Colters' Woman cl-1

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Colters' Woman cl-1 Page 15

by Maya Banks

  Holly froze, a smile hovering on her lips. For a brief moment, she considered just pointing out one of them, but why should she care what this woman thought of her?

  “They all are,” Holly said softly.

  Jolene’s brows shot up. “All? Oh honey, tell me you’re joking. Surely no woman is that lucky!” She shot Holly an exaggerated wink in the mirror.

  Holly chuckled then blushed.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  Holly nodded.

  Jolene shook her head. “Lordy. You have to tell me how you do it. I’d give my eyeteeth for two, much less three men who looked like that.”

  Holly stared at her in amazement. There was no shock or outrage in the woman’s voice.

  “Well, never mind, honey, you’re obviously telling the truth. Would you look at the way they’re looking at you? Like they could eat you up for lunch.” Jolene sighed wistfully. “There was once a time when a man looked at me like that.”

  “What happened?” Holly asked, curious at the longing in the other woman’s voice.

  “Oh, we wanted different things. Or at least I thought I did. I just couldn’t accept what was staring me in the face. Lean back, honey, let me get this cotton around your forehead.”

  Holly dutifully leaned back and waited for her to continue.

  “He finally got tired of waiting, I guess. Took off on his Harley and I never saw him again.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” Holly said. “You don’t know how to find him?”

  Jolene looked startled. “Well, I never considered trying to find him. Of course, that was years ago. He’s probably married with a passel of kids by now.”

  “Maybe,” Holly murmured.

  Two hours later, Jolene whirled Holly around in her chair to face the mirror.

  “There you go, honey. What do you think?”

  Holly stared back at her reflection. “It’s me,” she whispered. No streaks of blonde shone in her light brown hair. The ends had been trimmed and the tresses gleamed in the soft light.

  Jolene beamed back at her. “I thought you’d like it.”

  Holly stood and impulsively hugged the older woman. “Thank you.”

  Jolene steered her toward the waiting room. “Go see how your young men like it.”

  Holly walked over to where the brothers sat. Adam stood and reached for his wallet.

  “You look beautiful, baby.”

  She smiled and ducked her head. She glanced over at Ethan and Ryan who also nodded their approval.

  “Want to hit the shops and buy you some clothes?” Ethan asked. “There’s several down this street.”

  “I’d like that,” she replied.

  She’d also noticed a boutique specializing in lingerie. A small smile curved her lips and she bit the inside of her cheek so as not to betray her thoughts. She’d love to buy a sexy new outfit and surprise them.

  Ryan held out her coat for her and she slipped it on. As they walked out, Holly caught Jolene’s eyes, and the hairdresser threw her a saucy wink and a thumbs up.

  At first, Holly hurried through the shops, sure that the men would be bored silly watching her clothes shop, but she soon realized they enjoyed seeing her try on new things.

  Her last stop was the lingerie store, and she made the excuse that she needed bras. Inside, she picked out two sexy outfits and grinned in delight at the idea of surprising them when they returned home.

  When she stepped back out, Ryan and Ethan reached for her bags.

  “Adam’s gone over to warm up the Rover,” Ethan explained as they stepped out to cross the street.

  They hurried forward. Out of the corner of Holly’s eye, she saw a sedan pull out from where it had been parallel-parked. She blinked in surprise when it barreled out into the street. Straight for them.

  Ryan and Ethan were a step in front of her, and she threw all of her weight into their backs, desperate to shove them out of the way. In the distance, she heard Adam shout.

  Ryan and Ethan stumbled forward just as the car careened by. Pain exploded in her hip as she felt the hard bumper glance off her leg. She went sprawling, her hands out to brace her fall.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Adam watched in horror as the car struck Holly and sent her spiraling to the street. He yelled her name again as he ran for her. Ryan and Ethan knelt beside Holly, and he shoved his way in. His breath caught in his throat when he saw her beautiful eyes open and stare up at him.

  Her face contorted in pain, and she struggled to get up.

  “No!” he shouted. “No,” he said in a lower voice when she winced at his tone. “Stay there, baby. Oh my God, are you okay?”

  He yanked his cell phone out of his pocket and punched in 911.

  “No, Adam, don’t,” she protested, holding her hand up. “I’m fine, really. It’s just my hip. The car mostly missed me.”

  Mostly. Jesus. Was she trying to give him a heart attack?

  “What the hell was that idiot doing?” Ryan demanded, his voice shaking as he stroked over Holly’s hair.

  Adam shot Ryan a quelling look. The hit-and-run was no accident, and he didn’t want Holly more afraid than she already was.

  “Holly, we need to call an ambulance,” Ethan said gently. “You could be hurt.”

  By now a small crowd had assembled up and down the street. Adam heard the wail of a siren.

  “I don’t want to go to the hospital,” Holly said, her eyes pleading with Adam. “Let me get up. I’m only a little banged up.”

  He wavered a moment, his concern for her overriding all else. She moved against Ryan’s hand, trying to squirm her way up.

  “Easy, baby,” he cautioned.

  Adam reached down and lifted her easily into his arms.

  “Can you stand?” he asked, unwilling to set her down yet.

  “I’m fine, really. Just a little shaken.”

  With great care, he set her down on her feet. Ethan’s hands came out to steady her as she wobbled the slightest bit. She rubbed her hip with her hand, her fingers catching in the torn material down her leg.

  “These were my favorite pair of jeans,” she said ruefully.

  Unable to stand it a moment longer, Adam crushed her to him, his arms holding her tightly against him. He drew in several steadying breaths, trying to calm the adrenaline that buzzed through his veins.

  Some son of a bitch had just tried to kill her. He’d bet his entire cabin that it was her soon-to-be-ex-husband. He stared over at his brothers and saw answering rage in their eyes. He put a finger to his lips and they nodded their understanding.

  A police cruiser roared up seconds later, followed quickly by an ambulance. People crowded round as the paramedics examined Holly and the cops questioned everyone.

  An hour later, Holly signed no transport papers, and the crowd began to disperse. The responding officer took the last statement and climbed into his cruiser.

  Holly’s eyes were etched with pain and fatigue. Adam knew she hadn’t been completely honest about the extent of her injuries, and he planned to remedy the situation immediately.

  He tossed the keys to Ethan. “You drive.”

  He bent and picked Holly up into his arms and cradled her gently against his chest. She didn’t protest, only expelled a weary sigh as she rested her head on his shoulder. He walked over to the Land Rover and eased into the backseat with her.

  Ryan turned around in the front seat, his eyes bright with worry. “Are you all right, Holly?”

  She stirred in Adam’s arms and put out her hand to touch Ryan’s arm. “I’m fine. I promise. Just a little shaky now that it’s all over with.”

  But even as she offered Ryan reassurance, Adam could feel the tension in her body, see the pain in her eyes. He knew Ryan could see it too.

  At the hotel, Adam carried Holly to their suite and laid her on the bed. He wanted to see her injuries, make sure she was truly all right.

  Ethan and Ryan crowded in as Adam slowly pulled her tattered jeans a
way from her body. His hands trembled in rage as he saw the large bruise already forming on her hip and upper leg. Blood from a three-inch gash smeared her pale skin.

  Holly lay still on the bed, her eyes closed as Adam took stock of her injuries. He hated to disturb her, but he needed to know if she hurt anywhere else.

  “Baby,” he said softly.

  She opened her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering delicately against soft skin. She looked so damned vulnerable.

  “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  She shook her head slowly.

  “We need to clean this up,” he said. “If I draw you a bath, can you soak for a bit and let me clean your leg?”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll go run the water,” Ethan said. He trailed his hand down her cheek then bent down and kissed her forehead. “Be back in a sec, doll.”

  Adam watched as Ethan walked away with clenched fists. His brothers were as eaten up with worry as he was. And with anger.

  “Let’s get you out of the rest of your clothes,” Adam said.

  He eased the shirt over her head, careful not to move her more than necessary. Ryan sat at her head, smoothing his hand over her hair.

  Adam felt her begin to tremble. At first, tiny quakes shuddered over her body, but then she began to shake in earnest. Tears leaked from beneath her eyelids, and Adam’s chest tightened.

  He bent over and pulled her naked body into his arms. “You’re safe now, baby.”

  She hiccupped softly, her breath snagging as she sucked in.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said as she scrubbed at her face.

  Ryan scowled. “You had a terrible fright.”

  “Her bath is ready,” Ethan said from the door.

  “Come on, baby. A nice, hot bath will make you feel better.”

  Adam stood up and carried her into the bathroom. He set her gently down into the sudsy water. She hissed in pain as the water hit her leg.

  Adam cursed under his breath. “I’m sorry.”

  She slumped against the back of the tub, eyes closed. “You were right. This feels wonderful.”

  “You’re going to hurt tomorrow,” Adam said as he knelt beside the tub.

  “I hurt now,” she said wryly.

  Adam reached down with a washcloth and gently began to clean the cut on her hip.

  She turned troubled eyes on him. “You think it was him, don’t you?”

  He didn’t pretend to misunderstand. “Yeah, baby, I do.”

  She sank lower in the tub, her shoulders hunched in defeat. “He could have killed Ryan and Ethan.”

  “He could have killed you,” Adam growled.

  “I couldn’t stand for anything to happen to one of you,” she said.

  “And we couldn’t stand for anything to happen to you. Now come on, I’ll dry you off and put you to bed.”

  He lifted her from the tub and wrapped a big fluffy towel around her. When they left the bathroom, Ryan caught Holly in his arms and hugged her tightly.

  “You scared me,” Ryan said gruffly.

  Holly stretched on tiptoe and curled her arms around Ryan’s neck. She felt incredibly safe in his arms, like nothing could touch her.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Ryan said against her ear.

  “You’ll be gentle,” she said with absolute conviction. She knew of anyone, these men would never hurt her. “I need you.”

  “Come to bed,” he said, tugging her forward.

  She went willingly and allowed him to remove the towel that covered her body. He pulled back the covers and gestured for her to get in. She nearly groaned aloud as the soft linens enveloped her.

  She glanced up to see Adam and Ethan standing beside Ryan. Ryan shrugged out of his shirt and climbed in beside her. Adam walked around to the other side of the bed and sank down behind her. Ethan sprawled across the end of the bed, propping himself up on his elbow.

  They weren’t going to make love to her. Even as a teeny bit of disappointment tugged at her, fatigue settled in. She burrowed against Ryan’s hard chest and sighed in contentment as his strong arms curled around her.

  Warm lips sent a shiver up her body as Adam gently kissed her bruised leg.

  “Go to sleep, baby,” he murmured. “We’ll be right here.”

  She closed her eyes, reveling in their warmth and strength. She couldn’t allow herself to think about what could have happened today. As much as she feared the decision to stay with the brothers, she knew she couldn’t live without them.

  But what if her staying was what brought them harm?

  Chapter Twenty

  “We could have lost her today,” Adam said. Anger still surged hotly through his system. He wanted to kill someone. With his bare hands.

  He turned to stare at his brothers. “We can’t stay here. We can’t protect her here in the city. It’s too open.”

  “I agree,” Ryan said in a steely voice. “We should get back home.”

  The three brothers paced the living room of the suite like caged predators. Holly slept a few feet away in the bedroom, the door ajar so they could hear if she wakened.

  “The question is, what are we going to do about her husband?” Ethan said.

  “We protect Holly and wait for Cal to do his job,” Adam said.

  Ryan scrubbed through his hair impatiently. “Something has to be done. We can’t sit around with our thumbs up our asses. You and I both know this isn’t over.”

  “I’m well aware of that,” Adam said, trying to curtail his irritation. He knew Ryan was as worried as he was. “We go home and keep our guard up. He’s at a disadvantage on our turf. No one knows those mountains better than we do. When we’re out here in the open, we’re little better than sitting ducks.”

  Ethan nodded in agreement. “I saw something in Holly’s eyes I didn’t like tonight. More than fear. It was the knowledge that something she did could have harmed us. I don’t want her thinking that way.”

  “She didn’t do anything,” Ryan snarled.

  Ethan held his hands up. “I didn’t say she did, Ryan. Back off. I just know what she’s thinking, and I don’t like it. She thinks she’s the reason for all of this.”

  “Enough,” Adam said. “The important thing is we get Holly back to the cabin and make damn sure one of us is with her at all times. We don’t want to do anything that could complicate a divorce. As soon as it’s final, then we can figure out the best way to deal with the asshole.”

  A sound from Holly’s room called a halt to the conversation.

  “I’ll go,” Ryan said. Before Adam or Ethan could respond, Ryan strode across the room.

  “He loves her,” Ethan said quietly.

  Adam nodded, satisfaction filling his chest. Getting close to Ryan was as hard as peeling a pit bull off your ass, but once Ryan allowed someone in, he embraced them wholeheartedly. And he was fiercely protective of those he loved.

  “He’ll watch over her well,” Adam said.

  “We all will,” Ethan corrected.

  Adam checked his watch. Two A.M. But he wasn’t going to sleep much tonight. If it weren’t for the fact Holly needed to rest, he’d head them all out now and get out of town. Back to their cabin.

  “Why don’t you get some rest?” Ethan offered. “I’m wide-awake. I’ll hang out here and make sure everything stays quiet.”

  Adam expelled his breath in a long whoosh. “All right. I doubt I’ll sleep, but I’ll kick back for a few hours. We’ll drive home in the morning.”

  Adam shuffled into the bedroom. He glanced over to see Ryan wrapped around Holly, their legs entwined. Ryan’s hand rested possessively on Holly’s hip, his fingers splayed out over the curve of her ass.

  Ryan opened his eyes and stared at Adam from an angle. Adam lifted his brow in silent question. Ryan nodded, signaling all was well with Holly. Adam shucked his boots and jeans and quietly crawled into bed on the other side of Holly.

; She stirred restlessly beside him, scooting her backside into his stomach. He kissed her bare shoulder then nuzzled his face around her hair before relaxing onto the pillow.

  But when he closed his eyes, all he saw was the car hitting Holly. Over and over. His heart raced and a knot grew in his throat. How close they’d come to losing her.

  He’d been lax, they all had, but it wouldn’t happen again. He’d sworn to protect Holly from the moment she’d appeared in their lives. And already he’d failed her.

  * * *

  Holly eased out of the bed, wincing as her leg bore the full brunt of her weight. She contorted her body, looking down at the dark purple bruise and the tender gash that slanted diagonally from her hip.

  Warped amusement burbled up. Her first thought had been she felt like she’d been hit by a car. At least now she had good reference for the old cliché.

  She stretched and rotated her shoulder. She felt old and decrepit, as stove up as a ninety-year-old woman. But at least she was alive. No thanks to Mason.

  She limped toward the bathroom, wondering where the guys were. The digital clock on the bedside table told her it was early. She carefully dressed, brushed her teeth then ran a brush through her hair. She still looked like hell, but at least she felt marginally better.

  A noise at the door caused her to look up. Ryan stood in the doorway to the bathroom, staring intently at her.

  “I thought I heard you. How are you feeling?” he asked.

  She smiled. “Stiff and sore, but considering the circumstances, it could be a lot worse, so I’m grateful.”

  Warring emotions swirled in Ryan’s eyes. Anger, concern, and what looked like fear. She put down her brush and walked silently into his arms. She wrapped herself around him, hugging him tightly.

  “I’m okay, Ryan. Really.”

  Strong arms nearly squeezed the life out of her. Against her cheek, his heart thudded in his chest.

  “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you,” he said hoarsely.

  She leaned back, tilting her head up to look at him. “But nothing did,” she said lightly.

  He cupped her cheek in his hand then leaned in to kiss her.


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