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The Avoiding Series Boxset

Page 133

by K. A. Linde

  “I haven’t talked to Ramsey about it.”

  “Forget the old ball and chain, and come visit me.”

  Lexi rolled her eyes. “Real nice of you to say…since you aren’t on your way here for my engagement party.”

  “Anyway, what’s really going on? You’ve been quiet lately—besides you bitching at me about the party,” Chyna said.

  “We still talk every day,” Lexi told her.

  “I mean, almost every day. But you’ve been all scatterbrained, like something happened and you didn’t tell me. Oh, like that time you slept with Adam’s brother. Oh, or like any time with Jack. Does this have to do with a boy?” Chyna asked.

  Lexi glanced around the apartment. Ramsey wasn’t anywhere in sight. She knew that he was busy with preparations for the party tonight. The man knew how to throw a party, that was for sure. She was glad that the Sunday night escapades were over, but he was pumped to throw something together for their engagement. She hoped that it didn’t turn out like the Sunday parties she had frequented when they had first started dating. The guest list certainly boasted enough of his friends to warrant it…but she didn’t think it would get like that.

  Or at least, she hoped not.

  Deciding that Ramsey wasn’t about to walk in on her at any minute, Lexi sighed.

  “This should be good,” Chyna said with a giggle.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Then, why do you take such perverse pleasure in my pain?”

  “Because you torture yourself, chica. Dish the goods.”

  Lexi grumbled under her breath about the directness of her best friend before speaking. “I told Jack that I got engaged.”

  “Right. I assumed so. You’ve been engaged for, like, two months now. I figured everyone knew. Did he…flip out?”

  Lexi shook her head even though she knew Chyna couldn’t see. “Yes and no. He just heard about the temporary hearing results. Bekah got everything she wanted. I think she’s going to try to ruin him in court.”

  “Alexa…seriously, not your problem,” Chyna said softly.

  “I know, I know. I’m not saying it is. I went there for, like, moral support when he was done. I barely got to talk to him about it because he had to meet with his attorney right after. As I was turning to go, he saw the engagement ring.”

  “Eesh,” Chyna said. “Not the best way for him to find out. Why didn’t you just…tell him?”

  “I don’t know,” she said truthfully.

  There had never been a right time. First, she had found out about the divorce, and then a series of unfortunate events had spiraled into existence. She just hadn’t been able to tell him. Maybe she had known all along on some level that it would hurt him, and she didn’t want to inflict any more pain on him than he was already receiving.

  “Psh, chica, you know.”

  “I don’t,” she denied.

  “I know. You’re just acting dumb if you’re saying that you didn’t.”

  “Why don’t you tell me then, Chyna?”

  Chyna tsked Lexi through the line. “All right, play dumb.”


  “Besides the glaringly obvious fact that you probably didn’t want your ex…something or other to know that you were engaged, you also clearly didn’t want to hurt him because you two are all buddy-buddy now. Since you’re buddy-buddy, that means you can never, ever let go of your relationship. I know you’re about to jump down my throat and tell me it’s changed—so help me God,” Chyna said, staving off Lexi’s imminent protests. “All I’m going to say is that Jack is probably in a lot of pain because of his divorce, and you didn’t want to make it worse. Whether or not I think he might deserve to be the one hurting this time…is beside the point.”

  “You’re a real charmer, C,” Lexi said.

  Though, Chyna was right. She was always right about these kinds of things—as irritating as it all was.

  “Whatever, chica. The man needs a taste of his own medicine now and again.”

  “He’s going through enough.”

  “Listen to yourself. Same old Lexi,” Chyna said under her breath. “Stop defending him.”

  “I’m not defending what he did in the past. I’m seeing him for the person he is now. Two years of marriage changed him, and I’ll be the first to admit it.”

  “If it changed him so much, then why didn’t you tell him you got engaged?” Chyna asked.

  “Okay, Jesus, I get your point. You just didn’t see him that day when he was telling me about the divorce papers or after he left the courtroom.”

  “I’m not susceptible to those blue eyes.”

  “Big words, C,” Lexi said with a laugh.


  “Anyway, I know you need a lot less than a pair of blue eyes,” Lexi said.

  “Not anymore.”

  “What? You can change, and no one else can?” Lexi asked. She knew playing the hypocrite card was low, but it made people angry enough to see a point.

  Chyna was silent for a minute. Lexi assumed she was brooding over there while trying to find a way out of the hole she had dug herself into.

  “Fine. Whatever. What did he actually say when you told him?”

  “A lot of stuff,” Lexi said, not wanting to remember. It still made her heart constrict. “He asked me if I was happy, and I told him I was. Then, he said that all he had ever wanted was for me to be happy, so I should leave.”

  “Whoa. Did you leave?”


  “That explains why you’ve been mopey then.”

  “I haven’t been mopey. God!”

  Chyna scoffed. “You’ve been annoying. You should have just told me. Now, get your ass up here for fashion week. I have to head out. Tell Ramsey I said hello.”

  “I will, Chyna, but I still don’t know about fashion week.”

  “I don’t want to hear it. I’ll see you then, chica. Bye!”

  Lexi set her phone down with a sigh. Telling Chyna all about the stuff with Jack was a relief. She had been holding it back, trying to pretend like none of it had happened…trying to forget the horror on his face when he had seen the ring.

  They hadn’t talked much since then. He was preparing with his attorney to attempt to mediate the divorce. It wasn’t required in Georgia courts, but it was strongly recommended that Jack try to negotiate outside of court. It saved on expenses for everyone, and it spared the judge’s time…and patience.

  Lexi doubted it would be settled through mediation. Jack wasn’t going to accept Bekah’s accusation that he had cheated on her while they had been married. Just because he’d had a past history of bad behavior didn’t necessarily mean that it had happened presently. And since he was going to fight her on that to the grave, they would likely end up in court as soon as Bekah had all of her evidence and a date was set.

  Lexi shook her head softly and then tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. As Chyna had said, none of that was her problem, and she really was trying to stay out of it. Ramsey had actually agreed not to invite Bekah to the party tonight, which meant it should be blissfully quiet.

  A knock at the door jolted Lexi. She wasn’t expecting anyone. She strode forward just as Ramsey came barreling down the stairs.

  “Door?” she asked as he rounded the corner.

  “Yeah, I can get it.”

  Lexi was already there, so she yanked open the door. Standing before her was an incredibly tall, buxom blonde with bright red lipstick and a tight black bodysuit.

  “Lola!” Lexi said with a start. “I didn’t know we were expecting you.”

  “Hello, darling. It’s so good to see you,” Lola said, bending forward and planting a red kiss on Lexi’s cheek.

  “Lola, you’re early,” Ramsey said. He didn’t sound displeased.

  “You forget how long setup takes, love. Two years out of the business, and already, you forget,” she said with a light reprimand. She walked over and squeezed Ramsey’s bicep. “A
re you still working out? You look thin.”

  “Two insults in one sentence, and I thought you might be different after two years of running the company alone.”

  Lola waved her hand with her long red-lacquered nails in the air. “I’m a bitch. It comes with the territory.”

  “Wait—setup?” Lexi asked, tilting her head. “I thought we were having the engagement party at a restaurant.”

  Ramsey sheepishly looked at her. “Last-minute change. I was on the phone with Lola earlier, and she insisted it be at the club, but I knew you wouldn’t be into that. So, she wouldn’t take no for an answer, and we thought we would bring the party here. Keep it more low-key than typical parties, but bring it back. I mean, it was our first kiss.”

  Lexi didn’t know what to say. On one hand, she didn’t mind him moving the location to their apartment, but she had been expecting to go out and have a good time. Fun would sure be had if they stayed here, but it was different.

  “What about everyone else? The invitations already went out weeks ago,” she reminded him.

  “I got it all taken care of.”


  “You’re not happy,” Ramsey said softly.

  Lola sighed. “I will have people start bringing things in. If you choose to reschedule again, please let me know before we carry in the speakers. They’re heavy.”

  She eyed Lexi dramatically before exiting.

  “I just…I don’t mind that we’re having it here, but it’s this…” She sighed. How many times had they had this conversation? “When were you going to tell me?”

  “I had planned on it before Lola got here. She was early,” he said, scratching the back of his head.

  Lexi reminded herself that he was doing this for her, trying to make this the best it could be for her. She was not going to blow up at him. She was definitely not going to blow up at him. The last thing she wanted was an argument right before their engagement party.

  “But…why didn’t you even ask me? It’s my engagement, too, you know?” she said, aiming for a level voice.

  When Ramsey winced, she knew that she hadn’t achieved it.

  “I know you hate surprises, so I was going to break it to you, but in a surprise kind of way…not by Lola showing up at our front step with massive speakers and too much lipstick,” he said.


  There wasn’t anything else to say. It was too late to change it back to the restaurant they had booked together weeks ago. And it wouldn’t do any good to be angry with Ramsey for trying once again to make her happy.


  “I’m going to go get ready. Tell Lola to bring the speakers in,” she said, turning to walk up the stairs.

  “Hey,” he said, catching her and drawing her into him. “I love you. I thought you would like this.”

  Lexi smiled faintly. “I do like this. It’s thoughtful. It’ll be nice to have everyone at the house.”

  “But you’re not happy.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Fine means you’re pissed,” Ramsey observed.

  “I’m…frustrated. It’s okay. It’ll pass. I should just go get ready,” she said.

  Ramsey didn’t let go of her though. He pulled her tight to him and kissed her on the mouth softly. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered against his lips.

  “What are you wearing tonight?” he asked.

  “It’s a surprise.” She gave him a devilish smirk before breaking out of his embrace and rushing up the stairs.

  At least upstairs, away from his watchful eye, she could allow herself to be angry and frustrated, and she would be able to punch something. She didn’t think it was that hard to consult with her on things. Wasn’t the wedding supposed to be the girl’s thing? Not that she was a girlie-girl or anything. Not that she hadn’t freaked out at the meeting with the wedding planner. Not that Ramsey couldn’t see through her bravado from a mile off. Still, even if she wasn’t doing all the work or didn’t know what was needed to do all the work for the wedding, that didn’t mean she couldn’t be clued in.

  Lexi plopped back onto the bed and closed her eyes. She really needed to start getting ready, but all she could think about was Lola sauntering into the apartment and Lexi feeling like an idiot for not knowing what was going on…again. She couldn’t have that talk another time about wanting to know everything that was going on. She had lost count on how many times it had already happened.

  Ramsey still told her what he thought was important. He wasn’t hiding big secrets as far as she knew, but sometimes, even the smallest, teeny, tiniest omission felt massive. It gave her a headache.

  Two hours later, guests began arriving.

  Lexi was pretty frantic at this point. Her anger had turned into exhaustion, and she had accidentally fallen asleep on the bed.

  Planning this event only a week and a half before Christmas really wasn’t the best idea. She had thankfully closed out the Bryant case, but her boss had promptly assigned her a new doozy to work on. Plus, she had Christmas shopping to get done and meetings with the wedding planner to finalize their fucking color palettes and shit. On top of all of that, Jack was getting divorced.

  But she couldn’t think about everything else as she put the finishing touches on her makeup. She had chosen soft colors to accent her naturally tan skin and dark hair. Her eyes were lined in black with thick mascara, and she added some gold shimmer powder to her eyelids with a faint touch of lip gloss to her lips. Her dark hair was down, nearly to her waist, in soft curls. Her bangs were swept off to the side, and when she turned, they fell down into her eyes seductively.

  The dress she had chosen was virginal white, the most ironic color in her closet. Lexi practically never wore white. She thought she stood out more in deep purples and luscious reds and even bombshell blacks. But well…she figured if there was ever a year for her to wear white, it was this year.

  The body-hugging material clung to her in all the right places, stopping at the tops of her thighs. The straps were thick as they wound over her shoulders and into an X, low across her back before tying off into a bow. While the neckline wasn’t as revealing as a lot of her outfits, it still warranted a double take in the sweetheart style. She paired it with a string of pearls and a pair of blue heels.

  She couldn’t wait for everyone to see how she looked. She wished Chyna were here for it…but Lexi wouldn’t dwell on it. She just needed to hurry her ass up, so she could greet her guests.

  Lexi took a deep breath and then took the stairs to the first floor. When she hit the landing, she stared in shock at her apartment. They hadn’t had a party at their house in the two years that they had lived together—not since Ramsey had given up the clubs.

  It felt like a lifetime ago that this had been her life. She hadn’t realized how much would change after she got out of law school. Now, she had a full-time job, and Ramsey had the medical wing. She came home exhausted, and she only had more work to do. At least, she still had Chyna to force her to come visit and party, reminding her that she was only twenty-seven.

  That was what made the transformation of their apartment all the more interesting. It had been two years, yet the place still looked the same—the lights, the DJ, the bar. And at the same time, it was clear that Ramsey had instructed them to change it up. It was more low-key. Guests could actually carry on a conversation. There wasn’t an insanely large group of people she had never seen before grinding in their living room. It was mostly Ramsey’s friends from work, the club, school, but intermixed were a few of her friends who had already shown up.

  She knew that Ramsey was just trying to make her happy. And if he had suggested having the party at their place earlier, then maybe she wouldn’t be so frustrated.

  “Honey, you look way too fuckable to be thinking that hard,” Brandon said as he slid his arm around her waist and drew her in for a hug.

  “Pookie! It’s so good to see you.” Lexi pulled back to smack him on
the shoulder. “I don’t look fuckable!”

  “Lexi, Lexi, Lexi…” Brandon said, shaking his head. “You’re just testing my patience. You think I won’t throw you over my shoulder and prove my point?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I think! Ramsey would follow you upstairs, and we both know how that ends.”

  “Ah…I suppose I am still recovering from when I decided to sleep with Parker.”

  Lexi wouldn’t cringe. All of the men in her life were connected in one way or another. Jack was married, erm…currently divorcing Ramsey’s sister. John worked with Ramsey on the Bridges medical wing. Brandon had dated Ramsey’s ex-girlfriend. At least, there were a few degrees of separation between Jack and John, but Christ…she didn’t believe in coincidence anymore.

  “Brandon, you’re touching my girl,” Ramsey observed as he strode toward them.

  Brandon made no move to let her go. Lexi just shook her head. Ramsey knew by now that Brandon stood no chance whatsoever with her, but he still didn’t like Brandon. And he probably never would.

  She stepped out of Brandon’s embrace and took a step toward her fiancé. “You didn’t change,” she murmured.

  He still looked delicious in a pair of dark jeans and a black sweater.

  “When would I have had the time? You were upstairs the whole time.”

  “Oh, right. I accidentally fell asleep.”

  He laughed. “And here I thought, you were unhappy with me.”

  She had been, but he looked visibly relieved that she hadn’t been upstairs, ignoring him this whole time. She didn’t want to break him out of a good mood even if she was still unsatisfied with how the day had progressed.

  “Don’t think you’re off the hook,” she chastised lightly.

  He smiled down at her with a knowing look. “I never am with you.”

  Shit! She knew it was supposed to be sexual, but still, she felt bad. She had always been a forgive-and-forget kind of person, but since the blowup at Jack’s wedding, she had been holding on to her past tighter and tighter. Ramsey seemed to always be at the center of that. And his reminder of that, even if it was accidental, didn’t help matters.


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