Soul Sweet

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Soul Sweet Page 3

by Nichelle Gregory

  Cameron glanced at the huge digital clock on the wall behind the contenders, glad that there were only fifteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds left. He was ready to move on to the next part of the competition. The other judges engaged him in conversation about the chefs, possible disasters and audience favourites. He expressed interest in sampling the varied dishes he’d just seen coming together in the final moments of the contest, keeping quiet about the one chef he was particularly interested in. Misha was obviously as capable as she was sexy, and his mouth watered at the enticing picture she presented.

  Hell, yes, he wanted a taste.

  Misha placed her hands behind her back when Shannon announced their time was up, confident her shrimp breakfast was as delicious as it looked. She glanced at her sister seated in the audience, giving her a thumbs-up sign, and smiled tremulously in return. Her heartbeat reacted to the uncertainty of the moment, thumping wildly against her chest.

  Everything had gone smoothly.

  Maybe too smoothly.

  “I’m thrilled to introduce the newest edition to Celeb Chef, Cameron Banner!” Shannon clapped along with the audience, waiting a few seconds before she continued. “We’re delighted he agreed to step in for Chef Marks who we just found out has a new baby boy! All of us here at Celeb Chef congratulate you and your wife.” The hostess smiled as the audience went wild. She held up one hand and the set quieted. “I’m sure you all are enjoying Chef Banner here on the show.” More applause carried through the building. “Both of his restaurants are consistently listed as one of the best places to dine in the country.”

  “Thank you, Shannon.” Cameron acknowledged the crowd with a wave of his hand. “I’m excited to be a part of the show.”

  “Let’s get started.” Shannon began and Misha’s anxiety level rose as the judges sampled the dishes of her competitors.

  Applause arose as their votes were shared and Vivian, one of her female counterparts, beamed. So far, only one of the seven contenders had got unfavourable reviews for their version of the seafood breakfast. There were still no clear-cut winners with only four spots left for the live television show. Misha’s gaze drifted to Cameron Banner and she found herself looking right into his gorgeous green eyes. Once again, her heart skipped a beat in his direct line of sight. She’d almost burned her shrimp when he’d come over to her station.

  What was it about him that messed with her cool?

  Misha offered a slight smile then quickly averted her eyes while suppressing an unidentifiable tremor that rippled through her body as she acknowledged that it wasn’t just his eyes that were gorgeous. Everything about Cameron Banner was sexy as hell.

  He stood out sitting at the judges table with his surfer good looks, perfect smile and easy charm. Already, Misha could tell he was an audience favourite. He needed no time to get acclimated to speaking his mind as a new judge—he had a knack for complimenting and breaking down mistakes in the fewest words possible. His presence seemed to invigorate the other judges, as well.

  Her stomach flopped with another swirl of nerves as Shannon moved gracefully towards her station in a beautiful yellow dress and five-inch purple stilettos with the cameras in tow.

  “Last, but not least, Misha Ryan presents her dishes to our judges,” Shannon said in her characteristically dramatic voice. Her British accent made each word she uttered even sexier. “Chef Ryan, are you ready for the judges to taste your shrimp breakfast?”

  Misha smiled. “Absolutely.”

  She hoped she looked as confident as her voice sounded as her dishes were placed in front of each judge.

  Shannon looked directly into the camera. “Chef Ryan’s ready, but will the judges like what she’s cooked up for them?” The host tossed her auburn locks over her shoulder and focused back on Misha. “Why don’t you tell us a little bit about what you and your team have prepared this morning?”

  “I prepared shrimp and cheddar grits, adding maple cured bacon as a delicious little twist.” Her voice was surprisingly steady compared to her quivering insides as the judges started to taste her food. “I paired it with shrimp toast, using bits of mango in the cream cheese to set off the flavours.”

  Shannon nodded appreciatively. “Sounds shrimply scrumptious!” She laughed at her own joke and the audience joined in as she turned towards the judges’ table. “Judges, tell us, has Chef Ryan impressed you with her shrimp savviness?”

  Misha cast Serene a quick look and was comforted by her slight nod. She shifted her attention back to the judges’ table, focusing on Don Mackey, the pastry chef she’d seen more than once on television. She suppressed a smile, happy to see him finishing his bite of her grits with obvious enjoyment. He sat back in his chair, patted his belly and grinned broadly.

  Yes! One vote for me.

  “Chef Ryan has once again demonstrated how easy it is to create a delicious dish with minimal ingredients. The maple bacon sets off the savoury flavours and that shrimp toast?” Don reached out to take another slice from the plate next to him, lifting it up for all to see. “Divine. Excellent job.”

  “Thank you, Chef Mackey.” Misha exhaled, pleased with his critique.

  “Rowen, what about you?” Shannon moved down to the first female judge. “Did you find Misha’s dishes divinely delicious?”

  “I love how she incorporated the mango into the cream cheese spread for the shrimp toast. I prefer my grits cheesier, but I’d eat these again. Chef Ryan knows how to dish up something yummy,” Rowen said and the audience applauded.

  Misha thanked the chef, feeling a little twinge of anxiety when Phyllis Kine put her spoon down and dabbed her mouth with a napkin. She was the one judge never fully impressed by anything, but everyone knew she preferred low-calorie recipes.

  “Chef Kine, what say you?” Shannon asked.

  The audience hushed to hear what she had to say.

  “For the average person, eating these two dishes for breakfast would consume all the calories one should have in a day, probably more than needed. Besides that, Chef Ryan’s offered an explosion of flavours for the taste buds. This would not be my usual fare, but I enjoyed it.”

  Misha’s eyes widened in surprise. She’d expected her to say something more grievous about her use of butter. “Thank you, Chef Kine.”

  Shannon smiled as the applause died down. “And that leaves Cameron Banner.”

  Misha shifted her attention from Shannon and watched Cameron wave to the crowd again as he finished a bite of her toast.

  Shannon stopped right in front of him. “Chef Banner, what’s your take on Misha’s shrimp feast?”

  “I think Chef Ryan has in incredible gift of blending savoury and sweet. I do believe this shrimp toast is the best I’ve ever tasted.”

  Misha smiled as the audience clapped, heat rising to her cheeks as Cameron looked at her. She realised his opinion had been the one she’d truly wanted to be favourable.

  “I’m looking forward to tasting more from Chef Ryan.”

  Misha broke eye contact with the accomplished chef.

  Dear God, was that a naughty twinkle in his eye?

  No, of course not. He’d smiled the same way to all of the contenders. It was she who was imagining naughty things. Misha mentally scrapped her wayward thoughts to tune in to Shannon wrapping up the show.

  “There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Now, we wait to see which chefs snag one of the four coveted finalist spots. Stay tuned. We’ll share the results tomorrow night. Until then, this is Shannon Erby reminding you to… Keep it delicious!”

  Shannon kept her smile in place until the red light over the cameras facing her had shut off. She took off her stilettos seconds later and padded over to Misha. “I think I have to try that shrimp toast.”

  “Absolutely.” Misha lifted a plate with the appetiser and Shannon took a slice. “Tell me what you think.”

  Shannon took a bite, chewed and swallowed it slowly before moaning. “Oh, yes. I see what Chef Banner was talking about. This is

  “Thank you, Shannon.”

  “Oh, thank you.” She took another slice with a wink. “Good luck to you tomorrow.”

  Misha thanked her again before she headed back to the judges’ table. Finally, Misha breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the show was done. She glanced over to the judges’ table when she heard Shannon’s girlish giggle and saw her talking with Cameron. He grinned at something she said and Misha couldn’t look away, transfixed by the deep sound of his laughter. Her heart leapt in her chest when he unexpectedly turned his head and met her gaze.

  Embarrassed to be caught staring yet again, Misha diverted her attention to her team. She congratulated and thanked them for their hard work with what felt like a wobbly grin. She’d totally underestimated the amount of stress involved in participating in such a demanding competition. Once the clean-up for her station was underway, she changed out of her uniform and made her way to her sister.

  “You rocked it, Misha! I’m so proud of you.” Serene hugged her tight. “I don’t know how you managed to look so calm under such stress.”

  Misha squeezed back before pulling away. “I was anything but calm. It’s good to know I didn’t look as nervous as I felt.”

  “You were amazing. I think all the judges were impressed with you, especially the new one.” Serene looked over her shoulder where the judges were still talking. “Cameron Banner. Isn’t his father the owner of the Banner Hotel chain?”

  “Yes, I think so.”


  Misha took a step towards the exit. “He’s got a flagship restaurant in New York and that one in downtown Chicago—Blue Vine. Remember, we said we were going to go check out?”

  “I’ve been there.” Serene gave her a sheepish look.

  “What? When?”

  “Impromptu date. I forgot his name, but I remember that place. Funky vibe, damn good food and the drinks were amazing.”

  “I’m jealous.” Misha wagged her finger at her sister. “When I get home, we have to go.”

  “Okay. I want to go back.”

  “Let’s get out of here.” Misha resisted the urge to look over at the judges’ table. “I need some fresh air.”

  “Let’s go.” Serene gave a low whistle as she followed her off the set. “Well, Celeb Chef picked the right man to step in for Chef Marks. He’s funny, brutally honest and sexy. Don’t you think?”

  “He is all those things.” Misha drew in a deep breath the moment they were outside, enjoying the crisp fall air. “I’m glad he liked my dishes. I just hope I did well enough to be a finalist.”

  Serene nodded. “I know you did. Did you see Chef Mackey? He looked like he was ready to ask for a second helping.” Her sister grinned when Misha giggled. “He made me hungry. It was torture sitting there and not being able to sample all the dishes that looked so yummy. Let’s go get something to eat and celebrate another successful day. Sound good?”

  “Honestly? I’d rather go back to the hotel and sleep. We’ve been staying up way too late.”

  “C’mon. You promised we’d go to the Space Needle today. Let’s go have lunch and then you can relax the rest of the day.”

  Misha sighed. “Sure. You won’t be satisfied until we’ve visited every tourist spot in the city. Fine. The Space Needle it is and then I’m taking a nap. I know I’ll be too wired to sleep tonight. I wish the results show happened on the same day. Waiting is the real torture.”

  Serene gave her a sympathetic look. “Agreed. But you shouldn’t lose any sleep wondering about those results. Trust me. You’re in.”

  Misha unlocked the door to their rental car. “How can you be so sure?”

  “Chef Banner wouldn’t have it any other way. Didn’t he say he was ‘looking forward to tasting more from Chef Ryan’?”

  Misha rolled her eyes as her sister giggled. They got into the car and Misha promptly turned on the radio while Serene put the address of the Space Needle into the GPS. A small grin tugged at her lips as she unrolled her window, unfazed by the light drizzle that had begun to fall. She’d been more than pleased by the new judge’s compliment.

  “What are you cheesing about over there?” Serene asked as she placed the GPS in its holder on the windshield.

  “I’m just happy to be here… Happy you’re here with me.” Misha smiled, not wanting to say any more. There was no need to tell Serene how eagerly she was looking forward to Cameron Banner tasting more.

  He had officially become her judge to impress.

  * * * *

  Later that evening, Misha came out of the bathroom, refreshed from her nap and hot shower, and saw that her sister had returned. “Too much shopping?”

  Serene groaned, barely moving on top of her bed. “I don’t know how I’m going to get all this stuff packed into my suitcase.”

  Misha giggled. “Mom just told me to remind you not to go overboard with gifts.”

  “I should’ve talked to her before I left. Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. We even got Kaden on the line for a three-way call.” Misha padded over to her suitcase. “Speaking of Kaden, have you talked to him recently?”

  “You know how busy he always is. That family practice of his seems to take up all his free time. We usually do more texting than calling.”

  “Well, he sounded weird when I asked him how Aimee was doing.”

  Serene stretched lazily. “Can you believe they’ve been married almost six years?”

  “Crazy. The two of them are living proof high school sweethearts can last past college.” Misha selected a pair of black leggings, one of her favourite sparkly, baby-doll style tunics and proceeded to get dressed. “Did you eat already?”

  “No, but I’m not really that hungry.” Serene patted her flat stomach. “I’m still full from our late lunch. What about you?”

  Misha shrugged. “I’m feeling like I just want a snack.”

  “Mmm… I bought these crackers I tasted at the fish market. I didn’t think about getting anything to go with them, though.” Serene sat up and reached into a bag by the bed. “But wait until you have one.” She produced an open box of crackers. “Try these.”

  Misha took a cracker and tasted it. “Mmm… Hearty, yet buttery. I love the stone ground texture of the wheat and I know just the spread to go with these. How about I go get the ingredients to make it and we just hang out here?”

  “Sounds perfect. I’m too tired to do anything else.”

  “Okay.” Misha went back to rummaging through her suitcase. “I think I’m going to that store across the street. I bet they have the stuff to make my delish dip for those crackers.”

  Serene yawned. “Grab a bottle of wine too.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that, dear sister.” Misha threw a pair of socks at Serene, who giggled. “I’ll get a bottle each of red and white wine.”

  “Sure you don’t want me to come with you?”

  Misha shook her head before she walked back into the bathroom to put her makeup on. “No need.” She finished applying mascara to her lashes. “I’m just going across the street.”

  “I’ll find a good flick for us to watch while you’re gone.”

  Misha exited the bathroom and slid on her black boots. “No horror.”

  Serene gave her an innocent look. “No way.”

  “I mean it.” Misha grabbed her purse.

  “Just go. I’ll pick a nice romantic chick flick for us to cry over. We both could use a little romance, right?”

  Misha rolled her eyes at her sister and headed out of their hotel door. She took the elevator, excited to go explore the little food store she’d seen. The lobby bustled with activity—plenty of people milled about in the swanky contemporary space. The faintest sounds of a piano playing came from the hotel lounge and Misha admired the elegant décor as she went by.

  Twenty minutes later, she was exiting the mini market with goodies in tow. She moved to the kerb, cursing under her breath when the few raindrops became a persisten
t drizzle. “I should’ve brought my umbrella.”

  Carefully crossing the street back to the hotel, she didn’t notice the black limo pulling up in front of the hotel along with several taxis. In a rush to get in from the rain, Misha hurried towards the entrance of the hotel juggling her two brown bags, wailing when her bag split on the side and spilled one apple onto the wet pavement. She crouched down to grab the fruit off the sidewalk and realised the rain was no longer falling on her. Misha looked up and saw a black umbrella shielding her and Cameron Banner offering her a grin that she was willing to bet was hotter than any jalapeño she’d ever cooked with.

  Too shocked to speak, she simply stared up at him. He looked amazing, dressed to kill in a dark three-piece suit. Green eyes held hers for a split second longer and Misha’s throat constricted when he bent down and picked the produce up off the ground. He stood, offered her the apple, and when she took it from him, her fingers brushed his, sending her cardiac rhythm into whack.

  Say something.

  “Ch-Chef Banner.”

  Chapter Three

  “Hello, Chef Ryan.” Cameron deliberately kept his eyes on her face when what he really wanted to do was take his time looking at all the curves that had been hidden from view earlier because of her uniform. “Please, call me Cameron. There are no cameras rolling now.”

  “Right.” Full lips glossed in a tempting plum shade curved upward. “Please call me Misha.”

  “Misha, can I give you a hand?”

  “Oh, that’s not necessary.”

  Cameron watched her juggle the two paper bags in her grasp, catching another apple when it slipped from the rip on the side. “It may not be necessary, but please, let me help. We’re headed into the same hotel.” He took one bag, handed her his umbrella then lifted the other bag from her before she had a chance to protest.

  “Thanks.” Misha smiled at him again, holding the umbrella high over them as they walked towards the entrance.

  “You’re welcome.” He stepped back, allowing her to pass in front of him through the door, held open for them by the bellhop. They stepped into the lobby and Cameron glanced back to see Misha following him towards the elevator while struggling to close his umbrella.


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