Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)

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Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) Page 13

by Synithia Williams

  She cut her eyes at her dad. “I draw the line at discussing what I do in my bedroom.”

  Evan held up a hand. “Fine, I’ll accept that. This guy, were you seeing him before you agreed to date Ryan?”

  She tossed her napkin on the plate of wing bones. Might as well get it all over and done with. “I met him at the wedding. He’s Ryan’s cousin. They don’t get along, but we hit it off. And before you think that I dumped Ryan to hook up with his cousin, you should know that Ryan hooked up with someone else at the wedding as well. I meant it when I said our split was mutual.”

  Evan’s eyebrows clashed over dark eyes. She could tell he didn’t believe that part. Damn it! He always knew when she was lying.

  “So you and Ryan split at the wedding and you both hook up with other people.”

  “Something like that.” She picked up the dessert and drink menu on the edge of the table. It sucked Columbia was a no smoking in restaurants town.

  “And this guy is Ryan’s cousin. Another Caldwell.”


  “The two sides of the family don’t get along.” He scratched his chin. “Are you sure this guy isn’t with you just to get back at Ryan?”

  She vigorously shook her head. “He’s not.”

  Evan leaned forward, the corner of his mouth twisted. “But how do you know that.”

  Mikayla slapped the drink menu back on the table. “I just do, alright?”

  Her dad sighed heavily. He leaned back in the chair and took a slow, measured sip of his drink. His eyes assessed her the entire time.

  “I taught you how men think for a reason. So that you can understand how special you are, what you deserve. I’m not going to tell you that you’re right or wrong in this situation, but I will say keep your wits about you. Don’t get mixed up in the Caldwell family drama. You’re not a part of that family.”

  “I never said I was a part of their family,” Mikayla stated in a resigned voice.

  “Just remember that. Being friends with your employer is hard enough without thinking you’re more important to them than you really are.”

  She balled her hand into a fist on the table. “Why do you do that? Why do you have to talk as if I’m incapable of knowing when someone is taking advantage of me? I’m a smart woman, Dad. Mostly because of you. I finished college, I landed a great job, and I’m successful at what I do. You still think you need to jump in and fight my battles. News flash, I learned to fight in first grade when Stacy McKnight picked at me about the knotty braids on my head.”

  Evan sighed. His eyes filled with remorse, and she knew she’d hit below the belt. He couldn’t help that he didn’t know how to relate to a daughter. That’s what her mom was supposed to be there for.

  “I don’t want you to get hurt,” he said.

  “I’m going to get hurt. Life is full of hurt and pain and bad decisions. But you have to let me make those decisions. I’m fully capable of surviving all three. I’m not your little girl anymore.”

  Evan sat back in his chair and drummed thick fingers on the table. “Is this how you show it? Going from one rich man’s bed to his cousin’s?”

  The easily spoken words sank into her heart like a knife. Evan didn’t have to raise his voice to get his point across. Just throw out cutting words with an edge of have you lost your mind and she was twelve all over again.

  Cheers rumbled in the background, a group of guys responding to a game on one of the flat screens. She twisted in the direction of the commotion, unable to face the truth of her dad’s words.

  She pulled her debit card out of her back pocket and waved the card in the air to catch the waiter’s attention. “I’m going to go now,” she said in an even measured tone that didn’t match the tension pulsating through her body. “I’ll call you next week.”

  The waiter came for the debit card, but Evan pulled out cash and shoved it in the hand of the waiter instead. They stood and walked out. Even with freezing temperatures outside, several people huddled in groups talking and laughing as they waited for seats in the restaurant.

  Mikayla quickly patted her dad’s shoulder. “Love you.” She hurried around him to her car. His grumbled “I love you, too,” followed her.


  Andre sat across from Curtis and Senator Leventis in the main dining hall of the Capital City Club. Located at the top of the largest building in Columbia, the space provided panoramic views of downtown and beyond. They’d been through the false pleasantries and had just finished eating lunch. Senator Leventis could be a poster child for the corrupt politician but was charming enough to convince his constituents to vote him back in and clever enough to hide countless dirty dealings.

  Curtis Caldwell’s shoulders stiffened. Andre readied himself for what lay ahead. The real reason they were here.

  Don’t hurt me, Andre. Mikayla’s words sliced through his brain. His jaw firmed. Senator Leventis was no saint, and this moved helped C.E.S. This had nothing to do with his relationship with Mikayla. Mikayla would never discover he helped ruin her project.

  “You’re going to discourage Dalmtrix from moving into Hartsville County and encourage them to select York County instead.” Curtis’ sly smile made the Senator’s eyes narrow.

  Senator Leventis’ smile melted from his face. He lounged back in the chair, the rigid set of his shoulders and red color rising beneath caramel skin undermined a relaxed appearance.

  “I thought a lot about our conversation last week,” Senator Leventis said slowly. “And, despite your…ideas that she’ll come forward. I’m willing to bet she won’t.”

  “Women are funny, Senator,” Curtis mimicked his opponents position, but his broad shoulders were relaxed. “They’ll tell you whatever you want to hear when their bobbing their heads between your legs, then forget the promises when a bigger package comes around.”

  Senator Leventis’s beady eyes narrowed. “She’d never betray me like that.”

  Curtis chuckled and turned to Andre. “Show the Senator what you got.”

  Pushing back thoughts of Mikayla, Andre moved his iPad closer to Senator Leventis. With a few swipes of his finger, a video popped up. The Senator’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. Sweat broke out along his brow and the Senator jerked forward in his seat.

  “Where did you get that?”

  “Sit back,” Andre shrugged and cocked his head to the side. “She provided it.”

  Andre stopped the video and flipped the cover over the screen. His stomach churned with disgust. She was Laurel O’Neal, a well-known owner of an escort service. Her business had undergone several investigations over the years. Many probes into her connections with wealthy politicians and businessmen and her potential influence on public policy had started over the years. All were promptly shut down. Obviously the woman had connections in high places. Somehow his dad had learned of one of her biggest.

  “You’re lying,” the Senator ground angry words through clenched teeth.

  Curtis tented his fingers beneath his chin. “How else would I get the video you two made in her bedroom? Believe me, Senator, I have ways of getting what I want, but stealing videos of people’s private moments, isn’t one of them.” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “I also know that certain parts of this video were clipped and posted to an amateur porn site. I’m willing to bet the press would love to know that.”

  Sweat popped up along Senator Leventis’ brow. “You have no way to prove that.”

  Curtis laughed. “The birthmark on your belly is all the proof we need. Now, again, you’re going to encourage Dalmtrix to move to York County instead of Hartsville.”

  “But Hartsville is my constituency. They need the jobs. Why do you care where Dalmtrix goes anyway?”

  Curtis looked at Andre. Andre sat up and nailed the Senator with a hard look. “We want Dalmtrix in York County. The reason is none of your business.”

  “So I’m supposed to forget about three hundred jobs in an area that needs them. Renege
on a deal that would benefit the people who voted for me, just because you want Dalmtrix in a county far richer than Hartsville?”

  Andre had no argument for that. York County was more prosperous than Hartsville, and there were other businesses who may be interested in using the gas from the landfill. But the potential buy from Dalmtrix was huge. In another year, York County was liable to fail to comply with air quality standards and no industry would locate there. The choices were to push Dalmtrix now and get the boost in the expansion of C.E.S., or hope that the current industries in the area would be willing to pay for upgrades to use the gas from the landfill. Their methods for getting what he wanted were dirty, but Dalmtrix in York instead of Hartsville was the most beneficial for C.E.S.

  But it ruins Mikayla’s career. Guilt burned his stomach. Senator Leventis didn’t support this project for the good of the people. His support secured votes and provided kickbacks for other projects.

  Curtis leaned forward. “Are these the same constituents who dropped their last dollar bills into your campaign box two years ago that you turned around and used to fund an orgy at Laurel’s house?”

  The senator’s face mottled a bright red. “That’s preposterous!”

  “You forget, I was there. I saw your people pull money from that same box and use it to pay Laurel’s girls.”

  Only years of learning not to reveal his emotions kept Andre’s jaw from dropping. He thought his dad had paid Laurel for the information. Not that he was also involved with the escort. He wished learning the truth surprised him.

  “And to answer your question,” Curtis said. “Yes, we would move three hundred jobs to another part of the state just because we want to. The only question now is will you support the move.”

  Senator Leventis’s gaze flipped down to the iPad on the table. “Do I have a choice?”

  Curtis shrugged and turned to Andre. “I think he does.”

  Andre dug deep and thought about C.E.S. Making this move didn’t make him the camera man. Only provided a means to an end, and happened every day in politics. A maneuver which supported the business he worked all his life to grow. Still, his stomach twisted.

  Weakness. Something Andre couldn’t afford to have in the business world. Something that was only there because of his time with Mikayla. He couldn’t let her make him soft. He’d be her nice guy, but here, he had to be ruthless.

  Squaring his shoulders, Andre turned to the Senator. “You have until the end of the week to support the protests about the landfill in Hartsville and the concerns that Dalmtrix moving there will make things worse. Otherwise, the video will be released to every major news station in South Carolina.”

  The senator tugged at the knot of his red and white tie. “What makes you think me speaking with the protestors will prevent Dalmtrix from coming?”

  “Easy,” Andre said. “You were the one who convinced the governor to seek Dalmtrix. She’ll still support your choice to encourage them to move to another part of the state because it means jobs for South Carolina. You’ll still be viewed as a champion for looking out for the quality of life of those in your home County. So you see, this benefits everyone.”

  Except for Mikayla. Andre’s jaw tightened.

  The Senator’s face hardened. “You can sugar coat it and make it seem like a win, but I know what this is about. I disagree, and that video goes everywhere. I lose my position, my wife and my kids. I go with the move, it looks good on the surface, but I still fail on a campaign promise to bring jobs.”

  Neither Andre nor his dad responded. After a few seconds of observing the two men, Senator Leventis tossed the napkin from his lap onto the table. “You’ve got me by the balls. Promise me that if I do this, the video disappears.”

  “Now why would I give up all my cards?” Curtis asked.

  “This is bullshit.” The Senator shoved back his chair and stood. “Forgive me if I don’t wish you a good day.” He spat out and marched away.

  Andre swirled the water in the crystal goblet on the table. “Though I’m no fan of Senator Leventis, he is right. We could expand our program with a company already in York. There is interest there, especially with the new air standards looming.”

  Curtis squinted as if Andre had lost his mind. “What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t you know this is about more than Dalmtrix and our methane program?”

  Andre met his dad’s questioning gaze with one of his own. “What else is this about?”

  Curtis smirked. “My damn brother purchased land near the Dalmtrix site. He’s planning on putting in a development nearby. Moving Dalmtrix kills two birds with one stone.”

  “You know about that?”

  “Looks like you know about it, too. Where did you hear? While you were screwing the hell out of Ryan’s ex-girlfriend?”

  Andre drew back. “Her name is Mikayla. And for the record, I’m not sleeping with her.”

  “Then what the hell are you doing coming to Columbia early to spend the weekend with her.”

  “That’s not why I came to Columbia early.”

  Curtis laughed. “You must think I’m stupid, boy. I could tell by the look on your face last week that you were still thinking about that girl. It was one thing when I thought you slept with her for fun, but you’re actually getting feelings for this girl.”

  “My relationship with Mikayla has nothing to do with this conversation.”

  “It has everything to do with this conversation.” Curtis pointed a finger at him. “You showed that video today without hesitation, and laid out what would happen if the Senator disagreed with us without batting an eyelash. You knew what you were doing when you killed this deal. Forget that girl. Ryan isn’t going to let you snoop around his ex-girlfriend without getting jealous. He may be enjoying Angelica’s delights right now, but he will snatch that girl right back from you just out of spite. That’s the way my brother and his kids are. Ryan will make sure he stays in this girl’s thoughts just to keep you out.”

  Curtis slid back the chair and rose to his feet. Andre watched him walk away. For Andre, this thing with Dalmtrix only concerned helping C.E.S. Not a way to one up his cousin’s family. He’d protected Mikayla after Ryan hurt her, keeping his involvement in the Dalmtrix relocation meant he would also protect her from this side of himself.

  But would Ryan abandon Angelica and go back for Mikayla when he learned she was seeing him? Anger and jealousy played around with the guilt in his stomach. Anger he understood. Jealousy baffled him. Jealousy came before love. Love could make him as foolish as his mother. His palms slickened and his breaths sputtered panicked and short. This thing with Mikayla opened him to feelings he’d hoped to never experience. Feelings that had the potential to do significant damage if they weren’t controlled.


  Mikayla’s Monday started with a snide filled how are you holding up conversation with Charity, a passing wardrobe critique from Renee, and proposals for new subdivisions in Georgia and North Carolina from Philip’s secretary. When she sank into the chair at her desk, she quickly pulled the nicotine patches from her purse and put one on her back. Might as well get a handle on the craving before the stress really kicked in.

  She stared at the proposals but thought about the Dalmtrix deal. There must be a way to salvage that land acquisition. She tapped an ink pen on the desk. Maybe they could work something out with the school district. Somewhere she’d heard talk about a new high school, which meant a new subdivision nearby would work. Ryan knew the superintendent. They could approach him. This was just the type of idea she’d frequently go to him with. Now, she’d rather skip hair appointments for two months than work closely with him.

  A knock on the door broke through her thoughts. Ryan stood in the doorway wearing a tailored navy suit. Several weeks ago she would have admired him, and while still handsome, she didn’t see her friend, only the guy who’d humiliated her.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  He grinned and slowly made his wa
y into the room. “You’re not automatically kicking me out of your office. That’s progress.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t try me this morning. What do you want?”

  Her sharp tone didn’t brush the smile from his face. “I’ve gotten word that the Hartsville school district is considering building another high school.”

  She nodded. “That’s nothing new. It was another reason I pushed the land acquisition.”

  “Have you thought about how to make the land purchase work out with the new high school so close?”

  She dragged in a deep breath, drummed her fingers on the desk. “Actually, I was just thinking about that. Once Dalmtrix announced their intentions, I planned to reach out the parks and recreation department to see about incorporating the plans for their new activity center in with our development.”

  Ryan sat on the edge of the desk. “Good idea. The Hartsville community development department is looking at building an affordable housing community.”

  Mikayla sat up in her chair. “If we could get in on that deal, incorporate mixed-use housing and commercial near the new high school, we may not get back the money we expected but it wouldn’t make the deal a complete loss. The market for that type of development could work there on a small scale.”

  Ryan winked. “I knew you’d come to that conclusion. That’s why I set up a meeting with the superintendent for late this morning and later this afternoon with their community development director. Are you ready to ride?”

  “You want to go to Hartsville today?”

  “I don’t want to, I’m going to. And since you’re the lead on this land acquisition, you’re coming to help.”

  She’d learned to get through the days working with Ryan, but that didn’t mean she wanted to spend all day in a car with him. “I’ve got a busy day ahead. I can’t go.”

  Pain flashed in his dark eyes, and then resignation took over. He straightened and squared his shoulders. “I don’t call rank often, but today I am. You’re going with me to Hartsville.”


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