The Blood Racer (The Blood Racer Trilogy Book 1)

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The Blood Racer (The Blood Racer Trilogy Book 1) Page 25

by Winchester, Matthew

  “Thank you,” I replied. In that moment, staring into her wide green eyes, I knew we were forming a bond that would very likely last the rest of our lives. And I couldn’t have been happier about it.

  A moment later, Killian rise up over the edge of the dome, speeding toward us with Rigel on the back of his bike. Before the thing had even come to a stop, Rigel slid off and somersaulted over to where Darby and I were crouched, landing perfectly right beside us with his eyes wild. I would never tell him, but it was kind of impressive to see.

  “We’d better hurry,” he said, flattening the wind-tossed blonde hair on his head. “I saw a couple other vehicles headed this way. I don’t know if they were other contestants, but still.”

  “Got it,” I said, giving Killian a wave to let him know he was clear. He nodded and sped away, leaving the three of us huddled around an open hatch on top of the Citadel in Shiloh. It wasn’t until now that I noticed that wind was actually pretty strong up here.

  Together, the three of us stood up, forming a semi-circle around the opening. “You know, this place used to be for holding political meetings back when the Dominion first started?” I said. For some reason, I was recalling random facts from Nichols’ book.

  Rigel glanced over at me for a moment. “Yeah, that’s really interesting, and everything…but we need to get in there.”

  I nodded. “Right. That map is gonna be fine, right?”

  With her free hand, Darby patted the pouch on her belt. “The capsule looks like it’s waterproof. It should be fine.”

  I exhaled a slow breath. “Okay. On three. One…”

  We all grasped hands, staring down into the pools below.


  We edged forward, teetering on the precipice.


  We jumped.

  The feeling of weightlessness is never something you completely get used to. You adjust to it, especially when you fly for a living and feel it regularly, but even when you know it’s coming, the feeling is overwhelming at first. There’s an undeniable exhilaration, but then it segues quickly into panic when you know there’s an impact coming, especially when you’re sure it’s going to be painful. I don’t know when, exactly, but I noticed we were no longer holding hands as we fell. For some reason, we had all let go.

  Or maybe it was just me.

  Rigel hit first, and Darby and I were just an instant after him, instinctively stiffening our legs as we plunged deep into the frothing pool. The first thing that struck me was how icy cold the water was. I let out a cry of shock, but it only came out in a series of bubbles and gurgles. My legs and feet were throbbing from the initial splash, but I kicked them anyway, thankful that nothing was broken. I felt thousands of tiny bubbles racing across my skin and underneath my clothes, tingling and itching as my head broke the surface.

  Darby was flailing next to me, gasping for air. Her hair was flattened over her eyes, and her goggles were nowhere to be seen. As I put one arm around her shoulder, I reached up to make sure mine were still intact. They were. Along with my helmet, which was now dripping chilly water down my face.

  Together, Rigel and I wrapped Darby up and began rowing with our free arms, pulling her to the edge of the tank. She cooperated, kicking her feet slightly to help us, and trying her best not to complain about the cold. When we reached the side, she simply latched onto the textured metal of the walkway and gave us a nod. I didn’t like the way her skin already seemed so pale, but I didn’t plan on being in the water for very long.

  Rigel and I both kicked off the tank wall and sloshed our way to the center. It had been a while since we’d both gone swimming together, and I was tempted to splash some water at him. But we had far more important things to worry about. Rigel stared over at me for a second, drawing in several deep breaths before sucking in as much air as he could and diving down beneath the surface. I was right behind him, filling my lungs with oxygen before diving down into the dark water.

  The cold pressed in upon me, and I could feel the chill filling my ears and nose. I worked my muscles hard to pull myself downward, but it was much more difficult than I remembered, and the water was so dark. I was only down a few seconds before I had to come back up, spluttering and coughing my lungs clear. I pulled off my helmet and goggles and tossed them up on the walkway next to Darby, whose teeth were now chattering. As Rigel came back to the surface, I was heading down again. Like last time, though, I didn’t get nearly close enough to grab any oysters from the bottom. When I bobbed up into open air, I looked desperately at Rigel, hoping he had fared better than I had. He shook his head solemnly, and I felt myself deflate. This was not going well.

  For the next several minutes, Rigel and I both dove toward the bottom, one after another, willing our bodies to go further, deeper, to seize the oysters that were down there. It occurred to me that we may have had the wrong tank, and that we there could be nothing at all in ours, but we had to know for sure before we moved on. After a bit, when I was treading water and trying to catch my breath, Rigel kicked his way to the surface again, inhaling a huge breath. In his hand, I saw the definite shape of a shell.

  “You got one!” I cried.

  Darby, who had crawled out of the water and was huddled in a ball on the metal walkway, looked excited. “We can go?” she asked.

  Rigel tossed her the oyster, which was as big as her palm. He also threw a second one, which I hadn’t noticed. “See of you can get them open,” he said, floating on his back while he panted. “There might be pearls in there.”

  While Darby set about trying to pry the mollusks open, I went under again. This time, despite the burning in my lungs and the pressure in my ears, I fought my way further. As I reached out to pull myself down a bit more, my fingers scraped against something cold and stiff, and I felt it move from the force of my hand. Unfortunately, my momentum was gone, and I was headed back to the surface. I was barely able to make it there on my remaining oxygen.

  “I just can’t get down there,” I choked, floating on my back like Rigel. As we drifted around one another, I saw a figure silhouetted against the ring of light in the dome’s hatch. Someone else was up there.

  “Rigel get to the side!” I shouted.

  He had seen the figure, too. Simultaneously, we both floundered to the edge of the tank, just as the newcomer was splashing down beside us. The impact was tremendous, and the resulting wave was enough to slam me against the glass, soaking me in cold water.

  I had enough time to wipe off my face before Grace Buchannon bobbed to the surface, clutching an oyster in her hand.

  “Sorry kids,” she said, swimming over to the walkway. “Didn’t mean to steal your thunder.” With a grunt, she smashed the oyster onto the walkway, shattering the shell in one blow. From the mess, she plucked an oblong, grey-colored pearl, and hoisted herself out of the pool, sloshing her way toward the exit. We watched her go without giving a rejoinder. I think we were too disheartened by seeing our big lead vanish before our eyes.

  After her was John Deseo, who managed the same one-dive-one-oyster trick, and was gone without saying a word. I imagined that his giant metal hand offered him additional weight to drag him to the bottom. If we’d had anything with a considerable weight to it, I would have tried the same thing.

  On the walkway, a trembling Darby had finally managed to pry open the oysters that Rigel had given her. “They both have pearls!” she exclaimed, holding them tenderly between her dainty fingers. She looked at them in awe, like a child seeing them for the first time.

  “Take them,” I said to her. “You and Rigel. Take them and finish the race.”

  The two of them looked at me, both wearing the same confused expression. “I’m not going without you,” Rigel said.

  Darby shook her head. “Neither am I.”

  I sighed. I sort of expected an argument, but I didn’t really have the energy for one. My strength was sapped. The icy tank, combined with the effort of swimming, and even treading water, had
left me drained.

  “If you’re quitting, then we’re quitting.”

  Just hearing Rigel say that was slightly aggravating. If I wanted to quit, then I should have been able to. That was my choice. Now I’d have to feel guilty for ruining their chances, too. I guess that was their plan, or at least Rigel’s. By attaching their fate to mine, he knew I would keep going. I didn’t like having my emotions played against me.

  “Fine,” I muttered. Letting my annoyance turn to anger, my muscles found enough strength to propel me to the side of the tank, where I clumsily hauled myself out of the pool. If it was all down to me, then I had no choice. Standing up, I took several deep breaths, refusing to meet Rigel’s gaze, and then dove back into the water.

  Using my momentum from the dive, I opened my eyes in the darkness, only able to see my hands thrashing wildly in front of me. I pulled and kicked for all I was worth, ignoring the crushing pressure on my ears. My lungs were burning, and my heart was hammering in my chest, but I pulled myself downward until I felt the hard, slimy shells under my fingertips. Without even seeing, I clasped my hands around two of them and headed back for the surface.

  I was gritting my teeth hard when I finally burst into the air, gasping and gagging like an injured animal. Rigel was immediately there, hooking an arm around me and towing me to the side like we had done with Darby. I kicked with my legs, but I didn’t dare loosen my grip on the mollusks, not until Darby was wrenching them from my frozen fingers and prying them open on the walkway.

  Two more pearls were added to our collection, and now we could finally leave. As we stood up, all of us on shaky legs, Darby bent down and dropped all four of the oysters back into the tank. “Be careful, little guys,” she cooed.

  Part of me wanted to tell her how pointless it was, that even if they survived being pried open, they would only end up being eaten by some rich snob in an oversized apartment somewhere, but I did my best to hold my tongue. A furtive smile from Rigel, and I knew he was thinking the same thing I was. We didn’t have the heart to discourage her.

  “Come on!” she shouted at us, already heading for the door.

  Without argument, I scooped up my helmet and goggles as Rigel and I stumbled after her, shouldering our way through the glass double doors. Killian, who had been pacing nervously, probably watching with disappointment as other contestants left us in the dust, rushed forward as we emerged.

  “Is everyone all right?” he asked, looking concerned at our appearance. I remember being grateful that he asked about the three of us first, instead of about the pearls.

  Darby nodded, pushing him back toward the bikes. “We’re okay. We just need to catch up!”

  “To the docks!” Rigel shouted. He settled into the driver’s position, and I let him take the controls. My hands and feet were still numb from the cold water, and I was more than happy to just ride along. I slid in behind him and slapped the still-dripping helmet over my head. Pulling the goggles down, I gave him a pat on his own helmet and he powered up the bike. In a matter of seconds, we were blazing through the busy skies of Shiloh for the final time, headed for our ships.

  The air across my wet skin and clothes was excruciatingly cold. I tried to keep my shivering to a minimum, though. Rigel had to be feeling it, too. Judging by his sluggish response on the controls, I knew he was going numb. Thankfully, the trip was only a couple of minutes, and we were pulling up to the docks before any of us caught hypothermia. Rigel had to drop me off, and Darby had to switch places with Killian. Our ships were still separated, after all. Rigel and Darby had to go to the second spoke to get to their crafts.

  “Here,” Darby said to me, tossing two pearls for Killian and me.

  “Thank you,” I said. “Let me have the map.”

  At once, she dug into her belt pouch and also threw me the silvery capsule that contained the ink-and-parchment map that we had made. “You lead the way.”

  I gave her a nod and turned toward my ship, which was guarded by a thickly muscled man in a black suit. He was bald, and I recognized him from the night before. He had been guarding the door of the Villefort warehouse.

  “Gregory,” I said to him, I have your payment.

  He look very pleased that I remembered his name, smiling widely as I approached him. “Good morning, Miss Silver,” he beamed. “I…I requested your ship to guard.”

  I grinned at him, still amazed that I could make such a clearly powerful man nervous. “Thank you, Gregory. I have a pearl for you.”

  Holding out his meaty hand, he nodded as I dropped it into his palm. Without a word, he pocketed the pearl and produced a large key. Bending down, he grasped a massive chain that was attached to the front skid of the Kicker - one that I hadn’t even noticed was there - and unlocked it, pulling it clear of the ship in one mighty tug.

  I gave him a pat on the shoulder and made for my hatch, cranking it open before I slipped inside. Slamming the hatch, I practically dove up the steps and into the pilot’s chair. I didn’t even give my engine a minute to warm up. I flipped the power on and jacked the radio cord into my helmet.

  “Cloud Kicker to Shiloh tower,” I rattled off. “Am I clear for takeoff?”

  There was a crackling sound in my ears, as if someone very, very far away was trying to speak on my band. I cursed under my breath. The water must have shorted out my earphones. I shrugged and powered up my turbines. Maybe when my helmet dried out, they would work okay.

  I assumed that I was clear to leave the docks. The traffic was practically nonexistent, and the only other ones taking off at the same time were my companions. Strapping myself into my seat, I lifted off from the docks and spun the Kicker around to face the west. According to the map, there was a mountain there that was our next stop. As I was pushing out into the sky, though, I caught sight of something that made my jaw drop slightly.

  The cradle next to mine, number one, was still occupied. The sleek chrome finish of the Mistress still sat perfectly still on the docks beneath me, and I couldn’t suppress the excited laugh that bubbled out of me.

  For the first time since the race started, I was moving on from a checkpoint…and I was ahead of Audra Carina.

  The excitement wore off quickly. We were ahead of Audra, but we also had a long flight ahead of us. I wished that I could communicate with my friends. That would have made the time pass easier. It would have even made it fun. As it was, I was stuck with nothing more than my thoughts, nervously listing all the minutia of flight over and over in my head. My fuel had been replenished, landing skids were tucked away, hydro thrusters were full, solar batteries fully charged. We were making decent time, but we were going against the wind, and I remembered the previous night, when Beatrice Montgomery had mentioned the fact that a storm would be blowing in today. I hoped the others remembered, as well, because I had no comprehensible way to alert them. In any case, the sky ahead was clear and bright. Maybe we would bypass the worst of it.

  Again, we passed a few hours with aerial acrobatics, spiraling and weaving, diving and doing yo-yo’s to keep ourselves occupied. Rigel and I even fell into a spontaneous maneuver, which we would later nickname the “Super Roll”, which involved the two of us corkscrewing and barrel-rolling around one another, forming tight spirals, then expanding them, and repeating. I wish I could have seen the way we looked from the outside. I imagined it would be hypnotizing, maybe even a little bit confusing, but still very beautiful in its way.

  After we had pulled out of the Super Roll the final time, I saw Rigel waving at me inside his cockpit, pointing straight ahead with his other hand. Following his fingertip, I saw the looming wall of black clouds ahead of us. Finally, we had reached the storm that Beatrice had mentioned. I had flown in the rain hundreds of times. After all, in Adams, it rained every few days. Storms, however, were another story. They were full of raging winds, and the pressure changes would make for some very dicey flying. Lightning was one thing, but wind troubles would bring a ship down every time.

ether, we all ended our horseplay and formed a line. Rigel was on my starboard wing, and Killian and Darby were both on the port side. With Darby’s pontoon, I wanted to make sure that she made it up and over the danger. Again, I wished that we could use the radio, but we would have to find a way to work around it.

  The four of us powered up our throttles and headed straight for the ominous clouds ahead. After what we had just been through, a storm cloud wasn't going to discourage us. There was a slight tinge of sobriety to our mood, but we were still in good spirits, having come out ahead of most of the other racers, and we were feeling confident. After all, as long as we played it smart, there was no real danger. We would just fly over the storm and enjoy some sunlight. I sat back in my chair and watched the flashes of lightning in front of me. The storms were always fun to watch, as long as you kept your distance. They could do serious damage to an airship, especially since most were filled with hydrogen.

  As I flew, the danger ahead reminded me of the one I had nearly forgotten about: Audra. Now that I’d had time to think about it, I had mixed emotions about being ahead of her. On one hand, I was excited and proud of myself and my friends. We had struggled hard and had come out ahead of our biggest competition. On the other hand, I now had to worry about her coming up from behind. She would be desperate to recapture the lead, and I knew she was capable of anything. I knew she wouldn’t hesitate to bring any of us down, especially not after the way I had attacked her in Shiloh. After another few moments of concern, we began to hit turbulence and my mind focused on the storm in front of me.

  Flashing my wingtip lights, I pulled back on the stick and began to ascend, hoping the three of them would follow my lead. Glancing to the starboard, I saw Rigel hanging with me. Looking to the port, Darby and Killian were both following suit. Excellent. My nerves gave a small rattle for a second as the heavy air currents battered the Kicker. The turbulence was heavier than I’d imagined. I was looking toward my console, checking my gauge readouts, when the Allegro suddenly exploded right next to me.


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