Fighting for Chloe

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Fighting for Chloe Page 7

by Eva Jones

  ‘Look at me,’ I demand as I insert a finger. She does and as I pump faster and flick her clit with my tongue her eyes don’t leave mine. She starts to pant and it isn’t long before her walls start to clench around my finger. I flick faster and harder and as she goes over, I replace my finger with my tongue and lap up her arousal. It’s then I realise I haven’t got any condoms in the house. I stand resting my forehead against hers and wait as her breathing comes back to normal.

  ‘Fuck me you’re hot,’ I tell her honestly.

  ‘That, what you just did… that was hot.’

  ‘Chloe, I can’t tell you how much I need inside of you right now, but I don’t have any protection, sorry.’ I’m so fucking mad at myself.

  ‘Me too but…’ I watch her get to her knees her hands slowly moving down my body until she grasps my cock in her hand. ‘We don’t have to stop,’ she whispers then takes my dick and swirls her tongue around the head. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuk that’s good.


  CHLOE AND I had an amazing night together. Despite not being able to have sex we managed more than once to get each other off. But more than that we talked a lot, about our parents, our childhoods, school friends and more. I feel like we’ve really hit it off.

  It was a perfect opportunity for me to come clean and tell her what had happened at the fight ring. But she seems so happy and comfortable at the moment. The fear she felt when she arrived has long gone. I don’t want that to return. But in order for me to pay off her father’s debt and get her free and clear I need to go and fight six nights a week. I can’t hide that from her. It often takes my body a week to heal from one fight, so who knows what the fuck I’ll be like by the end of the week. What I do need to do is contact Chloe’s father again. I spoke to him briefly without Chloe’s knowledge and arranged to call him again today at nine a.m. which I believe is four in the morning for him. I look over to Chloe still sleeping next to me in my bed. I’ve never had anyone in this bed before and I’m surprised, but it doesn’t feel wrong. I smile thinking back to last night. I was so close to just taking that risk and fucking the life out of her. But it wouldn’t have been right. Especially since she isn’t on any kind of contraception either. That stupidly makes me happy, because that means she didn’t have reason to be.

  I watch her for another minute until the bathroom door closing distracts me. Nan is up. I don’t want her going down the stairs without me to help, so I kiss Chloe on the forehead and put on my shorts heading down the corridor to the bathroom.

  ‘Hey, Nan, you okay?’ I ask knocking lightly on the door so I don’t frighten her.

  ‘Of course I’m alright why wouldn’t I be?’

  I smile to myself, she forgets she has an en-suite. ‘No reason, Nan just checking you’re okay.’

  I get to the kitchen and make Nan her morning cup of tea. And while I scoop the coffee into mine and Chloe’s mugs she walks through the door, looking sleep mussed and beautiful.

  ‘Hey.’ She smiles sheepishly.

  ‘Hey, yourself.’ I walk over to her tilt her chin and kiss her lips. As I pull back she bites her lip, and I feel my dick stiffen in response.

  ‘How’d you sleep?’

  ‘You have a very comfortable bed.’ She smiles.

  ‘Snoring didn’t bother you?’

  ‘Snoring?’ She frowns.

  ‘Yeah you snore really loud, I don’t know how you sleep through it.’

  ‘I do not.’ She giggles and smacks my arm. I grab for her and tickle her making her giggle louder, as she wriggles free I hear nan clear her throat behind me. As I pull Chloe flush to my chest Nan smiles and asks if I have mashed the tea in the pot.

  ‘Yeah, Nan as if I’d make it any other way?’

  ‘Well it tastes like crap made in the cup.’

  ‘You worry far too much, Nan. I’ve been making you tea since I can remember, I learnt from the best didn’t I?’ Smiling she walks back into the living room. I feel Chloe relax against me and realise just how tense she felt during that conversation.

  ‘You okay?’ I ask.

  ‘Yeah, I just didn’t know what to do with myself when she walked in.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I smile.

  ‘Well we were messing around and she might think…’ She shrugs.

  ‘That you slept in my bed and gave her grandson the best blow job? I doubt—’

  ‘Dom!’ She squeals with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. I laugh loud at her embarrassment. Looking up at the clock, I realise I’ve only got about thirty minutes until I call Chloe’s father. I need an excuse to go out. I pour the tea and add milk to the coffee before taking the kettle and filling the mugs. I hand Chloe hers and she mmm’s in pleasure as the smell hits her nose.

  ‘You needed that huh?’

  ‘Ugh like you wouldn’t believe. I’m not a morning person.’

  ‘Really? I’d never have known it.’ I smile sarcastically, she is like a bear with a sore head until after her second coffee, something I have picked up over the last couple weeks. However today she seems in a much better mood. Maybe it was the multiple orgasms? Whatever it was, she has a smile on her face and a blush to her cheeks. And I like it a lot.

  ‘Okay so this morning I have some errands to run, pharmacy and a few things to collect from the store anything you need?’ I ask.

  ‘Maybe some…’ she stops to look around. When she’s happy Nan isn’t listening she whispers, ‘Some protection?’ She bites that fucking lip again.

  ‘Oh believe me that is top of the list and why I’m going to the store.’ Still biting her lip, she nods shyly. I sip my coffee and place the mug down next to her. With my free hands, I take her mug and slide my fingers to the side of her neck caressing that sweet spot behind her ear. Releasing her lip with my forefinger, I close my lips over hers and savour the coffee taste that swirls around with our tongues. Her hands trace the muscles in my arms until she gets to my biceps and then she squeezes them and I know it turns her on. It’s not the first time she’s done it, even before we crossed that bridge. It was there whenever she looked at me, her eyes would drink them in like a fine wine on a palate. I’m suddenly aware of the time, it’s flown by. I swear it feels like only five minutes have passed but it’s been almost thirty. As I step back she grabs for her mug, taking a huge gulp.

  ‘If you like, I can go with you?’

  ‘That would be great but I have no one to watch Nan, would you mind?’

  ‘Oh of course, I’m sorry I should know by now.’

  ‘Hey.’ I tilt her face up and look deep into her eyes. ‘You know I don’t expect you to care for her, it’s just easier than going for Zoe right now.’

  ‘Oh I don’t mind at all, it’s the least I can do to help, and not because I feel I have no choice. I love being around her, please don’t ever think that I wouldn’t want too.’

  ‘I don’t.’ I smile. ‘She really likes your company too.’


  I nod and smile at her surprise. ‘Really, believe me if Nan doesn’t like someone she doesn’t hide it.’

  ‘I can imagine.’ She giggles. I kiss her quickly on the lips, just a small kiss, that turns into three more small kisses.

  ‘I’ll be back just as soon as I’m done.’ I wave going into Nan and kiss her forehead before leaving through the front door. I wasn’t joking when I said I was headed to the pharmacy. I need to buy condoms and not a small box. I check the time, three minutes until I’m supposed to call. Fuck it. I call up his number and hit send, putting the phone to my ear, I wait as it rings on the other end.

  ‘Yes,’ a short voice snaps.

  ‘It’s Dom.’

  ‘Who’s fucking idea was it to call me at this time?’

  ‘Yours,’ I tell him honestly.

  ‘Hmm, well let’s get to business. That fucking gypsy scum has my girl in his sights and he’s not willing let her be, yes?’

  ‘Yes. He’s saying I have to pay off your debt and then he’ll leave her alone. But I d
on’t trust the motherfucker. It will take me the rest of my life fighting six nights a week to pay. It can’t be done, not to mention the fucking money I already had to pay, and I have a mortgage and bills to keep my nan in her own home. If I don’t meet that payment in a few days, I’ll be in shit street there too.’ There is silence on the end of the line for a few seconds.

  ‘How much do you need?’

  ‘I’m down five grand.’

  ‘And what is that in dollars?’

  ‘I don’t know, it’s five thousand pounds?’

  ‘I’ll wire it to you today, so that problem’s solved. I am unable to leave the country at the minute but I can send you some men.’

  ‘I don’t need men I need your debt paid.’ I raise my voice a little and realise I’m in public when I get side glances from a passer-by.

  ‘Listen to me, I do not owe that cocksucker a fucking dime. He made a bad call and now he is looking for a patsy to take the fall, and that patsy it seems is me or you.’

  ‘Why would he lie?’

  ‘No the question is, why would I? You have my only daughter, she has been kidnapped once and is still under threat, so why would I lie to you?’ I think on that for a minute.

  ‘Do you have the money to pay him off or not?’


  ‘For fucks sake.’

  ‘But I do have contacts and men on hand, we can deal with the situation in a manner that would suit and benefit us both.’

  ‘You mean kill him?’

  Silence. ‘Listen fighting is the only way I can look after my nan and keep a roof over our head, so killing him wouldn’t benefit me.’

  ‘The time for fighting for your own gain is over. I know this man better than you can imagine. He has you where he wants you and you will never be able to win or lose a fight again without his say so, and you will never see a nickel or dime of any winnings. No matter if I paid him in full.’

  ‘So he needs to be put down.’

  ‘Yes, like the fucking scum pig that he is.’

  ‘You two have a lot of history?’

  ‘Oh yes we do, and the fact that he has the balls to take my daughter proves he is still as stupid as he was all those years ago.’

  I take a deep breath, fuck me, what have I got us into. ‘Okay so it’s decided. What do you need me to do?’



  Dom has been off training for the last few nights. I’ve been asleep when he’s returned and in my own bed because I didn’t want to be presumptuous and wait in his bed. I’m kind of bummed out after the night we spent together. It was beyond my wildest dreams, even though we didn’t actually have sex. When I woke the next day, I felt like I was on cloud nine. Now it seems as if he’s distanced himself from me. He’s not backed off completely, he still kisses me and shows affection. But each morning I’ve woken to him having new bruises or cuts. When I ask him what’s going on, he just says it’s from his training and that he’s been sparing. And then he’s withdrawn from the conversation one way or another. I truly believe something is going on, but I don’t know how to get him to open up to me. And him giving me the cold shoulder when I bring it up isn’t helping.

  ‘Hey, Nan, what’s on the telly tonight?’ I ask her as I bring in a bowl of popcorn and some nuts, setting them on the coffee table. Tonight, is the fourth night in a row that it’s been just us, while Dom has been off at the gym training. I love her company and I love watching the Alibi channel with her but there’s only so much Castle one person can take. The other night I tried to put on The Gifted and she just about ripped me a new asshole.

  ‘They have a Law & Order: SVU marathon going on so I figured I’d get my fill of pervs and sickos being taken down tonight,’ she says.

  The cashew I just tossed in my mouth gets caught in my windpipe and I start coughing to dislodge it. Nan waddles over laughing and gives me a smack on my back.

  ‘Nannnn. Who taught you to talk like that?’ I ask once I’m able to breathe again and catch my breath.

  ‘Oh honey, I’ve been around since before your parent’s parents. I’ve seen it all and heard it all. Besides, what I said just now wasn’t even remotely bad. The type of stuff they film on that show happens in everyday life. There are so many horrible people out there in this world. That’s why I took Dom under my wing when he was young. His parents didn’t know what was best for him and I didn’t want him to grow up to be like his asshole father. I wanted him to be a well-rounded and respectable man.’ She tosses some popcorn in her mouth and has a sad look on her face as she chews. I don’t even know what I should say to that. ‘It pains me that he sticks around here to take care of me. I know he should be out there living his life and meeting beautiful women like you. But I’ve held him captive for so long now and I truly don’t know how to survive without him.’

  I cringe at her word choice. Captive. Just as I was held captive and Dom was the one who swooped in to rescue me.

  ‘Nan, I don’t think it’s anything like that. Dom loves you dearly and I can see his love for you every time you’re together. I don’t think he’d leave even if he could. You did the best for him and now he’s going to do the best he can for you.’ I set the bowl of nuts back down on the table and angle myself towards her. She has a pained look on her face and her hand is cradling her arm. ‘Nan, are you ok?’ She doesn’t respond and I grab the house phone to call Dom. Just as I get back to her, the phone ringing in my hand, she drops to the floor and her whole body turns a blue. I hang up the phone and dial 999.

  ‘Nan, Nan. Please, Nan just hold on.’

  ‘What’s your emergency?’

  ‘I think my friend is having a heart attack or a stroke or something. Please, please send an ambulance quickly.’ I practically scream into the phone while cradling Nan’s head in my lap.

  ‘Is she still breathing?’

  ‘Send someone out here now.’ I’m panicking so I try to take a deep breath. ‘Yes, she’s still breathing. Please send someone out here right now.’

  ‘Please calm down, miss. I’m dispatching an ambulance right now. Stay on the line while you wait for them to arrive.’ The other line beeps through and I know it has to be Dom.

  ‘I have to go. Her son is calling.’

  ‘Miss don’t han…’ I click over to the other line as quickly as possible while still trying to rouse Nan and not jolt her head around.

  ‘Dom, Dominic is it you?’ The words quickly fall from my lips.

  ‘Yes. Chloe. What’s wrong? Why are you panicking?’ I cut him off as he tries to continue.

  ‘Dom it’s Nan. Something is wrong with her. I called for an ambulance.’ I hear a big crash and the line goes dead just as the EMT’s arrive and start banging on the front door.

  ‘Come in,’ I scream almost at the top of my lungs. Two men come rushing in. I get asked a bunch if questions as they push me out of the way and check Nan’s vitals. It all goes so fast and the next thing I know, I’m following them into the back of the ambulance. I throw out a silent prayer, Dom please get here quick and please God let this wonderful woman be ok.


  I’D LITERALLY JUST got my hands wrapped and was getting in the right headspace to fight. I always turn my phone on silent but tonight I needed some music to get my head straight.

  A missed call was flashing on the screen…

  I run all the way home and find Zoe out front with a look on her face that I don’t want to interpret.

  ‘Where is she?’

  ‘They’ve taken her to The General, Dom, it didn’t look good. I wanted to go, but wasn’t allowed in the ambulance as well. Chloe is with her though.’ I pull my phone out and call for a taxi, pacing up and down getting more and more desperate with every passing moment. When the guy pulls up, I almost rip the door off and climb in. I bark out which hospital and turn to find Zoe has climbed in the back seat. She tells him calmly to go as fast as possible. We seem to hit every red light and my frustration grows.

‘Just put your fucking foot down.’ I tell him as he slows for an amber light. ‘I’ll pay double what the meter says if you get me there quick.’ His foot goes down and we just beat the red light. And that’s how the rest of the journey goes.

  As we pull up, I throw a twenty at him. I don’t even close the door. I don’t wait for Zoe. I sprint to the reception desk. I give Nan’s name to the woman who looks like she isn’t in any kind of hurry to check anything. She doesn’t even look at me, instead she continues her conversation with the clerk sitting behind her. I wait a beat of a second trying to calm down. But when the woman starts to tell her about the guy who she went on a date with, I lose my shit.

  ‘Sir, if you don’t calm down, you will be asked to leave.’

  ‘How about you do your fucking job!’ Security comes over and I roll my eyes.

  ‘Look can you please just tell me where my Nan is at?’

  ‘Well, why didn’t you just say so?’

  ‘I did.’ I answer through gritted teeth. Zoe’s hand grips my arm, I glance in her direction and she mouths ‘calm down,’ with a slight shake of her head. I inhale through my mouth and exhale through my nose, calming myself, as the woman taps the keys on the keyboard, searching for my nan’s location.

  ‘Bay twenty-four in the ICU.’

  ‘Where is that, please?’ Zoe asks.

  ‘Take a left through the double doors, left again and then at the second set of doors there’s a buzzer. Wait until answered and they will direct you from there.’ The woman immediately goes back to her previous conversation with the clerk behind her.

  As we wait to be buzzed through the door, all my anxieties about losing Nan seem to crash into me. I falter in my step. Zoe notices and grabs my arm telling me everything will be just fine. Zoe has lived next door for so long, I don’t remember anyone living there before her. The look on her face tells me she cares a fuck load about my nan, and somehow that makes me pull my shit together. I have to be strong for my nan.


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