Dark Heritage Trilogy

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Dark Heritage Trilogy Page 45

by Hoffman, Samantha

  “It’s okay,” Beth said, looking scared and uncertain. “I understand.”

  Without another word, Tabitha spun away from the table and shoved the doors open. I hoped that by now Beth knew enough about me to know that I would never treat her like that. Hopefully she would question my actions and come away with the conclusion that it wasn’t really me being such a bitch. I could only wait and hope she made that realization soon, before someone got hurt.

  Chapter Six

  At eight o’ clock, Tabitha opened the door to let Tanya into my room. She carried a large zippered bag that I knew to contain nail polish, makeup, and hair clips. She had used all of them on me at some point or another, during one of our many horrible girl nights. I hated getting all dolled up for no reason, but it made Tanya happy, so I had chosen to suffer through them like the good best friend that I was.

  “Come on in,” Tabitha said in a fake, cheerful tone of voice. “Here, let me take that,” Tabitha said, reaching for the carton of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream in Tanya’s other hand. She set the carton on top of my dresser, right next to two small bowls and spoons that we had used on our last girl night.

  I’m surprised you even bothered to wash them first.

  Nothing but the best for your friend, Tabitha thought cruelly.

  “Where’s Two Socks? Isn’t he here?”

  “No, I haven’t seen him all day. He’s probably trying to find a way out to hunt some mice.”

  Two Socks won’t come back until you’re gone. At least I don’t have to worry about him anymore.

  I wasn’t going to hurt your stupid cat.

  I know, Tabitha. You’re better than that.

  No, I’m not, she admitted. I just have much bigger fish to fry.

  Try not to sound too much like a cliché Disney villain, would ya?

  Tabitha didn’t get as angry as I had expected her to. I’m learning to ignore the things you say and not let them get to me. Your pathetic little jabs won’t get me to stop my plans, Ronnie. And tonight, I’m going to finally set the ball in motion. This will be my first chance at real revenge.

  “How about we start with ice cream?” Tabitha asked.

  “I thought we could start with our nails.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want the fumes from the polish to affect my appetite. Plus, I’m starving.”

  “Good point,” Tanya said, sitting cross-legged on my bed. “Need any help?”

  “Nope. I got it.”

  Tabitha turned her back to the bed. She took the vial from her pocket and unscrewed the cap. She poured the thin, black liquid over the ice cream in the carton. It bubbled for a second before seeping into the ice cream. When Tabitha was sure it had all dissipated, she scooped out two large spoonfuls into each bowl, making sure to not get any on her skin.

  Tabitha, please don’t do this, I pleaded. You don’t have to hurt anyone. Let’s talk this out.

  Too late, Ronnie. I already gave you a chance to make things right in that cemetery, and you turned me down.

  Tanya stop! It’s poisoned! Tanya!

  She can’t hear you, Tabitha thought gleefully.

  Tanya sucked the spoon clean, and I waited for an agonizingly long minute for anything to happen. Just as Tanya went for a second bite, her breath hitched in her throat. The bowl of ice cream fell from her hand, clattering to the ground. She grabbed a fistful of my sheets to steady herself, and Tabitha backed away.

  “Tanya, what’s wrong?” Tabitha asked with fake concern.

  “C-can’t b-breathe,” Tanya managed to wheeze.

  “What should I do?”

  Tanya doubled over as she gasped for breath, unable to answer Tabitha. I could see Tanya’s veins slowly begin to turn black all throughout her arms and neck as she fell to her side on my bed and began to convulse. She choked just once as vomit spewed from her mouth, coating my sheets with thick, black liquid that I couldn’t help but notice looked like congealed blood. Her back arched, contorting into a painful position as she screamed in agony. She began to claw at her arms like the blood in her veins had turned to acid and was burning her alive from the inside out.

  And from what I knew of this poison, it was entirely possible that that’s what was happening.

  Just as Tanya began to have a seizure, the door slammed open, and Ezra burst into the room, wheezing and out of breath. His gaze was locked on Tanya, and I wasn’t sure he even saw Tabitha standing in the corner as he immediately rushed to her side. “Go get help!” he shouted, never looking up from Tanya’s side.

  Tabitha glanced at the doorway, and I saw who Ezra was talking to. My heart began to race at the sight of Finn standing in the doorway in shock. Before I could even call out to him, he had turned on his heel and fled, running through the halls to hopefully find someone to help Tanya. I hoped he found someone in time to save her, but I wasn’t sure how long she had.

  “Baby, I need you to stay with me,” Ezra pleaded. He had Tanya’s face cupped in his hands as he cradled her to his chest. “Stay with me, please. I need you.”

  I could feel Tabitha’s disgust, which was nearly as powerful as my anger. Looks like your plan fell through. Finn will find help and Tanya will be just fine. They’ll give her the antidote, and this will all have been for nothing. If you had known about the antidote, you might have been able to plan a little better.

  I knew about the antidote, Tabitha thought smugly. You think I’ll be that easily defeated? The only person here who stood a chance of taking me out was you, and now that I’ve locked you away where you won’t be any trouble, there’s nobody that can stop me.

  If you knew they had the antidote on hand, why did you even bother? What was the point?

  Even with the antidote, she’ll be in excruciating pain and she’ll be very vulnerable for the next few days while she recovers. I’ll just come back in my own time—probably while everyone else is asleep—and I’ll slit her throat. But for now, I’ve managed to get your best friend out of my way, and her boyfriend, too. He’ll be far too preoccupied with her to bother me.

  So what next?

  Oh, I’ll take out the half-demon, after he finds out his girlfriend is dead, of course. But for now I’ll focus on getting rid of the vampire. And then on to your boyfriend. I can’t wait until you find out what I’ve got in store for him. It’ll be perfect.

  You disgust me.

  I know. And I’m okay with that, Tabitha thought.

  Finn rushed back into the door with Lisa the witch at his heels. She shoved Finn out of the way—which I knew from experience was no easy feat—and she knelt on the floor near Tanya’s head. I watched as she smacked Ezra’s hand and he scooted over, reluctantly letting Lisa take his place. From her pocket, Lisa produced a vial of dark purple liquid that shimmered as if there was silver glitter in it. She unscrewed the top and forced all of it down Tanya’s throat in one quick movement.

  The convulsions stopped, and Tanya’s body relaxed. She was so still I wasn’t even sure she was breathing. Lisa checked for a pulse, frowning at the appearance of the black veins in her wrist. “She’s stable for now, but we have to get her down to the infirmary. She’ll need another dose of the antidote in a few hours. Without it, the poison could spread again, and she would be beyond saving. One of you will have to carry her,” she said, looking at Finn and Ezra. “Hurry.”

  Ezra immediately picked her up and cradled her in his arms like she was the most precious thing in the world, something that didn’t escape Lisa’s notice. Without another glance at Ezra or Tanya, Lisa left the room, and everyone trailed out after her. If you don’t follow them, it will look super suspicious, I reminded Tabitha.

  She groaned, but followed them out into the hall and down to the infirmary. I knew I should probably stop giving Tabitha tips on passing herself off as me, but I had to know that Tanya was going to be okay.

  When she got there, Finn was hanging back, leaning against the wall across the room from Tanya’s bed. He glanced at Tabitha as she joined him, a
nd I could see the worry in his pale blue eyes. “Lisa said that Tanya will probably be fine in a couple of days, unless something else happens to her. It’s a good thing Ezra and I got there when we did, or you’d both probably be dead right now.”

  “What were you guys doing there?” Tabitha asked.

  “We decided to crash your girl night and rescue you,” Finn said with a small, relieved smile. “I know how much you dislike those girly marathons. When we got there, we could hear Tanya choking. Ronnie, what the hell happened?”

  Tabitha burst into fake tears and threw herself into Finn’s arms, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I don’t know. I served us the ice cream, and before I even got to sit down with my bowl, Tanya was having some kind of reaction. It was so horrible,” she said quietly, playing up her sadness to shed any suspicions on herself.

  “I don’t know who would hurt her. She’s so…well, you know how she is.”

  “She’s totally like the nicest person around,” Tabitha said.

  Totally like? That was something I would never say, and I hoped Finn was able to catch it. But he was probably too worried to notice me talking like a fourteen year old instead of my normal self. Or maybe he’d chalk it up to me just witnessing my best friend nearly die from poison. I knew that Tabitha was far smarter than the average fourteen year old, but it looked like even she sounded and acted her age on occasion. That was good to know, and I filed it away for later.

  Lisa walked over, looking solemn and maybe even a little afraid. “The Council will be convening shortly, and you’ll need to explain to us what happened.”

  “Isn’t it obvious? That crazy bitch Tabitha found a way to try and kill Ronnie, and Tanya paid the price!” Finn snapped, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at Lisa. “What are we going to do about it?”

  “Finnley, how would Tabitha make such an attempt on Ronnie’s life? She’s nothing but a spirit. She wouldn’t have been able to poison them.”

  Finnley? Tabitha thought happily. Just when I thought your boyfriend couldn’t get any better.

  “I don’t know how she did it, but she did. Believe me. Tabitha is behind this.” He looked down at Tabitha. “Are you going to be able to find her?”

  “Don’t worry, Finn. If she’s nearby, I’ll find her,” Tabitha said. I could feel her joy, and it made me feel sick to think that she was happy about all of this. “I won’t let you down.”

  Finn leaned forward and kissed Tabitha on the forehead. She flinched and tensed up in his arms. When he pulled away and studied her, I was sure he had noticed that something was wrong, that he wasn’t really holding me. “Ronnie, are you okay? I’m sorry, that was a stupid question. You just watched your best friend get poisoned, of course you don’t want to…I’m sorry.”

  I sighed inwardly as Finn headed over to Ezra’s side. He put a hand on his best friend’s shoulder. Finn…

  Aww, it looks like I hurt his feelings, Tabitha thought gleefully.

  Yeah, you did. And I never would have. Keep playing this game of yours, Tabitha. Sooner or later, you’re bound to make a huge mistake. All of these little imperfections will start to add up, and someone will notice.

  You sure about that?

  Sure enough to make a bet. Ten bucks says it’s Finn that finds out first.

  Oh, Ronnie. You’re so naïve it hurts.

  I snorted. The only naïve one here is you. If Finn doesn’t pull through for me, Annie will when she comes back. For all you know, she could be already be on her way here. Or hell, she could already be in her room unpacking. She’ll take one look at you and know you don’t belong. I’ll be free, and then I’ll help her banish your soul…permanently.

  Tabitha’s hands clenched into fists at her sides, and I could tell I was making her angry, and even a little worried. It was clear from her silence that she hadn’t factored Annie into her plans, which would definitely work in my favor. I just hoped Annie came back sooner rather than later. Only she could save me now.

  Well, I guess I’ll just have to speed up my plans a little. I was going to wait a couple of days to make sure everyone started to let their guard down again, but I see now I can’t afford to waste anymore time.


  The Council members stared down at all of us, and I could feel Tabitha start to waver under Marcel’s intense, scrutinizing stare. It was strange to think that anything or anyone could intimidate Tabitha, but Marcel clearly did, and I wasn’t sure why. Was it because he was my biggest supporter on the Council? Was it because he alone had taken the time to get to know me and could most easily see that something was wrong?

  What does he shift into? Tabitha asked. There was a slight tremor to her thoughts, and I almost smiled.

  Wouldn’t you like to know? I bluffed. I had no clue what Marcel could shift into since I had never asked and he had never offered that information, but she didn’t need to know that. Let her sit there and squirm at the thought of him turning into a giant tiger or something even deadlier, something that could seriously maim her if she stepped out of line.

  It was fun watching her squirm.

  “What happened?” Marcel asked, frowning down at us from his seat. “Start from the beginning.”

  “Tanya and I decided to have a girl’s night. I felt bad because I had kind of snapped at her at dinner, so I offered to let her do my hair and nails. Ice cream was supposed to be part of the night. Tanya showed up with it, but I didn’t ask where she got it from. I served it while Tanya started to set up her makeup supplies. I handed her one bowl, and before I could even sit down with mine, she started to get sick. Watching her like that…I froze. I didn’t know what to do to help her.”

  “Tanya was poisoned, Veronica,” Lisa said.

  Finn snorted quietly. “Thanks, Captain Obvious,” he muttered under his breath.

  “The poison was made with fairy wings, and it was a mixture that should have been locked up in my own personal storage room. Whoever did this had to leave some clues behind, and I’m sure we’ll find them. Once we find out who is behind this, I can assure you, they will be severely punished. Poisoning someone is a most serious crime, one deserving of a most serious punishment.”

  “I’m telling you, it was Tabitha.”

  “Finnley, how could the spirit of a dead girl get into my storeroom?”

  I always forget your full name is Veronica, Tabitha thought silently.

  That’s because the only people that use it are the Council members, and my mother.

  “Maybe Tabitha is possessing someone,” Finn said. “Maybe she found someone easy to take over, and she’s hiding in this very compound right now. Did you even consider that?”

  Lisa looked at Tabitha. “Have you been able to try locating Tabitha’s spirit?”

  “Not since I felt her presence here in the compound. She got away then, and I haven’t been up to looking for her again. But I’ll try again when I get back to my room. Maybe she really is here.”

  “How is Tanya?” Holly asked.

  Probably should have been you that asked, since you are supposed to be her best friend, I pointed out.

  Marcel frowned. “She fell into a coma while Lisa was tending to her. The poison did a lot of damage to her insides, and the antidote is slowly combating that. For now, it’s best that she be in a permanent sleep. Once the poison works its way through her system, she’ll wake up. The only question is how much she’ll remember.”

  “So we just have to wait and see?” Holly asked. I couldn’t see her face since Tabitha wasn’t looking at her, but I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was livid. “There isn’t anything else you can do to help her?”

  “No,” Lisa said slowly. “Only time will heal her.”

  “Ronnie,” Marcel said, looking at Tabitha. “I want you to locate Tabitha’s spirit as fast as you can. I know you’re under a lot of pressure, but the sooner we find her, the better. If she is behind this, she’ll need to be banished immediately, or she may attempt to hurt
others in this compound.”

  “I understand. I’ll go to my room and try right now. If I find anything, I’ll let you know.”

  “Very good. You’re dismissed for now.”

  Holly, Finn, and Tabitha left the Council room behind, and they all stood around in the middle of the hall, unsure of what to do next. “What now?” Holly asked. “Do we just sit around and wait to be picked off by that bitch’s spirit?”

  Tabitha’s hands clenched at her side. “That’s my baby sister you’re talking about.”

  Finn and Holly eyed Tabitha like she had just grown a second head, and I felt myself smile. Well that wasn’t stupid or anything. Keep defending yourself, and they’ll be sure to see who you really are.

  Shut up! Tabitha thought venomously. How often do you and your friends talk about me like that? Do you refer to me as a crazy bitch, too?

  Only when you’re acting like one, I thought back at her. Most of the time I try to remind them that it’s not your fault you’re the way you are. But I would never defend you if I thought you had just tried to murder one of my closest friends.

  “I don’t give a damn if that’s your baby sister,” Holly said, narrowing her eyes at Tabitha. “She just tried to off you and your friend, and you’re gonna defend her? What has gotten into you?”

  Tabitha sighed. “I don’t know,” she said, preparing to try and talk herself out of this hole. “I just feel like if I had been there more, she might not have turned out the way she did. Like, if I had been able to save her from Andrew before he warped her mind, she might be here with us right now, and none of this would be happening. I guess part of me just thinks all of this is my fault.”

  Very nice recovery, I thought grudgingly.

  I figured you always blame yourself for things that go wrong, they’d expect me to do it now.

  It must have killed you to say that about Andrew…


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