Ella's Masquerade: A Midnight Fae Academy Prequel

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Ella's Masquerade: A Midnight Fae Academy Prequel Page 15

by Lexi C. Foss

  Mine, Tray whispered into my thoughts, sending a shiver down my spine. You’re mine, Ella. Just as I’m yours.

  And he proved it by opening his mind to me.

  Every emotion. Every feeling. Every thought. Suddenly mingled with mine.

  It shot my ecstasy to a whole new level as he increased his pace, his thrusts turning sharper and harder with each passing second. I’d already reached oblivion once, and he wanted to take me there again—this time with him along for the ride.

  His mounting need provoked mine, forcing me to new heights as he took us both over the edge on a groan I felt all the way to my toes.

  This was how fae mated.

  Underlined in magical currents.

  Stirring fire into the air.

  And leaving both participants replete in the best way.

  My forehead fell to his shoulder, my mind thoroughly blown.

  Do I really have to go to school tomorrow? I wondered, preferring this to classes.

  Tray chuckled, his lips a caress against my hair. Mmm, I think we can find ways to make it interesting.

  I started, his voice warm and real in my mind.

  Our new connection hadn’t truly registered before, but I understood it now. You’re in my head.

  As you’re in mine, he replied, drawing back to cup my cheek. “I’ve bitten you three times in the last twenty-four hours.”

  “So our mating is, uh, complete?”

  He nodded, his eyes closely studying mine.

  I stared right back at him.

  And he smiled. “You don’t regret it.”

  “Why would I?” I’d told him last night to bite me. I knew what it meant. I accepted it then, just as I did now.

  “Because we belong to each other for eternity, Ella.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re the one who should be scared off by that, Nacht,” I informed him. “Not me.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “Because now you’re stuck with me,” I replied, grinning evilly. “And apparently, I like to set things on fire.”

  Such as the kitchen island behind him.

  He smothered it without looking, his power a wave of energy that I felt caress mine. How interesting, I mused, enjoying the sensation that awoke.

  “Good thing I like it hot,” Tray murmured against my lips, smiling. “And there’s no one else I’d rather be glued to, Ella.”

  My mouth was suddenly too occupied to voice a reply.

  Which was fine by me.

  I let my mind and heart do the talking for me.

  And allowed him to take me to new heights, over and over again.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I dumped a bag of O negative into the blender, eliciting a grimace from Ella. She sat on the island counter in my shirt, her exposed legs a sexy reminder of the lack of clothes beneath the fabric.

  “Are you really making a milkshake with blood in it?” she asked, her nose scrunching upward as I added a scoop of vanilla ice cream to the mix.

  “Yup.” I had meant to feed last night but instead bit my mate. While I didn’t regret it, I felt the repercussions of tapping into the source of our magic without the requisite fuel.

  “That’s disgusting,” she said.

  I smirked. “We’ll see how you feel after you’ve tasted it.”

  “I am not drinking that.”

  “You’re going to try it,” I countered, hitting the button before she could argue. As soon as it finished, I started speaking again to thwart her attempts at an argument. “When Midnight Fae are young, we can’t exactly venture into the Human Realm for sustenance. Most don’t start until they’re thirteen or fourteen. So we’ve developed other creative ways to imbibe the essence without having to bite.”

  Her expression said I hadn’t changed her mind.

  “Consider it an energy drink,” I added. “We just expelled a lot of power, Ella. You might not feel it yet, but you will. Unless you accept my offering.”

  “I’ve never had to drink blood before.”

  “You’ve also never danced with your fae gifts before.” I poured the contents into two glasses and plucked a pair of straws from the drawer. “Trust me, dove. You need this. As do I.”

  My limbs were beginning to shake, the first sign of exhaustion setting in. I’d be hurting by morning. The only reason I’d gotten away without feeding since arriving was because I hadn’t tapped into my abilities as often as usual.

  And, uh, yeah, the last few hours with Ella had more than made up for my lack of use.

  I took a sip of the liquid, testing it before sliding the opposite glass across the island to Ella.

  “What does it taste like?” she asked, her nose still doing that adorable scrunching thing.

  “Try it and find out,” I dared. It wouldn’t taste at all like she was expecting. Humans typically described the flavor as salty or coppery. That wasn’t what Midnight Fae experienced. For example, her blood was ambrosia to my tongue—sweet and addicting. My drink was dull in comparison, but it satisfied my hunger. I took several more sips while watching her, challenging her with my eyes.

  Unless you’re scared, I said into her mind.

  That taunt received the desired effect and had her grabbing the drink. “When I puke, I’ll be sure to aim in your direction.”

  My lips twitched. “Okay, darling.” I took another healthy swallow as she positioned the straw between her lips.

  Her eyes closed, her face grimacing as she hollowed her cheeks.

  And then her forehead creased.

  She took another deep pull, her eyes reopening in surprise. “Why is this so good?”

  “Because you’re a Midnight Fae,” I replied with a wink.

  We fell into a comfortable silence while we both finished our energizing snack. She licked the rim when she finished all the liquid. I pretended not to see it, not wanting to tease her and spoil the moment.

  I cleaned up the kitchen, then leaned back against the sink and folded my arms. Her gaze went to my boxers and down to my exposed thighs before slowly traveling up my naked torso to my face.

  Amusement warmed my chest. “Mmm, I adore that invitation in your eyes, Ella.”

  “Then why are you standing over there?” she asked, her brow inching upward. “To tease me?”

  “No, to keep from touching you.” We needed to let the blood work its way through our system before we played again. Another trip to the dark source would lay me out on my ass right now, and I’d prefer to avoid the embarrassment. “We should talk about our next steps.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean? I thought we were mated already.”

  “Oh, we are,” I assured her, smiling at the relief in her features. “We belong to each other completely. I was talking about the evil bitchlets and their merry gang of idiots.”

  Ella snorted a laugh. “Merry gang of idiots.”

  “If the shoe fits,” I drawled, splaying my hands out before me in an innocent gesture.

  “Oh, it fits,” she agreed. “As for next steps, I think I just initiated phase one today.”

  “I think you did, too.” Which was why I wanted to discuss our plan of action.

  “I don’t want to go back there, Tray.”

  “Then don’t.” I waved to the hallway that led to two living rooms and the grand staircase. “I have plenty of space here. And you’re welcome in my bed anytime.”

  Her lips twisted to the side and she sighed. “Then Clarissa will stop paying for my tuition.”

  “Also not an issue. I’ll just pick up the payments.” I shrugged. “What’s mine is yours now anyway. Isn’t that the human saying?”

  She wasn’t thrilled by the idea. “You’re not paying my tuition to Darlington Academy.”

  “I’d rather do that than have you suffer in that house anymore. Besides, we can use it to our advantage. If Ryan asks, I can tell her I promised to pay your winter semester tuition, something I’ll say is all part of my master plan—playing the
part of savior in your life to win you over. It’ll add to the bomb I’m supposed to drop on you when I tell you it was all a game. I’ll just say I plan to remove your tuition as well, leaving you homeless and without a school to attend. She’ll love it.”

  My heart hurt just thinking about the idea, but I soothed myself in knowing it would never happen.

  Ella was mine.

  I would protect her until my dying breath.

  “You’re right. She’ll love that.” Ella sounded rather irritated by the prospect, a dark gleam entering her gaze. “Teaching her a lesson isn’t going to be enough, is it?”

  “Given her penchant for tormenting you, no, I don’t think it is.”

  “We need to take them all down first—except her. It’ll isolate her so when we impose the grand finale, she’ll have nowhere to run and no one to lean on for help. Make her feel as alone and helpless as she’s made me all these years.”

  I nodded, liking this direction. “Keep going.”

  “Let’s add Clarissa to the list. Hell, let’s add the entire damn academy. They’ve all sat back and watched me suffer without doing a thing to help me. Clarissa has gone as far as to applaud and encourage the behavior.” Ella hopped off the counter to begin pacing, ideas churning in her mind and leaving her mouth at the same time. I observed while she worked, only adding my opinion when asked, and by the end, we had a solid plan of action.

  “Tomorrow we start by taking the school,” she said, finishing our discussion, excitement pouring off her in waves. “And I know just how we’ll kick-start the takedown.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Ella’s plan to show up at the academy the following morning in Ryan’s car was brilliant.

  Everyone stood gaping.

  And not just because of the brand-new fitted uniform Ella sported as we walked hand in hand toward the entrance.

  It was her entire attitude that captured their attention. And obviously Ryan’s sporty little car with the jagged scratch down the side.

  Ella’s bracelet touched my wrist, sending a zap up my arm. I’d gifted her the silver cuff this morning, the magic-laced metal meant to help temper her abilities. Just so she didn’t accidentally burn the school down.

  Not that I’d begrudge her for such an act.

  This place deserved to melt into a pile of ash.

  As well as the majority of the humans inside it.

  But I wanted to give Ella time to foster her talents and learn how to control them, and the beauty on her wrist would help.

  The twin bitchlets stood waiting at the front doors, their fuming expressions highly amusing.

  An amusement Ella only heightened when she casually tossed Ryan the car keys. “Thanks for the ride, sis.”

  I draped my arm over her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for the ride,” I whispered in her ear, eliciting a giggle from my mate. She knew exactly what I meant.

  “You’re so dead,” Ryan warned, steam practically billowing from her ears.

  Ella and I ignored her, my shoulder bumping Carmen’s as we pushed through the doorway and into the school.

  Several students gawked at the showdown, their shock palpable.

  Sheep, Ella thought at them, her mental tone one of annoyance.

  They just need a new leader, I told her.

  That’s not going to be me.

  No, I imagine you have no desire to manage these fools. They’d all stood by for years and observed her humiliation. She owed them nothing.

  We stopped at our lockers to pick up our books and made our way to the English classroom while everyone watched.

  They really were pathetic humans. Even the so-called adults of the academy were pitiful. No backbones, all driven by class and greed.

  I sat beside Ella rather than in front of her, my arm sprawled across the back of her chair. After a long conversation last night, we decided to bump up our timeline. There was something bitterly poetic about our new and improved plan. It would require me to say a few things I’d hate, but our blossoming link would keep our minds open and honest.

  You could profess undying love to Ryan, and I’d know you’re full of shit, Ella murmured, having heard my thoughts.

  I snorted. You wouldn’t need to be able to read my mind to know that.

  Her lips quirked up. True.

  Charlie sauntered into the room, his steps faltering as he caught sight of me beside Ella. My lips curled. Oh, look, Ella sweetheart. Phase two is about to begin.

  No. It already started. Her gaze positively glittered. Ready to have some fun?

  I thought you’d never ask. And as this part of the plan was my suggestion, I couldn’t wait to watch the fireworks.

  It’d take a few weeks, but I already set some of the pieces in motion this morning.

  Now we just had to wait.

  And, in the interim, begin our task of taking over the school.

  We’d give them all a king and queen to adore, then shatter all their hearts at once.

  Ella sat in the middle of the cafeteria, resembling a queen. My lips curled at the sight, adrenaline thrumming through my veins.

  It’d been two weeks since our notorious arrival on campus in Ryan’s car, and everything had changed since.

  She now lived with me and spent every night in our bed.

  Several students were flocking toward her, seeking shelter beneath her growing wings. Something Ella only allowed because the majority of them had endured bullying, just not on the same scale as her.

  It helped that Ryan and Carmen were allowing it, mostly because they thought this would only add to their stepsister’s eventual fall. What they failed to realize was that we were slowly swaying the kingdom in Ella’s favor.

  Dash seemed to be the only one not keen on this plan.

  Charlie, being a perpetual dumbass, thought it was great. I suspected he hoped to be the one to lick Ella’s wounds—whether he had her cooperation or not.

  Which was why I couldn’t wait for today’s events to unfold.

  We’d decided to take him down first.

  By dismantling his status.

  I leaned against the wall and checked my watch. It should be any moment now that he received a phone call. One that would destroy his world.

  Where’s my kiss? Ella asked, her eyes glittering from across the room.

  I smirked at her. Such a demanding little mate you are.

  Damn straight.

  I started toward her, ready to oblige, when Ryan caught my arm and tugged me backward. My gaze locked on hers, my eyebrow inching upward. “Yes?”

  “Meet me in the hallway in five minutes.”


  She gave me a seductive look that rotted my insides. “I want to reward you for all your hard work.”

  I forced my lips to curl despite my urge to vomit.

  In no way did I ever want a reward from this vile creature.

  “As tempting as that is, this plan hinges on my ability to win over my conquest. Which isn’t going to happen if she finds out I’m playing on the side.” I carefully removed her hand from my bicep, making a show of my rejection for those observing.

  Our voices were pitched too low for anyone to overhear, but body language could be a telling indicator of a conversation.

  Something I played upon by folding my arms and taking on a condemning stance.

  “I’m very close, Ryan,” I said softly. “Unless you’ve decided to skip the fireworks and go straight to my reward?”

  She glanced at Ella, her expression souring. “Oh, no. I want to see her face crumble when you tell her this was all a ruse.”

  “You really do hate her,” I mused, cocking my head. “But I still haven’t figured out why.” Not exactly true. I suspected jealousy played a large factor in her treatment of her stepsister. Ella embodied beauty in a way Ryan never would. And not just because this bitch possessed a black heart.

  She flipped her brown hair over her shoulder and shrugged. “She
’s an easy target.”

  “Is she?” I wondered out loud, shifting my focus to the female in question. “She’s been one of my biggest challenges to date.” And I meant that.

  I also heard that, Ella replied into my mind.

  I smothered a grin with my hand and arched a brow at Ryan. “Are we—”

  “Oh my god!” Carmen jumped in between us, her back to me. “You need to see this.”

  “I’m in the middle of a conversation,” Ryan snapped, gesturing at me over her twin’s shoulder.

  Carmen grabbed Ryan’s hand, tugging her away while saying, “He can wait.”

  “I won’t be waiting,” I called after them, deciding we needed a crueler fate for Carmen. Ella and I had discussed something slightly more temporary for her, mostly because Ryan was the bigger culprit. Ella thought Carmen might be a different person without the influence of her twin, but I disagreed.

  Both of those females deserved a lifetime of purgatory for their treatment of others.

  I took two more steps, when a chorus of gasps went up around me.

  Ah… It’s time, I thought. That was what had Carmen’s attention. Of course.

  Ella stood to greet me as I made my way toward her, both of us ignoring the rising chatter throughout the room. Because we already knew.

  Her gaze glittered with excitement. I think phase two is going to be a resounding success.

  I brushed my mouth over hers, grinning. Me, too.

  Charlie’s name echoed throughout the room, and the male in question stood frozen beside a gaping Dash.

  Somewhere, the news played loudly from someone’s phone, announcing Anderson Motors’ recent legal troubles and impending financial doom.

  “Those automotive companies really should focus on safety,” I put in conversationally.

  Ella bit her lip to keep from giggling, her approval warming our bond.

  It wasn’t like I deliberately sabotaged Anderson Motors. They already had the problems. I just made them a little easier for the appropriate authorities to find.

  And they acted swiftly and efficiently.


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