Love’s Redemption

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Love’s Redemption Page 19

by Donna K. Ford

  “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine.”

  Rhea stiffened. The memory of prison and the fear made her defensive, and having Morgan close made her feel vulnerable. She had to put some distance between them. “It’s not your problem.”

  Morgan leaned down and kissed Rhea lightly. “Yes, it is.”

  The instant Morgan’s lips were on hers, Rhea was flying. Her body hummed with energy that coiled in her center and grew into a red-hot ball of need. Rhea let go and gave in to her desire. She pushed against Morgan until she felt hard muscle against her middle. She pressed into the kiss and slid her tongue against Morgan’s lips and pushed into her mouth. Morgan seemed to melt against her and was completely submissive to her touch. All thought left her. Rhea was completely going with her feelings and her feelings were telling her she wanted more of Morgan.

  Rhea pushed Morgan against the wall and felt her groan against her mouth. She pushed her hands into Morgan’s hair, amazed by the silky smoothness. The contrast between the fear and concern and desire she had experienced in the last few minutes had her grasping for reason, but her body had completely surrendered, and she no longer had the strength to run away anymore. Rhea’s hand grazed Morgan’s neck. Morgan jerked back with a wince. Rhea pulled away, gasping for breath.

  “Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Morgan reached for her before she could break the connection between them. “It’s okay. I forgot about the burns until just now. I wasn’t thinking.”

  Rhea was tense and struggled to hold back the torrent of fear and want that warred within her. She gritted her teeth. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?” Morgan asked.

  “Make me lose control.”

  Morgan smiled. “It felt like a good thing to me.”

  “See, you say things like that, but what’s the catch? What’s your game?”

  Morgan frowned. “There’s no game, Rhea.” Morgan brushed a finger along Rhea’s hairline across her forehead. “I think you are captivating and beautiful.”

  Rhea pushed Morgan away. “Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that.”

  Morgan slumped down onto a stack of crates. “Okay. I don’t know what’s happening right now, but I’m sorry I upset you.”

  “You don’t get it. I’m bad for you. I’m bad for everyone. I lost control and hurt you.” Rhea’s pulse was racing. She wasn’t sure whether to run or surrender. She’d managed to turn the best moment of her life into just another bad thing.

  Morgan put her hands up. “Will you stop that already? You didn’t mean to hurt me. I’m very much aware of how bad this hurts and I didn’t care. I wanted to kiss you. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Rhea stared. “I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know if I can handle this.” Her voice trembled. She felt so defeated and lost. She’d never experienced anything like this before. She looked at Morgan, and some of the pain surrounding her heart eased. Morgan looked just as scared as she was.

  Morgan shrugged. “It’s okay. You can make all the moves, and I’ll follow. We’ll figure it out as we go. There aren’t any rules to this. Even if you don’t want anything at all between us, it’s okay.”

  Rhea wanted to believe Morgan, but she wasn’t sure she could try. Morgan was giving her control, something she’d never had before. Morgan was willing to trust her. Maybe she could take a chance.

  She stepped closer. “I’m not sure.”

  “Okay,” Morgan answered and pulled her into her arms.

  Rhea focused on the tenderness in Morgan’s touch and slid her arms around Morgan’s waist and rested her head on Morgan’s shoulder. Morgan was warm and strong and comforting, and for the first time Rhea let herself trust. There was no pain, no fear, no struggle, when she was in Morgan’s arms.


  Rhea put away the last of the tools and checked the clock. It was time to feed and close up the barn for the night. She hadn’t seen Morgan since their talk earlier that morning. Morgan was keeping her promise and giving her space to make her own decisions about where things would go. She closed up the shop and headed to the barn. After the chores were done, she’d go to the house to get Soldier and visit with Morgan. Putting the two of them together to mend was the best way she could think of to keep them both out of trouble. Soldier had been more protective of Morgan since the fire, and he was more willing to stay put if he was watching over her.

  Rhea nuzzled the ears of the old mare and slipped her a slice of apple. Her stomach rumbled and she took the last bite for herself. “Sorry, girl, I guess it’s time for my dinner too.” As she closed the stall door, a strong arm came around her and a hand clasped over her mouth. In an instant she was pulled off her feet. She tried to scream, but his hand was over her mouth. She kicked wildly against the legs of her attacker but couldn’t break free of his hold.

  A rough voice chuckled and hot breath blew against her hair. “I knew you’d be feisty. I like that, but you’ll stop if you don’t want Morgan to have the same little accident as that dog of yours.”

  Rhea stilled. Oh God, not Morgan. Rhea closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. She took a deep breath and tried to take her mind to a distant place she’d created as a child when her father hurt her. It was like putting a part of herself away in a safe place where the pain and horror couldn’t reach. It was the only way she’d survived the years of his abuse, and she used that skill now to protect her from a new threat.

  The man pushed her against the wall, and a knee slammed into her back so hard it knocked the breath out of her. Her lungs screamed for air and pain shot through her back like an electric shock. Rhea struggled to draw a breath as black spots danced in her vision. She gasped as air suddenly filled her lungs, and she swallowed gulps of air like water. Her mind cleared, and she realized if this guy was with her, he couldn’t hurt Morgan or Soldier. The realization that she could fight bolstered her courage, and when he grabbed her left arm to turn her to face him, she swung her right hand around and slammed her fist into his ear. She’d caught him off guard and he stumbled. As he struggled to regain control, she slammed her fist into his face with all the force she could muster. He grunted but didn’t loosen his grip on her.

  “You’ll pay for that, bitch.” He slapped her across the face and lightning shot through her head. He grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the floor. Rhea’s head hit the wall and her vision dimmed. Don’t lose consciousness, don’t black out now. She couldn’t let this bastard win. Rhea squinted up at her attacker, but before she could see his face, he slammed her to the ground again.

  Rhea pushed against the ground and tried to get up when a boot landed next to her. The next thing she knew, his foot crashed against her head. Blood flooded her mouth, and something crunched in her jaw. She spat on the floor, and blood and one of her teeth hit the ground. She growled and tried to push herself up again. He planted his foot against the center of her back, forcing her back to the ground.

  Time shifted and Rhea stared at the blank glass eyes of her teddy bear, stuffed under her bed. There was nothing she could do. Hot tears burned her skin as they leaked from her eyes and pooled on the floor. His thick hand clenched around her throat smashing her face against the cold wood. She whimpered against the pain.

  “Shut up. I told you to be quiet.”

  She cried for her mother, but she didn’t come. She prayed for God to save her, but he didn’t hear her pleas.

  He grabbed her by the back of the shirt and pulled her to her feet. Rhea blinked and tried to focus, but it was hard to remember where she was.

  “This is how things work,” a rough voice said in her ear. “You do what I say and I won’t kill you. Try to run or any more of your little stunts and I’ll have you watch while I drain Morgan dry.”

  The sound of Morgan’s name snapped her back to the present. The hand holding her was not her father’s and she was no longer a helpless child.

  “Screw you, you bastard.”

  He laughed.
“Oh no, that’s your job, sweetheart.”

  Rhea kicked again and fought to pull away from his grasp. She had to get away. There was no way she was letting this creep touch her.

  He slammed her head against the wall again, and light burst behind her eyes before everything went dark.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A hammer thundered against the inside of Rhea’s skull and the acrid smell of mildew and dirt filled her nose and throat. She tried to move, but her hands were bound behind her back and her head screamed in protest when she moved. The room began to spin, and she felt dizzy and weak. She listened but couldn’t hear anything. Maybe she was alone. She opened her eyes and managed to turn enough to get her face out of the dirt. She squinted through the grime, but her eye was swollen, making it difficult to see anything. She lifted her head and tried to force her eyes open. She had to figure out where she was. A sinister laugh echoed through the room and acid rose in her stomach. He was there. He was taunting her, mocking her.

  “What’s the matter, little girl, can’t find your way out of the box?” He laughed.

  Rhea jerked. His voice was getting closer, and she could smell his breath.

  “You made this too easy. I guess all those years on a prison schedule is a hard habit to break. It’s been fun watching this little dance between you and Morgan. Man, how pathetic. I can’t believe she thinks she can have what so clearly belongs to a man.” He ran his finger along her neck.

  Rhea winced at the line of fire that followed his touch and seared through her veins. She couldn’t let him see her fear. If he could break her, he would enjoy her suffering, and she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. She drew her knees up to her chest and rolled onto her back, ignoring the pain cutting into her hands and ripping through her shoulders. She ground her teeth together and glared up at him with all the hatred and rage that boiled inside her.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  He laughed. “What do you want? Why are you doing this? It’s always the same questions. Come on, Rhea, you can do better than that.”

  He leaned over her, and Rhea shifted to keep her feet between them.

  “Some things are obvious, aren’t they,” he sneered and blew her a kiss.

  Rhea lashed out with her legs, kicking wildly, but her control was off. Something was wrong with her.

  He jumped back, laughing. “See, I knew you’d make this fun.”

  She needed to get smart if she was going to get out of this. She sized him up. He was at least six feet tall and there was something about his voice she thought she recognized. She replayed what had happened, and the memory of his breath presented the perfect picture in her mind. She pushed herself onto her knees. The plastic zip ties around her wrists cut into her arms and her hands were going numb. She wiggled her fingers to restore the circulation as she glared up at her captor. She wouldn’t tip her hand. She sat back on her heels and worked at the leg of her jeans to get to the knife she kept in her boot. With a little luck she’d be able to get her hands free. “What did you give me?”

  “Hmm. Figured that out, did you? It’s just a little something to loosen you up a bit. We’ll have a little more as soon as Morgan joins us.” He leaned forward, and Rhea was able to see his face clearly for the first time.

  No. Not Morgan. She couldn’t let him hurt her. She should have known who was behind all of this all along. All the cards were on the table now, and she knew they were about to play out the endgame.

  “What are you waiting for, big man? Do you think you can just take what you want and I’ll just entertain you? What are you waiting for, Jeff, or do you need an audience to get it up?”

  She knew she’d hit a nerve. His face was red with rage, and he chewed the wad of tobacco pressed into his cheek with grinding force.

  “Aw, the big bad man can’t control his little wiener,” Rhea teased.

  “There’s nothing wrong with my dick”—he spat—“and just as soon as Morgan arrives, I’ll prove it.”

  Oh, damn, he was going after Morgan. But what did he mean by when she gets here? Rhea bit down on her tongue and tried to clear the fog out of her head. She didn’t want to imagine this man’s filthy hands on Morgan.

  “This is between me and you. Let’s settle this. Leave Morgan out of it.”

  He laughed at her. “You think this is about you? Oh no, it’s about time I teach Morgan a little lesson. She and I have a little score to settle once and for all.”

  Rhea was speechless. What was it with this guy and Morgan?

  “Yeah, you heard me, girly. And don’t you worry, she’ll be along soon.”

  “Leave Morgan out of this,” Rhea growled.

  He laughed again. “Oh, I can’t do that. I’ve waited a long time to teach that holier-than-thou bitch a lesson, and thanks to you, I’ll finally get my chance.”

  Thanks to her? What was this grudge about? Rhea scanned the room. She wasn’t sure where she was, but she guessed it had to be somewhere near or inside the studio, by the smell of smoke and ash. The room wasn’t very big and had a dirt floor. Maybe it was an old storm cellar or something. She looked around, but no matter where she looked she couldn’t see a way out, and there was no way she’d be able to get past him with her hands tied. She had to figure a way out of this before he involved Morgan. Everybody had a game, and she needed to figure out his.

  “So what’s your beef with Morgan? Did she steal your girlfriend or something, and your little-boy ego can’t handle it?” He didn’t answer. “Ah, that must be it. Morgan showed you up, and you lost the girl. Dude, accept it, she’s better than you.” Rhea chuckled. “I can’t believe you think this can end well for you. You’ll rot in prison, and trust me, a little pissant like you will be very popular on the inside.”

  He turned and spat on the ground in front of her. “Got you again, sweetheart. I won’t be going to prison. When I’m done, everyone will believe it was all you.” He laughed. “My little ex-con scapegoat. Are you getting the picture yet, sweetheart? The police already know you’re up to no good. All I had to do was give them a little incentive. Everyone already knows you’re a murderer, and when you and Morgan have a little falling-out, you lose it again and kill her too. Morgan never did know when to leave things alone. When she’s dead, everyone will believe it was you.”

  Rhea’s mind was racing. She knew his plan, but she didn’t understand why. What drove this guy to want to kill Morgan? If she could just find out why, she could play the game.


  Morgan walked the perimeter of her property and looked out over the fields. Spring wildflowers dotted the landscape with a rainbow of color. Wild orchids grew along the stone wall and pink lady slippers graced the edge of the back field like an invasion of ballerinas. Morning dew dotted the fresh leaves, and blades of grass filled the air with the crisp fragrance of spring. She took a deep breath and gave thanks for her life. She looked down across the field to Rhea’s cabin. The windows were dark, and she hadn’t seen any sign of her since the day before. She wanted to see Rhea, she needed to see her. She missed her. But she’d promised Rhea the chance to decide for herself where things would go between them.

  She looked at her watch. It was strange that Rhea wasn’t already up and moving about the farm. The goats hadn’t been let out for the day, and it was past time for feeding. Morgan walked past the cabin on her way to the barn, but there was no sign of Rhea there either. She went ahead and got started on the chores. Maybe Rhea was sleeping in. After the events of the past few days, she wouldn’t be surprised if she needed a little rest.

  Morgan played with the goats and moved on to the horses. She felt good despite the nagging burns and the cast on her hand. The lights were on in the barn and the horses were restless as if they’d been spooked. She tried to soothe them, but nothing worked. Even the old mare refused to come to her despite the offer of a treat. Morgan had an uneasy feeling. Where was Rhea? She looked around and spotted something odd on the wall. She ran the tip of her finger
through the dark smudge staining the old timber. Morgan’s heart stopped when she realized it was blood. Fear gripped her heart and smothered her soul. Rhea?

  Morgan took a step back and looked around. Something had happened here. There were drops of blood and something else on the floor. Morgan bent down and picked it up. Her stomach revolted, and she yelled out when she realized she was holding a tooth. “Oh, dear God,” Morgan yelled and covered her mouth with the casted hand. Tears filled her eyes. Oh my God, what had happened? Morgan turned in a circle, scrutinizing everything around her. There was no doubt now that something was terribly wrong. Something had happened to Rhea.

  Morgan ran back to the house. She needed to check the video footage from the barn. Why hadn’t she done this earlier? She’d been too wrapped up in herself and too medicated to think clearly. Why hadn’t she paid attention to the warnings? This should have been the first thing she did as soon as she’d gotten home. She threw open the door and Soldier jumped to his feet. She ran into the office and worked her way through the video footage. Soldier laid his head in her lap, and she mindlessly rubbed his ears. “It’s going to be okay, we’re going to find her. I promise we’ll find her.”

  Morgan sped through the video recordings, beginning with the last time she’d seen Rhea. She slowed the tape when she saw Rhea enter the barn the night before. Her heart sank when she saw a dark figure lurking in the background. Whoever it was, he was waiting for her.

  Morgan’s phone rang. She ignored it, irritated by the interruption. Nothing was more important at that moment than finding out what had happened to Rhea and getting her back. She watched Rhea step out of the mare’s stall.

  “Look out,” she screamed when the large figure dressed all in black with a hood pulled over his head grabbed Rhea. She watched in horror as he slammed Rhea to the floor and kicked her. Rhea tried to fight but she was no match for the big man. There was a moment when Rhea looked right into the camera. Morgan recognized the look of terror on her face, and the moment when Rhea shut down.


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