Fighting for Chloe

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Fighting for Chloe Page 3

by Eva Jones

  ‘No! Please don’t contact the cops. I just really need a phone so I can get a hold of my father.’

  I stop pacing. We can’t call the police... I need to contact my dad and see what’s going on, let him know he’s in danger. Even though we don’t talk, I can’t lose him. He’s all I have left.

  ‘Do you have a phone with international calling I can use?’ I ask. ‘I’ll pay you back for any charges. I just really need to call my dad and he’s in the U.S.’

  ‘Yeah, you can use my mobile. And don’t worry about the charges, I just want to make sure you’re safe.’ He pulls his phone out of his pocket and slides it across the table to me.

  ‘Thank you, Dom!’ I dial out my father’s number and listen to it ring and ring until I get voicemail. ‘Uh. Hi Dad. Um, I kind of have a situation over here need to speak with you as soon as possible. You can try me back at this number but I don’t know how long I’ll be here, and I don’t have my cell. I’ll try to call you again as soon as I can. Be careful and watch your back. I love you.’ I blink rapidly, trying to stop the tears from falling. Once I think I have my emotions under control, I turn back to Dom and take a seat at the table next to him, handing him back his phone.

  ‘Okay, I guess I’ll start from the beginning. I’m Chloe, Chloe Richards, I live on Annandale road in Lewisham. I was taken from right outside my home. I think it’s been a while, but honestly I can’t be sure, because I don’t even know what day it is.’ My head feels fuzzy just trying to get all the pieces to slot together. ‘They’ve been pumping me full of drugs, and I haven’t been able to keep track of the days. The day I was taken, was the day I saw you take down that other fighter, without even breaking a sweat. Pretty impressive.’ I tell him with a small smile, trying to make light of how truly scared I am at the moment.

  ‘Alright. I’m Dominic Colton. Where they kept you is only about four streets away from your home. Today is Friday, and it was last Friday I first saw you getting dragged into the back room at the fight. So, it’s been a week.’ I see his fists clenching open and closed on the table and his jaw tightens. ‘I tried to get to the back room to see what was going on and why they were dragging you away. But they wouldn’t let me through. I’m so fucking sorry. I knew something was going on and I should’ve done more to try to get to you. I should have done more.’ He slams his fist into the table and rises from the chair so quickly it falls over and crashes to the wooden floor.

  ‘Dom, it’s not your fault. This is on my father.’ I suppress the urge to get up and calm him. ‘It’s the reason why I need to get a hold of him urgently. Not only is he in danger but he’s the reason I am. That’s why they kidnapped me. They’re trying to get back money my father apparently stole.’ He finally stops walking holes in the floor, his full attention back to me. ‘But they didn’t do their homework because my father and I are estranged, and have been for over three years now. I tried to explain that, begged them to let me go, but they weren’t listening.’

  Dom’s phone starts to ring on the table, he glances at it and pushes it over to me. ‘I’m assuming that’s your father’ I quickly grab the phone and hit the little green circle.




  The relief in Chloe’s voice is evident when she hears her dad’s voice. But it soon turns to anger. Her voice drops an octave when she says, ‘So where does that leave me, Dad?’ She goes quiet for moment, while he speaks on the other end. ‘Right… uh huh… okay… so again, what am I supposed to do?’ She stands and starts pacing. ‘They took me from my home, Dad. I can’t just go back there and get on with my life, I’m hiding at… a friend’s house at the moment...’ she looks up at me and gives me an awkward smile. ‘Yes I’m safe here for now.’ She huffs out a huge exhale. ‘I can’t just stay here… this is your mess and I’m in the middle of it again!’ She makes a growling noise in the back of her throat and I think she’s going to lose it. I’m way off though because instead, she hangs up the phone and clutches it between her hands. I take her in, watching her unnoticed, while she stands with her eyes closed, as if calming her very soul from within. Until I find myself staring into hazel coloured orbs that stare right back at me. Busted. Her face is turning black and blue where the bastards smacked her around. But her beauty is still clear, even with the blood and swelling. It’s a moment before I avert my eyes. I feel like an asshole. She’s just escaped being kidnapped, and fuck knows what else, and here I am gawking at her like a horny teenager. I slide the chair back and cringe as it scrapes against the wooden floor like nails on a chalk board.

  ‘Sorry,’ I tell her pathetically.

  ‘For what?’ she asks with half a smile. I tilt my head and smile back. She knows full well what I’m apologising for. I’ve been caught like a deer in headlights, gawking. I’m just about to say as much when a loud bang echoes from upstairs. Shit. I sprint up to nan’s room only to find her picking herself up from the hallway floor between the bedroom and the bathroom.

  ‘Nan wait a minute, let me help you.’

  ‘Oh, Dominic I don’t even know what happened. I was just coming from the loo and then poof, I’m on the floor.’

  ‘Nan, you’re supposed to use the frame so this doesn’t happen, remember?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t need a walking frame, I’m perfectly fine. It’s just a one off, nothing to worry about.’ She says like it’s not the millionth time she’s fallen.

  ‘Have you hurt yourself, it was a pretty big bang you went down with?’ I ask, putting her back to bed.

  ‘I’m full of aches and pains, dear, it’s old age you know.’ I tuck her in bed and leave her with the bedside light on.

  ‘If you need anything else, Nan just let me know. Do you remember how to use the intercom?’ I’d had it installed because she often likes to go up to bed early and watch her TV there. A lot of the time she’d come down, but I couldn’t risk her trying to do stuff for herself and so got the intercom fitted. It cost me a fortune but it’s worth it. The next thing I need installed is a stairlift. I’ve got all the brochures but they are a small fortune, and I’m yet to find one I can afford without a monthly payment plan. When I’m back down the stairs I find Chloe in the lounge. The TV’s off and she’s just sitting there looking at the blank screen. Her head turns though as I walk in the room.

  ‘Is she okay?’ she asks, as I walk around the sofa and sit

  I nod sighing. ‘It happens a lot. She forgets she isn’t good on her feet.’


  I nod again. ‘She has dementia, she had a stroke about a year ago and since then her left side is weak. It’s affected her brain functions, so although she’s with it most of the time, she does have trouble remembering stuff. The main thing being that her body doesn’t quite do what she thinks it’s capable of doing.’

  ‘Oh my, I bet it can be exhausting at times.’

  I give her a small smile, she’s hit the nail on the head. ‘It is, and that’s why I fight at the weekends because she needs around the clock care and I can’t afford to pay someone to be here twenty-four seven, and honestly I prefer to do it myself. Plus, I have this place to pay for, but… that’s another long story, for another day, you must be tired out?’

  ‘That’s very noble of you. Not many men would consider caring for a grandparent like that,’ she says, and I think I see sympathy in her eyes.

  ‘It’s the least I can do. I practically grew up in this house with my nan and grandad as parents. My grandad worked away at sea until a late age, so a lot of the time it was just me and Nan. She made sure I had everything I ever needed, and just about everything I ever wanted within reason.’ I chuckle as I think back to the BMX she bought me, and how over the moon I’d been to get it. To this day I don’t know how she afforded it. But that was what she did for me always.

  ‘It’s still very noble.’

  I smile at her words. ‘You make me sound like a Colton in shining armour. They’re noble aren’t they?’ That gets a
giggle from her and under the circumstances, I see that as a good thing.

  ‘Well you were my Colton in shining armour, remember?’

  I laugh this time. ‘I hardly think that counts,’ I tell her, smirking.

  ‘So, what would equate to a rescue then? I’m pretty sure I was being held against my will and you came to my aid when I needed saving?’ Her head tilts to the side and she raises her eyebrows in a you better admit I’m right kind of way. I shrug my shoulders not really having much to say on the subject, because she is right and I don’t want to tell her that just now.

  ‘You see!’ she teases when I don’t reply.

  I look at her again and find a smug smile on her lips. Her face changes and a small frown replaces it. ‘Ouch, this sucker is really starting to hurt now,’ she says cupping the bruised side of her jaw. ‘Stop making me smile,’ she orders, like I have control over her facial muscles. I smile back and stand to go to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.

  ‘I’ll grab you some painkillers,’ I offer.

  ‘Oh no, I’d rather not. It’s just with everything they gave me I’d rather cleanse my system.’

  ‘Shit, I didn’t think about that, sorry.’

  ‘Nothing to be sorry for, just…’ she trails off and I’m not sure what she’s going to say so I wait, but when nothing comes I ask because curiosity gets the better of me.

  ‘Just what?’

  Her eyes close as she takes a deep breath before exhaling on a long sigh. ‘I’m kind of stuck with nowhere to go and I really don’t know what the hell I’m going to do?’

  ‘Well surely you didn’t think I’d be all noble and save you, just to throw you out on the street in your hour of need? Come on!’ I mock offence.

  ‘You don’t know me and you have enough on your plate without my added trouble.’

  ‘Okay, number one, not your fault you’re in trouble, number two, I’ve told you I’ll help and I will.’ I hold my fingers in the air as I count them off. ‘Number three, we have plenty of time to get to know each other because you won’t be leaving the house anytime soon, okay?’ Her jaw is slack, but she says nothing. I cock an eyebrow in question waiting for her to argue with me. When she doesn’t I stand. ‘Good now that’s cleared up, I’m going to take a quick shower, because I stink, if you’re hungry help yourself. I’d kill for a sandwich if you’re making one!’ I wink as I leave the room.



  ‘Make me a sandwich!’ How arrogant is he? I can’t help but smile as he turns his back and heads up the steps to shower. I can truly admit, I’ve never met anyone like him before. No man goes out of his way to involve himself in something like this, that could bring trouble to his front door. And he doesn’t even know me. I’m a complete stranger to him, but I can’t deny the pull I have towards him and if the way he studied me earlier is any indication, he feels it too.

  I head over to the fridge and start rustling around in it until I find some turkey and ham lunch meat, sliced cheese, lettuce, and some hot mustard. As I start to set everything out on the kitchen island, the gravity of the situation hits me. My dad was no help at all. He said he’ll take care of everything and not to concern myself with it, and to just stay put.

  How can I not concern myself with it when I’ve been thrown right in the middle with no choice? They kidnapped me… I can’t even go home… And now I’ve imposed on these kind people’s lives… I don’t know what to do, but I know I can’t stay here for too long and continue to put them in danger. I’ll just stay the night to gather myself together and then figure out what I can possibly do in the morning. After I call my father back and see what he’s pulled out of his ass.


  ‘MIND IF I join you?’ Dom asks as I’m making my way to the table with two plates in my hands.

  ‘Well I succumbed to your demand and one of the sandwiches is yours, so I hope you do.’

  He laughs as I set the plates on the table, turning towards him with mock anger on my face. ‘Do you mind grabbing something for us to drink first, sir?’ Messing with him may have been the wrong thing to do because he immediately stops laughing, and his mouth forms a straight line. The desire in his eyes is apparent.

  He turns on his heels and heads back into the kitchen. ‘Wine, beer, or a Coke?’ He glances over at me and I can’t help but notice how quickly he reigned it back in, going right back to his normal self. So, for now, I’ll just leave it be and not poke the bear. I have bigger things going on at the moment. I think I’m still in shock, honestly. I haven’t really given myself time to process what’s happened to me.

  ‘I’d love a glass of white wine please,’ I ask in my friendliest voice and take a seat at the chair where I’d set my sandwich.

  ‘Coming right up.’ I bite into my food and a couple minutes later he joins me with two glasses of wine in hand, setting one in front of me, then taking his seat.

  ‘Thank you for being so hospitable. I really appreciate it. Granted, I don’t know why you’re doing all this for me, but I appreciate it nonetheless.’

  ‘Well you need help, right?’ He asks in between bites of his sandwich with an eyebrow raised in question.

  ‘Uh… Um… Well yes, I do, but that doesn’t make it your responsibility. I may not know too many people in this country, but I’m sure I can get in contact with one of my friends and go stay…’

  ‘No,’ he interrupts me. ‘I said I would help you and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Anyway, didn’t I hear your father say to stay put when you were on the phone with him?’

  ‘Yeah, but I can’t keep putting you and your grandma in danger. That’s not cool with me, no matter what my father said. I’ll call him back in the morning, and see what he’s done to change this horrible situation he’s put all of us in.’ I look up at him and take a sip of my wine. I’m impressed with the wine. It has the perfect amount of sweetness to it.

  ‘You can use my mobile to call him.’ He gets up and starts to clear our dishes and put them in the sink.

  ‘I can wash those. I don’t want to make a mess in your home.’

  ‘No, that’s not necessary. You made the sandwiches, I’ll clean the plates. Why don’t you take your glass of wine to the living room and flip the TV on and I’ll be in there in a few minutes.’



  ‘If you’re sure.’ She smiles.

  ‘I’m sure. I won’t be long.’

  She smiles again as she walks away. She needs a shower and some fresh clothes but she still looks hot as hell. I watch as her ass sways with each step she takes. I’m still watching her walk the length of the hall as she turns and catches me. I’m standing there, like a fucking jerk, with a dirty plate in each hand. As I turn away I catch her biting on her bottom lip. Jesus Dom, get your fucking act together. Acting like she’s the first woman I’ve seen in years. Well it’s not far off. Since I’ve had my nan to care for and I moved in here, there has been a total of… maybe four times I’ve had sex. Not many people want to know you when you say ‘sorry I can’t stay out too late because I have to get back to my nan.’ Yep they go running. So, apart from the handful of times I’ve taken one to the bathroom in a bar, there hasn’t been anyone. Definitely not someone I’d invite back to the house. I wash up the plates and make my way back to her. I find her sitting on the edge of the sofa, like she’s uncomfortable.

  ‘Hey, you okay?’

  ‘I’m fine, I think.’ She smiles nervously. ‘Do you mind if I jump in your shower?’

  ‘No, of course not. I should have asked you earlier, I’m sorry.’


  ‘I’ll show you the way.’ I lead her upstairs and to the bathroom. ‘If you want to hand me your clothes I can put them through the wash?’

  ‘Umm yes please, thanks, but… I don’t have anything else?’

  ‘Shit no of course, wait a sec and I’ll be back with something.’ I run to my room and rifle around trying to find some joggers with
a pull cord, and come up with nothing, they are all fucking huge for her tiny frame. I open up my t-shirt draw and pull out a whole bunch, all extra large. I take them because I assume on her they’ll be like a short dress and cover everything she needs covering. I’m just about to leave my room, when I realise she’s probably going to need underwear too. Shit. I open my boxer drawer and look for a particular pair that doesn’t fit too well since I bulked up. I know they have to be there somewhere. The very last pair I pull out of the draw. Finally, I head back and hear the shower running through the door. I knock lightly and hear a nervous little yelp. She’s no doubt still jumpy. Understandable.


  ‘It’s just me.’ The door opens and she’s standing there wrapped in a towel, her clothes in one hand the other on the door handle. I take her in. Her neck and collarbone are bruised too, reminding me again what she’s been through this last week. I juggle all the clean stuff into one hand and try to take her dirty laundry with the other.

  ‘Thank you, but I can put them in the laundry if you would just tell me where it is?’

  ‘That’s okay honestly, I don’t mind doing it.’

  ‘I would really rather do it myself.’

  I shrug because it’s no big deal if she’s uncomfortable with me washing her stuff, she can do it herself.

  ‘Okay no worries, but your knickers would be safe with me, I prefer cotton boxers to tight lace, they chafe.’ I wink and smile. It makes her giggle and I turn away wondering whether I should have said that given the circumstances. I take one last look at her as she smiles and closes the door. ‘I’ll be in the living room, just let me know if you need anything else. They aren’t much but they’re the best I’ve got.’ I tell her as she peeks out of the small crack in the barely open door.


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