The Bad Boy Next Door: Lance & Chastity

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The Bad Boy Next Door: Lance & Chastity Page 10

by Devon Hartford

“You kidding? I am the present.”

  I laugh. “Hush your mouth!”

  “Oooh, dirty talk. Love it.”

  “That was not dirty talk.”

  “You sure? Cause I’m kinda turned on right now.”

  I stamp my foot, “Cheese us, Lance! Would you stop?!”

  “Did you just say cheese us?”

  I giggle, “So?”

  “You have the dirtiest mouth I’ve ever heard, girl.”

  “Me dirty? You’re the one who said the F-word in front of my Mom a hundred times today.”

  “Was that all? I thought it was more like a thousand.”

  “You’re such a trouble maker.”

  “Only when I have a good reason.”

  “Oh? What’s the reason?”

  “You.” His eyes burn into mine.

  I flush from head to toe. I’ve never had so much fun flirting with a guy.

  “Tell me something,” he says.

  “What,” I mumble, staring at the lawn poking up between my toes.

  “What do you want from me for your birthday?”

  I laugh.

  “I’m serious.” He forks more cake into his mouth.

  “You know what?”


  “I totally have to pee.”

  He snorts. “Is that your exit strategy?”

  “I’m serious. I haven’t gone since I don’t know when. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be right here,” he chuckles.

  I rush into the house. The door to the hall bathroom is locked. Someone must be using it. I consider using Mom’s, but I hate her bathroom. She has all these religious plaques with religious sayings hanging on the walls and it creeps me out. So I wait.

  Two minutes later, Gina from church walks out of the hall bathroom. “Sorry,” she smiles. “And happy birthday!” She throws her arms around me and squeezes me in a big hug which presses painfully on my bladder.

  I break the hug as politely as possible. “Thanks.”

  “So, what’re you gonna do now that you’re an adult?” Gina has a really annoying voice, but she’s sweet.

  “Gosh, I haven’t really thought about it.”

  “I can’t wait until I turn eighteen. I’m thinking about going on a mission trip to Brazil. My brother did one last year and had an amazing time. His host family was really nice. They took him on a boat trip down the Amazon and everything. He said the rain forest is incredible and you have to go there to truly appreciate it. The exotic birds, the wildlife, even the bugs are cool! He even saw piranhas. Can you believe it? Real piranhas, like in the movies?” Her voice is twice as annoying when I have to pee.

  I wince, “I sort of have to go pee.”

  “Oh! Sorry!” She blushes. “I’ll see you outside.”

  I lock the bathroom door and barely get my bikini bottom off in time to sit down. Phew. What a relief.

  I’m still going when there’s a knock at the door.

  Maybe they’ll go away.

  Another knock.

  “Ocupado!” I call.

  Someone jiggles the doorknob.

  “Charity? Is that you?”

  No response. Maybe she went to use Mom’s bathroom.

  When I finally finish, I wash up and open the door.

  I gasp.

  Lance fills the doorway.

  He backs me into the bathroom and closes the door behind him, locking it. His eyes are wild, confused, animalistic. He looks almost… insane.

  I’m suddenly more than a little scared. He’s twice my size and can easily overpower me. “Is something wrong, Lance?”

  He takes a step toward me. “Yeah.”

  I take a step back. The frosted glass window in the shower is open an inch and I can hear everyone on the patio outside chattering away. If I scream for help, they’ll hear me and come running. But I can’t decide if I should scream or not.

  His voice is tight, catching in his throat when he speaks. “I was standing around outside at the pool waiting for you to come back and I was watching your sister and your friends and your mom. That’s when I realized you and me come from two different worlds, Chastity. You’re all sweet and innocent and you have your shit together. I’m a mess and I’m not innocent. Not even fucking close.” He looks pained, like he has more to say but doesn’t want to.

  My heart swells with sympathy. “What is it, Lance? You can tell me. I won’t judge you.”

  He huffs a sigh. “My life is chaos, Chaz. Yours is organized.”

  I snort, “It’s not as happy as you might think.”

  “I’m not talking about happy. I’m talking about problems. Real problems. You don’t need me bringing my shit into your life. Trust me. You’ll be better off if I leave you alone.”

  “What? You’re not making any sense.” Except he is. He’s making perfect sense. I just don’t want to hear it.

  “I don’t want to walk away, but I know it’s the right thing to do. So I promised myself I wouldn’t fuck you. If you weren’t a virgin, I might think different, but…”

  “Who says I’m a virgin?” My heart is spinning out of control. Lance makes me yearn to hold him and comfort him at the same time he makes me furious. I snarl, “And what makes you think I’ll let you have sex with me?”

  “Please,” he snorts and runs his hand nervously through his hair. “Anyway, I promised myself I wouldn’t, but I have to, Chastity. I have to fuck you. I need to fuck you. I don’t know why, but I do. I never fuck virgins. But I have to fuck you, Pink. I have to.” He sounds… desperate. Overwhelmed.

  I am too. “Okay. I guess?” This is really weird.

  He steps forward again and my calf thumps against the tub. I can’t go back any further or I’ll fall through the shower curtain.

  “See, I don’t need to fuck anybody. I never have. Anyone hot enough will get the job done. I don’t care who they are.”

  “Am I supposed to be flattered by all this?”

  “Don’t you get it, Pink? It’s you. You. I don’t understand it. But I need to be inside your fucking pussy. I’ve been going crazy since I drove up yesterday.” He hooks a finger through the left shoulder strap of my bikini and snaps it against my chest, right above my thumping heart. His eyes circle in their sockets for a second before roaming all over my body. “I’m going insane looking at you, Pink. I have to fuck you.”

  If this is his way of saying he likes me, it must be the weirdest way anyone has ever expressed it.

  He pulls the cloth cup of my bikini over my left breast, exposing the nipple, which is already tight. The knuckle of his index finger skims across it. I feel an instant electrical connection and my heart races with a cocktail of fear and arousal. His face bunches. “I can’t do this. You’re a virgin. I can’t.”

  “Can’t what?” I’m as confused as he is but I’m getting wetter by the second. His big hand squeezes my breast, massaging it in complete contradiction to his words, pinching and twisting the nipple.

  I’m breathless, my eyes half shut as I surrender to the pleasure of his hand. “Lance…” I whisper.

  “I can’t stop myself.” He sounds almost full of regret.

  My heart goes out to him. I place my hand over his, over my breast, over my heart. I stare into his eyes for a moment. “Then don’t.” I reach behind me and untie the string around my bust.

  His other hand shoots up to my right breast and squeezes it too. “They’re fucking perfect, Pink. Fuck. Perfect.”

  I don’t think so, but my opinion isn’t what counts right now and I’m not about to argue with Lance when he’s gone off the deep end with lust. I untie the string around my neck and drag it out from under my hair and toss the top aside.

  “Fuck, this hair,” he marvels, combing his fingers up the back of my scalp and fisting it, pulling my head back. His mouth dives for my neck. His tongue glides from the pit of my neck to the tip of my chin.

  I shiver and let out a little whimper.

  He grabs me by the ass a
nd throws me on the counter top next to the sink and stands between my knees. He wears only his damp black boxers and he bulges inside them.

  I run my fingers across the head, stroking it through the wet fabric.

  “I have to fuck you, Chastity. I have to.” He pulls my bottoms down and I lift my butt to help. When they’re down to my ankles I kick them off anxiously. He stares at my dripping center and chuckles, “You fucking want this as bad as I do, don’t you?”

  The pool between my legs is the only answer I give.

  He squats down and his tongue attacks, bringing me instantly to the edge of climax. I slouch into his mouth, curling my back and lifting my hips off the counter with my arms. Then he—


  He stands frantically and rips his boxers off.

  He plants both hands on the counter top on either side of my hips.

  I press my knees out against the insides of his muscled tattooed arms, opening myself and coaxing him.

  His head hangs between his shoulders and he sighs reluctantly.

  I wrap my ankles around his back and tug him toward me.

  His cock throbs between my legs, only an inch away. I can feel the heat as it nears.

  We both stare at it.

  He grabs himself by the base and lays his heavy length on my folds, pressing into them with the bottom of his cock, parting them.

  He rocks forward and back, the bottom of his shaft rubbing across my clit.

  We are skin to skin and an inch away from having actual sex.

  He rocks back.

  I pull him forward, digging my heels into his rippling back muscles.

  “We—” His voice chokes.

  He lifts his head.

  Our eyes lock.

  My mouth quivers, holding back the word.

  “Should we get a…” he trails off.

  I realize that Lance probably doesn’t have a condom in his wet boxers. But I happen to have that box of Lifestyle condoms from Target in my bedroom. All I have to do is open the bathroom door and walk ten feet to get them. Well, and get dressed, or at the very least wrap towels around me and Lance before I open the bathroom door. But if I do that, someone might catch us and this moment will be ruined, our secret forbidden fantasy destroyed. There have been so many interruptions to my moments with Lance since we met, I’ll be damned if I’m going to interrupt this one.

  He rocks forward and back, unable to resist the kiss of our skin. His cock is wet with me. His foreskin rolls over his bulging head, covering it, then pops back, revealing it. His strokes get longer and his tip is getting dangerously close to entering me.

  I am dying with pleasure.

  He is too. His face is tight with agony.

  Maybe we should…

  I look down at his swollen tip. It pulses with pre-cum, ready to drip.

  This is insane.

  This is how people get pregnant their first time.

  This is…

  I don’t care.

  I need him inside me.

  I don’t care if I get pregnant.

  I don’t care if the condoms are in the next room.

  I just don’t care.

  I want him to fill me up with his cum.

  His hands grip my hips. His face is as red as the head. His jaw is locked, his teeth barred. A snarl hisses between them like he’s in terrible pain.

  I’m about to beg him to put it inside me, to come inside me, when…

  He does.

  He comes. Grunting.

  All over me.

  His semen hoses across my taut stomach.

  I’m buzzing, my whole body sizzling with arousal and pent up heat. It’s like I’m coming but I’m not. It’s excruciating. So close to the edge of explosion, but everything is locked down.

  I can’t come.

  It hurts. Actual physical pain.

  I need to come so badly I can’t stand it.

  My whole body heaves with need.

  His hard palm presses against my stomach, smearing his liquid seed up between my breasts, caressing me with his sticky hand.

  His head hangs. His eyes burn under his dark brows. He’s mad. “Fuck,” he growls. “You didn’t come.”

  Frustration blows through me. I want to scream.

  His head dives between my legs, his hands squeezing the backs of my thighs, prying me open.

  The second his tongue touches me, I come.

  I drown in pleasure, slouching further down, pushing myself into his face, still coming, bucking, grabbing his hair with both hands like my life depends on it. My feet spasm in the air as the orgasm tears me apart.

  I am in heaven.

  His tongue circles slowly for at least another minute, lapping me up as I relax and rest my heels against his shoulders.

  When his head lifts from between my legs, his mouth glistens in a satisfied smirk.

  My eyes slit and I stare at him.

  “What?” he mutters.

  I reach down between my legs with both hands and drag my fingers through my soaking wetness and pull it up my stomach, across my navel and around my still sticky breasts. I massage them, mixing my fluids with his.

  He chuckles, watching. “That is fucking hot.”

  Somehow, as good as that was, I am completely unsatisfied. Or just hungry for more. I can’t tell which. “Fuck me,” I whisper.

  His eyes flash. “Did you just say fuck?”

  I bite my lower lip in an evil grin and nod slowly. I whisper, “Fuck…” like it’s the most beautiful word in the English language, savoring the taste of it in my mouth.

  The devil’s smile on my face slowly slides onto his.

  “Nice,” he says.

  “Fuck me,” I whisper. “Now.”

  Chapter 9


  “Are you high?” Charity asks.

  I sit on a lawn chair with my arms wrapped around my shins, resting my chin on my knees, staring at the electric blue glow of the empty pool like a grinning idiot.

  Charity grabs a lock of my hair and wiggles it. “Anybody home? Earth to Chastity!”

  “Stop!” I swat at her hand and pull my hair away.

  “You look sprungover.”

  “I what?! What does that even mean?”

  “It means you hooked up with Lance and you’re basking in the afterglow.”

  “Where do you learn these words? And I did not hook up with Lance,” I hiss.

  “Liar. I saw you sneak into the house with him.”

  “I did not!” And that’s the truth. He followed me inside. “More importantly, why are you stalking me?”

  “I’m not. You can’t stalk your own sister when you live with her.”


  Although half the kids have gone home, those still here are lounging on the other lawn chairs while chatting or dancing to the surf music. Lance is now fully dressed, standing behind the DJ table with his headphones on. I think he put clothes on to cover up his hard on, which seems to have never gone away. I don’t blame him. I’ve still got a girl hard on for him and my high beams are on too. That’s why I have my knees up.

  Charity asks, “You wanna see who can swim the length of the pool underwater the fastest?”

  “What, in one breath?”


  I frown, “Aren’t you tired?”


  “I am. You do it. I’ll time you.”

  “You don’t have a watch.”

  “I’ll count Mississippis.”

  “You’re lame,” she chuckles and dives into the pool.

  Grinning, I shake my head. She can call me lame all she wants. I’m not getting in the pool. I need to stay right here with my high beams covered.

  Mom and Mr. McKnight are still dancing together. When Wooly Bully ends, Mom says, “Let’s sit this one out, Rod. I’m tired.”

  “One more song, Faith. The night is still young.” His words are slurred. He grabs her around the waist, pawing at her as she tries to push h
im away. “Come on, Faith. We’re still having fun.”

  Is he drunk? I don’t know where he would’ve gotten any alcohol. We don’t have any and he never left the party.

  “I need to sit down, Rod. I’ve been on my feet all night.” She’s trying to get away, but Mr. McKnight won’t let go.

  I glance at Lance and remember his frantic speech about hidden problems. Is there something about his dad he’s hiding? No answer comes from Lance because he has his headphones on and his head down, doing something on his turntable.

  “Stop it, Rod!” Mom pleads.

  “One more song, Faith.” He is drunk.

  I think. I don’t have any experience with drinkers. But Mom needs help. I stand up and take a step toward them.

  Mom barks at him, “Let! Go!” She pushes hard and Mr. McKnight stumbles back, colliding with Lance’s DJ table.

  “What the fuck, Dad!” Lance growls, ripping his headphones off.

  Mr. McKnight flails and knocks against a piece of DJ gear on the table. When the black box of electronics starts to fall, he fumbles for it, trying to catch it. But he can’t. The box tumbles from his hands and drops right into the pool.

  Still plugged in.

  “I! Can’t! Move!” Charity mewls in a voice quivering with fear. “Some! One! Help! Me!” Her entire body jitters in the deep end of the pool as she attempts to stay afloat, her arms ratcheting through the water in spasmodic jolts.

  Horrified, Rod twists around to face my sister. He’s paralyzed with fear.

  Mom spins around too. She didn’t see the DJ gear fall in. She shrieks, “Charity!”

  I forget all about the electrical cord and I’m about to jump in the pool to help when Lance grabs my elbow.

  “Don’t!!” He yells. “The water is hot!”

  Mom takes a step toward the pool, but he grabs her by the arm too, restraining her.

  “Let go of me!” Mom yells with a combination of hatred and motherly fury.

  For a moment, I’m totally confused and terrified. Somehow I forget all about the electricity. All I can think about is my sister in danger and why is Lance stopping Mom from saving her? I try to dive into the pool, but Lance wraps both arms around me, letting go of Mom.

  “The water is hot!” he shouts.

  What does he mean by hot? Hot like boiling? Is my sister cooking in the water? Oh my God, no!


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