SPURNED: Elkridge Series, Book 2, A novella

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SPURNED: Elkridge Series, Book 2, A novella Page 7

by Lyz Kelley

  “Friends again?” she asked.

  “Yeah, totally. But next time someone tells you something crazy about me, ask me about it first, okay?”

  Relief filled her laughter. “You got it. I was just such an idiot for believing her. I should have suspected there was a reason she was sucking up to me. I know, stupid.” She paused. “Hey, you up for driving together to the Indiana Cycling Classic? We can go in my car.”

  “Sure, that sounds great.”

  “Bueno. I still can’t believe Jose has been doping with dark Fae blood!”

  “Me neither. Explains a lot, doesn’t it?” I laughed. It felt great to have Shannon as my friend again.

  After our conversation ended, I decided to spend the afternoon studying cycling videos online. But I couldn’t get my Guardian Fae out of my mind.

  My happy mood took a steep dive. If only my chance at convincing Coach Vinson to take me back wouldn’t mean ending any hope of a relationship with Piran. Except there was no choice. I’d worked too hard training and racing to throw away my goals, not even for a guy as amazing as Piran.

  I pushed my chair away from my desk and absently stared out my bedroom window. Being an adult really sucked sometimes.

  My phone suddenly jangled with Piran’s ring tone, and I jumped in my seat. I stared at his name flashing on the screen, but refused to answer the call. How could I tell him we were over when we’d only just begun?

  He was nothing if not persistent though. Finally, with a heavy heart, I tapped the answer key.

  “My beautiful Bailey,” he said. Just the sound of his voice made my heart skip a beat. Traitorous heart. “I would love to take you to the park today.”

  A smile tugged on my lips. Something about his accent never failed to light a spark inside me. Almost on instinct, I said yes, until Coach popped into my head wagging a finger at me. If I wanted back on his team, I had to play by his rules. Damn, my subconscious was cruel.

  “Um, sorry, but I need to stay home.”

  There was a pause on Piran’s end. I rubbed my palm against my thigh. Had he read my mind yesterday and already knew why I couldn’t go?

  “I thought your doctor said you needed a break from the stress of racing?” he asked. “To relax and freeze.”

  “You mean chill,” I said breaking out in giggles. I loved how his silly mistakes made me laugh. I needed that. He was right. A break from the stress of racing was exactly what the doctor ordered. And how would Coach even find out? It wasn’t as if the man was spying on me.

  Arggh. No. I couldn’t take the risk. Not with so much at stake.

  “I can’t, Piran.”

  “Is something wrong?” he asked softly.

  My breath hitched. “No, I mean …”

  “What if I said please?”

  I laughed. The hell with Coach’s stupid rule. I had a right to live my life. There was no reason I couldn’t handle both racing and dating. “Yes, I would love to go out.”

  “Pick you up in an hour.”

  I tapped off my phone. With a bounce in my step, I grabbed a small cooler from the basement and headed for the kitchen, where I made sandwiches and cut up fruit for a salad. Then I whipped up a batch of chili cheese dip and stuffed a bag of nacho chips into the cooler.

  After slipping on my black Converses, I waited by the front screen door. When the growl of Piran’s car announced his arrival, I hurried outside.

  His car’s winged doors opened, and I searched for a spot to put our lunch. With no back seat, my options were limited, so I simply held the cooler on my lap.

  After I buckled my seatbelt, Piran gave the cooler a curious glance.

  “Picnic food,” I explained. “You said we were going to the park.”

  “Grant Park. In Chicago.”

  “Ohhh. Well, why didn’t you just ask me to drive down?”

  “And lose a chance to drive the car I paid to have shipped here?” He grinned.

  Returning the grin, I braced in my seat as he hit the gas.

  Arriving in downtown Chicago, we parked in the garage underneath Grant Park. Carrying the cooler, I held his hand as we strolled to the gardens on the north side. The sun shone high in the clear sky, but the breeze from Lake Michigan kept the summer’s heat from roasting us.

  With a deep inhale, I savored the delicate fragrance of all the bright flowers around us, and then ran like a little girl from the multitude of bumblebees, sending Piran into a fit of laughter.

  I stared him down. “Fine! Come protect me, my big, strong …”

  He held out his hand, and a ginormous, fuzzy bumblebee landed on his thumb. I held my breath while the bee crawled across his palm. Gently, Piran lowered his hand to a cluster of violet flowers, and the bee ambled off, wings vibrating, before bouncing to another flower.

  He cocked an eyebrow at me, and I shook my head, but the look on his face said I should at least try. Closing my eyes, I held out a shaking palm.

  “Hold still,” he whispered. “They are frightened easily.”

  They are frightened?

  Swallowing hard, I stilled. When a scratchy tickle traversed my wrist, I nearly lost my cool. I opened one eye just in time to see the bumblebee lift off in flight. I stared at Piran. “Did you do that for me?”

  His smile broadening, he wrapped an arm around my waist, and we watched a flutter of monarch butterflies forage and a hummingbird hover nearby. Releasing an appreciative sigh, I rested my head against the crook of his arm, and raised my face to the sun. I couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed being with him.

  “Come, Bailey,” Piran finally said. “Let us enjoy the picnic you packed. Then we can drive to the harbor and walk along the lake front.”

  I smiled. Maybe he’d call forth a lake trout for me.

  We headed to a wide expanse of lawn to search for a picnic spot, and I spied a huge willow tree with a beautiful canopy of flowing branches. Perfect! I took off running.

  “Bailey, stop!”

  I whirled around just as Piran jumped into the air behind me. A shiny, metal disc about the size of a plate spun down from the sky and spiked the ground.

  He landed in a crouch and stared at me with white eyes, tension etched around his mouth. A line of red crossed his palm where drops of blood bubbled forth.

  “Are you okay?” I gasped, unable to tear my gaze away from his hand.

  Voices shouted around us, and Piran squinted past my shoulder. A stern look crossed his face, and he strode past me.

  I turned and faced about twenty or so dark Fae.

  Piran spoke not a word, but the dark Fae fell to their hands and knees, heads tucked beneath their arms, cowering like frightened dogs.

  Holy shit. My hands clammy, I set down the cooler. I’d never seen how the Guardian Fae kept the dark Fae in line, and from their reaction, I was pretty sure I didn’t want to again.

  When four Chicago police officers came running over, Faezers drawn, I took a step back, heart pounding, wishing I had something to hide behind. Piran said something to the dark Fae in his native language and raised a hand to the officers, a gesture to wait, and the officers slowed.

  Piran stood before the kneeling dark Fae and spoke to them, his words no more than a low murmur to me. One of the officers retrieved the metal disc from the ground and held it gingerly between black-leather gloved fingers. Sharp spikes edged the rim. A weapon? The dark Fae had tried to attack us?

  I gulped. Fucking surreal. In broad daylight. And Grant Park wasn’t even one of the more sketchy areas of Chicago.

  Piran gestured with his hands, and the dark Fae rose and shuffled around, heads down. No longer scared, they seemed more embarrassed. Although one could never tell with dark Fae, particularly the less human-looking ones. The police officers approached Piran, and after a moment of conversation, they sheathed their Faezers.

  While the officers turned and spoke with the dark Fae, Piran jogged back to me.

  “What’s going on?” I asked in a hushed whisper
. “Why did they attack us?”

  Piran’s eyebrows rose. “Attack us? No. They were playing razor Frisbee. But they know better than to play so close to humans. The razor discs are …”

  He held out his hand, the red line on his palm already fading.

  Razor Frisbee? I growled beneath my breath. Chalk it up to the dark Fae to have a game that could take someone’s head off.

  The following day at work, I sold several kids’ bikes in the morning, but by afternoon, the store was dead. I resorted to wiping down all the bikes in the show room. Then I started alphabetizing accessories.

  “I am interested in purchasing a bicycle,” a familiar voice called from behind me.

  “Of course, sir,” I replied, turning around, trying to keep a straight face. “Let me show you some of our top sellers.”

  I wandered into a bank of kids’ bikes and retrieved a shiny silver and red tricycle. “This little number is fast. You’ll be the king of your block.”

  Piran nodded thoughtfully. “May I try it?”

  “Of course.” I set it down, and he eased his tall frame onto the seat. I gestured to the pedals. “Feet up so I can be sure this bike is the right size for you.”

  He drew up his legs, and his feet flailed as he aimed for the tiny pedals. “Is this good?” he grunted, giving me a pained look, his knees nearly to his ears.

  “Whoa, dude,” Tyler said with a laugh. He finagled a mountain bike down from the ceiling hooks. “I think this is more your size.”

  I wrinkled my nose at the bike mechanic. “You’re killing my sale here.”

  Chuckling, Tyler slipped a wrench from his back pocket. “Let me adjust the saddle height … There.” He held out the bike to Piran. “Here you go.”

  Straddling the mountain bike, Piran smiled. “Can I test-drive this outside?”

  Nick skirted the front counter, wariness evident in his eyes, but the beginning of an amused smile lifted his lips. How long had he been watching?

  Piran regarded Nick for a moment, then cocked his head. “Lead the way.”

  Nick grabbed a mountain bike off the sales floor and headed for the front door.

  I groaned. They had to be kidding me. Granted, Nick was a skier and not a cyclist, but had Piran ever ridden a bike before?

  “Go with them,” Tyler said, shooing me. “I’ll keep an eye on the shop.”

  I dashed out the front door and caught up to them walking their bikes to the alley next to the bakery. “What do you two think you’re doing?”

  Nick shrugged. “Having an impromptu bike race.”

  “Isn’t this a little, um …”

  “Come on, Bails. Cheer me on!” My friend jumped on his bike and rode down the alley.

  With a wink, Piran mounted his saddle and tore after Nick. What the hell? Piran pedaled like a pro. Slapping a hand over my mouth, I shook my head in disbelief.

  They crossed the finish line in a near split finish and circled around to face me, both laughing. A lightness bubbled up inside my chest. Nick and Piran were getting along! Bouncing on my toes, I gave them an enthusiastic wave.

  Smiling, Piran rode back, then dismounted.

  I threw my arms around his neck. “You sandbagger. Why didn’t you tell me you could ride like that?”

  His eyes widened. “Had no idea I could! But I study your form when you race.”

  Pulling over, Nick snickered. “Study your form.”

  I smacked Nick on the arm.

  My friend grinned. “Hey Bails, this guy could be a hardcore track racer. You should take him to the velodrome sometime.”

  “Sure, Nick. As soon as you go.”

  He lifted his hands, his mouth puckering like he’d just tasted something bad. “And risk my life riding a bike with no brakes on a banked wooden track? No way.”

  We both laughed. Nick waved us off and headed back to the bike shop.

  “When are you free from work?” Piran asked.

  “About an hour,” I replied.

  “Would you like to see a movie tonight?”

  “Sure. Do you have a specific one in mind?”

  “My friend Tolmin wants to see the movie about the water aliens that attack Manhattan and join the New York Knicks.”

  “Tolmin?” I rubbed my chin with the back of my hand. “Um, okay.”

  Piran reddened. “Tolmin wishes to know if your sister Kelsi may also attend … What is that called?”

  “A double date?”

  He winced. “Ah, yes. Should have known.”

  “Poor baby,” I teased, extracting my phone from my pocket. “Let me text Kelsi.”

  We walked back to the bike shop, and I grasped the mountain bike’s handlebars. “I’d better clean this up before returning it to the sales floor.”

  Piran set his hand over mine, shaking his head. “No need,” he said with a grin. “Sold.”

  The time remaining at work passed quickly, and I headed home to change.

  That evening, Piran and I huddled with Kelsi under the cinema awning to escape the rain. “Why don’t we wait inside?” I asked.

  “Tolmin should be here soon,” Piran replied. “He is not familiar with this movie theater.”

  I nodded, realizing it would be easier for Piran’s friend to find us outside.

  Kelsi’s gaze wandered as she tapped her foot. She leaned in close to me. “The movie starts in ten minutes.”

  “I know,” I said, rubbing my arms. The temperature had dropped, and I hadn’t thought to bring a jacket or sweater.

  My sister withdrew her phone from her purse and began texting. Maybe this double date wasn’t such a good idea. I rocked on my heels, willing Tolmin to hurry.

  “Look, Bay,” she began. My chin dipped. She was making other plans. Then her mouth fell open as Tolmin strode across the road to the sidewalk in front of the cinema.

  “Is that him?” she whispered.


  Kelsi fanned herself. “Hot. Hot. Up in smoke. Dying here.”

  “Tolmin, this is my sister, Kelsi.”

  Tolmin bent to one knee, then rose, towering over her, a killer smile on his face.

  “Kelsi?” I prodded.

  “Bluuurg … causeuhhmmyeahheeeekkkshit.”

  Covering my laugh, I grabbed Kelsi’s arm. I knew the feeling.

  “Come,” Piran urged. “We must hurry.”

  We headed into the cinema, bought tickets, zipped through the concessions line, and made our way in the dark theatre to the back row of seats.

  “Move over,” I whispered to Kelsi. I handed a bucket of popcorn to Piran and waited for a dazed Kelsi to shift over a seat.

  A New York Knicks basketball game splashed across the movie screen, and I settled into my seat, leaning against Piran. He put his arm around me. Since the other day at my house, he’d only given me tender kisses, nothing more. Letting me set the pace. Or maybe he was worried about the after-effects of my concussion and thought I’d pop a blood vessel or something.

  Either way, Nick was so wrong about Piran.

  Onscreen, an alien burst out of someone’s water bottle, and I shrank into Piran. His soft chuckle made me laugh at myself. I loved that when I was with him, I could be real. No need to affect some phony persona just to have a boyfriend. I snuggled closer to Piran, the word boyfriend suddenly registering in my mind.

  He leaned over, and his lips brushed against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. “Is this what you wish me to be?” he murmured.

  My breath hit a snag somewhere between the bottom of my lungs and my throat. God, yes, I wanted to shout, but I swallowed hard and shook my head. I couldn’t have a boyfriend.


  The puzzlement in his voice made my heart ache. I gripped his arm. “Not now. I’ll explain later.”

  I just wanted to enjoy the time I had with him.

  Glancing over at Kelsi, my jaw dropped. I was about to ask her how she liked the movie so far, but clearly, she wouldn’t know. She an
d Tolmin were making out…with gusto. Okay, so maybe Nick had a point about some Fae guys, but Tolmin may have met his match with Kelsi.

  After the movie, we all went to dinner, and Kelsi and I introduced Piran and Tolmin to deep-dish pizza. I couldn’t believe they’d been living in Chicago for a year and hadn’t tried Chicago-style pizza.

  When finished with our meal, Kelsi and I headed into the bathroom. She fluffed her hair and touched up her lip-gloss. “Tell Mom and Dad, I’ll be home late, okay?”

  “Wait … why?”

  She glanced over at me. “Tolmin and I are going out for a drink. Maybe a dance club.”

  “Gotta put that fake ID to use, huh?” I nudged her.

  She nudged me back. “You and Piran could come too, if you want.”

  “Nah,” I replied, scrunching up my face. I didn’t like going to bars. And dancing? Forget about it. I was a klutz, except on a bike.

  “You sure?” She tightened the straps of her bra to give her boobs more pop.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. You have a good time.” I gave her a hug, appreciating the invite, but I didn’t want to be a hanger-on and cramp her style.

  I walked out of the bathroom and found Piran near the main doors of the restaurant, cell phone to his ear, lips compressed. When his eyes caught mine, his stance stiffened, and he strode outside. A pit hardened in my stomach. Okay, there could be a million reasons he was upset.

  Kelsi left the restaurant with Tolmin, and I headed outside to wait for Piran. He stood near the street, speaking in his native language, his voice gruff and terse. Finally, he snapped his phone shut and guided me to his car.

  On the drive home, neither of us spoke. I watched the traffic, studied the car’s heating vents, and occasionally bit my thumbnail. The silence killed me. Grabbing my knees to keep my restless legs from jiggling, I peered at him out of the corner of my eye. He sat ramrod straight. I wished he would just tell me what was going on.

  “You first,” he said.

  Ohhh … I took a deep breath. “My coach kicked me off his team for being with you. He has a no dating policy during racing season.”

  Piran frowned, but said nothing.

  “There are no other women’s teams in the area, so I really need to get back on his good side, you know?”


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