dropping in.

  Back at the compound, the sound of an approaching helicopter set Aliyah on high alert. Grabbing her gun, she moved to a point where she could get a glimpse of the chopper. About the time it came into view, her cell rang. After hearing a couple of words, she called out an order. “Stand down! We have unexpected company.”

  Confused, Aliyah stepped out to meet Rafe Alejandro, leader of the Black Raptors and her uncle, Deputy Director of Mossad, Simone Benjamin.

  “My Aliyah.” Her uncle greeted her with a kiss. “You know Rafe, do you not?”

  Aliyah shivered, almost feeling that the gesture of affection had been a Judas kiss. “I do. Mr. Alejandro, it is a pleasure to see you again.” He shook her hand, clasping it warmly. The smile on his handsome face didn’t quite make it to eyes. “Are you here to see Rebel and Jagger? Their presence has been very welcome.”

  “Hello, beautiful Aliyah. No, I’m not here to see my men. I wish we were meeting under more pleasant circumstances.”

  No, their circumstances weren’t ideal, but something else was wrong, she could sense it. Aliyah looked from her uncle, to Rafe, and back.

  “We need to speak to you.”

  Her uncle’s tone and his somber expression caused a pain to grip Aliyah’s stomach. Things were about to go to hell in a handbasket. “Follow me.” She led them toward the house, observing that her uncle stopped to speak with the Cruz brothers. Whatever he said turned their expressions to stone.

  Ty followed her and when Simone Benjamin rejoined them, she answered his raised eyebrow quickly. “He stays, uncle.” She could read Tyler’s surprise, he’d had no idea the Director of Mossad was her relative. “Uncle, it is not like you to join the fight.”

  After settling around the plain wooden table, the older Israeli placed his hand over Aliyah’s. “I am so proud of you, I always have been. You have always given Mossad and Israel more than was ever required. My sister never understood the extent or the depth of your devotion. I will make sure your name lives on in the annals of Zionism.”

  Aliyah wasn’t comprehending what was being said, it sounded like Simone Benjamin was writing her memorial. “This is not an insurmountable battle, Uncle. My life is not in any greater jeopardy than it has been many times before.”

  “There is no battle to be fought today. A deal has been struck. With your cooperation, the United States and Israel has come to an agreement with our mutual enemy. There will only be an exchange of hostages today.”

  “An exchange of hostages? Am I missing something?” Tyler asked.

  Trying to keep her gaze from Tyler’s devastated expression, she asked, “Who do they have?” Dread washed over her like a cold winter rain. She understood what she was being called upon to do.

  “My sister, Angelina,” Rafe answered quietly.

  In cold comfort, Simone Benjamin placed a hand on Aliyah’s shoulder. “By chance, Angelina Montoya was caught up in one of Saldado’s sex slave sweeps. She is too valuable to sacrifice. With dual doctorates in chemistry and biology, she is a premier scientist who has devoted her studies to combating weapons of mass destruction. Ben Yasin planned on forcing her to use that knowledge, if she knows how to negate these atrocities, she also knows how to create them. You understand, dear Aliyah, that neither the U.S. nor Israel can risk her special capabilities falling into the wrong hands. And Yasin is definitely the wrong hands. To give Angelina credit, she has been resisting. Yasin has, shall we say, been doing his utmost to convince her the error of her ways. We might’ve discovered this only after a disaster, had we not received a tip from someone inside Yasin’s camp.”

  “Khalid,” Aliyah whispered under her breath.

  Her uncle kept speaking. “Understandably, once this intelligence was in our hands, our respective governments had to do something. Ranger Tyler Landon’s situation gave us this opportunity.”

  “Let’s send in a SEAL team,” Ty suggested tightly. “Hell, send in the Marines!”

  Benjamin shook his hand. “The Middle East is a powder keg just waiting to explode. Any operation of that nature would be seen as an aggressive threat. No official action from either government can be taken.” Benjamin took a deep breath. “Before coming here, I met with the President’s Security Council. Since you are Mossad, you are under my jurisdiction. It is I, your uncle, who asks you to do this.” Seeing her sad eyes, he took her hand. “Aliyah, all it took was the mention of your name. As priceless as Doctor Alejandro’s knowledge would be to Yasin, he jumped at the chance to exchange her for you. He even offered to give us the other women captured the same night as Angelina.” Benjamin glanced at his watch. “I won’t even ask for your agreement, I know without a shadow of a doubt that you will not hesitate. This is your job. Say your goodbyes. Another helicopter containing Dr. Montoya will arrive in a few minutes.”

  “Hell, no!” Tyler yelled. “No fuckin’ way! They’ll kill her. She won’t stand a chance.”

  A buzz on Aliyah’s phone alerted her that Dr. Drew had returned. The expression on Tyler’s face was breaking her heart. “I’ll be right back,” she said, hurrying from the room. She needed a moment to pull herself together and she didn’t wish Tyler to see her weep.

  As Drew pulled up to the gate, she worked the mechanism to allow him entrance. Once he parked, their eyes met.

  “What’s wrong? Can I help you, Aliyah?”

  Maybe it was because she knew he was a doctor, a man devoted to healing, the words came tumbling from Aliyah’s lips. “My uncle, the Director of Mossad, has come. Saldado and his Hamas connection have taken hostages, women kidnapped in the states who were to be sold on the auction block to the highest bidder. One of those women is a renowned scientist with knowledge that cannot fall into enemy hands. Our governments have reached a deal to free all of them. Of course, now Tyler will be safe...” Her voice trailed off to a whisper.

  “All of this sounds good. What have we agreed to give in exchange? Money? A trade deal?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Me.”

  “Over my dead body,” Tyler announced from behind her and Drew could see the anguish in his friend’s eyes.

  * * *

  “No, no more, please,” Angelina begged as Moshe pressed the needle into her flesh.

  “No worries, querida, this is not the same thing at all.” He put his face right into hers. “This is much, much worse. A going away present, just from me. You’ve heard of the gift that keeps on giving? This is it. The other drug might have been more painful, but this one will steal your life. You’ll never trust anything you feel again as long as you live.”

  Angelina lost hope at the prick of the needle. If she’d learned one thing, she knew Moshe kept his promises. As the helicopter winged its way toward Texas from some East Coast airport, Angelina did her best to stay conscious. The medicine rushing through her veins burned like fire. At first, she didn’t know what to expect. Was this something different? Was this poison? Would she die before being reunited with her brother?

  In the darkened interior of the rear portion of the large military style helicopter, her eyes grew accustomed to the shadows. Moshe was readying a rack, complete with handcuffs and foot straps. She feared he was preparing the place for her, but after giving her the injection, he seemed to forget her presence. Ben Yasin sat in the front with the young man who’d informed her he was going to speak to Rafe. She dared not look at him, so afraid she’d give away the fact that he’d known of this, probably arranged it all.

  Angelina knew not what the future held. She didn’t know if she’d be able to step back into her life as if nothing had happened. As the minutes passed, many thoughts swept through her mind. She thought she might even sleep…until a horrible sensation exploded within her with the force of a nuclear bomb. Angelina couldn’t hold it back, she screamed.

  Agony unlike any she’d known seared every nerve ending. Gasping with pain, she tried to get her breath. Uncomfortable tingles invaded every cell. On the heels of the excruciation, came an unflagging and desperate hunger. Nothing she’d been given before even came close to this. An intolerable ache rose in her loins and she felt an abyss of emptiness yawn open inside of her, an emptiness she was desperate to have filled. “Oh, God,” she cried out. “Help me, please!” In her wretched state, she held out a hand to the very man who’d done her harm.

  All her supplicating earned her was a laughing sneer. “Sorry, fucking a bitch like you is not how I get my jollies. I’ll get off once I have that Israeli whore at my mercy.”

  Despite her agony and shame, Angelina was afraid for the woman who would fill the role as her savior.

  * * *

  Seeing Tyler rail against Aliyah’s fate was hard to watch. Drew wanted to intervene and so did Kyler, but Aliyah remained strong.

  “This is my duty,” she insisted calmly, a look of acceptance making her features appear serene.

  “There has to be something we can do,” Tyler insisted, beseechingly.

  Drew could tell his Ranger friend was literally vibrating with anger and fear for Aliyah. But what could they do? This was a diplomatic decision made at the highest levels.

  Benjamin stood and faced the group of concerned friends and family. “These men want Aliyah more than they want anything. Revenge for her actions is more valuable to them than any form of power. This is beyond our control, it is bigger than any of us. This sacrifice by Aliyah, conceivably, will save the lives of millions.” Benjamin Simone bowed his head. “Believe me, I am not without feelings. Aliyah is my niece, my family, but first and foremost,” his voice hardened, “she is Mossad. I am Mossad. Mossad has no qualms demanding from its own complete loyalty, complete acceptance, and complete sacrifice.”

  “I understand the concept, the greater good, one life for countless. It sounds good, unless the one being sacrificed is the most important thing in the world to you. As far as I’m concerned, this is damn unacceptable,” Ty growled the words, visibly upset.

  Drew walked up to Tyler, sensing he was about to break. If he could, Drew would’ve righted this situation. He felt utter frustration. He was the fixer, the person who didn’t rest until he found an answer to a problem. All he could think to do was provide comfort. Noticing Aliyah leave the room, he urged Tyler, “Go say goodbye, Ty. She needs you.”

  “Damn straight,” he muttered as he stalked away.

  While the grieving couple were inside, Drew considered what was about to happen. There would be no battle and he could see Rafe speaking to the group of men who’d been armed and ready to fight. It was clear they were being informed that their services would no longer be needed. Drew didn’t think it was wise to count their chickens before they were hatched, he knew Alejandro had high hopes his sister was about to be released, but Drew had been disappointed often enough in his life that he tried to alwa
ys take precautions. As Hattie always said – expect the best, prepare for the worst.

  “Aliyah!” Benjamin’s voice sounded, the next moment Drew heard the distant vibrating whir of helicopter blades.

  Like a solemn assembly, everyone gathered. With a staying hand, Benjamin Simone directed everyone to stay where they were. The troops Rafe had addressed remained out of sight in the big garage and Ky, Drew, the Cruz brothers, and Ty waited with Aliyah. The Director of Israeli Mossad approached the helicopter. Leaves and straw were raised in the air by the whirlwind created by the blades. Standing between Aliyah and the window, Tyler gathered her in his arms and wrapped her hair around his fist. Drew could see how hard it was going to be for the big man to let her go.

  As he watched out the window, the door of the chopper swung open and a bearded Arab with an AK47 stepped out, followed by two others in traditional Arab garb.


  Rafe’s whisper caused Drew to stand up straighter for a better look. A young woman was being helped off. She had long dark hair and the biggest, saddest eyes he’d ever seen. She looked tiny and defenseless, her loose clothing doing little to hide her feminine form. Since he was Ty’s friend, Drew could’ve felt resentment toward this stranger whose rescue was condemning another woman to an almost certain death. But he didn’t…he felt an overwhelming urge to protect her. When she stumbled, Drew couldn’t help himself, he started toward her.

  Ky grabbed his arm. “Hold on, Doc, you don’t want to get shot.” The Sheik’s bodyguard jerked the defenseless woman to her feet.

  Apparently, Rafe was having as much trouble waiting as he was, because Jagger held him back. “There’s no use to try and get to her, bro, not until they’ve taken Aliyah into custody.”

  Ty’s words were meant for Aliyah and Aliyah alone, but Drew couldn’t help but overhear. “I will come for you. Don’t you dare give up hope. Somehow, some way, I will get you out of there. This isn’t over.”


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