Soul Sweet

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Soul Sweet Page 7

by Nichelle Gregory

  “No, it feels good.”


  Cameron needed the crisp air to clear his head. It was important to him that Misha enjoyed this impromptu date and he didn’t think she’d appreciate the hard-on he was somehow getting under control.

  “So where are we going?”

  Cameron glanced at his watch. “You’ll find out in about four minutes.”

  Misha sighed. “You said you’d tell me if I officially said yes to this.”

  “I did, and I will if you really need to know right now. We’re so close. I want it to be a surprise. Cool?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Great, thank you.” Cameron returned her smile. “Are you hungry?”

  “I am. There was only time for coffee this morning.”

  “I always make time for a cup.”

  “Me too. My sister says I act sub-human without it.”

  Cameron looked out of the window, noting that they were almost at their destination. “Not a morning person?”

  “I’m not one of those super chipper chatty chicks in the a.m., if that’s what you’re asking. Are you?”

  “Am I super chipper and chatty? No. I prefer to start my mornings as slow as possible. I will purposefully wake up a little bit earlier to make sure I have extra time before I have to get out of bed,” Cameron said as the limo came to a stop. “We’re here.”

  Misha turned away from him to peer out of the window. “We’re at a dock.”

  “Yes, we are.” Within a minute, Jerry opened Misha’s door and Cameron got out and walked over to where Misha stood. “Shall we?”

  “This is a surprise, not what I expected at all.” Misha followed him across the short boardwalk to the yacht. “Very nice.”

  “A friend of mine is letting me use it while I’m here in Seattle.” Cameron helped her step aboard. “I have one in New York, but I rarely get a chance to take it out.” He watched her move to the railing to stare out over the water.

  “So you know how to handle this boat?”

  Cameron chuckled as she looked at him. “Yes, I do. I have many talents besides cooking. Come this way.” He led them over to a beautifully set table alongside the rail overlooking the ocean.

  “This”—Misha gestured at the elegant spread of fruit kabobs, breakfast burritos, and thick slices of bacon—“is amazing, Cameron.”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  “Is that regular orange juice?” Misha pointed to the decanter of juice next to the crystal glasses.

  “Pineapple orange mimosa.”

  Misha nodded approvingly. “You’ve outdone yourself.”

  Cameron lifted her goblet, poured the mimosa, and handed it to her before filling his own glass. “Let’s have a toast.”

  Misha raised her glass and gestured towards the breakfast table. “To delicious experiences?”

  “I like that.” Cameron elevated his glass, thinking of several different ways to give her exactly that with no food involved. “To delicious experiences.”

  “Mmm… This drink is really good.” Misha took another sip. “I should tell you I’m a bit of a mimosa connoisseur. I think this”—she lifted her glass—“is my new favourite.”

  “Thank you. It’s my recipe and I wish I could say I prepared the rest of this, but there wasn’t enough time. Next time, I’ll cook for you.”

  Misha raised an eyebrow. “Next time? That’s presumptuous.”

  “Is it? I don’t think so. You haven’t tasted that burrito yet. I know the chef and it is incredible.” Cameron poured more mimosa into her glass. “Why don’t you have a seat while I take us out on the water?”

  “No way. I want to see you pull this baby away from the dock.”

  “All right, follow me.”

  Cameron moved into the main cabin of the yacht and turned on the motor. “First things first…” He grabbed a life jacket out of a cabinet. “I need you to put this on.”

  “Oh, lawd.” Misha took the vest from him. “I’m feeling even more butterflies in my stomach now.”

  “No need to be nervous.” Cameron waited for her to slip the life jacket on. “I know what I am doing and I won’t let anything happen to you under my care.”

  “I think this thing is too small.” Misha glanced up from the closures she struggled to snap on the vest, pulled taunt invitingly over the swell of her breasts.

  “Let me help you.” Cameron walked over to her. “You just need to adjust it to fit you properly.”


  Cameron took his time loosening the proper straps, savouring their close proximity and the alluring scent of her perfume as he carefully cinched each closure. “Okay?” he asked upon hearing Misha’s slight intake of breath when he had finished the one beneath her breasts.


  “Perfect.” Perfect breasts. Cameron smiled at her. “You’re good to go.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, we have to cast the lines and then we can be on our way,” Cameron led the way back out of the main cabin and Misha followed. “So, tell me… What initially set those butterflies into flight?”

  Misha blinked in surprise as Cameron finished casting the lines, stood up and looked at her. There was no way she could tell him about the wild butterflies taking flight every single time he glanced her way. “I’ve had butterflies ever since I got the call telling me I was one of the selected contestants for Celeb Chef.”

  “Why? Don’t you feel you deserve to be here?”

  “I feel honoured to have been chosen.”

  “That’s not what I asked you. Do you or do you not feel you are a kick-ass chef deserving to be on the show?”

  Misha toyed with one of the straps on her life vest, taken aback by his questions. “I’m not sure.”

  Cameron frowned. “Well, you should be. You should know within your heart you deserve to be here and are more than capable of winning the whole thing.”

  “I do know I’m a good chef. Being asked to participate on Celeb Chef has confirmed this for me in a way nothing or no one else has.”

  “That’s great, but you shouldn’t need any outside source to know your truth.”

  His words struck a chord. For too long, she’d secretly second guessed her merits as a chef—whether she was talented enough to run her own restaurant. She knew her family and friends stood behind her, so her insecurity was not for lack of support. No, this was an old inner demon she’d been wrestling with ever since she’d decided that culinary arts were her passion, her profession.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Misha shook her head. “You are just full of surprises, aren’t you?”

  Cameron chuckled. “What are you talking about?”

  “I just wouldn’t have guessed you’d be so deep.”

  “I’m thinking I should be offended by the comment.” Cameron beckoned her to follow him back into the main cabin.

  “No, please don’t be.”

  Cameron winked at her. “Easy. I’m teasing. I get it. Your first impression of me gave you the idea I was just another single-minded hunk cooking in the kitchen.”

  Misha laughed. “No. That’s not what I thought.”

  “So, what was your first impression?”

  “What was yours?” Misha countered.

  “My first impression of you?” Cameron cocked his head to the side. “Hmm… I thought you were capable and comfortable running a kitchen, warm, yet a little standoffish.” He motioned for her to join him. “Here, come stand next to me and you’ll have a bird’s eye view of your captain in action.”

  Misha did as he had suggested, studying him while he slowly engaged the motor and manoeuvred the yacht away from the dock. She admired his lithe movements and confidence as he effortlessly took them out on the water. The more time she spent with him, the hotter her spark of interest burned.

  Pretty soon it will be a fully-fledged fire.

  For a little while, they didn’t speak, each watching the boat cut through the water.
Within a few minutes, when they were a good distance away from the dock, Cameron took one hand off the wheel and held out his other. “Wanna take a spin behind the wheel?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Nerves and excitement made Misha giggle at his unexpected suggestion.

  Cameron grinned and invited her over. “Go ahead and try it. I’ll be right behind you the whole time.”

  “Okay.” Misha stepped up to the wheel and took hold of it as he moved close to her. “What do I do?”

  “What you’re doing.”

  Misha laughed, exhilarated by the feeling of having control of the yacht. The thrill was almost enough to make her forget how close Cameron stood beside her.

  “See? Easy, right?” He placed his hand on the wheel and his arm brushed against hers.

  Misha swallowed hard. “Easy enough.”

  “You’re a natural. I knew you would be.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Because”—Cameron reached over her to turn the engine off—“you possess the inner strength and calm needed.”

  Right now, Misha wondered if she possessed any inner strength at all. Her limbs felt shaky as she imagined Cameron pressing her up against the wheel and kissing her neck. “Th-thank you.”

  The sound of the waves lapping against the side of the boat reminded her how far away they were from civilisation.

  “You can let go of the wheel now, Misha.”

  Misha let go before turning slowly to face him. She lifted her chin, squarely met his gaze and the glimmers of arousal she’d been trying to ignore within her since she’d stepped foot on the boat twisted sharply. Misha couldn’t stop herself from flinching when he reached out to gently tug one twisted strand of hair.

  Cameron frowned. “Why do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Tense up every time I get close to you?”

  Misha scoffed. “I don’t.”

  “You do.” Cameron reached out to trail his finger over her cheek. He shook his head when she inhaled sharply and moved imperceptibly away from his touch. “You just did it again. Why?”

  Misha shuddered. “I just can’t help feeling like I’m breaking some rule being here with you. If someone saw us together…”

  “Look around.” Cameron gestured towards the vast expanse of water surrounding them. “There’s no one out here but us.”

  His eyes mesmerised her. She felt like she was losing herself in their pale emerald depth. “I know, but still. You’re sure we aren’t in any violation of Celeb Chef rules?”

  Cameron laughed. “You worry too damn much. No one for miles can see us out here. We’re completely alone.”

  “Completely alone.” Misha repeated, her gaze drifting over him as a stronger breeze billowed past them. Good Lord, she was glad—glad there was no one to distract her from enjoying his company.

  “That’s right. So, forget about breaking any rules, okay?”

  “O-okay.” Misha sucked in a breath when Cameron began rubbing her arms with the palms of his hands. “What are you doing?” Goose bumps scattered along her skin and her hardened nipples brushed against the inside of her bra.

  Cameron looked her right in the eyes. “Touching you. I must admit I’ve thought of little else since I met you, Misha.”

  Misha backed up against the steering wheel, shocked by his bold admission. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “Really? I thought you’d picked up by now I don’t hold back when I have something to say, which means you’re shocked more by what I said, not that I said it.”

  Misha struggled not to tremble beneath Cameron’s touch. “True.”

  “Why is that?” Cameron looked amused. “I would think every man looking at you imagines at some point what it would be like to kiss these lush lips.”

  “I’m not sure about that.”

  His words were kicking up a wicked maelstrom of emotions. Her breath hitched and all reasonable thought escaped when he lifted his hand to trace her bottom lip with his thumb. “I am.”

  He was so close, too close. She kept forgetting to breathe as she watched him study her lips with the same intensity he’d observed her cooking with during the show.

  “The truth is… I’ve thought more about kissing you while I touch you.”

  “You have?” Misha asked breathlessly.

  Asking the question was a mistake. Misha knew it the moment he decided to answer her with his kiss. She let out a strangled moan as his lips brushed hers and he wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her tight against his body and she clutched his shoulders. She knew she should push him away, but she found herself digging her fingers into his hair, kissing him back with just as much passion as he gave her. He was a damn good kisser, spreading warmth that blossomed into liquid fire, melting her bones as his taste seeped into her bloodstream.

  “Damn.” Cameron breathed against her mouth, finally breaking the kiss. “I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced a kiss like that before.”

  Misha stared up into his eyes and was quite certain that she had never been kissed with such erotic intensity in the past. She wished being in his arms didn’t feel so amazing because she wanted more.

  Cameron smiled at her. “You do know what this means, right?”

  Misha shook her head, swallowing the lump in her throat when Cameron shifted ever so slightly, making her aware of his thick erection.

  “It means you and I are about to break all the rules.”

  Chapter Six

  Misha pulled from Cameron’s embrace. “We can’t… That kiss—”

  “That kiss was perfection.” Cameron pushed his hands into his pockets and Misha followed his movements. “Imagine what more would taste like.”

  She could. It was positively sinful how easy it was to imagine the two of them enjoying various acts of carnal pleasure together and the mad desire to bring each hot fantasy to life disturbed Misha. “I shouldn’t be here with you.” She shook her head before pivoting and walking out of the main cabin, aware of Cameron moving right behind her. The cool air washed over her heated skin as she drew in a deep breath, grabbed hold of the rail and stared down at the water lapping alongside the yacht.

  “You’re more afraid of exploring the chemistry between us than breaking any competition rules.” Cameron leaned against the rail to look at her. “Admit it.”

  Misha glared at him. “Afraid?”

  “Yes, and I can’t figure out if it is because I’m white or if true passion frightens you.”

  “You’ve got a lot of damn nerve.” Misha crossed her arms under her breasts. “I’m not intimidated by either.”

  “Then kiss me again.”

  His challenge toyed with her like the wind tousling his hair.

  “Cameron, I don’t have to prove anything to you.”

  “Not to me, no. Do it for yourself.”

  Misha laughed. “You are a piece of work. You’re trying to bait me into kissing you again as some kind of self-help therapy for me?”

  Cameron shrugged with a cheeky grin. “You need to prove to yourself you can handle another kiss from me without wanting more. I’m willing to help you out.”

  “You’re so used to getting your way, aren’t you?”

  “I wish.” Some of the playful light in Cameron’s eyes faded. “That hasn’t been my life story. Tell you what, let’s eat. You can decide whether you can handle kissing me again afterward.”

  “I’m not sure that’s fair, but I am hungry.” Misha followed him over to the table. Cameron pulled out her chair and she sat down.

  “More mimosa?” Cameron asked after taking his own seat.

  “Please.” Misha held up her glass and watched him pour. “So, what’s the one thing you’d wished had gone your way.”

  Cameron laid a fruit kabob on her plate. “Just one thing?”

  “Yes.” Misha bit the pineapple off the wooden skewer, savouring the juicy sweetness of the fruit as Cameron finished a sip of his drink.

“Well, that would be easy. I wished my marriage hadn’t gone to hell the way it did.”

  Misha was not sure what she had expected him to say, but his answer surprised her. “I’m sorry.”

  Cameron gave her a bright smile. “Me too. I learned a lot of valuable lessons from that relationship, though. I guess that counts for something.”

  There were so many questions she wanted to ask about his failed marriage, but it obviously wasn’t a comfortable subject for him.

  “What about you?” Cameron asked before taking a bite out of his breakfast burrito.

  “Hmm, it really wasn’t fair to ask you to just name one thing.”

  “You can name two.”

  Misha swirled the drink in her glass. “Well, I wish my career was going my way.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “I’ve been my biggest stumbling block.” Misha looked out over the water “I think I’ve been too afraid to truly branch out on my own. I got comfortable with Darius and—”

  “Who is Darius?”

  Misha turned her face to Cameron’s. “Darius is my boss. He owns a restaurant called Savoury.” She briefly diverted her attention from Cameron to watch a bird skim along the water’s surface. “I’ve learned a great deal from him, but he’s more of a traditional chef. I want to try new things, rework familiar recipes.”

  Cameron nodded. “You like experimenting with food fusions.”

  “Yes. I’ve always felt the most exquisite taste sensations are born from the familiar and the exotic.” Misha picked up her burrito. “Darius prefers to keep things old school.”

  “Does Darius know you want to open your own restaurant?”

  Misha swallowed her bite, thinking about what Darius had proposed before she had left. “No. He’s hoping I’ll become his partner.”

  Cameron pushed his plate away. “You two were lovers?”

  “Why would you ask me that?”

  “I just sensed there was more between you than what you said. Am I wrong?”


  “I didn’t think so.” Cameron drained the contents of his glass. “I’d be willing to bet Darius has finally realised what a mistake it was to let you go in and out of the bedroom. Did you love him?”


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