Harley's Fall

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Harley's Fall Page 1

by G. Bailey

  Table of Contents

  The King Brothers Series book four.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30


  Harley’s Fall

  The King Brother series

  G Bailey


  The King Brothers Series book four.



  List of G. Baileys books-





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30


  Authors Note



  Exclusive extra scene of when Blake proposes to Izzy…


  31. Strip for Me excerpt…

  32. Ellie

  The King Brothers Series book four.

  © Copyright 2017 by G. Bailey.

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  The author acknowledges the trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or stores referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Cover design by Olivia Pro Design

  List of G. Baileys books-

  The King Brothers Series-

  Izzy’s Beginning (Book one)

  Sebastian’s Chance (Book two)

  Elliot’s Secret (Book three)

  Harley’s Fall (Book Four)

  Luke’s Revenge (Coming soon)

  Tristan’s Redemption (Coming soon)

  Her Guardians Series-

  Winter’s Guardian (Book one)

  Winter’s Kiss (Book two)

  Winter’s Promise (Book three)

  Winter’s War (Book Four)

  Her Fate Series-

  (Her Guardians Series spinoff)

  Adelaide’s Fate (Coming soon)

  Adelaide’s Trust (Coming soon)

  Adelaide’s Storm (Coming soon)

  Saved by Pirates Series-

  Escape the sea (Book One)

  Love the sea (Book Two)

  Save the sea (Coming soon)

  Only one night series-

  Strip for me (Book one)

  Live for Me (Coming soon)

  The Marked Series (Co-written with Cece Rose)-

  Marked by Power (Book one)

  Marked by Pain (Book two)

  Snow and Seduction anthology-

  Triple Kisses

  The Forest Pack series-

  Run Little Wolf- (Coming soon)

  Protected by Dragons series-

  Wings of Ice- (Coming Soon)

  For Kia, my slightly strange cat. Thank you for freaking out the neighbours and making me laugh.


  When you run, how long does it take for your past to catch up with you?

  Harley King knows something is up when his sister's friend turns up unexpectedly, and needs a place to stay. When Harley lets Tilly live with him, he did not expect to fall for her smartass comments and her kind nature.

  Tilly thought running from her past would keep her safe, but will Harley’s past put her in danger?

  Can the oldest King brother protect her when her secret comes out?

  Or will he walk away?


  The fourth book in the King Brothers series.


  There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand- without you even speaking a word.

  -Yasmin Mogahed


  "Come on!" Emilia shouts at me, just as I spot Harley. Every part of me freezes when I see him; my mouth goes dry, and fear fills me. He is in the cage, blood pouring down his face, two men are unconscious at his feet, and he is facing three other guys in the cage. Two of them are massive, and the other looks like he shouldn’t be in the fight at all. There are hundreds of people around the cage, most shouting ‘King,’ but some are shouting other words I don’t recognise. The noise is just that loud in here, but I can’t move as I stare at Harley. I don’t think I will ever forget seeing him this way, the way he looks so dangerous, but I know straight away that this is not who he is. Harley is the man who feeds my daughter when she wakes up at night, who brings me coffee in the morning. The man who cuts roses in his garden and puts them in my bedroom window. The man I find asleep in his study, with a new book in his hands. That’s my Harley, and this is the man he has been forced to be for too long.

  "I see Sebastian at the bar,” she shouts at me and tries to pull my arm, just as Harley rushes at two of the guys.

  "Go, then," I say, unhooking my arm from hers and ignoring her when she tells me to come back. I push through the people and duck under others that are jumping up and down. It doesn’t take me long to get to the front of the crowd, with my body pushed against the Cage wall. Harley is struggling to fight the guys as two of the massive ones hold him down, and the other hits his side. I feel sick as I see the almost defeated look he is wearing; this fight isn’t fair. He can’t die like this, not after everything this hellhole has taken from him.

  "HARLEY FIGHT FOR ME!"I scream, just as his bright-green eyes find mine.

  Chapter 1


  I can do this. I repeat to myself as the cab pulls up to the large, Victorian house I’ve seen in the photos my best friend has sent me. The house is amazingly beautiful, with grey, stone walls and big, arched windows. It looks like something out of a damn fairy tale and not a house just outside a small, English village. I forgot how cold England is compared to France, I think as I pull my coat closer around myself and wish the cab driver had put the heating on in the car.

  "Here you go, love," the cab driver says as I snap out of my daze, and I hand him the money for the ride. The driver helps me get my one suitcase full of clothes out of the boot before driving off. I hope Izzy is home. I think of my best friend who lives here, sometimes, when she isn't with her boyfriend, and I can’t wait to see her. I remind m
yself that it doesn't matter if she isn't in because undoubtedly one of her brothers could point me in her direction.

  I straighten my back, as I raise my hand to knock on the massive, wooden door, but it's suddenly pushed open by a handsome man. The man is wearing nearly all black-leather and has slightly long, messy, black hair covering his stern-looking face. He is struggling to hold two boxes under one arm, and my hand just misses his face as he dodges to the side, but, unfortunately, one of the boxes drops to the ground, with a sound like glass smashing.

  "Shit," the man says in a deep voice.

  "I'm so sorry," I mutter quickly putting my hand down. Great first impression, almost hitting one of the King brothers in the face.

  "Who are you?" the man asks bluntly, making me feel a little defensive. It's not like I meant to nearly hit him in the face and make him drop his box.

  "I'm looking for Izzy," I say, matching his tone, and the man looks amused for a second. I'm confident that he isn't going to tell me as he stares me down, holding onto the last box for dear life when I hear Izzy shout behind him.

  "Who's that?"

  The man moves out of the way, and I see the welcome sight of Izzy running to me. She pushes the man out of the way, causing the last box to hit the floor with a bigger bang.

  Izzy wraps herself around me in a big hug that I return, barely holding in my tears at finally being able to see my best friend after so many years. Izzy is like the sister I never had, and damn, I’ve missed her.

  "Tilly, what the hell are you doing here?" Izzy asks pulling back to look at me. I look at her, too, noticing the changes. Not enough that I don’t recognise her, but enough that I have to pause a second. Her hair is just as long and blonde as before, but she has it up in a high ponytail with highlights running through it. The jumper and jeans she has on look made for her, she looks fantastic and happy. I know she is happy from her messages and phone calls, but seeing it is something else.

  "Long story," I mutter not wanting to ruin this moment by thinking about the reason I’m here unannounced and with only one bag. Even thinking of France leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

  "I knew you would drop one," a deep, sexy-sounding voice says with a laugh as a man comes into the now-crammed hallway. Luckily, the house is big. Damn, I can't take my eyes off this guy. He is tall, way over six foot, with long, brown hair pulled together loosely at the back of his head. His startling green eyes, much like Izzy’s, latch onto mine, and neither of us look away. He must be the oldest brother. Harley, if I remember right. I wish I had looked at those photos Izzy sent me of them.

  Harley looks a little confused as he asks, "Who is this?"

  I don’t say anything as I stare, and I swear I’m actually speechless as I check out his tight suit and the fantastic body that fills it. Izzy clears her throat, making me look back at her after a long silence between us all. When I see her small smile, I grin because I’m so happy to see her again. Izzy pulls me into the hallway, out of the cold.

  "I kind of need a place to stay. It's just for a few weeks till I find somewhere to rent. My family isn't moving here for two months, and it’s a long story," I say to Izzy who smiles as her green eyes widen. I’m happy she doesn’t ask why, but I know she will the moment we are alone. As much as I trust her, I have no idea if I can even talk about everything yet. Even to Izzy.

  "You can stay with me," she says, practically jumping up and down as she pulls me into a hug.

  "Sorry, beauty, she can't. Allie’s room is already rented out, and I signed the contract. I forgot to tell you," a tall, blonde man, who I recognise from Izzy’s photos, says coming to stand next to Izzy, while I look him up and down. Damn, Izzy is a smart girl. He is hot with a muscular build and a small waist. He has this whole surfer look going on. Standing next to Izzy, they look like the perfect, California, blonde couple. Like they should be advertising surfboards or something.

  "Good choice," I whisper to Izzy, making her laugh.

  "She can stay here; Elliot's room is empty, now, and we have others," Harley says, making everyone look towards him, including me. I don't think he ever stopped looking at me, and it's making me want to squirm under the pressure of his gaze. It's like he knows what I'm running from, and that scares me because no one can know. I ran from France, and from that man, so that people wouldn’t know. I only need a place to stay for a little while until my family comes here, and I hope I’m strong enough to tell them. The thought of telling them anything is making me feel sick.

  "I can stay in a hotel. I don't want to put anyone out," I say, knowing that my tone is sounding as nervous as I feel.

  "I insist," Harley says, and I know he isn't asking, now. The man is powerful, and I'm smart enough to know I need to be somewhere safe for a little while just in case my past finds me. This could be a good place to hide, to make sure he doesn’t find me. There’s no doubt he will look into my old home and find out I was friends with Izzy. I’m just hoping none of Izzy’s past can find her here.

  "Well thanks, I’ll pay rent, of course," I say, knowing that I have more than enough to pay for a little while. I was lucky that my career is going well enough that I can dip into my savings, but I know long term, I need to plan things out.

  "No, you won't. Izzy can sort out bed sheets for you," Harley says with one more look at me before walking away. I stand in shock for a second, before realising that I can’t do that. I won’t owe any man anything again.

  "Hey! I will!" I shout at his back as he disappears out of the room, and I hear a chuckle from Harley in the kitchen, damn if his laugh isn't sexy, too.

  "Well, it's nice to meet you, Tilly. Izzy has told me all about you since she came here," the man with the boxes says, holding out a hand for me to shake.

  "You must be Elliot" I guess, remembering Izzy sending me photos of him next to a bike. I shake his hand with a friendly smile which he returns, well almost.

  "I'm Blake, but you've guessed that," Izzy’s boyfriend says as I let go of Elliot’s hand and look over at him.

  "Yeah from the fact that missy, over here, has sent me pictures of everyone. That was Harley, right?" I ask, gesturing to the kitchen area. I knew he was good-looking from the photos, but they didn’t do him justice. He is hella hot in person, too.

  "Yes, but tell me all about France and why you're here early," Izzy is practically bouncing up and down in excitement as she talks, making me laugh. I did miss her.

  "Come on, then," I smile and mentally rerun my excuse for being here, over and over in my head. It’s not that I don’t trust her, but I just can’t tell her now. I hate lying, but I just can't tell her or anyone. Not yet.

  She takes my hand leading me into a big, living room area. It's fitted with three leather sofas and a big, old fireplace in the middle of the room. The room has light-brown walls that match the dark wooden flooring that is throughout the house by the looks of it. There are two bookcases by the big window filled with old-looking books that I will have to have a look at, and the window shows off the impressive garden full of flowers. Izzy pulls my arm, so I sit down next to her on one of the sofas, and starts asking me questions a mile a minute.

  "So, why did you come earlier? Why not wait? Are you okay? Why didn't you call me?"

  "Beauty, maybe let her speak first," Blake interrupts with a smile at Izzy who looks over at him and then sits on the opposite sofa to us.

  "Yes, sorry, I’m just so happy to see you. Video chats, phone calls, and emails aren’t enough," Izzy says with a little blush, and I squeeze her hand.

  "No, I get it, and it's just work. I have a new client, and it was easier to meet him here than fly back home," I lie, well slightly. I do have a new author who needs edits done and wants to meet, but I don't need to meet her to edit her book. I can always video call if needed.

  "Right." Izzy raises an eyebrow at me reminding me how she always knew when I was lying when we were younger. I know she is about to call me on it, but I shake my head softly, and she squeezes my hand.
I have no doubt she will demand to know everything later, but for now, she is letting it go.

  "What do you do for work?" Blake asks into the silence of the room, changing the subject.

  "I’m an editor. I work for myself, which is nice, and I've edited one book that's now an international bestseller," I say, smiling at the thought of how lucky I got with that author. It’s been challenging to set up a client base, but I’m now fully booked for the next two months, and more and more orders are coming in. I also design book covers as an additional job, but it takes too much time when I would rather be editing.

  "That's really impressive Tilly," Blake smiles. At that moment, a wave of sickness hits me hard like it has been doing all damn week. I know I have to eat something or I will end up throwing up. I rip my bag open to find my ginger biscuits and get two out. I glance up to see Izzy and Blake looking confused as I eat the second biscuit.

  Damn another lie, it’s not like I can't tell them the truth, so I say, "Sorry, I haven't eaten all day, and well, I get sick if I don't eat."


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