Sight of Love (A Rizer Pack Shifter Series Book 2)

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Sight of Love (A Rizer Pack Shifter Series Book 2) Page 47

by Wilson, Amelia

  She faced them with a dreadful expression.

  “Your grandmother was bitten by a vampire before.”

  Madison nibbled with her lip. “Did she die?”

  Courtney shook her head. “No, she didn’t. But the vampire who bit her did.”

  “I--” Courtney was still hesitant. It was a tale she long buried in her mind.

  “Your grandmother used to be with a vampire, just like the two of you. They tried to defy the odds because they were in love. Then, your grandmother decided that she wanted to be turned into a bloodsucker so she could be with Atticus.” Courtney fiddled with her fingers. “And they did try despite all the warnings not to. Not surprisingly, everyone who knew about their relationship told them to part ways but they were persistent and met behind the others’ backs.

  “When the day came that Atticus tried to turn your grandmother, he went missing. Turning someone is a long process and after they did the first phase, Atticus was nowhere to be found until one day, they got the news that he was dead.”

  “Did you say his name was Atticus?”

  Courtney was adamant to not recognize Easton’s presence but knowing she had to, she nodded hesitantly.

  “And this happened in the first few years of the ‘90s?”

  “How did you know?”

  Madison looked at Easton questioningly.

  “I think it was the same man who turned us.”

  Both women gasped at the information.

  “So he’s technically your father?” Madison reached for his hand and squeezed it. She was still trying to comprehend everything.

  “He is. But when he turned us, he was already weak. I can still remember him and how he told us that he wouldn’t be lasting for long until we can’t find him anymore.”

  “That explains it.” Courtney muttered.

  “Explains what?” Madison looked at her aunt desperately.

  “The first time you saw each other, was the attraction immediate?” She questioned, trying to piece everything together. If her hunch was right, then it would be useless to try to stop them being together. All her efforts would be futile because they would surely find a way through it.

  “It was.” Easton admitted.

  “Are you implying that the attraction between Atticus and my grandmother had an effect on us?” Madison treaded on the detail. It was a brave assumption to make.

  “It might have. Madison, it would not be impossible that you have vampire blood running through your veins. Your grandmother was infected and you might have inherited what little of vampire blood she had.”

  Madison dragged a hand over her face. This conversation was draining much of her energy.

  “When Atticus went missing, your grandmother was heartbroken. But your grandfather came and everyone hoped that he would replace Atticus in your grandmother’s heart. Your mother was born and they were certain that she had traces of vampire blood in her. When you were born, it was hard to say whether you also did. But during that fight…” Courtney winced at the memory.

  “So me suddenly acting like I was a vampire was purely on instinct?” She remembered how she shielded Easton and bared her canines like she had long fangs that could suck blood.

  “That was the first time you showed any indication. When you were younger, it never showed so I was sure you were normal. I was shocked when I saw you like that but deep in my mind, I think I’ve been expecting it.”

  Silence rang in the room and Courtney decided to leave them on their own, with a warning that there would be no more sucking of blood inside her room.

  “This is insane.” Easton dropped back to lie on the bed. “Maybe that’s why you smelled different.”

  Madison jumped at the thought and copied Easton.

  “And why I suddenly brandish my teeth to people like I had the longest fangs.” They both chuckled but the surprise was yet to be worn off. They never expected something like this. They always thought that Courtney’s opposition against their relationship was mainly because they were different. Turned out, they have similarities far more than they could imagine.

  “But was that really possible? That when Atticus turned you, he also transferred his emotions unknowingly?”

  “It’s probable. It’s the only logical explanation why there was a pull between us. They must have loved each other so greatly.” Easton sighed, now understanding that Atticus was brokenhearted more than sick. He probably felt hopeless and had to die wondering if they could have been together forever like they wanted.

  “But why did Atticus suddenly die?”

  Easton pursed his lips. “I had no idea. He just grew weaker and then he went off to somewhere and didn’t return. News just circulated that he was gone. We never had a strong bond with him so we weren’t inclined to see him. Just knowing that he’s gone was enough for us back then.”

  They both fell into the depth of their thoughts. Easton pondered on the fact that Madison is partly vampire. He had never heard of such case before. He was not aware as to what her particular characteristics were. It was another mystery that added hundred to his list of unanswered questions.

  He faced Madison and cupped her cheek.

  “It’s been years but fate was still doing its best to make us together.”

  Madison smiled. “That’s a romantic way to put it.”


  There were the brick walls and their roughness was apparent when she pushed back against it.

  She felt the lick and she gasped, opening her eyes to see a man she did not know.

  “Let’s not back down, Atticus. Not now when we’ve come so far.” She said.

  The man was still hesitating.


  And then there was a sharp, excruciating pain on her neck.


  It was All for Their Vengeance

  The revelation, as opposed to being a deterrent in their relationship, made their desire to be together stronger. They acknowledged that whatever affection they had was not only a result of their ancestors’ bonding but also their own affections, which blossomed as time passed.

  It was strange and overwhelming, knowing how deeply intertwined their lives were. It was also intimate in a way and it made them more certain that their meeting was fated.

  What still bothered them was Courtney saying they could be each other’s cause of deaths but Madison dismissed it because Easton swore to take care of her and she found comfort in it. All other trivial details be damned.

  She faced the new day with a renewed vigor.

  When Monday came again, Easton never strayed away from her. He never let her out of his sight, even foregoing attendance to his own classes and insisted that he wanted to be there to protect her. It was downright mad but she could see the worry in his eyes so she let him be.

  They avoided speaking about Gavin the whole weekend but meeting him would be inevitable. Easton even stayed at their house, admitting that he wasn’t sure what he would do if he and Gavin would be left alone in their place.

  It was near the end of the day and Gavin was nowhere in sight. Madison thought that he probably gave up but Easton remained alert, eyes constantly scanning the crowd and hands always holding hers wherever they went.

  She wanted to tell him that it’s okay but she was also aware of what Gavin was capable of doing. He did not sound the least bit guilty the last time, there was a hint of arrogance when he challenged Easton.


  She was going out of the restroom when she was pulled inside a cubicle. Her scream was muffled by a hand and she recognized him in an instant.

  His bruises have faded like Easton and there was that sinister smirk which made him look dangerous. His eyes glittered and he rejoiced when he saw her fear.

  “You should keep quiet if you don’t want Easton to know.”

  Madison held his wrist and forced his hand away and she shouted for Easton but he was fast enough to silence her again.

  “Madison. Promise to shut u
p and I won’t hurt you.”

  Hesitantly, she agreed with a nod.

  He removed his hand and waited if she would scream again but she didn’t.

  Madison took it as another chance to talk things out. If there is a way to salvage Easton and Gavin’s relationship, then she would choose it. It was a brotherhood that stayed strong for a century and it’s not about to be broken now.

  “Think about this.” He held her face so they would meet eye to eye. “If you run away with me now, you will save Easton from hurting later. We could make it work, Madison. We could be happy.”

  She gritted her teeth. She could not think of a way to tell him that she was not interested. All her rejections only fell on deaf ears. “I don’t see you that way, Gavin. How many times do I have to repeat it so you’d believe me?”

  He smiled serenely. She shivered at the sight.

  “I’ll never believe you because I know you’re just lying.” He grasped her elbows this time and incher his face closer to hers. “You’re lying because you don’t want to hurt my brother. But don’t you see, you’ll never be happy with him because it’s me who you want to be with. Admit it.”

  “Are you out of your mind? I don’t want you--,” Whatever she was about to say was cut. He pressed his fingers on her chin.

  “You do. Believe me.”

  Madison swatted his hand away and tried to duck to his side but he blocked the door with his body.

  “Gavin,” she begged. “Just leave me alone.”

  Suddenly, he surged forward with the force that wrenched the door open while Madison jumped to the side to avoid colliding with him.

  Easton gave Gavin a cold glare. She took advantage of Gavin’s stunned state and run to Easton and hid behind his back.

  “Let’s go.” She grabbed him and attempted to lead him out of the restroom. Madison could not decide if it was fortunate or not that there was no other person to witness this.

  “Go ahead.” Easton did not spare her a glance and she worried her bottom lip. She could not leave them alone or else the worst could really happen.

  “Easton, please. Let it go. I wanna go home.”

  Easton gently pried her hand off. “I’m sorry but you have to go home alone today.”

  Madison was on the verge of crying. Easton was saying things with a tone of finality. She didn’t even want to imagine what was on his mind.

  “See? I told you he won’t make you happy. I’ll walk you home every day Madison. I’ll be beside you as much as you want.” Gavin was coy and he held no boundaries, raking his eyes over Madison even while under his brother’s scrutiny.

  The lines in Easton’s forehead deepened. Gavin was acting out of character. He was never straightforward and he was a man of few words. The Gavin he knew was considerate and never ridiculed anyone.

  “Why are you doing this Gavin?” He sidestepped and Gavin smiled triumphantly.

  Madison fell flat on the floor when Easton shoved her, as Gavin aimed a punch in their direction.

  Chaos ensued and both men stumbled down and wrestled. Easton grazed his knuckles against his brother’s cheeks while Gavin hit him back on the head and grappled for his neck.

  Desperate, she ran outside in search of anyone who could help her but the hallways were deserted. Her breathing was echoed in its emptiness and she dashed to the stairs but there was still no one.

  Their grunts and snarls could be overheard. She was beyond nervous. The men were only recovering from their recent bout but here they were again, prepared to smash the other’s face.

  Not having any other choice, she ran back, only to be met by a locked door.

  She banged her fists on it and shouted. “Open the door! Please. Easton, please don’t do anything you will regret.”

  There was laughter from the other side and she stopped. She could not hear Easton nor Gavin but there were men who were laughing. There was one that stood out among them and she pounded on the door harder. She never thought he would dare to come back after what happened but he did, and he was definitely not alone.

  She reached for the nearby metal trash bin, emptying its contents on the floor, and used it to hit the knob. The metal rattled and she repeated it until it gave away, the metal parts tinkling as they fell on the floor.

  She pushed the door open but was met with Easton’s pallid face. He manhandled her and Madison lost her footing as he lifted her to his back and secured her safety. Before he ran, she managed a glimpse of the room and her stomach churned upon seeing the gruesome image.

  She clung to Easton’s neck as he hurriedly dashed and navigated them out of the building, ignoring the curious looks of the passers-by.

  Easton’s priority was her safety and he would do whatever he could to take her away from them.

  A flash of his brother’s lifeless eyes triggered him to stride faster, shoving Madison in the passenger seat of the car and following not a second later.

  There was no one following them when he stepped on the engine but a glance towards the building showed Richmond and his comrades sneering at him.

  He squeezed the wheel as they drove away from school and into somewhere far from the city.


  If being with You was a Sin, then I am a Sinner

  It was dark when they reached their destination and wordlessly, Madison got out of the car and observed the small house situated in the middle of trees. They had to drive through rough road for the past hour and it intensified her nausea.

  The place was rundown. Half of its wooden fences laid flat on the floor and the small window at the front had a broken glass.

  Easton guided her inside and she coughed at the dust that flew. She alternated between coughing and sneezing that she had to pinch her nose tightly to stop it.

  He pulled her in his arms and cradled her head. His body was rigid and she clung back at him.

  “I saw him.” She bit her lip when he tensed but she had to say it. Easton needed to let out his grief.

  “I knew it wasn’t completely his fault.” He looked down at her and pressed his lips on her forehead. “When they arrived, the first thing Richmond did was to thank him. Gavin looked so lost and they only laughed at him as he became hysterical.”

  It made more sense to Madison. Gavin was not himself and he did not fit Easton’s stories about his loving brother. There was no trace of the Gavin they both know. Why did it not occur to them that he was being used to create a rift between them? Why did they not see through Richmond’s plans? If they did, then Gavin didn’t have to die.

  She rested her ear against his chest. There was no sound but it made her calm. Seeing Gavin’s wide, lifeless eyes will forever remain etched in her memory. His head was twisted in an impossible way and there was a piece of wood pierced through his back.

  Madison could not imagine how Easton felt seeing his brother killed.

  “They wanted us dead. They used him to lure us, to complicate matters, and it worked. If Gavin and I were okay then…” He trailed off. He and his brother was the perfect pair. He complemented him perfectly, aiding his weaknesses and enhancing his strengths. They could have had a chance to defeat them even if they were outnumbered.

  But they knew the perfect chance. They caught them unprepared and weak.

  She clutched the back of his shirt. “I can’t believe he had the audacity to go back after what happened.”

  “He’s desperate to kill us. He’s a vampire hunter and he would not stop until he wiped out all the vampires he came across. It is his nature just like how blood sucking is to us.” He said in despite. The difference between them is that he never used a dirty tactic.

  She hugged him tightly. Gone were the dust and the weird musty smell of the house and was replaced by the warmth of Easton’s arms around her.


  She glided through the streets, lifting her dress that fell below her ankles and adjusting the cloth and pin that held her bun up.

  The streets were busy and cars and carr
iages sped by. She checked for each side and even the windows around before slipping into the dark alley.

  A long and searing kiss welcomed her and she lifted her hands to his neck, savoring the feeling of being with him.

  “What took you so long?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, making her cheeks crimson.

  “Dad kept his eyes on me and it was a challenge to even get a step away.”

  “You escaped?” He chuckled at her. It sounded like chiming bells during a good morning.


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