Flesh: Part Thirteen (The Flesh Series Book 13)

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Flesh: Part Thirteen (The Flesh Series Book 13) Page 2

by Corgan, Sky


  “Are you sure?” He playfully cocks an eyebrow at me.

  “Only if you want me to undress you the rest of the way.” I don't really care how his clothes come off as long as they come off.

  “Tut tut. That would mean I'd have to release you, and I'm not ready for that yet.” He shakes his head slowly, his mouth drawing into a pout. It's adorable and sexy and infuriating all at the same time.

  “You enjoy torturing me, don't you?” My jaw tenses in disapproval.

  “Is this really torture?” He pulls the tucked in part of his dress shirt out of his pants before unbuttoning it the rest of the way. He allows it to hang open provocatively while he unfastens his belt.

  “I think you know it is. I think you know exactly what you're doing.”

  “Such a compliment. I'm flattered.” He gives me his classic panty-melting grin, and I feel my core revving up again.

  Lucian unzips his pants and slides them over his hips and down to the floor. He's wearing tight black boxer briefs beneath which hug his anatomy deliciously. My sex clenches with yearning.

  Once he has stepped out of his pants, he looks back up at me. “Enough?”

  “You know it's not.” I quirk my head to the side in warning.

  Part of me would love nothing more than to stand here and stare at him just as he is. He looks like he stepped out of a magazine spread. That body could probably sell anything. But I want more. He always makes me want more. I want to see his cock hanging between his legs. His balls. Everything crude and vulnerable about him.

  Lucian tucks his thumbs into the sides of his boxer briefs and slowly pulls them down. As he bends forward, he hides himself from view. It's a purposeful move, meant to tease me even more. And it does. It's not until he straightens himself that I finally get what I want.

  “Better?” he asks.

  “Definitely.” I nod approvingly, my eyes blatantly locking on his manhood. He's soft but still very impressive.

  He kicks his underwear to the side and walks back up to me, caressing my cheek with his hand. I lean into his touch, feeling a new energy between us now that we're both naked.

  Lucian traces my lips with his fingertip before probing his thumb inside my mouth. I suckle on it absentmindedly, keeping my eyes closed. My body is so relaxed that I can barely stay standing.

  When he withdraws this time, he moves behind me to start unfastening my bondage. I sigh in relief, glad that the restriction is over. All I want to do now is cuddle up against him. Hopefully, he won't kick me out tonight.

  “Don't move,” he tells me when I try to step off of the metal platform.

  “Why not?” I turn my head to look at him, then roll my neck. Standing in the same position for so long has put a crick in it.

  “Because we're not done yet.”

  “We're not?” My eyes widen in surprise.

  “Nope.” He comes back around to face me, his expression deadpan.

  “I'm tired though, Sir,” I pout.

  Lucian takes a step forward, causing my breath to catch in my throat. He reaches behind me, his fingers slipping around my ponytail to hold my head in place. I can feel his breath against my ear, his mouth so very close to it.

  “This won't stop until I say so,” he tells me. The seductive tint to his tone makes my clit throb.

  All I can think of to respond with is a meek, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” He pulls his face away from mine and gives my cheek a gentle slap with his free hand before applying pressure to my ponytail. “Now get on your knees.”

  I blush as I lower myself down in front of him, having a pretty good idea of what he wants. It's only fair after everything that he's done for me.

  Once I'm on my knees, he gazes down at me expectantly. I bite my bottom lip, suddenly feeling a bit nervous. One of my hands reaches out to grab his shaft, lazily stroking it a few times.

  Lucian tugs at my ponytail holder, pulling it out of my hair. I can't help but smirk. Ever since I decided to do a scene with him, I'd wondered when he would make me take my hair down. He prefers it that way, which is part of the reason why I wore it up. I wanted to displease him.

  “Is something funny?” he asks, his voice pure domination.

  “No, Sir.” I can't keep the smile off of my face.

  To distract him from it, I open my mouth and guide his tip in, wrapping my lips around it to immediately start sucking. He hisses in approval, his fingers tightening and relaxing in my hair. My tongue cradles the underside of his shaft as I bob up and down on his sex. It feels strange, the way his dick is expanding in my mouth, growing hard, the veins beginning to bulge as blood is pumped to his dick from arousal.

  “Mm, Amy. Just like that,” he gives me praise.

  It's not long before he's fully engorged, his soft, fleshy member turning to steel in my mouth. I suck vigorously, being a bit sloppy but not really caring. When I pull away, my tongue darts out to tease at his head, pressing and wiggling against his slit until he pulls back from sensitivity. Then I take him all the way to the back of my throat, pushing the limits of my gag reflex for a few strokes before I nibble on the ridges of his glans. This feels like the first chance I've gotten to actually worship his cock—to suck him off the way I have wanted to.

  Eventually, he begins bucking his hips. The occasional moan falls from his lips, which only spurs me to suck faster and harder. His grip tightens on my hair, and he starts to take control, pressing himself so deeply into my mouth that I can't help but gag.

  “Oh yeah. That feels fucking amazing,” he breaths, picking up the pace.

  When I glance up at him, his eyes are closed. His head is tilted back, and I can see his Adam's apple sticking out. I want to lick it, but my mouth is too occupied with other things.

  His thrusting becomes violent. Too hard. Too fast. Too much. It's at that moment that I realize he plans to come in my mouth.

  I panic but don't pull away. I knew this would happen eventually, that he'd demand this of me. And for as much as I really don't want to do it, there's no stopping him. He's too close to the edge. I've had sex with him enough times to know that.

  I brace myself, tears gathering at the corners of my eyes from the soreness of my throat being spread so wide. Lucian hisses, and then I feel the first spurt of his warm seed painting my mouth. As if he knows that I want to spit, he looks down at me and says, “Swallow.”

  The commanding gleam in his eyes makes me open my throat. Stream after stream shoots down it. Being receptive makes it not quite as bad as I expected. It's when he pulls away and I have to swallow what's on my tongue that I don't really enjoy it. That and he pulled out a little too soon and ended up getting some on the corner of my mouth.

  “That's so fucking hot, Amy. Fuck, you're incredible.” He takes his thumb and swipes it up the side of my chin before pressing it into my mouth, forcing me to lick his seed from the thick digit.

  He tastes salty and musky and masculine. I've never enjoyed the taste of come, and his is no exception. The fact that I love him doesn't make the act any better for me.

  I wrinkle my nose as I stomach the final swallow, glad that this part of our coupling is over. For as much as I liked sucking his cock, I definitely could have done without the semen shower.

  I shift my weight to stand, but then Lucian says, “I didn't give you permission to get up.”

  I frown, staring forward at his dick as he lazily strokes it while it goes soft. I'm not sure what he expects me to do next. There's really nothing left to do.

  “Get on all fours,” he tells me, and for a moment, I worry that he's going to fuck me in the ass again. He just came though, and I highly doubt he can recharge that quickly.

  I apprehensively do as I'm told. It feels like my body weighs a million pounds, my arms are so tired. All of me is tired. I'm beyond exhausted. How I've managed to keep going for this long, I have no idea. It reminds me of the few times that I ran with my fit friends in high school. They'd bla
ze past me, and I'd be jogging behind them, huffing and puffing and feeling like I was about to die, yet I pressed on. This is very similar. Keeping up with Lucian is a chore, but I remember what he said. This isn't over until he says it is. God only knows when that will be.

  He kneels beside my legs on the carpet, making me think again that he might try to mount me. I look back over my shoulder at him, and the lines in his face harden.

  “Keep your head forward. No looking,” he tells me.

  With a sigh, I turn back around. My body jolts forward as I feel a hard slap against my cunt. A pleasant sting radiates through my pussy lips and culminates at my core. Then he follows it up with another slap before jamming two fingers into me. I gasp, my hips wanting to press back against his hand, taking more of him into me. I stay steady though.

  “Your insides are so hot.” Lucian wastes no time picking up speed.

  In a matter of seconds, my mouth is an O as he finger fucks me into oblivion. Every time he pushes his hand up, his thumb rubs my clit, triggering a tiny contraction. It's not long before I'm breaking against it, panting heavily while I come all over his hand.

  “Just like that, love. Just like that.” The satisfaction in his tone is unmistakable.

  Silently, I curse him for making me climax again. My core is quickly becoming sensitive from over-stimulation. I'm honestly not sure how much more I can take. Somehow though, my pussy keeps accepting his touch, deriving pleasure from it. He forces orgasm after orgasm out of me, though this one wasn't anywhere near as strong as the first two.

  “Sir, I can't,” I breath, wanting to rest on my forearms. I could probably fall over and pass out at any second now, I'm so spent.

  “You can and you will.” He pulls his fingers out of me, then I hear a sucking sound as he licks my juices off of them. “You can look now.”

  I turn my head to see him sitting down on the carpet. He motions to me, and I crawl over to him, wondering when we'll reach his end game. Surely, it can't be far away. Even he has to have limits to his stamina.

  “Crawl on top of me,” he instructs, and I do as I'm told, straddling his body.

  Lucian grabs the base of his cock and points it up at my pussy. I'm surprised that he's already hard again. It hasn't been that long since I sucked him off.

  I line myself up with him, closing my eyes as I begin to lower my body. As soon as his glans nudges between my pussy lips, Lucian grabs me by the hips, keeping me steady.

  “You really do look tired,” he muses.

  “I'm exhausted,” I confess, feeling fatigue slither through my muscles.

  “We're definitely going to have to work on that.”

  I let out a sharp gasp as he pushes me all the way down onto him, bucking up into me at the same time. The exhaustion seems to leave me with my breath. Now, I'm wide awake, consumed by the feeling of his big dick filling me completely. It's pleasantly intense, making my core throb back to life.

  Lucian lets go of my hips and brings his arms back behind his head to relax on the carpet. “Ride me.”

  I grunt at the thought of having to do any more work, not that I've done much in the first place. Lazily, I move my hips, my thighs burning from the effort. To be honest, I feel like I suck at topping, especially when I don't have the energy to put a lot of effort into it.

  For several minutes, Lucian just lays there with his eyes closed. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was asleep.

  Clumsily, I reposition my legs, trying to get comfortable. He slips out of me, and I have difficulty getting him back in. It makes me feel embarrassingly inexperienced. Internally, I'm praying that he'll help me or give me some guidance, but he doesn't.

  After making a pathetic display of riding him for a few more minutes, I give up and just sit there, allowing my exhaustion to get the better of me.

  Lucian opens one eye and smirks. “That tired, eh?”

  “We've already established this.” I frown at him.

  “Don't act like you don't enjoy it.”

  “I'd enjoy it more if you were on top.” I give him my best seductive smile.

  “I'm sure you would.” He stretches as if it's a burden to move. Then he gives me a gentle slap on the ass. “Lift yourself a little.”

  I pull myself up to put space between us, feeling like it's taking everything in me just to sit up straight. Lucian crunches forward to grab my hips, his abs tightening and looking absolutely delicious. As soon as he has a good hold on me, he leverages it to start thrusting up into me. This definitely feels a lot better than when I was doing all of the work.

  I inhale deeply, the scent of way too much sex filling my nostrils. This room is definitely going to need to be aired out when we're done. The leather smell is almost gone now. We've tainted it with our scene, drowned it out.

  For as much as Lucian keeps teasing me about being tired, I can tell that he's exhausted as well. Coming seems more like a personal goal than something to be enjoyed. I smirk while I watch him work, tiny gasps and moans contorting my expression whenever he rotates his hips.

  I can't help but wonder if his ass is going to have rug burn after this. It's a rather amusing thought. And if it does happen, I'll have to make sure to tease him about it.

  “Fuck this,” he grumbles, sitting up and practically pushing me over onto the floor.

  My eyes widen as he crawls on top of me, grabs one of my legs, and hikes it up to rest against his chest before he pushes himself into me again. I gasp as he starts banging me almost violently, the friction turning pleasure to pain from overuse. Sore is an understatement for how I feel. My body has run out of self-lubrication, but that's not about to stop Lucian. Thankfully, he's already heading into the home stretch, so I don't bother saying anything. I just press my palm against the floor, bracing myself, waiting for his climax.

  He groans loudly as he empties his balls into me, bucking hard to fill me completely. Even though all I did was lay there, I'm still panting, exhausted from weathering the pain. Now it's official. My body can take no more. If he wants to do anything else, he's going to have to do it with his hand.

  Once he's finished, he climbs off of me and lays on the floor beside me. We both stare up at the ceiling and catch our breath. I'm at a loss for words from everything that has happened tonight. It's a good thing that I'm on birth control because I feel so full of come right now that I think it would be impossible not to get pregnant by him. This must be where the term come dumpster came from. His seed is in every one of my holes. It's a dirty thought, yet gratifying at the same time. He definitely gave me a night that I'll never forget.


  My eyes are half-closed in sleep when Lucian finally stands. Internally, I groan at the thought of having to do anything else. Even getting up seems like a chore. If only we could just pass out here for the night though I'm sure I'd regret it in the morning if I woke up with stiff muscles.

  I close my eyes the rest of the way, pretending to be asleep. I feel Lucian's arms slip beneath me, then he lifts me off of the floor, making my eyes fly open in fear as I quickly clutch onto his neck. He looks just as exhausted as I feel.

  “Are you sure you're alright to carry me? I can walk,” I ask as he heads towards the door.

  “Have I ever dropped you?” His expression is serious as if the notion that he'd drop me is offensive.

  I decide to trust him, resting my head against his shoulder while he carries me the rest of the way to the master bathroom and sets me down on the side of the tub. He disappears into the shower, and I hear the water hitting the tiles before he comes back out to motion me to join him. A smile spreads across my lips as I force myself off of the side of the tub and walk into the shower.

  For the next twenty minutes, we bathe each other. Well, mostly he bathes me. I stand there lazily while he washes my hair and then his own before sudsing up my body. After I've rinsed off, I turn around to wash his chest. That's about as far as I get before my energy reserves run out and I end up just leaning ag
ainst him. He kisses my forehead and takes a step back to finish washing himself before turning off the showerhead and getting out of the shower to get me a towel.

  I like how he's putting me before him. It makes my heart swirl with a warm, fuzzy feeling. This is the affectionate side of him that I love so much.

  Once we're both dried off, we crawl into bed together. I glance over at the pictures on his dresser and bedside tables. They're turned down again, but it doesn't bother me. I understand how he feels now, that he doesn't want his dead wife to see us together. It's a funny thing. The dead see all. Turning the pictures down won't make a difference. But whatever gives him comfort.

  Lucian turns off the light, and I curl up against him. He pulls me into his arms, and I rest my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat while he strokes my damp hair. I've never felt more peaceful in my entire life, more ready to sleep.

  Lucian kisses me on the forehead, then he shifts beneath me. I groan as my head falls off of his chest and I have to grab my pillow and readjust. His warm breath pets over my face, and then his lips touch my cheek. His hand slips under my arm to caress my side, running down it. Then he wiggles closer to me, and I feel his erection against my leg.

  “Really, Lucian?” I open one eye to look at him. He's all grins as he maneuvers me onto my back. “Dear God, you're insatiable. We just had a shower.”

  “And now I want to get dirty again,” he mumbles against my neck.

  “If I pass out on you, don't be offended.” I glare at him. Doesn't the man understand that I need my sleep?

  “You won't pass out.” He crawls on top of me, pulling my knee up so that he can get between my legs.

  I hiss as he presses into me. While my body isn't as sore as it was earlier, it still hurts a little, but the pain only lasts until he's all the way inside. He moves gently, his cock rhythmically pumping in and out of me. His lips kiss wherever they can find skin.

  I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders. For as much as I just want to go to sleep, the sensuality of what he's doing demands my attention. I purr contently, knowing that he's making love to me this time. My lips quirk into a smile, and I crane my head for his affectionate kisses. One of my hands crawls up the nape of his neck to curl into his hair. I like that I'm able to touch him now, that I'm not so restrained.


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