The Lonely Spy

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The Lonely Spy Page 1

by Mkululi Nqabeni


  Black Range Rover isspeeding past cars on a busy wet highway. Yolanda’s car is swerving and switching lanes in the rain rushing to the airport. Yelling and swearing at the motorists. The car phone rang. On the phone screen the name “Charles” is displayed. Reluctant and nervous, she picks up the phone.

  “I can’t talk nowCharles I’m on the run. I will call you later when I’m safe” she said.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks, she looked at the phone then hanged up.Surprised at what he is seeing on the television news about her ex-colleague and ex-girlfriend. He held his head with both hands and watching with disbelief, that Yolanda is wanted by the C.I.A and the US Defense Force for compromising the country’s security.

  “This is not the Yolanda I know, this can’t be true” Charles said.

  Tapping his fingers on the lounge table, he turned off the television. The weather storm is started to slow down but it’s still drizzling. Yolanda arrives at the JFK airport. Pulls out the car keys from the ignition, takes her bag from the passenger seat then gets out of the car. Opens her boot and takes out her luggage. A feeling of paranoia came to her; she thinks someone is following her. She closes the car boot then starts rushing to the departure to check in. Her body trembled but reassured herself that everything will be alright, as long she acts normal. Breathing heavily with a little sweat on her forehead, she joins the queue at the Departures.

  While waiting at the queue, she sees a poster of a wanted woman in her mid-30s with brunette hair. She looked around to see if anyone recognizes her but she remembered that her hair was dyed the night before.

  “Next please” female voice said.

  Yolanda is miles away in thoughts,she isn’t aware the queue has moved so fast

  “You are next ma’am” The attendant said.

  Yolanda woke up from her thoughts and rushed to the desk. “One ticket to Moscow please” she opens her bag, takes out her fake passport together with her credit card and hands it to the attendant.” Enjoy your trip Mrs. Jodie Williams “The attendant said. She reluctantly grinned upon receiving her ticket and rushed to board her flight.

  She breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the flight took off. An hour later tears flowed from her eyes, reflecting on what she has done. What will the people of America, her family, friends think of her? “I am a traitor; I’m not different from Snowden, Oh my God, what have I done? Luckily the passenger next to her was asleep, there is no way he heard her. The flight attendant saw a hand up, she rushed to attend to the passenger.” Can I have those 3 small whiskey bottles you have please” Yolanda said. “No problem ma’am” Flight attendant replied. After Yolanda received her alcohol, she drank 2 bottles. Her body is at ease and relaxed and a few moments later she dosed off.

  7 hours later the flight arrives at the Domodedovo Airport in Moscow. Passengers went off the plane. The flight attendant realized Yolanda is still fast asleep, she put her hand on Yolanda’s shoulder gently to wake her up. Yolanda’s eyes open, eyes are red and she yawned “I’m up!!” After her passport is stamped at the international arrivals, she looked for the people who came to fetch her.

  She saw a guy carrying a poster written “Jodie Williams” she rushed and went to him. She came closer to him, and then realized they are 2 of them wearing black shades, black suits with a white shirt and a black tie. They also noticed her they came to meet her halfway.

  “Ms. Yolanda Anderson?” The tall man asked in a Russian accent “Yes it’s me” she said. She looked at them with interest. “My name is Dmitry and he is Boris, we work for the Russian Military intelligence and we are here to fetch you” he said. With a small grin on her face she reluctantly gave Boris her luggage. On their way to the car, she looks up at both tall men on her left and on her right with a curious look. “So… Where are you guys taking me?” They both look at each other “Somewhere safe” They said at the same time. For a second, she felt safe and thought with these tough looking Russian Military men protecting her, no one can touch her.

  Boris opened the car boot of the black Mercedes Benz and put Yolanda’s luggage inside. Dmitry opened the car and opened the door for Yolanda. The second she got into the car she heard something similar like stones hitting the car;at first she thought it was a hailstorm. “Get in the car, Get in the car” Dmitry shouted.

  It was not a hailstorm, they were bullets. Boris sped off, Yolanda’s body trembled with fear as they were being chased by the black van and shooting at them. “Who are they?” she shouted. Boris turned into a sharp curve trying to lose the van. “It’s the Bloody Americans” Boris said. Fortunately the car was fitted with bulletproof. Yolanda covered her head and prayed silently.

  They heard a huge bang from the back of the car, the tires screeched and the car swerved sideways. “The tires are busted, they shot at the tires” Dmitry shouted. Boris lost control of the car, it rolled in the middle of the highway at a high speed. The black van came close and the hit men came out of their car and started shooting. Yolanda’s body is shaking and covered her head.

  Dmitry and Boris pulled out their AK47s got out of the car and killed 2 of the hit men. Boris got shot in the chest and heart. Dmitry was also shot dead. The hit men came closer with the intention of assassinating Yolanda. She looked at Boris and Dmitry’s bodies lying on the road.

  She felt hopeless as her last line of defense has been breached. As the hit men were about to shoot Yolanda Police cars and a helicopter arrived, shooting at the hit men. The hit men realized they are outnumbered and fled. Yolanda came out of the carand breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Dmitry and Boris’s bodies lying on the road with their eyes open.”They died because of me, they died protecting me “she murmured. Yolanda heard a voice behind her. “We will take it from here”Yolanda looked behind and walked towards the man.

  ‘’Yolanda, my name is Yuri Abramovich, head of the Russian Intelligence. We will take you to a safe place’’ he said. On her way to the safe house, Yolanda is overwhelmed by feelings of paranoia. What if these soldiers kidnap, kill or deport her back to the United States of America. Convoys of military vehicles enter the forest and they arrive at the lodge. She steps out of the vehicle and looks around. “This is your safe house, you will also be provided with 4 bodyguards Yuri said.

  Yolanda looked at her suite and nodded. “Your room service will be checked and cleared by your bodyguards’’ Yuri said. Yolanda looked at Yuri. ‘’I’m happy with the suite and the bodyguards” she said. ‘’Good… Now where are the documents?’’ Yuri asked. Yolanda walked to her luggage, opened it and pulled out a big brown envelope and gave it to Yuri. ‘’Here you go” she said. Yuri grinned “Good girl, now this is your home away from home, make the most of it, goodbye Yolanda.” Yuri said. Yolanda and Yuri shook hands. Few moments later, Yuri and the military soldiers walked out of Yolanda’s suite.

  The bodyguards told her all the security procedures just in case there is another assassination attempt on her. Moments later, bodyguards leave her suite.Yolanda closed the door and leaned on it. She looked at her luxurious suite and sees everything is provided for including a phone which cannot be traced when she is using it. She took off her clothes and walked to the bathroom. A while later, she is feeling refreshed after taking a shower. She took out the white hotel gown and wore it. She went to the lounge, opened the mini bar fridge and pulled out a bottle of champagne.

  She opened the bottle and poured it on the champagne glass. Impressed with herself, she took a sip and ate light snacks. She looked around her suite and didn’t realize how big it is and also saw a swimming pool. She stood up, picked up the phone and dialed numbers.

  “Hello Mom’’ she said. “Oh my God!! It’s her are you alright my child, are you s
afe?’’ We saw what happened on TV?’’ she said. Tears streamed down Yolanda’s cheeks. ‘’Yes mom I am alright and safe” Yolanda replied. ‘’Just know my child we love you and whatever you did and did not do, we will not judge you’’ Yolanda’s dad said.

  Yolanda broke down uncontrollable. ‘’Thanks dad, I needed to hear that’’ Yolanda said. As they were speaking, Yolanda kept hearing an annoying sound on the phone line. “Guys I have to go, I’ll talk to you later’’ Yolanda said. She hanged up and wondered what was that sound. Her mind was at ease after she remembered that the military guys have assured her that the phone was untraceable and the network is scrambled.

  She took another sip from her glass, put it down on the side of her bed and lied down. Her eyes stared at the ceiling, with hands behind her head with legs crossed. She reflected on her actions whether she did the right thing or not. Few hours later, her heart was filled with guilt and regrets. What if she did not collude with the Russia and Wikileaks?

  What if she did not steal NASA’s secret documents and leaked them? The only thing she ever wanted was respect from her colleagues at NASA. She felt belittled constantly by her male colleagues because she is a woman. Her scientific research findings were ignored and were never acknowledged. If she was a man, her work would have received awards and recognized all around the world.

  Yolanda shook her head as she is deep in thoughts. She thought of the dark matter and dark energy research. She considers it as a breakthrough research in the history of the universe. It was frowned upon. Part of her felt she was justified by stealing the documents and leaked it to Russia and Wikileaks. She got up from bed and poured champagne. She picked up the phone and dialed with a smile on her face. The phone rang 3 times and it was picked up. ‘’Hello Charles’’ Yolanda said. ‘’Thank God, are you alright? Where are you? Charles said ‘’I’m fine Charles, I just called to tell you that I am safe and sound.’’ Yolanda said ‘’I’m glad you are safe but are you aware the mess you are in? You are the most wanted criminal in the United States of America and your face is everywhere’’ Charles said ‘’I know…I know Charles but I will fix this, I don’t know how but I will.’’ Yolanda replied ‘’Alright be safe and take care’’ Charles said. ‘’I will call you soon, cheers’’ Yolanda said.

  She hanged up the phoned, picked up her champagne glass and took a sip. Thoughts of Charles flashed in Yolanda’s mind. As an 18 year old first year student at the Astronomy University, she had a crush on her 28 year old lecturer. They dated for a year and broke up after that. They kept in touch after she graduated and never dated anyone else after that. ‘’Oh Charles’’ she murmured. Her head felt heavy, she lied down on her bed and fell asleep.

  Moments later, FBI storm into Charles’s house and arrest him. Neighbors come to see what is going on. Charles is nervous and also curious why he is being taken for questioning. Few hourslater FBI officers question Charles about Yolanda’s whereabouts in Russia and his involvement with her. ‘’I want to see my lawyer immediately, I know my rights’’ Charles said. ‘’we will let you go if you answer our entire questions sir’’ Officer said. Charles sighed “Alright alright… my phone records all conversations. Yolanda called me once and I don’t know where she is, she just told me she is safe.’’ Few minutes later the FBI officers played the voice recordings and corroborated Charles’s story. Charles was released and sent home.

  The U.S Defense Minister, Brad Williams has received intelligence from C.I.A that Yolanda has been granted political asylum in Russia. He dropped the phone, fuming with anger. His assistant gives him another bad news. “Sir Yolanda’s phone is untraceable and we cannot locate her location based on the phone conversation she had with her old flame Charles’’ The assistant said. ‘’As the US Defense Force Minister I’m responsible for protecting this country, I’ll do whatever it takes to protect our country’s security and space programmers’’ he said. He picks up his cup of coffee, sips and spits it out. ‘’It’s cold.” I’m going to the White House and brief the president about the new developments’’ Brad said.

  A year later, Yolanda realized she cannot live in Russia for the rest of her life. She took out her laptop and typed. An hour later she printed out the 2 page documents. It was an application for amnesty, she proofread and folded it. She gave the letter to her bodyguard. ‘’Please send it to the USA to the White House via the post office. 3 days later, the US Defense minister Brad received and read the amnesty letter. ‘’This broad is selling us out to the Russians and now she wants to be pardoned. She must be out of her damn mind’’ Brad said. He forwarded the letter to the White House.

  A week later, Yolanda is swimming in the pool and feeling relaxed. She notices her bodyguard walking towards the swimming pool. He was carrying a white envelope and put it on the small table. Yolanda was very curious and got out of the swimming pool. She wiped her body with a white towel. She picked the letter and notices the White House logo on the envelope.

  Before she could open the letter, her bodyguard interrupts and snatches the envelope away from her hand. ‘’Don’t open it could be dangerous’’ He said. He opened the letter and realized it is safe. He gave it back to Yolanda. The bodyguard left, Yolanda went to the lounge and sat on the couch. Her facial expression changed and broke down crying uncontrollable. She went to the mini bar fridge. As she was opening the whiskey bottle, her hands were shaking. She drank from the bottle. ‘’I will live in Russia forever’’ she shouted.

  She threw the whiskey bottle on the wall. ‘’My life is over’’ she said. She opened her drawer and took out the sleeping pills. She swallowed all the pills and drank the whiskey. She looked at her watch, the time is 7pm. She felt her head spinning and her head felt heavier. She jumped to her bed and laughing at herself. ‘’Oops’’ she said. She took the letter and read it one more time. She felt dizzy and went to a deep sleep.


  A meteor, 1 km big and wide in size comes down from space at a fast rate towards planet earth. Birds in the sky change directions flying away from the danger looming. The meteor comes down faster and faster and has entered planet earth. It made a huge splash when it fell on the ocean, 60,000 miles east of Australia. Fortunately no one saw, heard or felt the effects of the meteor.

  Strange natural Occurrences start happening on earth. People feel the ground moving, they panic and run for cover. Car alarms in the parking lot go off and ring nonstop. Earth is trembling and people don’t know what to do. This carried on for an hour and it stopped. People were left confused with what just happened. TV shows and news ran with the story that it is an earthquake. TV News stations all over the world also ran with the story.

  People realized that this occurrence happened worldwide at the same time. The citizens of planet earth were left puzzled with more questions in mind than answers.

  Yolanda was also woken by the earthquake and thought she was being attacked. Her bodyguards assured her that everything is alright. The US Defense Minister, Brad Williams receives a report from the chief of C.I.A John Webber that this could be a terrorist attack. A nuclear bomb could have been buried underground and can destroy cities, town and continent at the same time. ‘’John, round up the usual suspects including North Korea and Pakistan’’ Brad said.

  ‘’There is nothing to compile Brad. Its either China or Russia, they have everything to gain from this disaster’’ John said. Brad received a report from NASA. ‘’Holy Shit’’ he said. After he finished reading the report, he looked at his assistant. ‘’Let’s make a press conference, the public has the right to know what is happening.’’ He said. His assistant wrote everything down in her notepad. ‘’ Alright sir, I will do that’’ She said.

  The continents of planet earth have moved closer to each other. Citizens of South Africa, in Cape Town and Durbannotice huge land closer to them. ‘’Oh my god, we are closer to South America’’ a voice from the crowd said. North America moved closer to Europe. Australia moved very clo
ser to Asia. TV news station ran with the story had mixed reactions about the continental drift. Brad Williams records a press conference and sends it to the news stations.

  Yolanda was reading a book from her suite the breaking news alert on TV. She threw her book away, took the remote control and turned up the volume. It is the US Defense Minister, Brad Williams reading his press statement. ‘’ We have come across a very disturbing discovery. What happened yesterday was not a tremor or earthquake. People of America and the whole world, planet earth is no longer rotating and the solar system has been compromised severely.

  This is not a man-made disaster as reported by several news websites. We will give you more information as soon we receive new findings from NASA, Thank you’’ Brad said. People panicked, world stock exchange points dropped sharply upon the breaking news from the US Defense minister. Yolanda switched off her television and she was deep in thoughts. She picked up her book from the floor and read it.

  The year 2020 has been great for Sharon Washington. She had been selected as the republican nominee running for president and White House. She won the elections and she is the first woman president in the history of the United States of America. She is very concerned with the natural disaster that recently occurred and hopes she sorts this out with the assistance from NASA and worldwide experts. At the moment she is compiling and reading the reports given to her by advisers and defense minister. Few days later, people get on with their life and everything is back to normal.

  Another Strange occurrence happened at 10:41am on a sunny morning. Earth is turning darker and orange. People watched with amazement this breathtaking experience and spectacular views of the red sun. Everyone started taking pictures and selfies of this “Natural wonder”. People from other continents have mixed feelings about the red sun. They suspect the end of the world is near. Authorities ignore this occurrence and consider it harmless and a beauty. Yolanda is standing at her balcony looking at the red sun with suspicion.


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