Alpha Lover

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Alpha Lover Page 10

by Brenda Sparks

  He intended on taking the women to see the Peterhof Palace. Having once belonged to his family, it now housed a museum located in St. Petersburg.

  “Why not bring your friend with us?”

  “Do you mind if I call Penny first to be sure she is okay with the idea?” she asked him.

  “Of course,” Nicholai assured her. “Go ahead. Call her now.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Julie stepped away from the table as she drew the phone from her purse. “I’ll be only a minute.”

  She punched in a number and strolled across the restaurant, obviously seeking a place that would afford her a little privacy.

  Nicholai spooned a bit of the caviar into his mouth. As he savored the salty delight, he lifted the champagne from the ice bucket and poured himself a glass before doing the same with Julie’s flute.

  Nicholai leaned back in his plush velvet chair and looked around, noting the people in the room. He watched his heartmate navigate the restaurant, phone to her ear, until a pin-thin, blonde woman obscured his view.

  For a reason he could not fathom, his stomach tightened. His protective instincts screamed at him, demanded he go to his mate and ensure her safety. Just as his intuition pushed him forward in his chair and he started to rise, the tall blonde passed by Julie and moved toward the bar.

  Juliette walked across the crowded room. The sight of her swaying hips sent a rush of lust coursing through his body, hardening it. She was sheer perfection in his eyes. He loved those curves she lamented about. Nothing enticed him like a woman with an hourglass figure. Modern stick-figure models with their boyish bodies did nothing for him. It thrilled him his heartmate had a fuller womanly body.

  He took a sip of champagne and watched her ample bosom jostle slightly with each step in her high heels. The gentle up and down motion mesmerized him and brought a sensuous grin to his lips.

  She gracefully slipped into her soft chair.

  “So?” he asked. “Are we a go? Do I get to spend another evening basking in your beautiful presence?”

  A warm smile reached Julie’s honey eyes. “Penny said she wouldn’t miss a surprise from you for anything in the world.”

  “And what of you, would you miss a surprise from me?”

  “No, I wouldn’t,” she responded in a whisper.

  Nicholai settled into his chair. “That is want I wanted to hear. You have made my heart sing, golubchik.”

  A sting prickled over his skin as his preternatural senses alerted him to danger. Nicholai sent his awareness flowing through the building, seeking out anything unusual.

  Another blank spot.

  Concern flooded his mind, and Nicholai took in a deep inhale, trying to scent the cause of the void. His eyes jetted from person to person. He amplified his hearing, tried to discern what caused his inner alarm to sound. But he found nothing unusual, nothing to cause unease…other than the void.

  Perhaps I’m overreacting, he reasoned to himself. Maybe it’s another side effect of being so close to my heartmate. My protectiveness is in overdrive.

  Juliette looked concerned. She tugged at her pink sweater, then worried her bottom lip between her teeth. Jarred from his own thoughts by her distress, he shook off his worry and lifted his champagne glass.

  “A toast,” he proposed, then tilted his glass in her direction and waited for Julie to raise her crystal flute in kind. “To love and the strength it can give to us, golubchik.”

  Nicholai and Juliette mirrored each other as they tipped their flutes forward and touch glasses. The sound of the fine crystal rang in the night.

  “Before you ask, golubchik means lovebird,” Nicholai offered.

  Nicholai’s hand rested possessively on the nape of her neck and drew her to him. He gently brushed his lips over hers.

  When her lips parted in licentious invitation willing his tongue entry in her mouth, he deepened the kiss. He tasted her sweetness mixed with the dry champagne. A wonderful combination, one he could drink in forever. Their tongues danced in unison.

  His heart took flight. His body responded in kind, soaring to great heights. He reveled in the temptation of her, the taste of her kiss.

  A small moan escaped her mouth. The sound drove him wild, tightened the muscles of his hard body. His free hand found the hem of her skirt and slid under the wool to her thigh. His fingers traveled toward her feminine heat in a tantalizingly slow crawl. He sensed her arousal. Heat radiated from her body. The real Juliette was as responsive to his touch as the dream Juliette. More so, in truth.

  Her hand found his knee and gripped it tight. He let himself be lost to her touch until he no longer knew where she stopped and he began.

  The world melted away for both of them until their server, with the uncanny knack for timing, came to their table. They broke apart at the interruption.

  Julie brought her fingers to her kiss-swollen lips, and Nicholai swallowed a moan as he grieved their separation. He noted the way Juliette looked, flushed, ready for more of his touch, and the thought of giving her more, much, much more, made him wish dawn would never come.

  Desire burned through his blood. He wanted her, needed her with a desperation like never before, and he knew exactly what would sate it—time alone with her at the inn. He patted his lips with the napkin from his lap and laid it on the table before he signaled the waitress to bring them the check.

  Chapter 18

  As they drove back to the inn, the car glided along the road with the butter-soft leather cradling the passengers, soothing them into companionable silence. Julie’s thoughts turned to the handsome man beside her.

  Nicholai was stunning, gorgeous, a perfect example of masculine physique. His courtly old-world manners were something most modern men lacked. He held every door open for her. He’d been exceptionally polite all evening. Julie had never been with a man like him before. He seemed to be the whole package, everything she ever wanted.

  But he also seemed too good to be true. And she feared he might be.

  Jules had no doubt a man like him would quickly lose interest in someone like her. She’d gone on about herself all night. Of course, his questioning prompted most of what she had said, but she knew better than to talk about herself too much on a date. This was the kind of man who would go for her sister, not someone like her. Not to mention their age difference.

  Yep, there are a lot of reasons why this won’t last. So this is just a fun holiday fling, and that’s okay. She resigned herself it would end soon.

  Nicholai reached over and gave her thigh a heartening squeeze as if to reassure her before he eased the car to the curb in front of the inn. After cutting off the engine, he turned toward her, waiting until she returned his gaze before he spoke.

  “I want you to know something, Juliette.” The velvet timbre of his voice slid over her skin, made her think of rolling around under thick fur blankets in front of a roaring fire on a wintry Russian night. “I had a wonderful time tonight. I enjoyed your company and cannot wait until we get to see each other again.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, too.” Julie glanced at the large hand on her thigh. A burning flame scorched up her leg and heated her inner core. His grip felt firm, yet gentle, commanding, yet giving. She wondered if he’d be the same in bed, gentle, giving, commanding, and firm. What a delicious combination.

  Julie reprimanded herself for allowing her train of thought to take her in that direction. Her eyes roamed the chiseled features of his face and memorized the strong lines. Long cheekbones drove a path to his straight nose which led down to those sensual ruby lips and sturdy chin. He was beautiful, in a very manly way.

  Nicholai graced her with a warm grin that lit his amber eyes, and another flash of sensual heat coursed through her body.

  “You do not realize how glad I am to hear you say such a thing.” He exited the car and opened the door for her, then handed her from the vehicle. As she stood, he wrapped an arm about her waist and guided her forward.

  Still on c
loud nine, Julie floated up the stairs, anchored to the earth only by the strong arm wrapped about her waist. When they reached the door to her room, he wrapped his other arm around her and drew her into his fervent embrace.

  His hand trailed up her back, pulling her tightly against his hard muscular form. Her pliant body melted against his, her soft curves a perfect contrast to the firmness of his athletic body. Juliette felt weightless. Her knees weakened, and Nicholai bore most of her weight in his arms. He pinned her against the door with his large frame. Desire coursed through her brain, igniting her fervor.

  Nicholai took her lips in a hard, almost punishing kiss. Juliette responded to his passionate aggression by fisting her fingers in his silky hair.

  Electricity coursed between them, moved amid their bodies in a circuit. With each pass, the sensual desire grew stronger, sending the couple spiraling in erotic bliss until they both gasped for air.

  Nicholai broke the kiss. A rush of cold air cooled her skin when he moved away.

  “Wow,” Jules told him on a reverent whisper.

  “My thoughts exactly,” he breathed. “I have no idea how I found the strength to pull away.”

  Juliette gave a heavy sigh. “You better go before our desire carries us away.”

  “That’s probably for the best,” Nicholai conceded with hunger in his eyes that indicated he rather do anything but.

  Julie released his ebony strands and slid her hands down his arms. The taut muscles and sinew under the suit jacket flexed beneath her fingers. Nicholai’s palms framed her ribcage for a moment before he finally released her from his embrace. He captured both her hands in his as if he were unable to stop touching her. Bringing them to his lips, he placed a light kiss on the back of each.

  Julie desperately wanted to invite him in, but before she voiced the invitation, he spoke in that sinuous, husky voice.

  “My dear Juliette, ‘parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.’ ” He sealed his pact to depart with a brief kiss before turning to take his leave.

  Juliette watched him proceed down the stairs, then entered her room. The moment she closed and locked the door, Penny burst through the adjoining door to their rooms.

  Jules shrugged off the borrowed sweater and handed it to her friend. “Here, I guess you came for this,” she said nonchalantly as if she didn’t know why Penny was actually there.

  Penny huffed, snatched the sweater from her friend’s hand, then crossed her arms under her breasts.

  “Yeah, right. Don’t be a prat,” Penny admonished her. “You know quite well why I’m here, and it’s not for my sweater. Now spill it. Dish. How was it? How did it go? What was he like? Where did he take you? What did you do?” She barely contained her enthusiasm as the questions fired from her lips in rapid secession like ammo from a machine gun.

  Julie wrapped her arms around her waist. “It was wonderful,” she informed her friend, her breath leaving her in a rush. “I’ve never met anyone like him before.”

  Penny hugged Julie tight about the shoulders. “I’m so happy for you,” she gushed with exuberance. “Tell me all about it. I want all the details.”

  Julie blushed, remembering all too vividly the details of the times they had kissed. He had made her feel in ways no man had ever before, even her husband, whom she’d loved dearly. Never had her knees weakened simply from a kiss. Nicholai made her body crave his in a way that still had her blood boiling in her veins. But Julie was not a kiss and tell kind of person, and she chose to keep those details to herself.

  “He kept me talking about myself most of the night,” she admitted awkwardly. “I kind of felt funny. He kept asking questions and turning the conversation to me and my family and my life. Penny, by the end of the night he seemed to know me so well, like he knew what I was thinking. It was unreal.”

  Penny plunked down cross-legged on the bed and patted the mattress beside her, motioning for Jules to do the same. Julie lay down on her side facing Penny and propped her head on her crooked arm.

  “Was he nice?” asked Penny.

  “He was more than nice,” Jules replied dreamily. “Nicholai was unbelievably polite. He held every door for me, including the car door. The man was kind, friendly, sweet. So much more than nice. It was the best date I’ve ever had.” A pang of guilt made Julie flinch. “I mean, of course, besides the dates with Steve.”

  Penny gave her hand a sympathetic squeeze. “Jules, it has been three years since the accident, honey. It’s okay. You’re allowed to move on. It doesn’t mean you didn’t love Steve. It doesn’t mean you have forgotten him or never cared for him.

  “You are a great person, and you deserve some happiness in your life. Please allow yourself to enjoy your time with Nicholai. If not for yourself, would you at least do it for me?”

  Julie gave her friend a reticent look, and Penny patted her hand. Intellectually, Julie knew her friend spoke the truth. Everyone was entitled to be happy, and she was no exception, but being happy with another man seemed like an injustice to the memory of her dead husband.

  The sound of Penny’s voice tore her from her thoughts. “This doesn’t have to be a serious relationship if you aren’t ready yet. Live in the moment. Take it one day at a time.”

  Juliette rolled her eyes and quipped, “Of course, I’m going to take it one day at a time. This is just a holiday fling. Sheesh! You sound like Dear Abby.”

  Penny laughed affably. “Well, I’ve been called worse. Dear Abby gives good advice. She’s a smart woman, just like me.”

  The women laughed together, and Penny collapsed down beside Jules on the bed.

  “So where are we going with him tomorrow?”

  “I have no idea. He said it was a surprise.”

  “How should we dress?”

  Juliette smiled. “I knew you would ask that. He said it was casual. Jeans and a sweater should be fine.”

  “I like a man who is considerate enough to tell a woman what to wear. He gets another point in my book. Let’s add up the points, shall we?” Penny held up one finger in preparation to count the other points. Adding a finger for each point, she continued, “This man has looks, a body to die for, charm, manners, and judging by the look of you, obvious sex appeal.”

  Julie blushed as Penny continued, wiggling six fingers in front of Julie’s face before they dropped to the bed. “Sounds like he is the perfect man. I’m so happy for you. If you’ll simply let yourself enjoy it, you’ll have a great time on holiday.”

  Julie gave a reluctant nod. Penny was right. She should relax and appreciate it for what it was. But if she didn’t watch out, she would fall hard for this man. She needed to harden her heart to keep it from being broken. They only had a few more days in Russia. She would have to keep things fun and lighthearted. The relationship would not go the long haul, but she could certainly enjoy the ride while it lasted. And with a man like Nicholai, the ride was sure to be a pleasurable one.

  Chapter 19

  Nicholai, the deep familiar voice boomed into Nicholai’s head, causing the warrior to flinch. Do you no longer answer your phone? Demetri demanded.

  Calm down. I don’t have it on me when I’m in the shower. Nicholai rubbed the last of the soap from his body and turned off the water. He wrapped a towel around his waist as he walked to the vanity.

  What do you need of me, Demetri? Nicholai grabbed a second towel and dried his hair.

  There is a development here, cousin. Another person has been attacked.

  Was it bad? Nicholai ran a comb through his hair.

  Yes. According to the local news, the man’s mutilated body is beyond repair. These attacks appear to be increasing.

  Nicholai crossed his spacious bedroom and grabbed a pair of jeans from his dresser. He thrust his wide legs in and slid them up over his hips. So what have you and Stephan found?

  Not much, I’m afraid, cousin. With only the two of us here doing reconnaissance, the investigating is slow. We are considering pull
ing more of the Alphas in.

  What about Marcus? Nicholai tugged on his winter-green sweater.

  He is still in Vegas with Katrina and his heartmate, Christina.

  Is there anything I can do? Nicholai walked to the foyer.

  We may have need of you soon.

  Nicholai’s hunting skills were among the best of the Alphas, second only to Demetri’s. No doubt they would have need of those special skills in the coming days.

  There has been a development here which needs my attention.

  And what is that? Demetri asked.

  Here it was. The moment of truth. I found my heartmate.

  Oh, no. Demetri’s exasperation flowed through the link. Not you, too. First Stephan, then Marcus. Now you? Please tell me she’s a vampire and not human.

  Nicholai gave the mental equivalent of a shrug. Actually, she is a human, and her name is Julie. And I need your help on what I should do to win her.

  Just throw her over your shoulder and bring her to your lair. Explain to her she is your mate, and she will come to love you, as all heartmates must. It’s inevitable.

  A small grin appeared on Nicholai’s face. He’d called that one. No, Demetri, I’m afraid that won’t work, not for a human. Perhaps if she was a vampire and already understood the concept of a heartmate. No, I must win her love.

  Fine. Settle things with your heartmate, and be quick about it in case we need you.

  I’m working on it, he assured his cousin, then grabbed his coat and keys.

  Demetri’s dissatisfaction crossed the mindlink as Nicholai got into his car and brought the engine to life.

  Don’t take too long with her. Safe travels. With the valediction, the link snapped shut.

  On the drive to Julie’s hotel, Nicholai’s mind replayed the conversation with Demetri. He admired his cousin, always had. And what wasn’t to admire since Demetri was not only his cousin and his sire, but also his mentor. Memories of the past pushed in on him. The innocence of childhood morphed into becoming a vampire. The events flickered through his mind like a movie reel.


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