The Merman's Kiss: A Mates for Monsters Novella

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The Merman's Kiss: A Mates for Monsters Novella Page 8

by Tamsin Ley

  She roused as his tail scraped the rocky bottom, her sleepy thoughts reaching for him, seeking comfort.

  Zantu? Where are we?

  He set her feet against the floor. You must go home, my angelfish.

  She groped for him, fingers slipping against his shoulders. Wait! I don’t understand!

  He gritted his teeth and dove beneath the waves, swimming fast and far out to sea.

  Don’t leave me! Zantu!

  Her cries followed him clear to the edge of the wild deeps.

  Zantu cruised the watery interface where the cold northern waters met the current off the kelp beds. Since abandoning Brianna, the dark waters of the wild deeps seemed to call his soul. He’d spent the last four moons scouring the bottom for treasure. His nest was crowded with human items, from gilded picture frames to unidentifiable plastic machines.

  But none of it was the human thing he wanted.

  He circled the long metal box from a cargo ship that had lodged on a ledge. This one appeared undamaged. The lower current’s cold water had seeped into his bones, and his fingers were stiff as he lifted a chunk of basalt to bash the lock. Merpeople didn’t have the layer of blubber that kept whales and other sea mammals warm in northern waters, and he’d already been down here past his usual endurance. But finding human artifacts was the only thing that interested him since leaving Brianna, so he kept at it.

  The rusty metal lock crumbled under the impact. Once it was removed, he put a shoulder beneath the bar securing the door and pushed. The latch gave with a rusty, hollow grating sound, as did the hinges as he opened the door. He squinted and sent forth a sonic query to judge the contents.

  Mounds of rotted textiles.

  Disappointment sank him to the stony outcropping. Ruined by the sea. That seemed to be the story of most things human down here. Broken. Decayed. Unable to survive.

  The familiar drumbeat of a whale reached him, and he realized he’d been resting too long. His joints were stiff with cold, and his heart seemed to struggle to beat. Going to sleep seemed like a good idea.

  The whale thumped the water, calling to the krill it sought to consume. Whales were one of the few creatures, fish or mammal, to have words in its song. Rubac swore they were the keepers of myth and still grieved over the lost opportunity to elevate his child.

  Zantu thought about his last meeting with one, when Brianna had been by his side. The creature hadn’t denied the magic of elevation, so maybe the myth had some truth.

  But it had said something else, too. Something just now returning to his memory. I’ve not seen a mated human in over a century. You have much to learn.

  Zantu frowned, blood pumping a little harder. What was there to learn? Was there something he’d missed? Gathering his strength, he forced his cold muscles to carry him upward toward the whale’s song.

  He found the whale circling near the surface, its massive, scarred body black against the light.

  “Great whale,” Zantu called. The frigid waters had sapped him of his voice, and the whale took no notice of the small visitor, continuing its wide-mouthed sweep through the clouds of krill. He tried again. “Great whale, I have a question.”

  The whale continued to ignore him, thumping the water.

  Zantu bolstered his song. “Please, I have a human bond-mate. I need your help.”

  The whale’s thumping paused, its barnacled body slowing its loop through the swarm. It turned its great black eye upon him. “Bond-mate?” the creature grated. “How did this happen?”

  The story flowed out like a riptide, of how he’d happened upon her, how she’d proven herself loyal, how he’d been forced to set her free. The retelling left Zantu mentally exhausted.

  The whale resumed its circle through the krill. “If she cannot be with you, why do you not join her?”

  Zantu’s mind spun. “Join her? How would I do that?”

  “Humans and merfolk separated ways not so very long ago in the timeline of the world. You can breathe air, can you not?”

  Although mermen avoided the surface, Zantu had indeed breathed air a handful of times and knew that to be true. “Yes, but breathing air is only one piece of things. She lives on land. With legs.”

  The whale’s drumbeat call sounded like laughter. “Have the merfolk truly lost all knowledge of their magic? As you can give the gift of the ocean with water breathing to her, she can give the gift of land to you.”

  Zantu’s mind reeled. “Do you mean legs?”

  “True bond-mates compromise to be together. Sometimes one gives more, sometimes another. It is the way of things if they wish to be together.”

  “I could live on land,” Zantu said, rolling the words around as if tasting the idea.

  “Indeed,” the whale sang and swiped its tail to pursue the retreating cloud of krill.

  “Wait! How?”

  But the whale didn’t stop. Its words floated back in an echo of song. “If you’re bonded, you already know.”

  Zantu wasn’t sure what that meant. But he meant to find out. Reenergized with new hope, he aimed himself for the surface.

  Chapter Twelve

  SURROUNDED BY THE scent of rotting seaweed and salt, Brianna rose from the damp stone and snapped shut the picnic basket that’d held her lunch. Facing the sea, she brushed bits of sand from her cotton capri pants. As always, the slate-gray ocean whispered to her, waves kissing the shore with promises never kept. Sometimes the water cleared the beach, leaving pristine pebbles glinting in the sun. Sometimes it left lines of garbage. Today the beach was clear.

  She called with her mind as she did every time before she left the cove, Zantu!

  As usual, only silence in return.

  Perhaps her therapist was correct. Her time in the ocean had been a hallucination. Her mate a myth.

  As if in disagreement, the child within her rolled, a sensation like tiny bubbles. She placed her hand over her barely rounded belly. “Don’t worry, little one. I know I’m not crazy.”

  Upon her forced return to land, she’d climbed the stairs to the small house. The driftwood-gray structure had obviously been vacant for a long time, but the door was unlocked, and inside she’d found some old clothes. After a short walk down the dirt lane, she’d reached the highway, flagged down a car, and made it back to town.

  Within the week, Eric had signed her divorce paperwork without question. Soon after, she’d discovered she was pregnant. The idea of raising a child alone broke her heart, but she knew there’d never be another man in her life. Zantu was her mate and always would be.

  She’d bought the small cliff house overlooking Zantu’s beach and taken a position at the nearby marine research center. Granted, she was only a bookkeeper, but being near the fish and other creatures felt like home.

  And, sometimes, she swore she could hear them singing.

  Placing her sandaled feet carefully over the uneven beach stones, she headed toward the stairs up to the house. The tide was coming in, and although she sometimes dreamed of throwing herself back into the ocean’s embrace, she knew better than to hope to be saved a second time. Plus she now had another life to consider.

  The brisk breeze at her back seemed to call her name as she walked, stones crunching beneath her feet. Brianna…

  She paused, cocking her head and closing her eyes to accept the wind’s caress. She often dreamed like this, her name upon her lover’s lips, the sensation of the word along her skin.


  She opened her eyes. This wasn’t the wind. Zantu?

  The baby rolled again, fluttering within her as if dancing to a song.

  Brianna, I need you.

  She spun to face the sea, nearly turning an ankle on the uneven stones. A silver tail splashed the water near the cliff.

  “Zantu,” she whispered, the air in her lungs refusing to move. Then, full force, she screamed, “Zantu!”

  Heedless of her shoes, her clothes, her footing, she flung the picnic basket aside and ran into the waves. “Zantu
, I’m here!”

  A head appeared above the surface a little closer than before, silver hair blending with the gray-clouded horizon, then was gone.

  She stopped as the water reached her waist, sandals slipping over the lumpy bottom. Waves lifted and dropped her. Had she imagined him? She watched the water, every ounce of her being calling to him. I’m here!

  A length of silver materialized beneath the mirrored water in front of her, and then Zantu’s naked gleaming torso rose.

  “Oh my God.” She stepped forward, slipped, fell into his arms. She threw kisses across his face, gulped water as they both went under, found his mouth to kiss.

  He pushed her away, upward to the surface. No.

  Gasping and choking, she clawed her hands against his shoulders, feet scrabbling to find the bottom. Why are you here then? Please don’t leave me again.

  He rose to face her, helping her stand. She gripped him tightly around the neck. Wrapped her legs around his hips. I won’t let you go. You have to take me with you.

  Chuckling against her hair, he shifted his hands down around to support her bottom and began moving to shore. He stumbled once but caught himself. He was walking to shore.

  Brianna nearly let go. “What…”

  I’m here for you, angelfish. It’s your time to share magic with me.

  Rising out of the water like an ancient god, he carried her toward the cliff.

  “You’re human!” She found herself speaking the words as she thought them. Still in shock, she lowered her feet to the ground to make him stop. “Are you really here to stay?”

  “Yes.” He used his real voice this time instead of only his mind. The word, although accented, was clear and deep and sexy as hell.

  She stepped back, her gaze roving over his broad shoulders to his well-muscled stomach and lower, to where his member stood at half-mast amid sparse silver curls. Where his tail had been he now had perfect, athletic legs. Her attention returned to his cock. “You’re naked! And you’re a man.”

  His cock twitched in response, rising to attention. “Yes, I am.”

  Tempting as he was, she forced her gaze back to his eyes. They were as silver as she remembered, his lips just as luscious. She raised one hand to trace a finger over the soft skin.

  From down the beach, a child’s voice snapped Brianna out of her lust. While her little cove was generally secluded, it was by no means private. There’d be time to explore Zantu later. Lots of time.

  “You’re going to need some clothes.” She shrugged out of her windbreaker and wrapped it around his hips. It didn’t cover everything, to her chagrin and delight, so she had to skew it sideways to hide the most important parts.

  “Why do you get to undress and I have to dress?” He tugged at the knotted fabric, and she slapped his hand gently.

  “You’ve got a lot to learn about humans.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  She took his hand and led him past the curious stares of two children toting kites along the windswept beach. Well, you’re going to get to learn from the ground up—Daddy.

  His moment of confusion was followed by a joyful shout that echoed from the rocky cliffs and drew giggles from the nearby children. He swept her into his arms and spun her as she giggled.

  Together they climbed the stairs to their nest overlooking the ocean. She’d found her mate. Her true love. The father of her children.

  The End

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  Coming in March 2017


  YOU, MY critique partners, know who you are. I thank you for letting me pick your brains, for your generous time, and for your continued input when I set a date with my editor that our critique schedule cannot possibly meet. This story wouldn’t be here without you.

  About the Author

  Tamsin Ley builds worlds full of sexy heroes who don’t know they need a mate - that is, until they meet the woman they can’t resist. The romance is sizzling hot, a surprise twist waits around every corner, and the stories will never leave you hanging (although you may still crave more!)

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  Wine-lover, beer-brewer, foodie, serious gardener, and secret zombie prepper, Tamsin lives in Alaska with her husband of twenty something years. In the long days of summer you can find her in the great outdoors, but when the long winter nights set in, she'll be at the keyboard creating imaginary worlds.




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