The Office Rival: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance

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The Office Rival: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance Page 16

by Kat T. Masen

  Yet something about this man, the power he holds, or the fact he’s some secret underground boss, has drawn her in to the point she’s under his bewitching spell and can’t break free.

  “I promise I’ll tell him, and thanks for the offer.”

  “We have sucky love lives,” she complains, sinking into the couch with the remote.

  “Yep, we sure do. What’s the latest on your secret mystery man?”

  She lets out a huge sigh. “Nothing. I texted him and asked if he wanted to have dinner tonight, and he never responded.”

  “So then, why didn’t you call him?”

  “Because he made it clear that he doesn’t date. He doesn’t do relationships. I was just hoping he might change for me.”

  “Are you sure he isn’t gay, Kate?”

  “Maybe. Who knows? He only wants to screw me from behind. What the hell does that mean? He’s gay, or he doesn’t like my face.”

  I give her a sympathetic smile. “Why are you still hung up on him? You can have any guy, Kate. He sounds so—”


  I simply nod.

  “Because, Presley, the way he makes me feel. Even though he acts that way, when we’re alone, I feel so empowered. He teaches my body to do things I’ve never experienced, and sexually, he takes me to a level that’s beyond words.”

  I can sense it in her voice. It’s not love as such but an uncanny connection to someone who’s unattainable.

  The next day at work, I decide I need to ask Haden about the ultrasound. Somehow, I chicken out again. So, I text him from my desk to his and throw in the invitation to a last-minute farewell lunch for Clive. Because that’s mature.

  Me: I have an ultrasound on Monday at 9am. You’re welcome to come.

  Me: Oh, and there is a farewell lunch for Clive today at the diner round the corner. You’re welcome to come to that too if you wanna bang.

  He is chatting away to another colleague, and I don’t expect it when my phone beeps instantly.

  Haden: Sure why not. And about the bang part… gladly, if you’re offering.

  Huh? I scroll back up to my text.

  Oh, fucking hell!

  Stupid fat pregnancy fingers. Great, now his idiotic man brain is probably playing porn music in the background already.

  Me: Hang! I meant hang!! #duck

  Me: I mean #FUCK

  The bubble appears, and I throw my head down in shame. Serves me right.

  Haden: Wait, are you still offering?

  I respond at a very slow pace, checking all my words before I hit send.

  Me: Round two. I’m not offering. HANG out with us if you want.

  I hit send and jump when I see him standing beside me with a grin on his bearded face. I hadn’t paid close enough attention to see that he had grown it out until now.

  “What’s with the beehive, Jerk?”

  He rubs his beard making a scratching sound. “Just something new I’m trying out.”

  “If it makes you feel better, you look like Bigfoot.” I turn back around abruptly.

  “Actually, that does make me feel better.”

  He continues to linger, making me feel very uncomfortable.

  “So, are you over your little drama now?” he chastises.

  “What drama?”

  “The drama that made you ignore me from the moment you woke up at the hotel.”

  What excuse can I come up with that was plausible?

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You must be talking about yourself,” I say in a clear and nonchalant tone.

  He lets out a loose chuckle, scratching his scruff again. “Women.”

  It’s the last thing he says before walking back to his desk.

  Clive’s last-minute lunch got canceled, and thankfully, it gave me an excuse to avoid Haden until Monday.

  Friday has officially become my favorite day for two reasons.

  One, I can wear my unattractive muumuu at night and stay indoors.

  Two, I don’t have to see Haden, which means I can stop thinking about how that beard would feel brushing against my thighs.

  As soon as I walk through the door on Friday night, I’m surprised to see Kate already home. She tells me to get dressed quickly because we are going out to dinner with her boss. I only agree because she said the restaurant makes the best enchiladas in the city, so we head off.

  “Lex,” Kate yells amid the small crowd sitting in the restaurant.

  Her boss, Lex, is no doubt one of the most gorgeous men I have ever seen. Dressed in a crisp navy suit and a white linen shirt, he stands up and opens his arms to hug Kate. His eyes are like emeralds. And wow, he is all types of beautiful.

  “Lex, this is my roommate, Presley Malone,” Kate introduces, taking a seat at the small, round table.

  He reaches out his hand and shakes mine, and when I pull back, I notice the white gold band on his wedding finger. I remember now how Kate told me he was married with kids. Go figure. The good ones are always taken.

  “Nice to meet you, Presley. Kate’s told me a lot about you.” He pulls out the chair beside him, and I take a seat, giving him a nod in thanks.

  “And vice versa. So, Kate has raved on about these enchiladas, and I’d like to point out that I am eating for two, so no judgment from either of you.”

  Lex laughs as he scours the menu. “My wife used to always say that. It’s how she justified ordering the whole menu.”

  “Oh, that’s right, Kate mentioned you had two daughters.” I smile.

  Kate’s face lights up immediately. “Yes, two of the most beautiful girls ever to exist.”

  He is quick to scowl but follows it with a warm smile. “That’s what she says, but Kate hasn’t experienced Ava during her teething stage.”

  “Don’t scare her, Lex,” Kate scolds.

  “No, scare me. I’m too naïve, and I want to expect the worse. That way I’m not in for too much of a shock.”

  It’s nice to finally chat with another parent because no matter how many textbooks I read, experience can only be told from those who are wise because they’ve gone through it.

  Lex enjoys talking about his family, and I enjoy hearing his stories.

  “My oldest daughter, Amelia, is the tomboy. She’s always getting into mischief. Almost broken limbs, jumping off things.” He raises a Corona to his lips and takes a long drink before continuing, “Ava is my quiet princess. She’s happy just to sit quietly and observe others. Never causes trouble. Sometimes she’ll just sit in a room, and you’ll have no idea she’s there.”

  “I need a baby like that.” I sigh.

  Kate finishes his sentence. “Lex and Charlie’s surprise baby.”

  “Technically, they were both surprise babies,” he adds.

  “I’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again… it’s because you don’t keep your hands off your missus. And the two of you combined are like some baby-making factory.” Kate laughs.

  Lex doesn’t appear offended and instead laughs along with Kate as if it’s a longstanding joke between the two of them. They appear to be relaxed in each other’s company. Kate told me about how things used to be different. That Lex was one of those horrible bosses up until he ran into the love of his life. It’s such a romantic story—they were high school-college sweethearts who broke up years ago, then fate stepped in when they coincidentally ran into each other at a restaurant one day. She told me how everything about him changed the moment his love walked backed into his life, but not without drama, of course. Kate now considers them family, and I can see just by sitting here how true that is.

  “Two kids feel like a lot. How did your wife cope with being pregnant twice? It’s hard enough this once.”

  “She enjoys it, but toward the end, she’s a bit of a hormonal demon,” he adds.

  With a mouthful of food, Kate is quick to admonish him. “How dare you say that about my best friend.”

  “You were the one who called her that,” Lex points o

  “Oh, right. Yes, I did.”

  Hearing these stories brings to the surface my unresolved feelings about my situation. I force myself to be strong, independent, and rely on no one but myself. I am going to be a single mom, whether I like it or not. I will have to raise this child for the rest of my life and make decisions that will either be wrong or right. Haden will eventually start his own family with Eloise, and this child will become less important to him. I will be both the mom and dad when that time comes. I’ll be doing it all alone.

  Lost in these thoughts, I blurt out, “I don’t know how I’m going to be a single mom.”

  With a sympathetic smile, Kate moves her hand and places it on top of mine.

  Lex puts his fork down and clears his throat. “If I’m getting too personal, tell me to back off. The father’s not around?”

  “He’s around. It’s just… this was a one-night stand with a work colleague. He’s now engaged. It’s just not your normal relationship,” I admit wholeheartedly.

  “I see. Enough said.”

  “So anyway, I was telling Lex you work at Lantern Publishing. His brother-in-law…” Lex’s eyes turn to Kate with an evil stare, “… published his manuscripts with the Californian branch.”

  “What’s his name?” I ask curiously.

  “Julian Baker,” Kate replies.

  “What? Are you kidding me? I love his work, not to mention he’s… oh wait, pregnant hormonal lady on the loose. He is gorgeous.” I fan myself with a napkin, a wide smile on my face.

  Lex’s eyes narrow, and Kate is quick to jump in. “Sorry, Pres, he’s now married to Lex’s sister.”

  I laugh loosely. “I’m always missing the boat. So yes, he has done a great deal for Lantern Publishing and has opened up avenues for other authors. He’s never visited our New York office, but hopefully, he will one day.”

  “So, correct me if I’m wrong, Mr. Sadler owns and operates this branch?” Lex questions in a more business-like manner, quick to get off the topic of Julian Baker.

  “Yes, I’ve been working for him for about ten years now,” I tell him.

  “I met him last year at a conference. Kate and I discussed branching out into publishing. With business thriving in our production company, we’re looking to expand once again. He’s quite knowledgeable as is his son.”

  “Son? Mr. Sadler doesn’t have a son,” I answer, puzzled.

  Lex furrows his brows. “He introduced him to us. What was his name again, Kate?”

  “Had… oh my God, Presley! Why didn’t I put two and two together?” she almost yells.

  I am confused by Kate’s outburst. “What are you talking about?”

  She drops her cutlery immediately, leaning back into her chair and folding her arms with a surprised look on her face. “Haden, he’s Mr. Sadler’s son… your baby daddy.”

  This time Lex looks confused. “Wait, the father is Haden Cooper?”

  I quickly shoot the ridiculous notion down. “You guys are mistaken. Haden isn’t his son.”

  “Stepson,” Lex corrects me. “He married Haden’s mom when Haden was young. That’s what he told me.”

  Now it’s my turn to sit here in disbelief. I’m staring blankly at my plate, trying to piece the puzzle together. I didn’t understand why Mr. Sadler never said anything, even after he congratulated me at the party. Surely, he would have known from all the office gossip that Haden knocked me up. It explains why he got away with murder, but what doesn’t make sense is why he would hide this from me. It’s not a big deal.

  “Presley, you look pale. Are you okay? Do you want me to take you home?” Kate’s worried face pulls me out of my confused daze.

  I smile at them and lie easily. “I’m fine.”

  The conversation carries on, and I immerse myself in business talk distracting me for a while. Lex Edwards is a very powerful and smart man. I have never met someone so driven, yet so family-oriented at the same time. I understand why Kate speaks so highly of him, and together they are such a dynamic duo with the ideas they are bouncing off each other during dinner.

  As the night winds down, Lex says his goodbyes before an early flight back home. Prior to him leaving, he offers his support should I ever need it.

  “This is my wife’s number and email. If ever you want to ask questions or have a chat, please feel free to contact her. She comes to the city often, and I’m sure Kate will take you girls out.” He hands me a business card. “Now, here is my contact information if ever you need anything or if the two of them get up to no good.”

  I laugh. “Thank you, Lex, for being so kind. It was really nice to meet you.”

  On our way home that night, I can tell Kate knows something isn’t right.

  “You had no idea his stepfather was your boss, did you?”

  “None whatsoever,” I answer bluntly. “Why would he keep this from me?”

  “I have no clue. Is it a big deal, though?”

  “It just doesn’t make sense. Listen, I’m going to his place. I need answers.”

  She nods. “Want me to come with?”

  “No.” I smile at her. “You’ve got your secret date tonight.”

  She returns the smile. “I’m just a phone call away, okay?”

  I hop into a taxi and give the driver the address. Ten minutes later, I am standing outside Haden’s door hoping Marcus isn’t home, or worse, Eloise isn’t there. Music is playing in the background, a gangsta rap of some sort.

  I knock on the door and wait.


  I bang harder, and some guy I don’t recognize opens the door.

  “Hey, Mama, who you here for?” He smirks, laughing oddly at the question.

  Mama? Jesus, there’s a first time for everything.

  I try to look past his shoulders, but he is quite tall.

  “Who does she belong to?” he yells back into the room.

  He moves his body, and I can see directly into the dim room. Marcus is lying on the sofa with some random chick straddling him. As I scan the room for Haden, a godawful stench invades my lungs, causing me to cough and heave. It’s like a trip down memory lane, or should I say college lane more like it.

  It smells like weed.

  This can’t be good for the baby, so to make this quick, I search again and find Haden sitting against the wall. He spots me, and with a crooked smile, he raises his head to greet me.

  “Can I please speak to you out here in the hall?”

  I walk out of the apartment but not before Marcus jumps up and pushes the girl off him. “Presley, baby, I still love you.” His pathetic attempt at speaking to me deserves no response.

  Haden stumbles out of the room, and I realize this isn’t the best time, but stupid me asks anyway.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Mr. Sadler’s your stepdad?” Annoyed and keeping my distance, I stand against the wall.

  “You know what?” He points his index finger at me. “You’re beautiful.”

  It’s followed by a delirious laugh, and I throw my hands up in the air, frustrated that I am wasting my time. I turn away and walk toward the stairwell, and just when I think I’ve escaped, he grips my shoulder and swiftly turns me around.

  His eyes are wild, seriously dark, and the laughter he showcased only moments ago has disappeared. My eyes are drawn to his stained shirt and ripped jeans. It’s very unlike him to be so unkempt, especially with a rugged beard and scruffy hair.

  “Why don’t you answer me when I tell you, you’re beautiful?” he grits, pinning me closer to the wall.

  “Because you’re a jerk who’s clearly stoned right now.”

  “It’s not an answer,” he raises his voice.

  Startled, but refusing to show it, I bite back, “Fine. Thank you. Now let me go.”

  His hands trail across my collarbone and directly down my chest, and I don’t stop him, only because I’m gearing up to kick him in the nuts if my Kitty can stop drooling long enough.

  “Why do you make life so
hard for me? What is it about you, Malone?” He refuses to look me in the eye, talking to himself rather than to me. “If only I hadn’t gone to London…”

  “Haden, I need to go. This is pointless.”

  “Where are you going? Let me come with you,” he pleads.

  Underneath his strong and arrogant persona lies desperation and turmoil. I can’t tell whether he has a hidden agenda or just needs a friend right now. Then I remember that men don’t like to talk, so I’m guessing the hidden agenda may be sex for all the wrong reasons.

  I stand tall and lean forward to kiss him on the cheek, a gesture of goodwill before walking away, but he swiftly locks his lips onto mine.

  He forces his tongue into my mouth, but the intensity and longing are torn away as my protective instinct for the baby fogs any passion toward him.

  Pushing him back, I catch some air before telling him no. “We can’t do that, and you’ve been smoking. That can’t be good for my baby.”

  He smashes his fist against the wall, screaming in agony, “Our! Why won’t you fucking get it through your head that it’s our baby?”

  “Because you haven’t stepped up and proven to me you’re responsible. If you can turn up on Monday morning without being stoned or acting like a jerk, maybe then I can take you seriously.”

  I push him out of the way and walk down the stairs, praying he won’t follow.

  He doesn’t.

  And first thing on Monday morning, I get the call we’ve been waiting for.

  The paternity results are finally in.


  I slam the envelope down on his desk, trying to draw a reaction from him. Nothing but a sideways glance, then he refocuses on his computer screen. I’m irritated by his stubbornness and disregard for a clean and sanitary working environment—it drives me fucking nuts. Papers are stacked in no specific order, and pens are missing their lids, not to mention chewed at their ends. An empty coffee mug sits beside his desk phone, growing some green species inside it, unwashed and smeared with lipstick. Gross, it’s not even his.


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