Rebel Song: (Rebel Series Book 3) ((Rebel Series))

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Rebel Song: (Rebel Series Book 3) ((Rebel Series)) Page 24

by J. C. Hannigan

  “You can’t be too careful,” he’d shrugged when Gordon started razzing him about it. “Especially not after everything that’s happened,” he added, drawing me closer to him.

  “I’m just playing,” Gordon said apologetically. He looked at me. “I’m glad you guys are okay, Becs.”

  “Me too,” I smiled.

  Tommy brought Sam, who hugged me tightly when she saw me. “Congratulations on your budding relationship!” she grinned, the smile on her face organic and happy.

  “Thanks,” I blushed. I still wasn’t entirely comfortable with the attention Travis and I garnered.

  Brock and Tessa were the last to arrive, and they were happily surprised by the bon voyage banner dedicated to them. Not only was it the last hurrah of summer, but Travis had wanted to acknowledge Brock and Tessa’s new chapter, and he even had a cake made for Tessa, wishing her good luck in her ventures.

  The cake itself was meant to be a joke; it was a cow giving birth. It was rather morbid looking, with the baby calf head sticking out of the cow’s rear end, but Tessa was delighted by it. “Look at the detail!” she laughed, crouching down to get a closer look at it. “Who wants the head?” she joked with a grin.

  Four hours later, we watched the last of the guests leave as we stood in the open doorway. Travis’s arms were wrapped around my waist and his lips were close to my ear. As soon as the gate swung shut and their taillights faded from view, he started kissing the side of my neck.

  I turned my head to look at him. His right hand raised to cradle my chin as he kissed me, moving his hips against me, pressing hard enough that I could feel the outline of his erection.

  “You are stunning, Becs, but this dress has to come off,” he said lowly.

  “So what are you waiting for?” I asked.

  “I plan on taking my time…all night,” he murmured, tugging me the rest of the way inside before closing the door.

  “Isn’t your mom going to be home soon?” Braden and Elle had texted me when they arrived back at the house and sent Kimberley on her way.

  “Not tonight, she’s staying with a friend in town this weekend,” Travis shrugged. “She wanted to give us the house to ourselves I guess.”

  “She didn’t have to do that,” I argued, feeling guilty for displacing her.

  “She knows that, but she wanted to. She knows I’m leaving on Monday,” Travis explained. “Now, enough talking…more stripping. I want you naked in my bed, your legs spread wide open—mine for the taking.”

  Somehow, we made it to his bedroom—despite the multiple times we paused so he could push me against the wall and kiss me like he never wanted to stop.

  Finally, he had me right where he wanted me—and right where I wanted to be. Naked across his sheets, panting with anticipation and need.

  He stood at the foot of his bed and pulled his shirt off, his abs on full display. Every muscle in his body was coiled, and judging by the impassioned look in his eyes, he was displaying a lot of restraint.

  “In a heartbeat, Becs. I’d give it all up for you,” he said, unable to tear his eyes off of me. He crawled up toward me, his hand running up my leg and pausing on the curve of my hip. I knew he was talking about Nashville, about leaving on Monday, about his career.

  “I don’t want you too,” I told him as I smiled. “You’re too talented to walk away, and I believe in us.”

  “I’m going to cut down on tours, and being gone,” he promised, shifting so that he could kiss the hollow part of my collarbone. Goose bumps erupted across my flesh, and I sighed when his lips continued their quest to the peak of my nipple.

  He tugged it into his mouth with his teeth, his lips and tongue soothing the ache they caused. He lifted his head again, moving forward to capture my lips with his. His kiss seared through me, and I moaned, my centre ripe with anticipation as his hand crept lower and lower down the middle of my body. Between my breasts, down my abdomen, and between my legs, where his fingers danced across my glistening core.

  “I’ll come back for Christmas, for a week…maybe two,” he continued, the picture he painted as erotic as the feel of his index and middle fingers toying with me, gentle caresses and flicks that made me throb.

  He looked down, watching his fingers glide across my opening, and his eyes darkened with desire. His cock jumped against my thigh, and he ground it against me. I could feel his precum against my flesh, and I whimpered with need.

  “And I’ll fly you guys out to see me,” he added, his voice an octave deeper.


  “Whenever you want,” he whispered, kissing where my throat met my collarbone, his fingers still working me over. He dipped his middle finger in, and I gripped the bedsheet as he massaged my clit with a slow intensity. It was a miracle that I was able to focus even a little bit on what he was saying, especially with his fingers moving the way they were.

  He kicked off his pants and climbed on top of me, pushing my legs apart with his knee. He held himself up with one hand while he guided his thick cock to my entrance. He pushed in slowly, spreading me, and paused once his crown was in to look at me. I could see how much I meant to him in the emotion that swirled in his hazel eyes.

  I gasped when his crown brushed against my clit. He pushed forward, sinking into me, until he was buried as deep as he could go, until I couldn’t tell where he ended and I began.


  For the last three years, I’ve been working on the Rebel series, pouring my heart and soul into this song of family, friendship, and redemption. Each story came with its own set of challenges, and I really couldn’t have done it without the help of my village!

  Thank you so much to the FANnigans; your continued support and endless encouragement is the very fuel I need to stay motivated. Also, thank you for happily tolerating my ridiculous #WineWithJC nights! I am so thankful we have that space to connect.

  Elizabeth Barone, Molli Moran, Briana Pacheco and Emerald O’Brien; thank you each for talking me down from the metaphorical ledge all those times I struggled with writers block, for being fabulous writing critique partners and sprinting companions, and for believing in this book as much as I do!

  To my kick ass team of alphas: Kristen Johnson, Danielle Renee, Julie Gustafson-Monk, and Kendra Schmucker; thank you all so much for providing helpful feedback that made Travis and Becky’s story even better than I could have ever imagined. Your genuine enthusiasm for my characters and the world I’ve created here has me PUMPED!

  Thank you to my fantastic personal assistant/editor Shawna Gavas for kicking ass at all you do; to Chelsea Barnes of CJPB Designs for creating my exquisite cover; and to Jade Eby for formatting!

  To the love of my life, my husband Matt...thank you for loving me and supporting me, and for helping me chase my dreams! Thank you for bringing home chocolate and for those difficult scenes that most definitely merited chocolate.

  And finally, to you...dear reader. Thank you for reading!

  Collide Series




  Damaged Series

  Damaged Goods

  Reckless Abandon

  Rebel Series

  Rebel Soul

  Rebel Heart

  Rebel Song

  J.C. Hannigan lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband, their two sons, and their dog.

  She writes contemporary new adult romance and suspense. Her novels focus on relationships, mental health, social issues, and other life challenges.






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