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Rebellious Page 7

by Gillian Archer

  By now Reb was enjoying the purple shade the punk’s face was turning. But it wasn’t enough. He needed to inflict a little more pain before he felt like the message was received. Aiming the nozzle, Reb pressed the back of the spray attachment and hosed off the piece of shit.

  “Emily has a problem with you, you’ve got a problem with the whole True Brothers Motorcycle Club. We clear, asshole?”

  Instead of agreeing, Michael made gasping, drowning sounds that Reb took as his message getting across. With a grunt of satisfaction, Reb flung the hose down on the grass and made for his bike.

  This time the dipshit didn’t say a word.

  Three hours later, Reb was in his lawyer’s office staring at him in disbelief. “I have to give him back? How the hell does that make sense? She left him. Alone.”

  “I’ve filed for an emergency hearing, but Rhonda’s attorney beat us to the punch. They filed this morning. And with the court’s backlog it’ll take a few weeks before we get this in front of a judge.”

  “Tough shit. I’ll just keep him. At least then I’ll know that he’s being taken care of. Being fed, for Christ’s sake.”

  “I would advise against that. Any change in custody without a written agreement could be seen by the court as a breech, and could result in your not getting custody. What would be ideal is for you and Rhonda to sit down and hash out custody in mediation. That way your…colorful past won’t become an issue.”

  “Come on, Harry. You know mediation is a fucking pipe dream. That crazy bitch is holding out until she drains every goddamn penny from me. She won’t be happy until there’s nothing left, ’cause she’s got it all.” Reb mentally winced as he repeated the dipshit’s phrase about his own ex. But in his case it was true—Rhonda was a crazy bitch. “Can’t we use her insane declaration last year that Tucker isn’t mine against her? She said it in front of him, for crying out loud.”

  “Yes, but it’ll only go so far. Especially since you refuse to do DNA testing. If we could prove she said it maliciously—that it wasn’t true—it would help. But none of this fixes the situation you’re in now. You’re gonna have to give him back. As soon as you can arrange it with Rhonda.”

  Reb sighed as he sagged back into the leather chair. If he was honest with himself, he didn’t want to have the test done because he wasn’t sure of the outcome. He had his doubts, and he didn’t want to hurt Tucker any more than he was hurting right now.

  There was something seriously fucking wrong with the world when shit like this went down. It made him want to take matters into his own hands. But when it came to Rhonda, he couldn’t. No matter how much she hurt him, she was still Tuck’s mom. She was still the woman his kid loved. The one he called Mom. Reb couldn’t be the one who made her disappear. Or even the one who ordered it.

  No two ways about it—he was fucked.

  “So what the hell am I paying you for, Harry? Not one goddamn thing has changed since I kicked her out almost a year ago. We’re still married. She’s still draining my fucking savings accounts. And my kid is still miserable.”

  “You know as well as I do that until you two come to terms on custody, your divorce won’t be finalized. It’s just the way it’s done in Nevada, so you two need to agree on custody. Again, preferably in mediation. In the meantime, you have to return Tucker as soon as possible.”

  Reb’s head dangled off the back of the chair as he contemplated the ceiling. And the seven fifty an hour he was paying this prick. More than anything, he wanted to smash his fist in the guy’s face and demand that he get results. But being the mature adult he was, he knew that wouldn’t fix anything. Aside from making him feel really damned good.

  Fuck it. Maybe he should pay Michael another visit and work some of this aggression out.

  Thinking of Michael reminded him of Emily. If he had to give his kid back, there was only one person he wanted by his side. Reb thumbed through his phone until he found the contact number he wanted. Giving a nod to his attorney and ignoring the displeased look in the uptight bastard’s eyes, Reb made for the door and put his phone to his ear.

  She answered after a few rings. “Hello?”

  “Sunshine?” The door closed behind him with a loud thunk. Or slammed, same difference.

  Empty air crackled on the line as reply.

  His small amount of remaining patience dwindling, Reb gritted his teeth and reminded himself that he had to play it cool with this one. Emily had been through hell with that douche, and Reb had already scared her one too many times. He really didn’t want this filly to spook. This time he spoke a little softer. “Sunshine? You there?”

  “Yeah. Um…” She paused and cleared her throat. “What’s up?”

  Reb cut to the chase. “Do you have to work today?”

  “I’m supposed to be at work at two. Why? What did you do?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about, but any chance you can call in? There are a few things I need to talk to you about. Tuck…” It was his turn to pause and clear his throat against the emotion building inside. “Some shit is going down with Tuck, and I’d like to have you with me.”

  Also he had a bad feeling about Michael. Something about that piece of shit didn’t sit right. He should’ve just ended the asshole and then he’d have one less headache to worry about. Another example of Rhonda’s fucking influence on his everyday decisions.

  “I, uh, I guess I can. There are a few people who owe me a favor. Do you want me to come to you?”

  Reb leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes with a groan. Did she not know what saying shit like that did to him?

  “Reb? You still there?”

  Evidently not. “Yeah, I’m still here,” he answered with a croak. “Are you at your place?”


  “Alone?” He didn’t wait for her to reply. He already knew the answer. “Fuck me, sunshine. Looks like we’ll have lots to discuss when I get there.”

  “I’m an adult, Reb. You can’t just swoop in and start bossing me around.”

  Reb huffed a laugh as he walked down the hall. “Saying sassy shit like that will only earn you a spanking, babe.”

  The receptionist looked up from her computer with a gasp. Reb tossed her a smile and a wink as he walked by.

  “Yeah, well, saying chauvinistic stuff like that will only earn you a tongue-lashing.”

  Reb laughed out loud. “Promises, promises.”

  “Wh— Ugh. You know that’s not what I meant.”

  “Thanks for the laugh, sunshine. I really needed it.”

  The pause on her end of the line was deeper than any conversation he’d had with Rhonda. He could almost hear Emily’s mind whirling miles away.

  “What’s going on, Reb?”

  “I’ll tell you when I get there. See you in thirty.”

  He ended the call, then thumbed through his contacts to the name he fucking hated almost as much as the fucking prez of the Saddletramps MC—a name he couldn’t even think, let alone say.

  “It’s me. You gonna be at your place in an hour? I’ll drop Tucker off then.” He swallowed hard, then said through gritted teeth, “If that’s okay with you, Rhonda.”

  Chapter 8


  Okay, there was something wrong with me. I don’t remember ever in my entire life being so nervous about someone coming over. I sat back on the couch with a huge sigh. If I straightened my living room one more time, I think I’d officially become OCD. Sure, I had obsessive habits, but they helped calm me—they didn’t rule my life. So I should be more relaxed now that most of my apartment was crazy clean, but I hadn’t taken a single second to straighten up in my bedroom. Actually I’d closed the door instead. Like that would somehow stop me from thinking about me and Reb in there. On my sheets. Naked.

  Clearly I hadn’t thought about it. Not at all. Nope, him and me naked and writhing on my special satin sheets that I’d never had the occasion to use was the last thing on my mind.

  I could still hea
r Jessica’s voice ringing in my ears.

  Just give him a chance. He’s worth it.

  I prayed to God that she was right. Of course her little tidbit about his past had made me see him in a different light. It was enough to give him that chance, but I wasn’t sure if I had the courage to tell him that he’d only get the one chance. I didn’t trust easily, and like an elephant, I never forgot.

  After Michael, I couldn’t afford to be wrong again.

  He was most of the reason I’d practically become a born-again virgin. I didn’t trust my instincts. But if Jessica was willing to vouch for Reb, I’d take a chance on him. Maybe.

  I jumped at the pounding on my door. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to guess who that was, but still I checked my peephole before I even touched the handle. Like he knew I’d check, Reb faced the door straight on, and I swear to God, he stared directly into my eyes. How did he do that?

  I took a second, trying—and failing—to calm my racing heart before I opened the door. Reb shouldered his way into my apartment when I barely had it opened a crack.

  “I don’t want that crazy bitch to see me waiting outside your place. No telling what insane fucking thing she’d do.” Reb tossed an arm around my shoulders and led me over to my couch. Pulling me down to sit incredibly close to him, he brushed my hair back off my face. “You doing okay, sunshine?”

  “I, uh, yeah. I’m fine.” I bit my lip, unnerved by his closeness and the ease in which he just took over. The man overwhelmed me with no effort at all. “I got someone to cover my shift.”

  “Good. Hopefully this whole clusterfuck doesn’t screw your schedule up too much.”

  I nodded tightly and tried to act like I was comfortable cuddling with a tough biker on my couch. Like I’d done it tons of times. Ha. “So what’s going on?”

  Reb sighed and scrubbed his free hand over his face. “I have to give him back. Brittany’s bringing him over.”

  “Wait. Tuck? You have to give Tucker back to his mom?”

  “Yeah.” Reb turned his head, and the pain I saw in his eyes took my breath away. “She filed something with the courts and my lawyer says I have to give him back. That if I don’t, it could really fuck up my chances to get full custody when all this shit is sorted out.”

  “But she left him alone. How could they—”

  “I said the same damn thing. My lawyer is filing an emergency petition or whatever the fuck it’s called. But until it gets in front of a judge, I’ve gotta play by the rules we’ve already agreed to.”

  “Wow. That’s insane.” My heart hurt for the two of them. I could see how much this pained Reb, and I didn’t have to guess how much Tucker would rather spend time with his father. I’d seen it with my own eyes last night. Reb was an amazing father.

  Maybe Jessica was right.

  I cuddled closer to his side. “So what do we do now?”

  “We get to tell Tucker in a few minutes that he’s going back to his mother. That’s why I wanted to meet you at your place. Brittany’s bringing him over in a few.”

  “Would you feel better if you stayed close to him tonight?”

  “Fuck yeah. But I can’t. Too much time near my ex isn’t good for me or Tuck. Not that she’d let me hang out anyhow.”

  “But I would. You can stay here. With me. Tonight, I mean.” I swallowed nervously. I was pretty sure I sounded like a babbling moron right about now…

  “Aww, baby, that’s too fucking sweet of you.” Reb leaned over and tugged me toward him until I sat in his lap, straddling his legs while he reclined back in a sprawl. “I guess I’ll have to find some way to thank you.”

  I didn’t need a mirror to know that I was blushing. Damn my pale skin.

  Reb’s hands rested on my butt. He playfully gave me a pat, then demonstrated the reason behind those awesome rock-hard abs of his as he easily sat up from his slouched position without jostling me. Which put his lips within kissable distance.

  I put my hands on his shoulders to keep my balance. Looking down into his eyes, I melted at the tenderness I saw there. Something about me put that look into his eyes. The thought that I could have such a profound effect on this big, bad biker gave me more power than I’d ever felt before. For the first time with Reb, I took the lead.

  Leaning down the extra centimeter, I closed my eyes and covered his lips with mine. My lips moved over his in a chaste and gentle kiss. And he let me. Aside from his hands cupping my butt, he made no effort to take over or make me deepen the kiss. He just let me choose the speed I was comfortable taking. It was the sweetest and most arousing thing I’d ever felt.

  Groaning, I took the kiss deeper. Trying to tell him without words how much I liked this new side of him. Rewarding him, I guess. My tongue swept into his mouth and timidly rubbed against his. Still he didn’t take the lead. Growing bolder, I continued to kiss him, while my hands roamed down his chest. I caressed the muscles beneath his shirt and my own nipples throbbed in arousal. I ached to lean into him and rub my tight nipples in his chest hair, but our position and clothing made that impossible.

  Inches from ripping his shirt off, a knock at the door had us breaking apart.

  Reb groaned and buried his face in my cleavage.

  My hands ran over his buzzed hair and inexplicably I held him there. Let him take a second to gather himself with his face buried in my boobs. But after a few beats, I pressed against his shoulders. “Reb, you gotta let me up. I have to let them in.”

  He pulled back slightly, at least until I could see his eyes, and he raised an eyebrow all arrogant-like. His face still inches from my boobs, he barked, “Come in.”

  “Reb!” I squealed as I tried and failed to break away from him. Instead I was only able to twist and look over my shoulder to the door just in time to see Brittany and Tucker walk inside. I swung back to Reb and glared at him. “Let me go. Now.”

  He gave me a patronizing pat on the butt, then swung me down onto the couch next to him, where I’d sat only minutes before.

  “Hey, Reb. Emily.” Brittany’s eyes sparkled with merriment as they swung from my glowering face to Reb’s smug one. “Tucker had lunch an hour ago, so he’s good to go. If you don’t need anything else…”

  Reb shook his head. “Nah, we’re good. See ya later. Tell Stitch thanks for letting me snake his woman for the day.”

  “Not necessary.” Brittany’s smile matched her sparkling eyes. “You know we’d all do anything for you and Tucker. See ya later, Emily!”

  I could only gape as I watched Brittany give a little wave, then close the door behind her. Was the sight of me sprawled on Reb’s lap an everyday norm? It didn’t even make a blip on her radar. So what did that make me? Just the latest chick to almost get caught with her pants down on top of him? One of the many loose women in Reb’s life? My shoulders shrank a little at the thought. Was that how Reb saw me? Or was that just how I saw myself?

  “I’m bored. Where’s the remote, Emily?” Tucker’s small voice broke through my morose thoughts and gave me a whole other set of worries. Tucker had seen us together—like that. Oh God.

  “It’s, um…” I threw a panicked look at Reb, but the heartbreak I saw in his eyes erased every irritated emotion from me. In all the craziness of the last few minutes, I’d forgotten why they were here. Reb had to give his little boy back. I sat up straighter in my seat and let Reb take the lead this time.

  “Come on over here for a second, bud. We’ve gotta talk about something.” Reb’s lips twisted into something that resembled a smile but broke my heart.

  Tucker, blissfully immune to the tension in the room, walked over to stand in front of his dad. Reb grabbed his arm and tugged his son onto his lap, a position I’d been in only moments ago, but so much more innocent this time.

  “So, I, uh—” Reb paused and cleared his throat. “Shit, this is harder to say than I’d thought. Uh, listen, buddy. In a minute I’m gonna take you over to your mom’s, and you’re gonna stay with her until tomorrow night. Just
like usual. But if you need anything—anything at all—you can come over to Emily’s place and me or her will be here for you. Okay?”

  Tucker nodded sullenly. All the animation had drained from his face. His dad might as well have told him that he wouldn’t ever get a bike. The sight hurt my heart, and I could tell from the shimmer in his eyes that Reb was feeling the same.

  Reb swallowed hard, then continued. “I don’t want you to worry about anything. What’s going on—all this—is adult drama and has nothing to do with you. Your mom and me love you so much. We just got to figure out how to get along together—me and her.”

  “But Dad, I don’t want to. I wanna stay with you!”

  “I know, Tuck, but you’ve got to spend time with your mom, too. And remember, if you need anything, me or Emily will be right here for you.”

  Tucker pushed away from his dad. “This is stupid. You’re stupid. Emily’s stupid. I hate all of you!”

  His face screwed up in anger, Tucker jumped off his dad’s lap and ran for the door. I watched in silent angst as Reb took off after him. I couldn’t even imagine what Tucker was feeling right now. Confusion. Anger. Betrayal. He was so young to be going through this drama. And the look in Reb’s eyes spoke to the pain he was feeling, as well. My heart hurt for the both of them.

  Unwilling to shove myself any further into what was clearly a family matter, I did what I always do when I’m stressed: obsessive cleaning followed by obsessive hand washing. Standing at the sink, I looked at my bedroom door. There was one place I wasn’t yet willing to let my OCD fly. The familiar routine helped calm my frayed nerves somewhat, but I still startled when my front door opened abruptly.

  “That goddamn bitch! I can’t believe her bullshit!” Reb slammed the door with such force that the entire building shook.

  Or at least that was how it felt.

  I eyed the keyed-up biker in trepidation. It was a crazy situation, but that didn’t help my fight-or-flight instincts at all. Right now they were pointed at “flight” in big, blinking lights. My tender scene with Reb just moments ago was forgotten. For all intents and purposes he was a stranger to me. He paced back and forth across my living room, anger apparent in every footstep. I stood still in an attempt to disappear.


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