Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 3

by Frank David

  “Thank you, Charity. Your words mean more to me than you could ever possibly understand. I appreciate your allegiance. I hope it will not come to that, but it pleases me to know that you stand behind me. I hope you are right about Roderick. He has been gone too long for me to have any other conclusion. What position do the rest of you take? Will you support me?” Stela stared, waiting for another to step forward.

  “Majesty,” Courtney stood, “I believe you know that I will support you against your brother or husband. For me, there is no difference. If one comes to claim that which is not theirs, it is treason plain and simple. The armies of Colonstay stand at the ready.”

  “Thank you, Courtney.” At least some of her family still believed in her. She worried about the rest.

  “Cousin, Majesty. The Imperial Archduchy of Stratton will support you against all invaders.” Kendric stood to pledge his support.

  “Cousin, thank you. However, I think your father might disagree with your position.” Stela knew her Uncle Robert did not support her.

  “Allow me to deal with my father. He will see things as I do. If not, I may be forced to take cousin Malcolm’s stance when it comes to disagreeable parents.” He gave his cousin a wink, a smile, and a quiet laugh.

  “Kendric, we will not resort to patricide, but thank you for the offer. If your father cannot be turned, I must accept his decision. I could send the Empress Mother to speak with him. Siblings have a way of changing one another’s mind.” Stela returned the smile.

  One by one, each of the advisers agreed to support Stela against both Roderick and Edmund should either appear at the shores to raid the empire. Stela suddenly felt a strength she had not experienced since taking the throne. It was the first time she had full support on any topic without an argument or pleading. Perhaps she could face what lie ahead.

  “We need to be ever vigilant and prepared. We have no way of knowing if or when an attack might be launched. Each Archduchy by the sea will need to have an around the clock watch. We need to know as soon as an unfamiliar ship is spotted heading toward any of the kingdoms. Should a foreign vessel be seen, we need to determine a way to signal others. The earlier we detect any invaders, the better prepared we can be.” Stela was not sure what could be done to alert the other kingdoms.

  “Majesty. May I suggest how the kingdoms could signal one another?” William spoke up.

  “Please, William.” Stela gestured for him to stand and speak.

  “I suggest each castle, city, or town wall have a bonfire at the ready. Should a ship be discovered, the bonfire would be lit. Each area within the kingdom will burn a fire as a signal to the other kingdoms. I also suggest we have men mounted on the mountains that separate Raasmfeld and Easterfeld. The fires would need to be larger along the shores that separate the mainland from both Norland and Jascaessau.” William believed even in the light of day if the fire were large enough locals would see the smoke and burn their bonfire. The fires would quickly move about the kingdom and surrounding kingdoms as well.

  “That is an excellent idea, William. Thank you. Each of you will need to return to your homes and make the plans known to the cities and towns within your kingdoms. Courtney will provide you with an Imperial Order should any decide to refuse your requests.” Stela felt a sense of relief as the plans were being set.

  “Majesty. What if by chance Roderick and Edmund should bring separate armies against you? Do you not fear it may be too much for you?” Thomasine thought of her visions and worried that two armies would ascend the shores of Hulsteria.

  “If that should occur, I will fight. Roderick and Edmund may have more men, but I believe we have more heart. They may defeat us, but I will not lie down before either man. I am Empress not only by birthright but blood. The blood of two great lines courses through my veins. That same blood flows through many of your veins as well. You know the strength it provides us. It will not allow me to surrender until my breath has ceased. I do not ask the same of any of you. If we were attacked by both, I would not fault any who surrendered to protect their people. I will not let another man control me or my actions. If they believe I will just lie down out of fear or a feeling of inadequacy, they have sadly underestimated me; or perhaps they never knew me at all.” Stela hoped her Council understood her wish for each of them to remain safe and protect their people. If that meant surrender, then surrender they should.

  “I will allow you to all return and make preparations. We need to be ready at a moment’s notice. Any delay could be the difference between victory and defeat. I hope we are preparing in vain but I would rather err on the side of caution than be taken by surprise.” Stela stood to dismiss her council. Everyone remained seated.

  “Majesty. What is to become of the Imperial Princess Royal and her child, Layla? Have you accepted them back to the palace or are they still exiled?” Charity asked.

  “My sister and I have mended our differences. She and Layla will always have a place at Rothmar. We realized we were both victims of the former Emperor Consort. I harbor no ill will toward her or my niece. I believe she will have a more difficult time convincing Lord Bennett of her sincerity.” Stela smiled as the members stood to take their leave.


  The ship headed towards the port. He was relieved to see land. He had been gone too long. He was excited to be reunited with his family. The men secured the ship and he jumped down from the deck to the dock. He rushed up the pier toward the carriages waiting to carry visitors to the Imperial city.

  “I seek a ride to the palace!” he shouted to the man seated at the reigns.

  “Oh, of course, Imperial Prince Royal. I will work my horses harder than they have ever experienced. Everyone has been wondering where you have been. It is good to see you are well and have returned.” The man grabbed the reigns and gave a heavy tug as the man settled inside.

  The carriage bumped along the gravel road leading to the city. It was late day and the late winter air gave his lungs a chill. He loved the smell of the season. It was a clean, pure aroma. For him each season had a scent and winter was his favorite. Spring had the fragrance of flowers. Summer was a heavy thick scent that filled one’s lungs with weight. Fall was his second favorite as the world prepared to sleep through winter. The air was light, and the scent was mild.

  He watched as the city walls appeared in the distance. He missed her and could not wait to see her. He wanted her to know all that had occurred. He was sure she worried about what had happened to him. Would she be pleased to see him? Would she be suspicious of why it took him so long to return to her? His answers would come soon enough. The carriage approached the palace walls. He was home.

  He approached the palace guard. They bowed as he entered, without issue. He made his way through the palace to the Grand Hall. He saw her sitting alone. How lonely she must have been. She had been left to rule the empire alone with little support other than the council. He wondered if they supported her while he was away. He was home now, back at Southerly Palace in Sauldorf.

  “Sister, I have returned!” he called out from the entrance of the hall.

  Megdalina recognized the voice immediately. “Edmund!” She yelled and rushed toward him. “We had received word that your ship was destroyed in a storm while making your way back to Xasha. How pleased I am to see the stories untrue. Where have you been?”

  “Lena, I have so much to tell you. First, how are you? How have you been fairing since Victor’s death?” Most who knew her called her Lena. Edmund needed to know what rumors may have surfaced since he disappeared.

  “Edmund, it has been horrible. I was not raised to rule an empire. I was raised to be the wife of a ruler. Rumors have been circulating that Victor was murdered. I find it hard to believe. Who would want him dead? Xasha has no enemies. I refuse to believe that he was murdered and have silenced any mention of a conspiracy.” Lena was just glad to have her brother-in-law back. He could take over the duties, as was his birthright.

  “I wish I
could agree. I fear Stelaphina may have had a hand in Victor’s death. Where is her ambassador? Was he here at the time of my brother’s death?” Edmund needed to convince Lena of his wife’s involvement.

  “Why do you believe Stelaphina would do such a thing? Yes, her ambassador was here until only two weeks ago when he returned to Jascaessau.” Lena refused to believe the Empress would be party to such an act.

  “There is much you do not know dear sister. When I returned from my visit, the first thing she asked was whether you were with child or not. When I told her you were not, she seemed almost giddy. Also, when the Imperial Princess Royal and I left to return to Xasha, I discovered Stela played a part in the sinking of my ship.” Edmund needed to turn Lena to his side, to insight her fury and have her agree to invade Hulsteria.

  “Why was the Imperial Princess Royal returning to Xasha with you? How did Stelaphina sink your ship? I think your journey has worn you out. You need to rest before you say things you might regret.” Lena approached Edmund.

  “I had to get Sofia out of Jascaessau. Stela was insane with jealousy over her. She believed Sofia and I were in love. She accused us of having an affair. The woman is unhinged.” Edmund managed to convey sincerity in his lies.

  “As my ship was sinking a voice spoke to me. It told me that Stela had asked the Scientia to sink my ship to keep me from reaching Xasha. She knew I would be appointed Emperor. She did not want me upon the throne. She wanted to ensure that our son was made Emperor and appoint herself Emperor Regent. She is self-serving in her ambition. You must not let anyone know I live else she might send her forces to invade Xasha. Lena, she is not the woman we believed her to be. She used mystics in an attempt to end my life just so she could rule the people of my homeland.” Edmund was able to force tears making his story more convincing.

  “I had suggested that Imperial Prince Royal Joseph come to live in Xasha. I would serve as his regent until he was of age. She refused. We both agreed it best to wait until you had been missing for many months.” Lena was unaware of the events of the night he and Sofia fled Hulsteria. “It has all worked out well as it seems before Victor died, I was able to conceive a child with him. I am carrying the future Emperor or Empress. I would say this news would thwart her plans. We need to make my pregnancy known.”

  This news changed Edmund’s plans. He had intended to return to Xasha and organize an attack on Hulsteria as Xasha’s new Emperor. It would seem this would not be the case with Lena carrying Victor’s child. He could offer to be the child’s regent. This would give him the power to carry out his plan. It was preferred to the alternative. He had always liked Lena. The thought of killing her and his brother’s child did not sit well with him. She had admitted she did not want to run the empire. He was sure she would allow him to be regent.

  “If you make Stela aware, she might make an attempt on your life. She will not be satisfied until Joseph sits upon the Xashan throne. Sister, allow me to be regent to your child. I can take on the duties of running the empire. Once he is born, you would be Empress Mother; a position of great value but it would relieve you of any duty to the empire.” Edmund needed to get her agreement now while they were alone. If she refused, he would be forced to take the power, that until only moments ago, he believed was his.

  “I believe this would be wise, Edmund. I fear my head is not well for running an empire. It is tiring work. I much prefer to remain behind the scenes. Thank you for offering to be my child’s regent. It is one less detail I must deal with.” She walked over to Edmund. She hugged him tightly, glad he had returned to pick up where Victor had left off.

  “I think we need to consider going on the offensive with Hulsteria and Stela. We cannot sit waiting for her forces to attack us. We need to prepare the armies of the kingdom.” He knew Lena would not question his decisions. She would allow him to do as he pleased.

  “It has been many years since Xasha was at war. Saaveth has been a peaceful place. Why would Stelaphina wish to disturb that peace? Perhaps it would be best that we wait and watch for her to approach us. I fear if we move toward her the other realms may see our move as an act of war.” Lena wanted to support Edmund, but she did not want to go to war with her family. Her mother was still Imperial Archduchess of Aylesbury in Jascaessau. Also, being a descendant of Declan Dorman, she was directly related to most of the royals and Imperials of Hulsteria.

  “The other realms will support our campaign when the truth is revealed that Stela tried to kill her sister and me. She will lose all sympathy and stand alone against us all,” he said as a smile spread across his face. “Do not worry sister. You and Xasha will be safe under my watch.”


  Stela sat in the library with her sisters and Julianna. Julianna still called the Palace home. Stela believed she may still be unsafe returning to Moorland. Stela was glad the four had some time together to strengthen their relationships.

  “Sisters, I am happy you are all here. I am glad we were able to put all the ugliness behind us and be simply sisters again,” Stela said as she picked up the cup on the table in front of her and took a sip. “Julianna, I know Rothmar is not your first choice, but I am glad you are here and making the most of this time. I believe the time has been beneficial to us all.”

  “I worry about Roderick. It has been many weeks since he left. It is not like him to not send word. Do you really believe he is gathering forces to invade Hulsteria, Stela?” Julianna refused to believe that Roderick would do such a thing without consulting her.

  “I think Stela is simply cautious. With all that has happened, I cannot say that I blame her for her stance. I do not believe our brother would do anything to hurt Hulsteria or us. Unfortunately, I believed the same of our former brother-in-law. I was sadly mistaken,” Orthia always the optimist, tried to put everyone’s mind at ease.

  “I agree Orthia. I do not think Roderick would challenge Stela’s reign. Though honestly, I cannot imagine where he would have gone.” Sofia, while having been pardoned for her indiscretions, still believed she needed to choose her words wisely. She was working hard to repair her damaged marriage. While Jacob was a kind and understanding man, her infidelity would not be easily forgiven. She was living at Rothmar until such time that Jacob would allow her to return home.

  “Well then, where else would he have headed off to without a word to any of us? I do not like believing that he would break his word but I have no other theories to go on. With everything that has happened, I must wonder the motives of everyone close to me. Before grandfather died, he warned me to be cautious of those around me. I did not want to believe he meant my family, but it is clear now that was exactly who he was referring to,” Stela looked at Sofia. She had forgiven her sister, but still her heart ached over the betrayal. She had lost her husband. She was not going to lose her sister as well.

  “Stela, grandfather was dying and not aware of what he was saying. Do not let his words allow paranoia to grow within you. Roderick loves you the most of us all. You know this is true.” Sofia did not like seeing her sister this unsure of herself or those she once trusted.

  “There is more, Sofia. The Scientia, Thomasine, came to me after the coronation. She had a vision that involved three that I trusted betraying me. Two of those have exposed themselves,” again she looked at her sister. “The other can only be Roderick.”

  “You believe this woman, Stela? Is it possible she was wrong about what she saw or misinterpreted something?” Orthia questioned.

  “She also saw a child being born that would cause me emotional pain as I had never experienced before. I think we can all agree that prophecy came to fruition.” This time she kept her eyes from Sofia.

  “Perhaps it is another who has not yet made their betrayal known. Roderick would never betray your trust. Stela, I wish you could believe that. He admires you. He was never prouder than when you took the throne.” Julianna did not want him labeled a traitor until he returned and was able to explain his disappearance.

/>   “I will save judgment until he returns. I owe him that much. The kingdoms are keeping watch for any approaching ships, should you be wrong about him. We will see him coming, and he will be addressed accordingly. While I do hope my fears are unfounded, if they are not, we are prepared,” Stela took another sip of her tea.

  “Majesty,” the voice drew the ladies’ attention. “I believe you should come to the Great Hall.” Jordan Maxwell, captain of the Imperial Guard, stood in the doorway. He was recently made head of the Empress’ security detail. He accompanied her whenever she made a public appearance. He stood at her side in court keeping watch over those in attendance.

  The four ladies stood and followed Jordan to the Great Hall. Two men stood at the far end, backs to the entrance. The group walked toward the two. Julianna was the first to recognize him.

  “Roderick!” she yelled and ran toward her husband. He turned as his name was called.


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