The Chaos Saga

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The Chaos Saga Page 13

by Samuel JT Pratley

  His hand began to glow and spark, and a flame erupted in his palm which swayed by his side with each step. Omega didn't need to see Theta's eyes to know that they had gone deep red. It was this weird Unbound Elemental thing - whenever they changed element the colour of their eyes would change.

  Riley dropped the boy and made his way into the crater to face Theta and Omega. Riley unholstered a rifle at his side and began to fire upon the two. Omega encased his arms with earth and used them to protect him from the bullets while Theta held his hands at his side, palms facing Riley. He created an unseeable barrier around him that melted the bullets before they could touch him.

  Once Riley was out of bullets Theta threw fireball after fireball at him but Riley deflected each one with his sword, mere seconds from singeing his face. Omega ran toward Riley. He sharpened the earth around his arms to form blades and slashed at Riley, who blocked and parried each attack, chipping away at Omega's weapons.

  Riley reloaded and began a second wave of bullet fire. Omega was point blank to Riley and felt the full force of each bullet impacting his armour, which luckily held together and didn't let any bullets touch flesh. Theta switched tactics and Elements, and began to use the sand around them to create a sand storm.

  From where Gamma and Bravo were watching it looked like complete chaos as Earth, Lightning and Fire were used one after the other in the middle of the sand storm Theta had created. They looked at each other and wondered what was going on down there. They quickly realised that Riley no longer had the boy.

  "C'mon Bravo. We have to get Delta and the boy out of here and radio in for evac," Gamma said. Bravo nodded and they carefully made their way around the crater. They knew that one small slip could send them into the storm of Elements and bullet fire that erupted from within the crater.

  They found the boy and Delta lying unconscious next to each other.

  "So this is what he looks like when he's not being a total douche. Hah! Who knew that someone as dicky as him could look so peaceful while he slept," Gamma said as she saw Delta lying there. It was weird for her to not hear him making rude remarks or see him whittling trinkets out of wood, she thought to herself.

  She picked up the young boy while Bravo chucked Delta over his shoulder. They carried the two well away from where Omega and Theta were fighting Riley. After they lay them both down Gamma began to radio the base for evac. Bravo bumped her and she stopped talking as soon as she saw what, or who, was standing in front of them.

  "Nathan!" she said, seeing her old team mate standing in front of her, wearing the Chaos Armour. "What are you doing here, wearing that?"

  "Didn't you hear? Once you abandoned us, Chaos came to see my team. He took us in and we've been fighting for him ever since. And now it's led us here. We came for the boy and we're not leaving here without him," Nathan said as he and his team got ready for a fight.

  7: Righting the Wrong

  Weeks had passed since Jareth had severely beaten Matthew over the job of Sam's second in command. Sam hadn't spoken to either of them since Cheyenne had told him about it. He was glad that the others of his team could be counted on to handle the situation when he wasn't there, although he wished they'd stopped it as soon as it had started.

  As Sam approached Jareth's room he could hear two voices. One he knew was Jareth's. The other sounded like Lachlan but Sam had forcefully ordered that nobody visit Jareth while he was confined to his room. He waited outside until they were done, thinking of ways to punish his brother.

  The door opened and Lachlan walked out with a scowl on his face.

  "Oh, Sam. I'm didn't know you were ... how much of that did you hear?" Lachlan said awkwardly.

  "Not a lot. It gave me time to think about a few things - first and foremost, how I'm gonna punish Jareth for what he did. Secondly, how I'm gonna punish you for disobeying a direct order for no-one - and I mean no-one - to see Jareth until further instructions."

  "I'm sorry, Sam, but we needed to talk. I can't tell what about but he needed to see me."

  "Whatever it is, I don't care. I need you for the next mission. You're dismissed, Lachlan. Go do whatever you want until I call you."

  "Yes, Sam." Lachlan left without another word, his head bowed.

  Sam waited until Lachlan was out of ear shot before he stormed into Jareth's room.

  "Sam, what are you..."

  Sam grabbed Jareth and held him against the wall with his forearm. "What the hell were you thinking, Jareth, attacking another of my team - and my second in command no less. I should have you dishonourably discharged for what you did. I would've been fine with it if I knew and I was there to watch and control it if it got out if hand, which it did. But because you went behind my back and attacked Matthew I'm gonna have to punish you. I'm confining you to quarters until I say otherwise. That means no missions, no visitors, no leaving and definitely no dates with Cheyenne. Well, actually even after this sentencing is over I don't want you seeing her anymore. I need a team, not some messed up love club."

  "What?! Those are ridiculous terms. I don't care about the first ones but you can't force me and Cheyenne apart."

  "If you argue with me then I may be forced to take you off my team. I don't care if you are my brother or are the stronger one of the two of you. If I had to let anyone go it'd have to be you. You've made too many bad choices since you joined my team."

  "But Sam..."

  "I don't want to hear it. You're confined here until I say otherwise. Goodbye Jareth," Sam said with his back turned to his brother, before he left.

  'Now for the other one,' Sam thought to himself as he walked down to Matthew's room.

  Lachlan roamed the halls of the base, wondering what to do, with Jareth's word still fresh in his mind.

  "I couldn't control myself. I could feel myself going too far into the darkness but I just couldn't stop it. I was fully aware of everything and could see the fear in Matthew's eyes. Even as I tore his flesh off, I couldn't do anything to stop it."

  Jareth had then broken into tears. "Oh God, what will Sam think of me? He'll hate me and think I did it on purpose."

  "Jareth, it'll be fine. You just need to keep the Darkness within you under control."

  "And how the hell am I gonna do that?"

  "Talk to the General next time you see him. He's a Dark Elemental so maybe he can help you."

  Those were Lachlan's last words before exiting and finding Sam there staring at him. He'd left after that and just walked the halls, thinking.

  'If Jareth's not allowed to see anyone then I guess I'll have to do it,' Lachlan thought as he began the climb to the General's throne room.

  He arrived to see that the General had just finished talking to Sam, who bumped into him on the way out.

  "Sam, what have you gotten yourself into? Take charge of your team and get yourself sorted," the General said under his breath. Lachlan could hear it but he decided it'd be best to not bring it up.

  "Ahh, Lachlan, how do you see all of this?" the General asked as Lachlan approached him.

  "How do I see what, sir?"

  "What's your opinion about the whole Jareth / Matthew / Sam thing?"

  "Oh umm … well I guess … ummm … I don't know, but I guess that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. See, I have this friend who has somewhat fallen into darkness and he needs help, Sir."

  "Oh no, you know about Matthew don't you?

  "What about Matthew, Sir?"

  "The fact that he's a Darkness Elemental."

  "Oh, that. Well, I knew about that but it's not what I came to talk to you about. He's not the one I'm mentioning, Sir."

  "Then who?"

  "Jareth, Sir. This was the first time he's done something unintentionally. When Sam, Jareth and I first encountered the Chaos Marines, one of them had said something about Jareth's darkness. I fear that he does have the Darkness Element in him, Sir. He's worried and I think you need to talk to him about it."

  "I'll see him now. Thank you, La

  "Uhh Sir, Jareth wants this to be kept from Sam and I agree with him. Just for a while, Sir."

  Sam teleported down to Matthew's house on Earth - the place Sam was now living in when he wasn't at the Base. Sam entered the brick house on the farm land and saw Matthew's younger brother and sister doing things in the massive front yard. He found Rachel in the lounge room, doing stuff on the computer.

  "Oh, Sam … uhh, Matthew's up in his room if you're here for him. I wouldn't go up there though. He's still really upset."

  "I know but this is something I have to do."

  Sam walked up the steps and found Matthew's room. His gauntlet was on the floor in front of the door. Sam knocked a few times.

  "Hey, Matthew. It's me - Sam."

  "Go away. I don't want to be a part of your marines anymore."

  Sam could hear sadness in Matthew's voice. It was clear that he was, or had been, crying.

  "Matthew, please. Jareth didn't mean to attack you. He respects the position you're in and is willing to apologise."

  "I don't care. Just leave me alone. My gauntlet's out front. Take it and leave."

  "Matthew, do you remember when you said it was hard for you to get praise when you did things because you're good at things that everyone else is good at? Being a marine is the thing I believe that you can truly succeed at."

  Sam waited for a reply. When nothing but sniffles came, he sat against Matthew's door.

  "Look Matthew, I was once like you. Really good at the stuff I did but I never got any praise because there was always someone better than me. But you know what? That's what made it fun. The fact is that there will always be people better than you at things but that doesn't mean you give up. No, it means that you try harder and try to be better than them. I had a friend like that when I first started out as a Marine. Lucas was his name - best friend I've ever had. Mainly because I finally had some competition at the thing I did best. Anyway, don't let Jareth get you down. He's been punished and won't be on duty anytime soon. I won't hold it against you if you don't want to come back, but please consider it. I'm gonna leave now. See ya whenever."

  And with that Sam left. It was hard for him to leave his friend's side but he still had a job to do, and an enemy to fight.

  8: The Reunion

  Sam teleported back up to base and found Lachlan, Cheyenne and Taine sitting together in the mess hall. It was around lunchtime so the hall was packed with other marines that lived at the base. Nobody wore armour when they were off duty so Sam and his team could do just about anything and not be noticed by the other marines. To them they were just competition.

  Sam sat down next his team - well, most of his team. They went silent as Sam sat next to them. A few moments went by where Sam looked at each one of his team, but they all avoided his gaze at it fell upon them. Lachlan opened his mouth to talk, but just then a voice came through their comms.

  "Sam, I need to see you and your team now," the General's voice said through their ears.

  They made their way up to the General's throne room. They all stood silent in front of him, each still avoiding Sam's gaze.

  "Look, I'm not upset at you guys. I just want my team to be a team," Sam said before the General could speak.

  Cheyenne, Lachlan and Taine all let out a sigh of relief and they began to talk among themselves. The General cleared his throat and they all snapped back to attention in front of him.

  "Now you've all seen Jareth's and Matthew's beast forms - well, Sam, you haven't seen Matthew's but that doesn't matter. Anyway, whenever somebody unlocks their element they also unlock their own beast form. Sometimes people don't want to use them but it sure is fun to see your enemy's faces when you transform from a person in armour to a massive hulking beast. Anyway, you four do have a beast form and if you want I can show you how to use it."

  The marines looked at each other and all agreed to learning how to use their beast forms. The General led them out to a large court on the west side of the base. There were a few marines playing on the court. All dispersed when they saw the General approach.

  "You don't have to leave. You can stay and watch if you want," the General said to the marines as he passed them. The General got Sam and his team lined up.

  "Okay, so just like Cerberus and Chimera, as soon as you draw the symbol and step through it you will immediately begin transforming into your beast. Don't fight it - just let it happen. Now I'm not entirely sure about what happens on the inside but let the transformation happen."

  Lachlan created an orb of ice in his hand and almost instantly his gauntlet began to glow. He looked down at it and saw a symbol - a circle with three connected triangles forming a wolf's head. He drew the symbol in the air in front of him with his gauntlet, stepped through it and the transformation began.

  He got down on all fours and his hands and feet formed paws, before his back arched and began to grow light blue fur. His head began to elongate and form a wolf's head. He became a giant wolf, with massive ice spines forming down his back.

  "Frozen Fenrir!" Lachlan was now a man sized wolf with light blue fur covering his entire body.

  It was now Cheyenne's turn. Her symbol was a circle with three triangles along the top of it. She drew it, stepped through it and, like the other three, was thrown to the ground.

  Her body began to twist and shape. She became a large blonde furred fox. Two large black spines ran down the length of her back, and ten large blade like tails flowed from behind her.

  "Shining Prowler!"

  Taine drew the symbol of a circle with an X through it, and as he stepped through it he stayed upright on two legs. He began to sprout feathered wings and small greyish brown feathers all over his body. His face transformed into that of an eagle and his hands shaped into fierce talons. Blue lightning bolt tattoos extended from his eyes and on the top of his hands.

  "Thunder Garuda!"

  Sam's symbol was a circle with a large V through it. He drew it and stepped through it. He began to grow red scales all over his body, as he stood on two legs and sprouted two dragon wings. His hands and feet grew sharp claws and his face, which was now a snout, grew large fangs. He now stood at the height of Lachlan's shoulders, not a great lot taller than normal but he had still grown.

  "Volcanic Dragonoid!"

  The General watched as Sam and the rest of his team transformed into their beast forms. Each was taller than he was, and much bulkier. It amazed him to see how just small boys and a girl could turn into such magnificent beasts.

  Each of the marines studied their forms and marvelled at what they had become. Gasps of awe and amazement came from the marines that had been using the court earlier. Everyone began talking amongst themselves about each other's beast.

  "Now these are fierce beasts. I'm glad to have you four on the top team of my Base," the General said. Sam, Cheyenne, Lachlan and Taine all stood with regal poses, with determination on their changed faces.

  "This will be how we finally defeat Chaos," Sam said.

  "Hoorah!" his team said beside him.

  The General left them followed by the lower marines. Sam and his team began to test out their new abilities.

  A few hours passed with Sam and his team play fighting, accustoming themselves with their new powers and abilities. They were all standing on the court in their beast forms, talking, when Matthew arrived. Sam deactivated his beast form and went over to him.

  "Hey Matthew," Sam said in a calm and casual voice. He didn't want Matthew to know that he was happy to see him.

  "Hey Sam. I hope you don't mind I want to come to the team."

  "That's fine, I think we're all happy about this. Right guys?" Sam said, looking back at his team and raising his voice. His team looked at each other but didn't say anything. Lachlan looked concerned - at least that's what Sam thought he looked like. His wolf face was hard to read.

  "Well, screw them. I'm the one who makes the hard decisions here and I say that you're welcome back," Sam said, tur
ning back to Matthew. "Team, I think we're done here. You're all dismissed. Taine, Matthew, I'd like to see you both on the observation deck now," Sam continued.

  He met Matthew and Taine on the veranda that came off the General's throne room.

  "What's this about, Sam?" Matthew asked as they both approached.

  "I don't know. I guess I just wanted you both to be here. I've kinda assigned 'jobs' to everyone - if that's what you want to call them - without anyone's permission I guess. I dunno, I mean like no-one knows their job but me. Matthew, you're my second in command. Taine, I guess I made you my body guard."

  "Aye? Why me?"

  "Well, while we were in the tournament I guess I felt something in you that made me feel safe - you're like that one thing that calms me down. Yeah, now that I say it, it does sound weird."

  "Amen to that," Taine said, crossing his arms.

  "What about everyone else?" Matthew asked.

  "Well, I guess Lachlan would be my Tank Marine - the one that can take the most punishment. Jareth is the annoying one that gets the job down but still jokes around - okay, now I'm just making up rubbish. I guess you two are here because you two make me feel calm and confident."

  "Sam that has to be the lamest th…"

  Taine was cut off but Sam didn't know what by. All he knew was that he was now on the floor, lying next to Matthew who was unconscious. His ears were ringing and he could feel blood trickling down his face. He tried to get up but a foot held him down. That foot was pitch black with red and white highlights. Only one person wore such an armour - Chaos. Sam looked up at the marine's helmet. Even through that he could see hatred in Chaos' eyes. He could also see something else but he couldn't put his finger on it. He was more concerned with what had just happened.

  Chaos hauled Sam up and held him up with one hand.

  "I could plunge my claws right through your stomach like I did that Peter boy, but what's the fun in that. I'm going to kill your little friend there while you watch," Chaos said, pointing at Matthew, who was still unconscious. "And then I'm going to rip you apart piece by piece until you beg me to end it. But not before you watch your entire team die before your very eyes," Chaos taunted.


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