The Chaos Saga

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The Chaos Saga Page 20

by Samuel JT Pratley

  "Too true, Samuel. Too true."

  "Jareth, go and help Nathan."

  "Sam if you need us, just call. Earthen Chimera!" Jareth said, changing his form and flying off.

  Sam watched as Jareth flew off. When he turned to face Chaos, he slammed into Sam, sending him flying into a wooden wall. Sam ignited the wall and threw it at Chaos. Chaos brought his fist up and slammed it down on the burning piece of wood, shattering it before it could do any damage.

  Chaos ran towards Sam.

  "Arctic Spear!"

  A spear of ice flew past Sam and embedded itself in Chaos' shoulder plate, causing him to stagger and fall forward. Sam turned to see Matthew, and Matthew's and Nathan's teams. Lachlan and Taine were in their beast forms, Matthew wore his Cerberus Armour, and Cheyenne was in her Sword Armour.

  "Thanks, Lachlan. You've always got my back," Sam said as everyone walked over to him.

  "Nathan, let's fuse!" Alexis yelled to her leader.

  "Fuse Mecha Rhynos!"

  "Matthew, go and help Jareth. I know it doesn't take five of you to take down Zac but I want Chaos all to myself," Sam said, seeing Chaos get up.

  Sam watched everyone fighting Zac. When he turned back to Chaos a foot dug into his stomach, sending him flying into a swing set.

  Sam got up and readied his chakrams at his side. He threw them at Chaos, who created two portals which the chakrams flew into, before he closed the portals.

  "Why do I keep falling for that?" Sam asked himself.

  Chaos ran for Sam, who dodged out of the way and tried to swipe Chaos with his tail. Chaos ducked and the tail flew aimlessly over his head.

  "Matthew, I need some help," Sam yelled.

  "But Sam, I'm killing Zac!" Matthew complained.

  "I don't care. I need you now," Sam said, flipping to dodge one of Chaos' swings.

  "Twin Cerberus Cannon!" Matthew said as he fired his two cannons at Chaos.

  The beams hit Chaos smack in the chest, causing him to stagger. He turned to Matthew and reopened the Chaos Portals. Sam's chakrams reappeared and flew at Matthew. He switched both of his cannons to blades and blocked the chakrams. They began to grind away at Matthew's blades.

  "Sam, hurry up and recall your chakrams. I'm kinda fond of my blades," Matthew said desperately. The chakrams slowed down and flew back to Sam.

  "Stay and fight, Matthew," Chaos said "I haven't killed a Dark Elemental yet."

  "And you won't now. I won't let you," Matthew said, switching one blade back to a cannon.

  "Shadow Buster!"

  Matthew fired it at Chaos, who caught the orb of darkness and threw it back. It caught Matthew off guard and he didn't have time to block. Sam got in front of him and blocked the attack with his shield.

  "Focus, Matthew. This isn't like the tournament fight with Zac. Chaos will kill you if you give him the chance."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know. Sorry, Sam."

  "Don't apologise! Just fight!" Sam said, dodging another one of Chaos' attacks.

  "Shadow Buster!"

  Matthew fired continuous rounds at Chaos while Sam fought him close range.

  Jareth, Cheyenne, Lachlan, Taine and Nathan fought Zac. Six against one wasn't the fairest of odds but Zac seemed to be able to fight them all at once. Zac had created multiple Chaos Constructs that were clones of himself. Their purpose was to help fight against the marines but they were only a percentage of the strength that Zac was. The Marines dealt with them almost as quickly as Zac was creating them.

  Zac created orbs of Chaos in his hands and created two Chaos Portals which began to stream Chaos Demons.

  "Jareth, Cheyenne, Lachlan, take down the demons. Taine, help me take out Zac," Nathan ordered. The marines separated.

  Jareth and Cheyenne stood back to back with their swords drawn. The demons began to surround them.

  "Earthen Chimera!"

  Jareth activated his beast form and created pillars of earth around them killing demons. He flew above them and began to drop boulders on the demons.

  Omega awoke to Delta shaking him and screaming his name. Omega fell out of his seat and landed hard on the hard tile floor.

  "Ahh, what the hell, Delta? I was having a nice long sleep," Omega said, getting up and rubbing his head.

  "You were having a nightmare, and it must have been a real doozy of a nightmare. I mean you were tossing and turning this way and that, screaming names and using your powers. See," Delta said, pointing behind them where a pillar of earth had torn through the tiled floor and smashed into the ceiling.

  "Oh, sorry everyone. Just a bad dream," Omega said, apologising to everyone in the med bay. Omega stood up with Delta's help. "Is there a particular reason you woke me?" he asked.

  "Well, I mean apart from the fact that I couldn't let my friend have quite a vicious nightmare, Alpha wants to see all of us, including the kid," Delta said.

  "Where is he?" Omega asked, looking past Delta to where Kaylin was supposed to be in bed.

  "He's off training with Gamma and Bravo. That's where we're heading now. C'mon," Delta said, walking off and inviting Omega to follow.

  Omega followed Delta to the gym, which had magically been rebuilt since Kaylin tore it up. Bravo was fighting Kaylin while Gamma watched from the sidelines, giving Kaylin tips on using his powers. Using the Earth Element, Kaylin was trying to control the pillars he was making. Bravo was using the Ice Element to block against Kaylin's attacks. Gamma was trying to teach Kaylin to do sneak attacks by distracting his opponent.

  As they entered, Gamma gestured for Omega to join in. Omega didn't run straight into the fight. Instead he stood back, trying to counter Kaylin's earth moves. Omega began to struggle against Kaylin's strength. His hands trembled at his sides as Kaylin kept using the Earth Element without his strength faltering. All at once Kaylin's powers lost all strength. He thrust his arms out and nothing happened. Omega had finally cancelled his powers.

  Kaylin's eyes changed to a shade of black and the gym became shrouded in darkness. Omega couldn't even see his own hands. A blinding light shone from somewhere in the darkness and the gym became bathed in a soft white light, dispersing the darkness. Theta stood in the doorway of the gym, his eyes yellow and an orb of light in his hand. Alpha stood behind him.

  Alpha walked past Theta and the others all stood at attention for him. Kaylin stood with his head bowed, looking at the floor while the rest stood straight up stiff.

  "I have called you all here because I believe that there are other Unbounds who have discovered their powers and are using them to attack others. I need Theta, Gamma, Bravo and Kaylin to go after these Unbounds in pairs. Omega and Delta, I have a more important mission for the two of you," Alpha said, walking up to them. "Now is the time to recruit Sam."

  15: The Destroyer

  Sergeant Ben ducked as another shell flew overhead. He poked his head up over the cover he was crouched behind and took the time to line up shot after shot, bringing his rifle's scope up to his eye and pulling the trigger in single bursts. One by one he popped the heads off multiple Chaos Marines, then saw the Chaos Defiler charge up another shot aimed right at him. Ben ducked below the rock wall he was crouched behind just as the Defiler fired its main cannon.

  The wall exploded, pushing Ben and other marines back while sending rocks flying. One of the larger rocks flew straight at Ben, who was now on the ground. Before it hit him, the rock stopped and floated above the ground then seemed to fly back into the ranks of the Chaos Marines. Ben turned to see Athena standing behind him. She had stopped the rock from crushing his body.

  "Thank you, Athena," he said panting.

  "No problem, young one. We are here to help you and your marines get home safely, and to free this planet from the tyranny of the Chaos Marines," Athena said, helping Ben up.

  A loud whirring sound echoed across the barren plains they were fighting on. Over the horizon appeared a large four legged walker. It was Chaos black with four metallic silver legs. A large cannon protruded fr
om its front and several missile racks dotted its back.

  "Poseidon, Zeus, go and take that thing down," Athena ordered.

  Poseidon and Zeus jumped over Ben's head. The walker fired a golden beam from its main cannon that tore through both Poseidon and Zeus while they were mid-jump. The beam left nothing but a few armour fragments which fell to the ground with a clang. Every marine in the area began to panic as they heard the walker's cannon recharging.

  "Ben, you must get back to the base and find S1. A marine by the name of Sam will be in that team. You must seek his help. He is the only one who can take down this thing. You will find that an old friend is with Sam. Go now!" Athena shouted with fear in her voice as the walker fired again, this time shredding through a portion of the stone wall Athena had created, killing multiple marines.

  Ben ran off, leaving Athena.

  "Please, Sam, find a way to end this war."

  Sam and Matthew dodged yet another one of Chaos' attacks. Matthew fired more blasts at Chaos but his armour was too thick to do any real damage. Chaos staggered with each hit but it wasn't enough.

  "Matthew, I'm gonna try something different. If it seems like what I'm gonna do won't work, I want you to fire everything at Chaos so I can get out of there, okay?" Sam said, tinkering with his gauntlet.

  "You got it."

  Matthew stood back and readied both of his cannons. Sam activated his old Terminator Armour that held the gravity hammer and pulse shield.

  Sam charged for Chaos with his shield raised. Chaos swiped at Sam but his claws bounced harmlessly off the shield. Sam brought his hammer around and smacked Chaos right in the helmet. Sam threw his hammer at Chaos but it flew right past Chaos' head and shattered Chaos Marines behind him. Sam now had his shield and no weapon. Chaos took this advantage and began to pound Sam's shield over and over again with his fists. The shield didn't budge so Chaos picked the shield up with Sam still attached to it. Sam dangled in front of Chaos.

  Chaos had brought his other hand up, ready to plunge his claws into Sam's stomach, when Sam brought his feet up and pressed them flat against the underside of the shield and kicked off of it, landing on the ground. Chaos was about to throw the shield away when Sam clicked his gauntlet again. The shield exploded in Chaos' hand. Now Sam had no form of attack or defence.

  "I've had enough of this pointless exercise. Bring in the Destroyer!" Chaos yelled.

  A large walker fell out of the sky and landed with a ground shattering thud. The black walker charged its cannon and the grassy ground around the walker began to shake. It fired a golden beam that pierced through the Chaos Marines that were standing in its path, and blasted through everything else. Sam and the rest of the marines managed to dodge out of the way of the Destroyer's beam.

  Chaos and Zac retreated with the rest of the Chaos Marines to behind the Destroyer, while the marines regrouped behind Sam.

  "If you think Defender can stop that thing you're wrong," Sam said, looking back to his friends.

  The ground shook as the Destroyer began to recharge.

  16: The Third Loss

  Ben ran through the halls of the base, trying to reach the General. He found his way through the base and reached the General's throne room. Hades was next to the General and tried to get in between them as he saw Ben running towards them.

  "Sir, I have to see S1. It's urgent," Ben said, puffing and collapsing into his knees.

  "What is this about, Marine?" Hades asked.

  "Calm down, Hades," the General said, kneeling down to Ben's height. "Now what's wrong, Marine?"

  "Athena, Poseidon and Zeus are all dead, Sir. The … the Chaos Marines have this new weapon. Athena told me to find S1 - to find Sam - because he's the only one who can destroy it."

  "Wait. Athena and the others are all dead?" Hades asked.

  "I'm sure that Rachel is okay. It's just Athena who died," the General said.

  "Well, I didn't see Athena die. She just told me to leave when Poseidon and Zeus died."

  "I haven't heard from S1 since they came back from the Chaos ships in Earth's orbit. They haven't checked in with me or Doc," the General said. "Hades, take…"

  "Ben, Sir."

  "Take Ben down to Doc and see if he can find out where Sam or S1 are."

  "Yes, Sir," Hades said, walking off and expecting Ben to follow.

  "So what team are you in, Marine?" Hades asked as they walked down to the Command Centre.

  "A1, Sir," Ben replied.

  "You're the best of A Rank? That's well done, but then that means that you weren't good enough to be in S Rank," Hades said bluntly as they entered the Command Centre. "Doc, the General wants you to find where S1 is."

  "They're down in Dunedin, fighting some kind of Chaos Mech," Doc replied, putting the images up on the main viewing screen.

  "That's the Destroyer. That's the thing Athena wanted me to warn S1 about!" Ben said.

  "Well, they're fighting it now. Let's hope they can take it down."

  The Destroyer emptied several of its missile racks, firing them at the marines. Sam had Defender's shield up but it didn't stop them all and not everyone was under it. Nathan got pummelled by the missiles but his beast form held strong, although he became unconscious as another wave of missiles hit him.

  "Sam, we need to do something!" Jareth yelled.

  "But what?" Sam replied. "I can't do a lot with my shield up!"

  "Then let someone else put up a shield," Cheyenne suggested.

  "No, babe. Not now. You'll get killed," Jareth said.

  "It's worth a shot."

  "What the hell are you two talking about?" Matthew asked.

  "Cheyenne wants to erect a Light Shield. You don't know how to do it yet, babe."

  "But if I don't try then we'll all die."

  "I say do it," Sam said, straining against the massive power drain of using his shield.

  "But Sam…"

  "Jareth, it's the only thing we can do. Cheyenne, do it! We'll protect you," Sam said.

  Cheyenne ran from underneath Sam's shield. Several missiles locked onto her but were quickly shot down by Matthew or Lachlan. She ran in front of everyone and focused all of her power into putting up a shield to protect them. The ground shook as the Destroyer charged its cannon once again.

  The Destroyer fired its cannon and a golden beam shot across the field at the marines. The beam fell short as it impacted an invisible shield. Cheyenne was floating in the air in front of where the beam was stopped.

  "Cheyenne! No!" Jareth yelled. The beam slowly pierced her body.

  "Sam, Lachlan, get everyone out of here!" Cheyenne yelled through the pain.

  Sam and Lachlan began to blink everyone back to base. Sam took Taine, while Lachlan took Matthew. Sam blinked back to them and found that Nathan had defused from his team.

  "Alexis, take this and use it for good," Cheyenne said with tears falling down her face.

  She took off her gauntlet and threw it at Alexis. Sam blinked them back to base.

  "Sam, you have to save her!"


  "He couldn't save her," Jareth said with tears streaming down his face.

  "And now you have the opportunity to kill him for not saving your loved one."

  "Oh, I'll kill him alright - him and that bitch, Alexis. They will all die at my hands."

  "Welcome to the dark side, Jareth."

  "Thank you, Lord Chaos. Chaos Chimera, beast form activate!"

  PART FIVE - The Dragon's Awakening

  Sam and the S1 team constantly grow in numbers from all over the globe and their number of armours is increasing too, but is it enough?

  Who is the Dragon Mech who says that he is from the future? Is it the same kind of armour as Athena, Apollo and Hades? What will come of this being that is not human nor robot, and why has he chosen Sam as a host?

  What will happen with Jareth who has changed sides thinking Sam had purposely let Cheyenne die?

  Will Zac finally get punishment for his crime
s against the Marines?

  Will this lead to the final battle with Chaos, and will Sam be able to fight his once best friend and possibly kill him?


  It only took Sam a few seconds between when he blinked Nathan's team back to base and when he arrived back at the scene to blink Jareth back, but in that time it had all ended.

  When Sam arrived back he found Cheyenne's limp body lying on the ground, void of life. Jareth was nowhere to be found and neither was Chaos or the Chaos Marines.

  "I'm sorry, Jareth. I had no idea what to do," Sam said with his head bowed.

  "Holy shit," a voice came from behind Sam, who turned to see the General behind him. "I had no idea Chaos had this kind of fire power. If only I had listened to him when I had the chance."

  "Who, Sir?"

  "Master Yang. He warned me about the kind of power this weapon contained. I'm sorry about Jareth, Sam."

  "If this is how he wants to die then I'll gladly let his wish come true. But not before I kill Chaos and Zac for all of this," Sam said, grinding his teeth.

  "Sam, S1 will handle Zac and Chaos. I think you need some time off. We'll make sure Cheyenne gets the funeral a real marine deserves."

  "Thank you, Sir. It's what Jareth would have wanted."

  1: The Morph Armour

  Sam wandered through the park, constantly looking over his shoulder. He'd gone into hiding since Jareth had defected a few weeks earlier. He passed massive groups of families who came to the park for a fun and happy time. Sam would've been having a good time if he wasn't constantly being searched for by the Marine Corps and every local police organisation.

  He passed hundreds of guests in queues for rides. It didn't make sense to him, why someone would wait in line for at least thirty minutes only to get a few moments of enjoyment riding the ride. He walked past a large snowy mountain, with its screams and howls echoing through its hollowed insides, and found himself in the open on a large street.


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