Starcrossed Hearts

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Starcrossed Hearts Page 32

by Star Crossed Hearts (lit)

"Hi," Dane began.

  "Hello. May I please have my Barbie?"

  "Of course, princess. Does your Barbie have some friends?"

  "I have five Barbies and two Kens."

  "Lucky Kens! My daughter has a few of these. Maybe someday you and she can play Barbies together."

  "Does she have ‘Bride Barbie?’"

  "I don’t know, cutey. Probably."

  "I don’t," Megan said sadly. "Why didn’t your little girl come to dinner?"

  Dane’s smile was bittersweet as he glanced down at the sleeping boy beside him. "My little girls live with their mommy. Kinda like you, huh?"

  "Did you move away from them like my daddy did?"

  Dane’s eyes met Mac’s as the latter looked up from the fire, and the two shared silent, meaningful communication. Dane lifted Megan onto his good knee.

  "Sometimes a mommy moves away, too," he began. "But you know what? I still love my daughters just as much as when we all lived together. Maybe more. Just like your daddy loves you."

  Megan nodded solemnly. "But Alexander lives with you, huh?"

  "That’s right."

  "I might come to live with my daddy, too."

  "Is that right?" Dane stole another glance at Mac, now reclined on the rug before the fire.

  "Did Alexander’s mommy marry someone else, Uncle Dane?"

  "Uncle Dane…" he murmured to himself in amusement. "Yes, as a matter of fact, she did, pumpkin. Why?"

  "Because when my mommy marries Frank, I want to come live with Daddy and Jessica."

  Mac’s mind snapped back to full consciousness and he lifted his head to gaze at his small daughter perched on Dane’s knee. Dane’s own eyebrows were up and he favored Mac with a whimsical, questioning smile.

  With a groan, Mac dragged himself to his feet and lifted Megan from Dane’s lap.

  "Time for bed, little girl. Tell Uncle Dane goodnight."

  Megan squirmed until Mac put her down, and she timidly wrapped her short arms around Dane’s neck.

  "Good night, Uncle Dane," she said sweetly, kissing his cheek. "I hope your leg gets better soon."

  "Thanks, princess." Dane gave her a hug before turning her back toward her father. As Megan skipped ahead, Mac turned a rueful smile on Dane.

  "What is it about you, anyway?"

  Dane shrugged, feigning helplessness, then turned his shining eyes to the fire.

  ~ * ~

  Reva retired at eight o’clock, and Roxie pushed Tom out the door at nine; Bill followed shortly thereafter. Jessica and Jackie began making hot chocolate and exchanging details about the latest Hollywood scandals. Jessica marveled at how long she had been out of touch.

  Going to the liquor cabinet, she searched in vain for the peppermint schnapps she’d picked up earlier for making the hot chocolate. Puzzled, she started to call out to Mac, but then remembered that others were sleeping. Reaching back into the cabinet, she selected a substitute. "We’ll just have to use Irish cream."

  Jackie smiled. "I’ve never heard of this…booze in hot chocolate?"

  "Cocoa, Schnapps, Cinnamon, uh…whipped cream if you have it. We use milk, mostly." Carefully she measured a dollop of Bailey’s into three of the four cups. "So, Jackie, are you staying with Dane tonight?" Too late she realized the personal way the question came out; she had been on an entirely different track. Sensing Jackie’s immediate discomfort, she hurriedly continued. "I mean, just coming out of the hospital and all, he’s probably in need of a little help, companionship…I didn’t mean, well…"

  "I’m no match for you in Dane’s eyes, Jessie," she responded quietly, not looking at Jessica. "He hasn’t asked me to go home with him."

  "Match for me? You don’t have to be. Hey, Jackie, don’t make Dane out to be something he isn’t. I know he seems…bigger than life, sometimes, and sometimes he does some pretty crazy things…but really, he’s just…just a guy. Inside, he has the same needs as everyone else. And just because he hasn’t asked you certainly doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like to."

  Jackie didn’t answer, and Jessica suffered an awkward moment, wishing she’d kept her mouth shut. Surely Dane was fond of Jackie, but…

  And why had she brought it up at all?

  The chaotic day settled into a cozy night. Mac sat on the floor, comfortably reclined against a hassock; joining him, Jessica sat between his legs, leaning back against him as his arms encircled her rounded abdomen. His eyes stared dreamily into the fire.

  Not far away, Dane stretched out on the hearth rug, his head cradled in Jackie’s lap. Absently she stroked Dane’s hair; she, too, seemed mesmerized by the flames. Dane himself might have been sleeping if it were not for the slightest smile Jessica perceived as she glanced over at him.

  Mac’s lips found her ear and she shivered. "It was good, wasn’t it?"

  "What was good?"

  "Our dinner party. It worked. It was fun," he whispered, now kissing her ear just a little too intimately for Jessica’s mood. Turning her head to avoid his advance only served to turn his attention to her neck; his fingers slipped into the non-space between her breasts and her bulging stomach.

  "Mac…" she whispered, craning her neck to look into his now liquid and slightly reddened eyes; he took the opportunity to claim her mouth as she gazed at him.

  The kiss was dizzying. The scent of his cologne, the warmth of the fire…the taste of peppermint. Peppermint? Abruptly she pulled her lips from his and peered intently into his eyes.

  "My God, Cory, you’re drunk!"

  "No way, sugar. You know I don’t drink." Mac made a good show of false sobriety.

  "He’s potted, Jess, and he’s one lyin’ son-of-a-bitch, besides." Dane’s lazy drawl piped up from where he lay, his eyes still closed and his smile broad. Above him, Jackie giggled.

  "Don’t be mad, it was Dane’s fault. He made me do it." Mac turned on his most winsome smile.

  "Right. I made you drink the whole damned thing. As if anyone could make you do anything, MacKendall, with that hard-assed attitude of yours. And by the way, thanks for sharing." Dane’s voice was comically sarcastic.

  Jessica’s eyes lit on the empty bottle on the hearth and widened. They had put away the whole thing?

  "Why should I share when you had your own?" Mac countered, pointing to another, near-empty bottle near Dane’s right hand.

  Jessica attempted to stand but was pulled back into Mac’s lap, this time facing him.

  "And where do you think you’re going?"

  "To bed. If I wanted to sit around with a couple of drunks, I’d go to a bar."

  Mac’s expression turned to a hurtful pout as she untangled herself and crawled away from him, stopping before Jackie and Dane.

  Ignoring Dane, she spoke directly to Jackie.

  "The guest room is at the end of the hall. If he isn’t able to get up, leave his drunken ass here. Help yourself to whatever you need, there’s clothes, towels, whatever, in the closet in there." She leaned close and touched Jackie’s shining ebony hair affectionately, and Dane chose just that moment to open his eyes and grin at her. Jessica could take no more from either Dane or Mac, and covered Dane’s eyes with her hand as she continued. "Sleep as late as you like…we’ll have a late brunch, how does that sound?"

  Jackie nodded dreamily. If only Dane did love her, Jessica thought fleetingly as she lifted her hand from his face.

  Before she could rise, Dane grasped her wrist.

  "Thanks for dinner," he said simply.

  "Thanks for polluting my husband," Jessica retorted, pulling her arm away and getting to her feet. Carefully stepping over Mac’s legs she left the room.

  "She’s pissed, Mac," Dane warned as Mac struggled dizzily to stand.

  "You think I don’t know that? Thanks a lot." Despite the sarcasm, Mac bent and extended his hand to Dane. "Get up. I won’t have you sleeping on the floor."

  Dane nearly pulled Mac to his knees. Jackie stood by as the two men began a comic routine of each trying to steady the other, their
laughter threatening to wake Alexander as he slept nearby.

  "Shit, MacKendall, you’re drunker than I am when I’ve had twice as much," Dane pointed out.

  "But my liver is healthier," Mac returned, still laughing. "Or at least it used to be. Before Amande." Mac now grimaced, recalling the gruesome hangover he’d suffered the morning after Dane had introduced him to tequila shooters.

  "Sleep well, my friend." Dane slapped Mac on the shoulder as Mac made a crooked path from the room. Turning to Jackie, he put his arm around her and led her toward the hall. "Too tired to give a hurting man a massage?"

  ~ * ~

  The tiny knock at the door could only be Megan, Jessica thought tiredly as she quietly slipped out from beneath Mac’s arm and tiptoed across the bedroom. Glancing at the clock, she read eight-thirty. At least it wasn’t six, she thought with some comfort. Grabbing her robe, she quietly opened the door and stepped into the hall.

  "Me n’ Alex are hungry."

  "Okay, sweetheart. Give me five minutes, okay? You go get dressed, and I’ll fix you something in a few minutes."

  "Can we go outside?"

  "Sure. Stay away from the pool, and don’t climb the trees. And stay out of Daddy’s car, okay?"

  Megan nodded and skipped off to her bedroom.

  She watched Mac sleeping while she hurriedly dressed in a pink T-shirt and new, blue denim maternity overalls. He was dead to the world.

  "I look like Bozo," she complained quietly to herself as she gazed into the wardrobe mirror. Quickly she brushed out her hair, noting that it was longer than she’d worn it since high school: almost to her waist in the back and losing the perm she’d had…when? April?

  Time sure flies when you’re having fun…she’d made her first major motion picture, fallen in love, become pregnant, been abducted, married, separated, had traveled around the world and had reconciled since January. Yes, I’ve been busy.

  Slipping into her sandals, she went to the bed and leaned down to kiss Mac’s cheek before leaving the room. "I love you," she whispered, noting how adorably his hair fell across his face as he slept, vaguely remembering how she’d refused to help him undress the night before. He’d managed anyway, she noticed, lifting the sheet to check, her eyes appreciating the perfection of his nude form.

  Jessica prided herself on being able to cook waffles and scramble eggs at the same time without burning either. And brew coffee, to boot. She fed the children in record time and sent them back outside to play; now it was her time to enjoy a cup of coffee and take a look at Variety. Propping her feet up on an adjoining chair, she crossed her still delicate ankles and relaxed.

  "I thought the kitchen was this way," Dane announced as he joined her moments later. "The coffee was the giveaway."

  "Good morning, Mr. Pierce. Want some?"

  "I’ll get it…you look too perfect sitting that way."

  "Well, I work hard at looking perfect."

  He filled a mug and sat down across from her.

  "Says here your next film is about a senator who runs amuck. I thought you’d given up acting for awhile."

  "Well…the part is just too good. Couldn’t find anyone I like better."

  "Better than yourself? How modest." Jessica smiled at Dane over her coffee cup. "I knew you couldn’t stay away from the camera for long."

  "Just like I can’t stay away from you for long."

  She stared at him intently before finally deciding to ignore his comment. "Sleep well? I take it Jackie’s still asleep."

  "Yes, and yes."

  "She’s really a sweet girl, Dane."

  "She’s…most attentive," Dane dodged, shifting in his chair.

  "Don’t break her heart." Jessica’s words had spilled out before she’d known she was speaking them.

  "I have little control over that."

  "You offer her the same money-back guarantee you offered me?"

  "Cruel, Jessica. Really low."

  "Sorry. I couldn’t help it, darling."

  "No problem." He smiled despite her rebuff. "Mac up yet?" The shine in his eyes was unmistakable.

  "What do you think?"

  "I think he’s going to be one hurting boy when he wakes up." Again Dane shifted his position, groaning as he tried to bend his throbbing knee.

  "Sounds like you are one hurting boy. Can I get you something?"

  "I could use a sponge bath."

  Jessica looked away and smiled, then sighed. "Just can’t stop, can you?" She stood and poured herself another cup of coffee. "Let me tell you something, Dane," she said, sitting back down and lowering her voice. "There isn’t much you could do to make me really angry with you. I can’t forget or negate all we’ve been through together. But if you ever do anything again to come between Mac and me, I’ll never speak to you again. I swear it, Dane. Never. You do understand that, don’t you?"

  He smiled charmingly, reaching over to caress the back of her hand lightly with his fingers. "Yes, I do understand." Dane paused, now lifting his mug close to his lips. "By the way, I’m asking Jacqueline to marry me." His eyes sparkled emerald green; Jessica’s lips parted in stunned astonishment.

  They both turned as Mac appeared in the doorway.

  "Jess?" His voice was soft, tentative; his right hand shaded his eyes from the light pouring through the kitchen window. Barefoot and shirtless, his button-fly jeans were misbuttoned and his hair was awry.

  In spite of her anger at him the night before, Jessica jumped from her chair and rushed to him, standing on tiptoe to tenderly embrace him while pressing her cheek against his. He wobbled unsteadily and grabbed the doorjamb for support.

  Dane chuckled and shook his head, struggling to his own feet to refill his mug. He then took another cup from the cabinet and filled it for Mac, putting it on the table and hobbling back to his seat.

  "Shot of Schnapps in your coffee, little brother? Oh! Forgot. We’re out."

  Mac swallowed and wet his lips, squinting at Dane. "Don’t ever leave me alone with him again," he told Jessica ruefully. "He’s trying to kill me, I know it."

  "He’s finally caught on. Damn." Dane reached to pull Mac’s chair out.

  Mac and Jessica sat down at the table. After a sip of steaming coffee, Mac leaned over and kissed Jessica briefly on the lips. "Good morning, love," Mac murmured.

  "Hi. You need some aspirin?"

  "Already took some." He leaned his forehead into his hands.

  "Share with Mac what you’ve just told me." Jessica smiled wickedly at Dane, hoping to get back at him for taunting her beloved, knowing he would never repeat his obvious ploy at her heart.

  "About Jackie? I’m going to propose, Mac. What do you think she’ll say?"

  Jessica’s face blushed a warm pink. He’d called her bluff. He had really repeated it! Was Dane seriously considering marriage to Jackie?

  "I know what she should say, and if she’s smart she’ll be in a dead run when she says it," Mac responded, his bloodshot eyes holding the slightest merriment for Dane’s viewing.

  "Okay. You two are great friends. Here I am, sharing this most serious news, and you both treat me like shit."

  Mac looked at Jessica for her reaction; Jessica’s eyes met his in smug skepticism, and Dane looked away.

  "Hey, man, you consulted me before asking Jess…"

  "Yeah, and I can’t repeat what you said in front of her," Mac countered in amusement. "Don’t you think you ought to cool off for awhile? The ink hasn’t even dried on your divorce decree."

  Dane only smiled.

  Part Nine: Deliverance


  Full Circles

  "I can’t go."

  Jessica sat on the corner of the bed, her belly filling what might have been called her lap. Silently she stared at the black velvet dress hanging in the closet.

  "What’s the matter, Mommy?" Mac stepped out of the bathroom, buttoning a white shirt across his chest.

  Her response was a lowered chin and a pouty bottom lip. Standing
before her, Mac dropped to his knees and slipped his arms around her largely non-existent waist.

  "I can’t go," she murmured again.

  "Miss the premiere? You feel that bad?"

  "I don’t know." Jessica’s eyes were so low they were almost closed. "I feel crummy. I look like a black barrel in that dress."

  Mac pressed his cheek against hers in sympathy.

  "Honey, the dress is beautiful and you will look perfect. This is your special night. Come on," he coaxed, taking her hands and helping her to stand up. "Just put it on. You’ll see."

  Jessica complied, standing up and taking the dress from the closet and tossing it across the bed.

  "It is pretty. Rox outdid herself this time," she said, yet her voice was still glum. She looked at her husband, who was back in the bathroom still fussing with his shirt.

  "You chose the Armani. It’s very sexy, you know." While her eyes admired him, her voice quietly accused him.

  "The Billy Martin was just…too formal." Mac came to her and held out his hand, dropping a black onyx cufflink into her hand. With a sigh, Jessica carefully threaded the link into his cuff.

  "Thanks." Mac slipped on the jacket and turned to face her. Indeed, he looked better than he ever had. The shirt was collarless, with a single black onyx stud at the throat. The black jacket had narrow lapels, the sides cut short above his trouser pockets and longer in the back.

  Jessie sighed again. "I guess I have to go to keep the women off of you."

  "I’ll help you. The limo will be here in thirty minutes."

  Her hair was already done, worn up and in elegant curls carefully pinned all around. She had complained to the hairdresser that she could set off metal detectors with all the bobby pins in her hair. Mac untied and slid her robe off, suppressing a small exclamation at the sight of her tremendous belly. Indeed, the baby was due in three weeks but could come any time by the looks of her.

  He helped her into the gown, carefully zipping it up the back and tying the sash. It was an understated, charming creation, one Roxanne had designed herself and painstakingly adjusted as Jessie had grown larger than predicted. The dress itself was floor length, black velvet, with a round neckline trimmed with wide, ruffled, black taffeta which also dressed her cuffs. The same taffeta created the high, faux waistband that trailed to the back and tied in a bow. Simple, comfortable, tasteful.


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