Storm & Seduction (Warriors of the Wind Book 2)

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Storm & Seduction (Warriors of the Wind Book 2) Page 8

by Anna Hackett

  Antonio groaned. “No, Sophia. You have to get out.”

  Sophia leaned closer, fighting the urge to sink her teeth into his shoulder. “I don’t think so.”

  Chapter Two

  Antonio was in hell.

  An enticing, seductive hell.

  Sophia’s hands moved over his chest, her short nails scraping over his nipples. He groaned. Her fingers weren’t soft but lightly callused from her work with a brush. He found it sexy as hell. He wanted to feel her touch on other parts of his body.

  From the first moment he’d seen her, hunched over a painting, absorbed in bringing it back to life, he’d wanted her. Hungered for her to look at him with the same captivation.

  Now she was touching him, and making small noises in the back of her throat as she explored him.

  But it wasn’t real.

  Her fingers skimmed over his belly, making his muscles tighten so hard it hurt. Cazzo. Her hand traced the same path the redhead’s had taken, but now the sensations were a hundred times stronger. Brutal arousal stormed through him.

  The air was saturated with lust. Wherever they were, Corus was keeping the place bathed in his vice. Enticing. Taunting. Seducing.

  “Sophia. Stop.” A tortured groan ripped from him.

  Her finger dipped into his navel and he jerked. Her other hand slid into his hair, rubbing the strands between her fingers.

  “I’ve wanted to touch you for weeks.” She ran her fingers through his curls. “I’ve seen you with those statuesque models you like to date. A different one every week.” Blue eyes, a little cloudy and unfocused, caught his. “I hate them. I wonder if you touch them, kiss them…”

  Dio. He couldn’t hold back his words. “I’ve wanted you from the moment you stepped into my museum.”

  Her hand froze. “Really?”

  “Si.” The truth tumbled from him, even as his mind screamed at him to stay silent. “I dream of kissing you. Touching you. At work, I want to back you into a dark corner and slide my hands under those tight, sexy work skirts you wear.”


  He knew lust. But he also sensed something else in his need for Sophia. “Even the way you love your work—your intense concentration and your patience—turns me on.”

  Every night he hunted Corus, and whenever Antonio stole a few moments to rest, he woke in a cold sweat. Afraid that with every hour that passed, all he had inside him was lust. But Sophia made him believe he had more in him than that.

  She made a small sound. “I told myself to stay away from you.” Her lips skimmed his jaw, hovered over his mouth. “I can’t seem to remember why.”

  Merda, his hands were shaking. This was wrong. No matter how much he wanted it, he had to remember that it wasn’t real. This had the taint of Corus stamped all over it.

  “No, Sophia. This can’t happen.”

  “Why?” Her warm breath feathered over his lips.

  The sheet slipped and fell away. He groaned. She was so damn beautiful, and when she moved closer, her bare breasts rubbed his chest. The touch of her skin on his was electrifying. His cock filled even more, throbbing.

  Her hands curled around his biceps. “I haven’t felt like this for so long…maybe ever.”

  Such grief under her words. It made him want to find the bastard who’d sent her fleeing from Washington D.C. She rubbed against him and Antonio gritted his teeth.

  Not real. Not real. Not real.

  But when her lips met his, his control broke. He kissed her with the full force of his desire. He forced her full lips open, sliding his tongue inside. She moaned, her hands gripping him, her tongue dancing with his. She tasted so good and felt so right.

  Not real. Antonio didn’t want her like this. Clouded by Corus’ twisted desires. He broke the kiss, his lungs burning. “This isn’t real.”

  She jerked back, the color leaching from her face. “I’ve heard that before. Am I just a little fantasy before you tell me you’re married and go back to your wife?” She snatched up the sheet and wrapped it around her body.

  Merda. Antonio closed his eyes. He hated hurting her. What idiot would throw a woman like Sophia aside? “I’m not married. I’m sorry—”

  She shook her head. Her eyes were clearing, returning to their usual bright blue. “Wealthy, handsome men are used to taking what they want, when they want it. I get it.”

  Antonio opened his mouth to say something, but was he really any different from the man who’d obviously hurt her? He enjoyed women and all their smells, smiles, and offerings. He never stayed with a woman long. He pleasured them, took his own pleasure, but never promised more. But one difference was that he never lied to them.

  From deep inside, he dredged up the last shred of his control. “We’re being manipulated by Corus to feel this way.”

  Her brow knitted for a moment, then her eyes widened. “I remember that name now. It was in my research.” Her gaze crashed into his. “Corus is the name of one of the Tempest Winds.”

  Antonio could see the wheels turning in her head. Sophia was smart and he knew it wouldn’t take her long to put it all together. “You need to go. Get out and call my brothers.”

  “Corus is the Keeper of the Northwest wind—” she looked around the room, then down at her sheet-covered body “—and the vice of lust.”

  “I’m not talking about myths and legends.” Antonio needed her far away from Corus. “Corus is dangerous and you need to get away.”

  She shook her head. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not leaving you here.” She reached up, wrapping both hands around the anchor point of the chain. She paused, her eyes inches from his. “And I want answers from you after we get out of here.”

  His jaw tightened and he stayed silent.

  She yanked on the chains. They didn’t move.

  Muttering under her breath, she started searching the room. Antonio’s gaze followed her, tracing her slender neck, her flushed cheeks, and the wrap of satin over her curves. The smolder of desire in him flamed again. Damn, he felt like he was going to burst out of his skin.

  She turned back, a huge smile on her face. “These were hanging by the door.” She rattled the keys in her hands.

  She stepped in close to him, her gaze sliding over his chest. His cock brushed her hip. He groaned and heard her quick intake of breath. He smelled the tantalizing scent of her arousal.

  The chains fell away from his left arm and he flexed his aching muscles. When she reached for the other chain, he gripped her wrist.

  She stilled.

  Her bones were so delicate under his fingers. He pulled in a shuddering breath. “If you undo that chain, I can’t guarantee you’ll be safe from me.”


  Sophia was caught in the intense green stare that seemed to look all the way through her.

  For the first time, she admitted to herself that she liked more about Antonio Venti than just his perfect face and mouthwatering body. Every conversation, every argument about renaissance history, every discussion about restoring a piece of art was stimulating.

  She pulled in a tiny breath. It was about time she was honest with herself.

  She’d let James really work her over when he’d lied to her and destroyed her trust. She studied Antonio’s face. She didn’t understand this situation, but she knew in her marrow that if Antonio hadn’t stopped her right now, they’d be having sex. Instead, he’d held back.

  “I trust you.” She reached up and unlocked the last chain. It clattered against the floor.

  His hand whipped up and gripped her jaw. God, his skin was burning hot. He tilted her head back and Sophia’s breath stuck in her chest.

  His mouth stopped short of touching hers. “I will do everything I can to live up to that trust.” His fingers tightened on her skin, then he pulled away. “Let’s find some clothes and get out of here.”

  As he walked to the door, she watched the flex of solid muscle in his back and amazing ass. She swallowed and looked to the ceiling. Foc
us, Sophia.

  He tried the door. No surprise, it was locked. He gripped the silver handle and yanked. The entire door ripped off the frame.

  Her eyes widened. She studied the ruined wood as he set it aside. It was solid. It should have been impossible for him to do what he’d just done. Her belly tightened. She knew Antonio was much, much more than he seemed.

  “I really want those answers,” she said.

  He stepped out of the room. “It’s best if you don’t know.”

  Sophia followed, ready to argue. He stopped so suddenly that she ran into his back.

  “Dio.” His tone was dark. “They’re all infected.”

  Dread curdling in her belly, she stepped to the side. Her mouth dropped open.

  They were in some kind of club. It was decorated in the same style as the bedroom—black and silver with red accents. Decadent.

  Along one wall, naked men and women were chained in various poses. Some were being spanked, others whipped, others…performing.

  The center of the room was a mass of heaving bodies. All of them naked. Sophia didn’t know where to look. She wasn’t a prude and she liked sex, but this orgy was beyond her experience.

  Her gaze settled on a trio near them. The woman was on her hands and knees while a large man thrust into her from behind. Sophia watched the flex of his buttocks and the way the woman rocked forward and back on the large cock of the man in front of her.

  The air in the room was hot, humid. Desire flared in her belly and far too easily the image of Antonio pushing her onto her hands and knees snuck into her head. She shifted, very aware of the dampness between her thighs.

  “Here.” Antonio thrust some clothes at her.

  Sophia reluctantly dropped the sheet and tugged on the tiny skirt and thin shirt. Oh God, she looked like a prostitute.

  Antonio had found some black leather pants for himself. Oh. Her heart stuttered. With the combination of his bare chest and slick, tight leather, he looked like some sort of dark avenging rock god.

  He grabbed her hand and led her around the writhing throng. There was a door on the opposite wall. Thank God, a way out.

  She tried not to look at the people around them, but everywhere she turned, naked limbs and bobbing cocks and breasts taunted her. They passed one woman caught between two men, her head thrust back in ecstasy, her mouth open in a soundless cry of pleasure.

  For a single bright, shining moment, Sophia envied the woman. Sophia’s relationship with James had started out passionately, but had quickly turned into something best described as comfortable. She’d been okay with that because she’d loved him. Or at least the man she’d thought he was.

  She looked at Antonio. She knew there’d be nothing comfortable or tepid about his loving.

  Antonio pushed open the door and waved her into a hallway. It was a few degrees cooler and the scent of sex was dulled. She breathed deeply, enjoying the fresher air.

  But there was no time to stop. With one hand on her shoulder, Antonio pushed her down the hall. “There has to be an exit somewhere.”

  A woman’s scream echoed off the walls and they both froze. This sound had nothing to do with pleasure.

  Antonio grabbed Sophia’s hand and broke into a sprint. She struggled to keep up with his long strides, but was more than happy to put some distance between them and the orgy room.

  They turned a corner and ahead, she saw two men had a woman cornered. The tiny brunette wore a simple white shirt and black skirt. She clutched an empty tray in front of her like a shield.

  The men moved in. One ripped her shirt open, sending buttons all over the floor. The other man grabbed her and shoved her against the wall.

  “Merda.” Antonio stepped in front of Sophia. “Stay back.”

  He strode forward, determination in the rigid set of his shoulders. He tore one man away from the woman, tossing him down the hall. He followed and slammed a fist into the man’s face. The attacker fell, skidding along the floor.

  The second man growled and rammed into Antonio, momentum sending them crashing into the wall. Antonio shrugged the man off and pushed him back.

  Both men rose, shoulder to shoulder. Aggression pumped off them and filled the hall, thick and dark and almost tangible. Sophia’s belly hardened.

  “We would have shared,” one man said, his gaze on the woman who was scrambling backward, her body shaking.

  “But you didn’t ask nicely,” the other man growled. He flicked a glance at Sophia, lust burning in his brown eyes. “Now we’re going to take your pretty morsel, too.”

  The men rushed forward like linebackers.

  Sophia stifled the scream welling in her throat. Antonio lunged to the side. He pressed one foot to the wall and used it for leverage to leap into the air.

  His roundhouse kick slammed one man into the wall. He slumped down and didn’t get back up.

  The other man ran.

  At Sophia.

  There was nowhere to go. She braced herself, her heart pounding. She lifted her hands, ready to defend herself. This was going to hurt.

  “No!” Antonio yelled.

  A strong wind rushed through the hall, whipping Sophia’s hair into her eyes. One huge gust caught the man and shoved him several feet back down the hallway. He slammed into the wall beside his friend, knocking a painting off the wall with a crash. He fell to the floor, hitting his head with a thud.

  Sophia lifted her gaze. Antonio stood with his legs spread shoulder-width apart and his palms out. Their gazes clashed. Slowly, he lowered his arms to his sides.

  She counted the rapid thuds of her heartbeat. Okay, she’d suspected, but seeing the reality, seeing his power…it left her breathless and just a little afraid.

  She swallowed past the knot in her throat. “You’re a Warrior of the Wind.”

  Chapter Three

  Antonio stared into Sophia’s wide blue eyes and felt…stripped. He wondered what she thought of him now, and if she could see through to the rot staining his soul.

  A small cry beside him had him turning his head. The woman he’d rescued was huddled against the wall, her eyes blank with shock.

  He kept his voice gentle, and crouched. “Stai bene?”

  She gave him a shaky nod. “Grazie.”

  “Go home now.” He helped her up.

  After another nod, the woman ran down the hall, her footsteps echoing off the walls.

  Antonio swung back to Sophia. “You should do the same. Leave Florence and go back to America.”

  Sophia ran her hands up and down her arms. “I saw you control the wind. You’re a living legend.”

  “You need to forget what you saw.”

  She gave a short laugh. “How can I forget any of this?” She shook her head. “I came here for my career, but also to find out the truth about the Warriors of the Wind. I’ve been obsessed since I was a little girl.”

  He heaved out a breath. “Why?”

  “My parents brought me to Florence when I was a child. I saw a man use the wind to spray water out of a fountain over five young boys…” She broke off, her mouth dropping open. “It was you. Your brothers, your father. One of the boys saw me, and he winked at me.”

  Dio. Antonio remembered. A hot, sunny summer’s day at the Fontana del Nettuno. He was the boy who’d winked at the pretty young girl with pigtails and big blue eyes.

  “Antonio, from that day, I’ve believed there was a seed of truth in every legend. It fueled my interest in art and art history.” She gave a little laugh. “Guess I found the seed.”

  Antonio grabbed her arms, smoothing his palms over her chilled skin. “I’m a man, Sophia, not a legend. I have flaws, weaknesses.” He could see she still looked a little shocked and dazed as she absorbed the news. His gaze zoomed in on the pulse pounding under the fine skin at her temple. “I have wants and desires.”

  “What’s your wind, Antonio?”

  “The West Wind.” Unable to stop himself, he touched a strand of her hair and rubbed it between h
is fingers. It was so silky. “And like Corus, my wind also carries lust.”

  She pulled back with a sharp breath. “What? But you hunt the Tempest Winds—”

  “All the winds carry vices. The Tempest Winds choose to embrace them.”

  She went still. “And you resist.”

  “I try.” Every hour of every day. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  She moved into step beside him. “It affects you? The lust?”

  He gave her a tight nod. “I’m more susceptible. Corus will try to break me.” He glanced sideways. “And he knows me better than I’d like.”


  They both spun, Antonio pushing her behind him. Ahead, at the end of the hall, a set of ornate double doors had slammed open.

  A harsh wind swept through the hall, ripping at their hair and borrowed clothes. It scratched over their skin.

  Antonio’s jaw tightened. He had to end this.

  He pointed in the opposite direction. “Find a way out.” When she nodded, he turned back, preparing for what he was about to face.

  A hand gripped his arm. “Antonio?”

  He held his breath and Sophia stepped in front of him. She grabbed his hand and squeezed. “Be careful.”

  He wanted to kiss her, but it was a temptation he couldn’t afford. With a nod, he turned away, battling to put her out of his head and focus on the fight ahead. But that small touch burned into him, warming the cold places inside him.

  It gave him the strength he needed to face his nemesis.

  Antonio stepped into the large ballroom. It was decorated in a traditional style, very different from the dark decadence of the orgy room. Windows cast morning light across the parquet floor. Huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling and gilt-framed mirrors ran along the opposing wall.

  All showcasing Corus’ reflection.

  The Tempest Wind stood in the center of the room. His dark hair was brushed back, highlighting the planes of his face and the empty darkness of his eyes. His lips quirked. “Nice outfit.”

  “I’m done talking, Corus.”

  Suddenly, Corus smiled. A blinding show of teeth. “She’s so pretty. So delicious.” He shot a charming smile over Antonio’s shoulder. “You have excellent taste. I can’t wait to sample her.”


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