Because I Love You

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Because I Love You Page 31

by Amy Brent

  I guess it was the same for him, and I wondered how he found that last release. I warmed inside thinking of his bulge and how he’d tried so hard to hide it at first. It surprised me when he mentioned it and then of course, as if he’d given me permission, I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I had sized him up through his pants and imagined that hard rigid length pleasuring the girl on the table.

  I took a deep breath and grabbed the scissors to undo the tape on another box. I had things to do and if I weren’t careful I’d have to sneak upstairs and check the batteries in my vibrator.

  I was growing pissed at myself for letting him get to me. I knew that was exactly what he was hoping would happen. Remembering his fingers fastening the straps on my harness, and how he’d remembered that too, was enough to turn me on.

  The phone rang and I glanced over to see it was Halle. It was time to stop undressing her father in my mind, and answer the phone. “Hello, Halle.”

  “How’s it going, bestie, are you finally unpacked?”

  “I’m finishing up the last of it now. My cabinets look amazing, you have to come and see them.”

  “I’ll come see on Monday. You know that invitation is still open. You missed last week and you weren’t even home.”

  “I had errands to run, but I’ll try to come by again this week.”

  “Looking forward to it. So…hey, I need to ask a favor.” Halle’s voice always went into squealy mode when she needed something.

  I hoped it wasn’t about her father. “You know I can’t tell you anything about the sessions, so don’t even try.”

  She laughed, but then made a noise of frustration. “That’s not it at all, but it is about Dad. I think he’s having a get together at his house tonight. If you could just tell me if he does, I’d appreciate it.”

  I wondered if it was a sex party or maybe a hot fuck session like he’d had on the veranda with the other woman. My chest burned with jealousy and I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. “How do you know? I mean, why would you think that?”

  “First of all, I know way more than a daughter should, and secondly, he knows I’ll be out of town until tomorrow.”

  “I didn’t even know you were out of town. What have you been getting into these days. You’re not having relationship issues are you?” The last time she was in and out of town and taking calls in private she was seeing her doctor. And not for health reasons, though she had told me he’d used a certain part of his body as a tongue depressor. She was almost as bad as her dad. Okay, worse, and that was only because I knew more details about her relationships. I’d always been the tame one for sure.

  “Yeah, and no, I’m not in relationship trouble. Don’t worry about me, seriously. I’m more concerned that my father is having a sex fest at his house this weekend.”

  “A sex fest? You mean like a swingers night?”

  “Well, from what I hear it’s not much different except that none of the members are married. Look, I know you two are talking and that’s great, but all I want to know is if there is a get together at his house. Nothing more.”

  I shrugged and part of me felt sick inside thinking of him over doing anything of the sort. “I guess I can do that, but it isn’t like I’ll know what’s going on over there.”

  “You could walk over.” She threw out the suggestion a little too easily.

  “So that’s what you really wanted, isn’t it? For me to go party crashing and catch him in the act? Are you crazy?”

  “I guess that would be a bit awkward. Forget I mentioned it.” I was relieved that she told me to forget about it, because the last thing I wanted to do was play snitch on her father.

  “I’m just so worried about him. I’m so scared someone is going to take advantage of him and his money.” She sounded like she was tearing up on the other end.

  “I’m sure your dad is careful, Halle. Don’t be worried. If I thought there was any harm coming to him, you know I’d help him.”

  “Thanks, Katie.” She had no sooner gotten the words out when I heard a knock at my back door. I looked up to see her dad standing outside the door and my heart raced as I stuttered. “I’ll, I—I’ve got to go, I’ll let you know what I find out.” I hung up the phone in the middle of her goodbye and ran to the door.

  I fidgeted with the locks and opened the door. “Hi, Grant. Come in.” I stepped out of the way and he entered.

  His eyes widened. “Wow, those cabinets look amazing. The lighter color makes this whole place seem different and more open.”

  I was so proud to be showing it off. “Thank you. I’m really happy with the work they did on them. I was a little apprehensive at first, but they are top quality.”

  “Well, it’s a wonderful space. You should be proud.” He leaned against my counter and faced me. “I came over to see if you wanted to attend a party tonight at my house.”

  I couldn’t imagine attending, but used the opportunity to do a little digging. “What kind of a party is it?”

  He flashed a boyish grin. “It’s kind of an intellectual gathering of sorts.”

  I pursed my lips and gave his a sideward look. “How come I don’t trust you?”

  “Because you know me.” He lifted his shoulders and grinned as his cheeks reddened. “Okay, it might be a little bit of a sexual gathering.”

  My eyes widened. “A sex gathering, really? You want me to attend? Are you mental?”

  “I don’t expect you to partake, but I thought you might like to come and see what I’m into. The party is more a hub where we decide who takes who on.”

  “You mean, you roll the dice or something?”

  “We have different rotations, but we don’t always have to go with that. Some of us pair up individually without the draw, but others come as guest to meet and see what it’s about. You’d be my guest and it isn’t like anyone would be fucking at my house. We mostly talk about things and then pair off for the night. No one would expect anything from you and you could leave at any time. You’d only have to sign a nondisclosure.”

  The idea of it was tantalizing, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to go to any kind of party like that. “What about your limits and rules and that whole thing about none of Halle’s friends?”

  He lifted his hands up in defense. “Hey, I only thought you might be interested in seeing things from a different point of view.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think so.”

  “It’s a standing invite. Anytime you want to stop over, text me and let me know you’re coming.”

  “Are you pairing up tonight?” I didn’t know why, but the thought of it annoyed me which was strange because the idea of him being with another person didn’t bother me before.

  “I usually do, why?”

  “Then I think you’d be too busy to entertain guests like me who aren’t participating. I mean, you wouldn’t really want me to participate, would you?”

  His face fell. “No, I hadn’t really thought about that, but I suppose if you wanted to. There are a couple of other men there your age.”

  “I’m not interested in other men, but I appreciate the thought. I’ll stay in.” I couldn’t help but be aggravated, and he seemed a bit confused like he wished he’d not walked over.

  “Well, maybe some other time. Let me know if the noise bothers you.” He gave me an apologetic look and then saw his way out.

  Chapter 11: Grant

  I had been sitting at my desk for hours distracted with the thought that my party had turned out to be one for the record books. It was the first time I’d hosted that I didn’t indulge and I can only blame one person for breaking my streak. I had hoped that Katherine would surprise me and show up, but I’d underestimated her curiosity based on the ten minutes she’d watched from her window.

  Sure I could have still participated in a pairing, but for some reason it didn’t feel right with her on my mind. She’d been there a lot lately, clouding my thoughts and my better judgment.

  Sylvie hadn�
��t shown either and I wondered if she thought I’d reported her or would call her out to the group. She should know me better, but I couldn’t blame her for being a bit gun shy. She’d been called out before and suffered that humiliation once and it had cost her a few hookups. She may have decided to step out on her own.

  I got up to pour myself a drink and returned to my desk where I’d been going over some new listings. I didn’t normally work on Sundays but, seeing how I’d decided not to make my normal appointment at the golf course, I needed something to help me focus. Or at least try.

  Heels clicking their way across my tile caught my attention and as soon as I registered the thought that it had to be my daughter, her voice rang out from the hallway.

  “Did you have a party here while I was gone?” I suddenly felt like I was a teenager again, and my dad had left me alone for the weekend only to return to find mom’s favorite vase smashed to bit in the bottom of the pool along with three condoms and a beer can someone had filled with rocks.

  “Good afternoon, Halle. I take it you had a nice trip.” I gave her a hard glare but it didn’t penetrate hers. Her eyes were fixed on mine in a standoff of epic proportions.

  “You are not a frat boy, and it’s a bit embarrassing to hear that your father is creating noise pollution and hosting keggers.”

  Laughter belted from me before I could stop myself. “I’d hardly call a quiet evening with friends a fraternity kegger.”

  “Small, quiet? That’s not the impression I got and this isn’t the first time you’ve done thing conveniently when I’m out of town.”

  “Maybe it’s the way you show up unannounced.” I glanced back to the papers on my desk as she sucked in an audible breath.

  “Are you trying to say I’m not welcome in my own home?” I glanced up to see her mouth slacken with her arms crossed in front of her. She glared down at me like I was some child she was scolding.

  I planted my hands on my desk and stood to stare down my nose at her. “Stop being ridiculous, Halle. And lose the tone. I’m your father, not one of your boyfriends, and certainly not some childish frat boy as you’ve so eloquently stated.” She dropped her chin and stared at her shoes. “I can have any damn gathering I please and I don’t have to include you.” I sat down and collected myself.

  Her voice was a mumble as she took a seat in front of me. “Sorry, Daddy. I’ve been so worried about you lately.”

  My anger subsided as she wiped a stray tear and I opened my desk and passed her a tissue. “I don’t know who has been filling your head with nonsense about me, but I would at least think you’d recognize an exaggeration when you hear one.”

  “So how have the sessions been going?” Her choice of content was curious as she changed the subject and I wondered if Katie had been the one to fill her head with garbage.

  “They’ve been fine and for the last time there isn’t anything for you to worry about. You should be concentrating on whatever you’ve got going on and stop worrying about me.”

  “I’ll always worry about you, Daddy. To tell me to stop would be the same as me giving you the same request. You wouldn’t listen. But to cure your curiosity, there’s nothing going on with me. I broke off a relationship before it turned toxic and that’s all you need to know.”

  “Good to know. You’ll let me know if anything develops.”

  She leaned forward and took my hand. “If you’ll do the same.” I wouldn’t promise her anything I couldn’t keep without a shadow of a doubt.

  “So what do you think of Katie? Isn’t she amazing?” She beamed every time she mentioned her best friend.

  “She’s certainly grown into a fine woman. If only she were my age and not your best friend.”

  She giggled. “Daddy, don’t be ridiculous. Though, you’d do well to have someone as good as Katie. But I don’t think you’re her type.”

  I decided not to argue that point. “So what are you doing here, other than to scold your old man?” I straightened the stack of papers and put them into their folder in my briefcase.

  She sat back in her chair and fidgeted with her cuff. “I wanted to know what you thought of the Henderson property; the one at the island. It’s up for sale. I know there was extensive damage from a fire, but the lot alone could be a nice personal investment.”

  I remembered the old place next to ours on the island. “I’ll check into it and let you know something. I’m not sure I want to stay there, much less expand.”

  “Oh Daddy, you can’t get rid of our second home. I love it there. After you sold our other house to buy this one you promised I’d always have a home at the island.” The horror of her expression was a bit dramatic, but I remembered telling her that. I considered giving her the place, but wasn’t sure she could deal with the proper upkeep.

  “I’ll think about it. I’m not making any decisions without talking to you first. I know the place has always been like home to you.”

  “Thanks.” She glided her thumbs across her phone texting someone. I couldn’t remember the last time we’d had a conversation when she didn’t have that damned device close by.

  “Are you going to see Katherine?” I wondered if she’d drop in on her friend since she lived so close by.

  “Not today. I have to run. I’m meeting my assistant. She thinks we’re going over a few things from the business trip, but I wanted to surprise her with a new handbag. The one she’s carrying is so outdated and it’s orange, Daddy. Orange.” Her eyes widened and she shook her head like the color made her skin crawl.

  I walked her out. “You’re a good friend, and a perfect daughter.” I kissed her cheek.

  “I love you, Daddy. Promise me you’ll take good care of yourself.” She kissed me back and then hurried out.

  I wasted no time going to the veranda hoping to make my way to Katherine’s house, but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her there, on her knees, her hands digging in the soil of a flower bed beside her house, and her hair, that had escaped a messy ponytail, framing her face like a curtain. She was gorgeous, and also a big blabbermouth.

  I walked up behind her as she took the small plant from its pot and stuck it in the hole. “That tiny thing will take years to block out any noise.”

  Her head came up as if I’d startled her and she smiled. “I love hibiscus. I had one at my old place, but Halle said I couldn’t dig it up and bring it here. Something about that being tacky.” She shrugged and turned back to her plant.

  “As tacky as tattling on her father, I’d guess.” My tone was meant to sting, but she turned and gave me a grin accompanied by a look that told me I had things all wrong.

  “Tattling? Is someone being a naughty boy?” She giggled and rose to dust the dirt from her knees.

  “You didn’t tell her about the party, did you?”

  She stood quiet as if the words were sinking in. “I haven’t told Halle anything. Discretion is important in my line of work, and I have no desire to tell her anything about you. I think you’ll find that I mind my own business, which is one reason I opted to miss your party.”

  Her bitter tone stung a bit and I felt like a fool for accusing her. “I’m sorry. I thought the party was loud and bothered you.”

  Her head snapped up and she met my eyes. “If it had, you’d be the first person to know.” As she returned to her work, I stepped back to my own yard and retreated to the house.

  Even though I was wrong about Katie, I was sure there was a rat somewhere.

  Chapter 12: Katie

  I had given up on seeing Grant again after our heated exchange at the flower bed and I wasn’t sure I wanted to see him after he’d insinuated that I told on him to Halle. As if I’d have that discussion with my best friend. Not only would she be devastated to learn about his habits, but it wasn’t exactly the type of conversation I wanted to have with my best friend about her father.

  I’d picked up my coffee mug and walked it back to the kitchen when I heard a gentle knock on my backdoor.

I opened it and leaned against the jamb. “I wasn’t expecting you’d show.”

  “Sorry I came around back, I can go around front if it makes it more official for you?” His tone wasn’t mocking or sarcastic, and I searched his eyes to make sure before stepping aside and letting him in.

  “You’re welcome at either door.” I pulled the door to and breezed past him toward the office and he followed.


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