Take A Knee

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Take A Knee Page 5

by Xyla Turner

  Good God.

  One push and my body strung tight. He was so huge.

  “Tell me if it hurts,” Harvey muttered on my lips.

  “Shh,” I hushed him.

  Another push and I inhaled his breath while he pulled out and made the final push.

  “Ohhhhhh,” I cried out in pain and pleasure.

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” he whispered. “You’re so damn tight.”

  Harvey did not move for what felt like an eternity but it could have only been a minute. He was so big, in every way but I could only hold on tight as he waited for me to adjust. My heart was beating out of my chest, sweat was forming all over my body and any area that wasn’t exposed by his bulk of a body, had the fine hairs standing on edge. I was physically full and overwhelmed but when he started to move, I was lost in him.

  “Harvey,” I moaned his name as he began to fuck me like he was just as lost.

  He grunted and growled as he moved in and out of me with measured, precise strokes. Causing my clit to be stimulated as he pressed on with each upward push. Within seconds, I was scratching his back and coming apart all around him. This must have spurred his own orgasm because he was next but the feral growl of the beast on top of me was fucking hot.

  “Zoorraa,” he moaned as he came down. “I knew it.”

  My mind and body was nothing but goo as I laid in the bed, thoroughly fucked. Harvey rolled off me to the side, pulling me into him with my back to his chest.


  Holy shit, Harvey Black was cuddling.

  This was my last thought before I passed out in his arms. Completely forgot about my heart, my head and the goddamn condom.


  Something was moving on top of me, causing me to jump up in my sleep.

  “What the fuck?” I yelled but only saw two eyes peering up at me.

  Shit, it was Harvey.

  “Shh, it’s me sweetheart,” he whispered. “Need you again.”

  His mouth went to my breast, and the man sucked on them, as if he was waiting for something to come out of the nipples. It was very clear that Harvey was a thorough lover. There were no half strokes, the man pulled in and out. Sucked hard and deep. Fucked good and long.

  I was in trouble.

  My hands went to his head to pull him closer because even in a half-sleep haze, my body was fully awake and waiting for the one man who could give it what she needed.

  “Harvey,” I whispered with needed etched in my voice. “Please.”

  He bit down on my left nipple and then the right, before he opened my legs with both arms stretched wide and entered me in what felt like a gust of wind, leaving me breathless.

  “Holy fuck, Zora,” he groaned.

  With both of my legs dangling from his arms, Harvey fucked me good and raw. The man grunted like the big men lifting weights at the gym. With him, it made my clit pulse with each stroke. I knew he felt it pulsing because he grunted. He wasn’t a gentle lover, he was a goddamn fucker, and I loved every second.

  When he came this time, he pressed his whole body into mine, and roared his release and filling me up with his load. When he pulled out, I felt his cum trickled down my ass and eventually on the bed, but I didn’t give a good goddamn.

  Harvey Black could get it any way he fucking wanted from me.

  That was a fact.

  Chapter 6


  Zora was still sleep when I rose the next morning. It was eight o’clock, and she almost looked innocent or unguarded while she was out cold. It’s not until she’s up and fully awake, that she puts on her mask like she puts on her clothes. I am sure she has her reasons, including the ones that she said to me last night but damn if I don’t want to know the details, so we can get past them. I want her in every fucking way and I’ll get her too, but I don’t want it to take years. She’s used to living alone, probably enjoys being by herself and old enough to be set in her own ways. I know I am, but I also want her and will make accommodations to be with her.

  Whatever it takes.

  “Zora,” I whisper her name.

  I’m kneeling in front of her, on the side of the bed. Her mouth is slightly open, displaying that sexy look she gets when she’s about to come.

  “Zora,” I say it a little louder.

  Her eyes blink and this time she’s not startled, but instantly aware.

  “Harvey,” she calls. “You leaving?”

  “Yeah, sweetheart. I got to go, but I didn’t want to let you over sleep. You have work?” I asked her.

  She started moving around looking for the clock. I turned my wrist and said, “It is eight o’clock.”

  She laid her head back down, closed her eyes and said, “I think I’m in a sex coma.”

  My head flew back as I burst out in laughter.

  “That so?” I asked once I calmed down.

  Those eyes were back open, and she was staring at me in awe.

  “You have a good laugh.” Zora told me.

  “Thanks.” The comment caught me off guard. “Want to see you tonight.”

  It was not a question but a statement of command. I was ready for her to fight me on how it was a mistake, but I nearly fell over when she said, “Okay.”

  “Okay?” I repeated, to make sure I heard things correctly.

  “Yes.” Zora’s head nodded. “Okay, what time and where?”

  What in the hell?

  She was awake, alert and knew who I was. She knew where she was, so why was I questioning this. Being the bastard, I am, I follow-up and said, “This whole weekend.”

  This time, she sat up in the bed, but her eyes stayed on me.

  “I can do the weekend, but I have practice on Saturday for three hours. Before and after that, I’m yours.”

  Holy hell.

  “Deal,” I said with a knowing smile.

  “Go ahead and I’ll see you tonight. Text me the address.” She blinked a few times while wiping her eyes.

  “I’ll send my driver, Zora,” I said ending that part of the discussion.

  She looked like she wanted to argue but I raised one eyebrow, which caused her to keep that thought to herself. Standing to my feet, I put a knee in the bed, leaned in to kiss her delectable lips, which quickly turned into more than a good-bye kiss. My woman, wrapped both arms around me and brought me down on top of her.

  God, she was greedy, and I fucking loved it. Getting her off with my fingers had her coming apart with my name on her lips. I kissed her one more time and left before I called out of work, so I could bury my head, fingers and dick inside her all damn day.

  At work, my mind was completely distracted. Fridays was not the day to be distracted with the season starting in three weeks, donors and long-time subscribers looking for what’s coming next from the Lady Warriors. My coach was shit, and I needed to focus on getting her ass out of there but everyone kept telling me it was too late to hire this close to the season. I could have given a rat’s ass when it was, because she made one bad decision after the other. Like everyone including Zora and Morris said, she had the potential to get us to the championship, but she lacked the skills to have us win it all. Mainly because that was her sole focus, and she did not learn from her mistakes.

  I, for one, wouldn’t make the mistake of keeping her, even if that set us back this year or two. It would pay off in the long run to get the right coach. Zora was now out of the question since I was keeping her for me, personally. Shit, I’m glad she turned down the coaching job. She wouldn’t be in the semi-pro league for long and that I had on good authority. They were scouting her even before her season started, so she would be leaving this all behind and shit, so would I.

  “Mr. Black.” The intercom turned on in my office.

  “Yes, Doris,” I said after pressing the call button.

  “Please turn on the four o’clock news.” Her voice rang through, just as someone barged through the door.

  “Turn on the news,” Jared, my lawyer came marching in. �
��That bitch is on the fucking news.”

  He snatched the remote, and there was Coach Prentice, the Lady Warriors Head Coach, with the caption under her figure reading, “Lady Warriors’ Coach Prentice Sues Her Own Team.”

  What in the fuck?

  The more I listened to the shit she’s spewing, trying to play the victim, I found myself standing directly in front of the television and all I see is red. I swiveled around to glare at Jared and I commanded, “Fire her!”

  “Harvey, we can’t—” He started, but I cut him off.

  “Fucking FIRE HER NOW!” I roared loud enough for whoever to here. “She’s suing us, give her something to sue for.”

  “Harv—” My hand went up to cut him off, and I turned back to hear more of the blasphemous shit.

  That bitch had a lot of fucking nerve. She was suing the organization for breaching her contract, but she was dumb. I hired an assistant coach she did not want, but I gave not one fuck. I needed to ensure what was best for my brand, team and sales. She fought with me through every trade, every decision and accused me of not trusting her. She was right because for the past three years, we made the finals and never the championship. To let the truth be told, it was not all that hard to get to the finals but first round and we were fucked. The last three years this happened and I wouldn’t sit around and let it happen again.

  What kind of owner would that make me to sit and watch the team continue to fail? We had two major trades and we should have had more but Prentice didn’t respond fast enough and then I was trying to play by the rules. Now, fuck the goddamn rules.

  Several trusted colleagues warned me she might do this when I hired the extra coach, but I hoped she would quit. Not go to the media and now she can be fired and hold a press conference about that.

  “Harvey, just stop and think for a moment. If you fire her, you send the message that you’re not willing to negotiate.” Jared was back at it again.

  “I am not willing to negotiate. Do you see this shit?” I point to the television. “She is suing us because I hired another coach. I let her have five coaches and I hire a sixth one and she sues!”

  I almost laughed but there wasn’t one thing funny.

  “I don’t negotiate with terrorist.” I turned to face Jared. “Ever.”

  He nodded his head toward me and left my office while I continued to pace around the room. My phone chimed, and I figured it was about to blow up with everyone messaging and emailing me about my rogue coach.


  It was Zora.

  Zora: Hey Harvey, I just saw. Are you ok?


  Me: Yeah, sweetheart. I’m fine.

  I sent that through and then sent another one.

  Me: Thanks for asking.

  The phone chimed again.

  Zora: Ok. We can do a raincheck for tonight if you want.

  Me: Fuck no. Tony’s coming to get you at 7

  Zora: Ok

  Me: Need you tonight. Especially tonight.

  Zora: I’m there.

  My heart swelled at the fact that I could count on her. She wasn’t currently running away from me or us but at least meeting me halfway.

  The rest of my time at work was dedicated to making sure that Prentice was good and fired. Unfortunately, that meant firing all five of her coaches, so they could not cause dissension. Varied colleagues thought that it would backfire but what I also knew is when you’re trying to create an entire regime, then the reality is you need to start from scratch. Keeping dead weight on in the hopes that it would change is a bad investment. Therefore, everyone had to go.

  The problem was, who would replace them.


  It was nine o’clock by the time I left the office since we had to do some emergency decisions. I knew the weekend would turn to shit with the amount of time it took to call a press conference. I had already told Zora, I’d be home soon, and that was two hours ago. Everyone was working at the Warriors headquarters. So, she and I wouldn’t be able to do the weekend thing as planned, and that shit was pissing me off.

  By the time I arrived home, Zora had made herself comfortable and looked as if she had fallen asleep on the couch watching the sports channel. Of course, it was revealing how the Lady Warriors’ owner fired the coach that’s suing the organization. It also revealed the entire coaching staff was fired and began to tell the sob stories of all their lives and dedication to the sport.

  Needless to say, I was not popular by any stretch of the imagination. Probably half of my staff didn’t like me after today but honestly, I could give a fuck because shit had to be done. It was my job to do it and the truth of the matter is that is why I was the owner. It’s hard for workers to understand owners’ mentalities and vice-versa. When the buck stops with you, then every goddamn thing is on you. Owners can’t blame anyone but everyone blames owners.

  I flipped off the television, which caused Zora to wake up.

  “Oh my gosh.” she looked around. “I’m sorry. I dozed off.”

  “Fuck, it’s my fault. I didn’t know this day would go to shit like this.” I rounded the corner of the couch to meet her as she stood.

  “Are you okay?” she asked as those big brown eyes searched mine.

  It seemed she was looking for some type of emotion from me: Hurt, sadness or just weariness. If anything, I was fucking pissed but I couldn’t have given a fuck about that other shit. I was here now, with her and she had waited for me.

  “I’m fine, sweetheart.” I ran my hands down her arms. “Just tired of bullshit.”

  To my utter surprise, Zora ran her hands up my chest, effectively taking off my jacket. She slowly unbuttoned my shirt, removed my cufflinks, undid my belt and the damn woman untied my shoes.

  I was going to fucking marry her.

  She grabbed my hand and led me toward the bedroom.

  “Did you eat?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I responded, not sure where she was going with her line of questioning.

  “Good.” We made it to my bedroom, which wasn’t hard to find, since I was in a two-story condo in downtown Philadelphia. It was spacious but more big ass rooms than it was individual bedrooms.

  I followed her to my private bathroom, where she turned on the shower and said, “Wash the day away and I’ll join you in a minute.”

  My eyes held hers and then she smiled.

  “Go ahead. Relax and enjoy the spray from this monstrosity of a shower.” She laughed and left me inside.

  When Zora returned, she walked in, sliding behind me and wrapping both arms around my middle section. If my heart was heavy when I walked in, it wasn’t anymore. Small kisses were placed on my back and those hands made their way to my throbbing, hard dick. She slid her body down and moved those kisses toward the globe of my hips and then my ass cheek, causing the appendage she was holding to go steel.

  Fuck. This woman...

  She moved her fist up and down bringing me to the edge.

  “Zoorraa,” I growled. “Fuck, baby. Yes.”

  She kept stroking and placing small kisses on my back, my spine and my thighs. My hands were pressed against the glass wall as I surrendered to her touch, her spell and whatever she wanted to do, I was going to let her.

  “Zooorraa,” I groaned.

  This caused her to get in front of me and hold my shaft, lick my balls and slide her nails down my ass. Sweet pain and pleasure mixed and it was seconds until I would bust.

  “Fuck,” I hissed. “I’m coming.”

  I looked down at her just in time to see her put me in her small mouth as she pumped me with one hand in unison with the suction of her lips. Those big brown eyes on me, her face wet as the water slid down my body and the beads of moisture in her own hair. She looked like a fucking model underwater giving the best goddamn head a man could ask for.

  A grunt rumbled from my throat, and that’s when she slid those nails down my other ass cheek and I came right down her throat. I backed her up with my legs against th
e glass wall, so she took my whole dick and load to swallow. Like the fucking champion my woman is, she took it all and left none over. My knees almost buckled with the intensity of the release and energy she just took.

  Zora stood, wiped the side of her mouth and gave me an award-winning smile. She turned off the shower, opened the glass door, and wrapped a towel around me. The woman grabbed one for herself. If I hadn’t known any better I would have thought, she was trying to take care of me.

  In all my damn years, I had women trying to take shit from me. Some cared about me, but never really took care of me the way I needed them. How I needed them. That was why I was always in the lead. They followed me because I didn’t have the patience to show or even explore what I needed. Who has time for that shit? I want something done, I do it my damn self.

  Until now.

  Zora dried me off, placed little kisses over each section after she used the towel on that part of my body. We walked to the bedroom, then she wrapped her towel around her head in a wrap and told me, “Lay down on your stomach.”

  Maybe I was under her spell but I did as she said, then she squirted what I assumed was lotion and began to massage my tight shoulder. Then she straddled me and oh my fucking God.

  “I know you’ve had a helluva day,” she said in soft tones. “Just relax, okay.”

  I grunted, but I was damn near about to burst from the seams while she applied pressure from her hands, elbows and fist into my knotted muscles. This woman, this amazing woman who wore pant suits, yelled at grown women on most days with a gaze as fierce as a lion. She was warm, shit, even sweet.

  When Zora was done massaging the lotion into my muscles, she moved off me and said, “Turn over.”

  It was tempting to turn over so I could take over but curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to know what a woman like Zora would do if the reigns were in her hands. I never gave them up, but that was probably why I never found the one. The one worthy to hold them. The one who knew what to do with them. The one who would stay on the course that I’ve set.


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