Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 5

by Frank David

  “It is true then, you were attempting to claim your birthright?” Orthia sounded almost crushed.

  “No, I went to seek his armies to help protect Hulsteria from Xasha, should Edmund decide to wage war,” Roderick put his arm on Orthia’s shoulder trying to comfort her.

  “The Benedictus would never side with Hulsteria. It is not like Stela gained an ally with her recent laws.” Sofia glanced at Stela. She did her best to conceal any remaining disdain.

  “There is more to the story than my simply asking for his assistance,” he paused and looked at Stela. She nodded. “It would seem the Benedictus is my grandfather.” His head went down as if this was a fact of which he should be ashamed.

  “The great Antonio fathered a bastard child? How did your family ever become so respected?” Sofia was first to throw the stone.

  “I thought you were the grandson of Matthew Brooks?” Orthia had been told that he was related to their mother. She was confused.

  “That is the story everyone was told. It seems Matthew married my grandmother to save her honor. She was a Pius who met the Benedictus when she entered the order. He was only a Dilexit then. The two developed feelings for one another. According to the Benedictus, the two committed themselves to each other before being separated. It would seem my mother was conceived on their last night together.” Roderick did not know how much detail he needed to provide. He would tell the whole story if he believed it would convince them.

  “I was raised to believe my mother died of illness when I was three. Madeline explained that my mother did not die from illness, but rather she and my grandmother were murdered. She insisted the Benedictus had them killed to protect himself. She said the Benedictus had raped my grandmother, took advantage of her as her confessor. It was his plan to kill me as well, but a kitchen maid hid me. She brought me here to our grandfather.” Roderick found the lies difficult to speak, now knowing the truth.

  “You used this information to force the Benedictus to support your cause? Were you not worried he would kill you, finish what he had started?” Sofia was intrigued by the tale. She was glad to find she was not the only one with a sordid past.

  “I knew it was a very real possibility that he would kill me, but I knew that Stela would need all the help she could muster. If Edmund brought his forces to Hulsteria, I feared Stela would be unprepared and outnumbered. It was a risk I was willing to take,” Roderick’s tone changed as he was getting to the facts. “It seems Madeline lied about the facts surrounding the relationship between Antonio and my grandmother. She did this to control both the Benedictus and myself. Our grandfather agreed with the lies and used them to deny Antonio access to me when I was younger. He wanted to take me to Carpathia and raise me in the Church.” Roderick watched their faces as he spoke.

  “Grandfather worried I would return and challenge Stela for the throne with the Church’s armies. So, the lie was born. It was not the Benedictus who had my mother and grandmother killed, it was our grandfather and your mother,” he stopped talking knowing this would garner comments from his sisters, if not outrage.

  “Our mother, the sweetest woman to grace Hulsteria, had your mother killed, oh as well as your grandmother? I find this hard to believe but your mother was our father’s whore. Perhaps it was not that far-fetched,” Sofia did not like the accusations her brother was making.

  “Roderick, I have to agree with Sofia. I find it difficult to fathom our mother killing anyone. She is a kind woman. She took you in and loved you, the reminder of her husband’s infidelity,” Orthia added.

  “She took me in to keep me close. She wanted to make sure I knew my place, and it was not upon the throne. She was not alone. Our grandfather provided her with the means to have the two murdered. Let us not forget that fact,” Roderick did not want to fight with his sisters, but he needed them to believe him.

  “Stela, you will allow him to stand there and make such claims against our mother? Where is your loyalty?” Sofia scolded her sister.

  “I am afraid he is telling the truth. There is more, Sofia. It would seem our father did not die naturally either. Father wanted to make Roderick the rightful heir, but our mother did not agree with his position. When he became ill, she saw her chance to ensure the throne would be mine and never Roderick’s. She killed our father,” Stela realized how the words sounded as she spoke. It was insane to think of her mother as being capable of killing anyone, much less her own husband.

  “Roderick has polluted your mind! He has turned you against our mother. He is simply jealous. Our mother is a pious woman, his mother was a common whore. I think perhaps you were correct, Stela. He is seeking to take the throne from you. He is trying to create separation between us to make us weaker,” Sofia was becoming enraged. The claims against her mother were ridiculous, and she would not believe a word.

  “I wish this was the case, Sofia. The words we both speak are the truth. I have seen the lies our mother has lived,” Stela knew her sisters would not believe what she was about to tell them.

  “You saw the lies our mother has lived? What does that even mean? I think you both have lost your minds,” Sofia was becoming disgusted with her siblings.

  “Forces exist on Saaveth that you do not know. The Scientia are mystics, sister. Gifted individuals, if you will. Some have the ability to allow one to see the heart of another. The Master Scientia came to us when Roderick and I were speaking with mother. He placed a hand upon both myself and mother. I was granted visions, I saw what she did. I felt what she felt. It is true she killed our father but the pain from her actions was real. She suffered greatly in her decision.” Stela remembered the pain she experienced during the vision, her heart broken. Surely this was what her mother felt.

  “Some crazy man places his hand on you, and now you believe our mother is a killer?” Sofia knew the man’s power. He was the one who had saved her from Stela’s wrath upon the ship. Sofia looked to Orthia. “Have you nothing to say on any of this, Orthia? I know you like to be the nice one but speak up.”

  “Sofia, I do not know what to believe. It seems an elaborate plan just to cause us, or our mother, such pain. Stela has never lied to us before. She confessed to trying to have you killed without caring how she might appear,” Orthia looked down not wanting to look any of them in the eyes. It was easier this way.

  “You know the power of the Scientia, Sofia. You have experienced it firsthand. Was it not the Master Scientia who appeared to you and saved you and your daughter from the ship?” Stela reminded her sister of her own visions.

  “He did not put images in my head. He rescued me from certain death,” Sofia remembered the vision. “Where is our mother now?”

  “She has been taken to the dungeon. She murdered the future Emperor and that cannot go unpunished,” Stela was not sure how her sisters would take the information.

  “You had our mother thrown in a cell like a common criminal? I am going to get her out, she does not belong there. You have no evidence of her wrongdoing,” Sofia walked away.

  “She admitted to her crimes, Sofia,” Stela called out, stopping her sister.

  “You forced her to confess. There is no way she did this. Do you plan to execute her now?” Sofia turned back toward her siblings.

  “I do not know what I plan to do. I have given orders that no one is to be given access to our mother. Going to see her would simply be a waste of your time.” Stela had not thought about what she would do with her mother. Would she allow her to rot in a cell? Could she see her mother executed?

  “You imprison our mother with no idea what you plan to do with her. Quick judgment is not wise when you command the lives of many, sister. I suggest you release her. I will convince Jacob to let her return with him. She will be away from you and these lies,” Sofia had been working on her relationship with her husband. She was sure he would allow her mother to return to Uhl, even if she were not able.

  “She will remain where she is until I can decide what course of action I wis
h to take,” Stela maintained her head, not wishing to get into an argument with Sofia.

  “She did this for you, Stela. Why do you wish to see her punished for making sure that you remained the rightful heir?” Sofia was trying to push her sister to the edge.

  “Why are you not concerned that she killed our father? It was not some stranger on the street. She willfully murdered our father to prevent him from allowing his first born to take the right that was his. You condone her actions, sister?” Stela was amazed Sofia refused to see the gravity of their mother’s actions.

  “Stela, are you seriously considering having our mother executed? I do not think I could support your decision. You may also find it difficult to justify such a punishment without proof of any wrongdoing. I am not pleased to learn that she may have been involved in our father’s death but try to understand why she did it. It was not to be mean. She believed in you. She knew the power Roderick would command upon the throne, and that scared her. She needed to do what was necessary to stop that from happening,” Orthia made a good case for their mother.

  “You are correct, Orthia. It would be difficult to justify so heavy a penalty. I am Empress and the only proof I need is my word. I am sure the Benedictus would support my decision.” The Benedictus was as much a victim to Madeline’s lies as those gathered. If he supported Stela’s decision, there would be little opposition outside of immediate family.

  “If the Benedictus supports mother’s execution, will the people not wonder why he supports you? Would that not require him to admit he is Roderick’s grandfather, exposing his own secrets?” Sofia knew the Benedictus would not sacrifice his position to see the Empress Mother executed.

  “It would, but I believe my grandfather is ready to claim me and face the consequences. He wishes to meet Julianna and our children. He has led the Church for many years. I think he is ready to serve his heart,” Roderick silenced Sofia. “While I believe Madeline needs to face punishment for her actions, I do not know that her life should end.”

  “She ended our father’s life with little concern. Why should she be shown any leniency? Did she show any compassion when she devised lies about Roderick’s family? Was she compassionate when she took our father’s last breath? Why is it you all seem to be okay with a murderer being free to roam? We have Rupert’s murderer in the same dungeon. Should we release him as well? Many will find him justified in his actions. Does that make it right?” Stela was becoming upset.

  “No, he should face severe punishment. What he did was based on hatred,” Sofia noted.

  “No, his actions were based on the same emotions that drove our mother’s hand; love. He murdered our cousin because he loved him but could not face that fact. Our mother murdered our father because she loved me and could not face someone else taking my birthright. It is time you realize love is a powerful emotion that can bring one to dark deeds disguised as justified,” Stela said as she realized the power of love, just then. “I promise you all, I will consider our mother’s future seriously. I will come to you before I make my decision public. I only ask that you give me the time required to decide what to do with her,” Stela left the four standing there, returning to her chambers to be alone.


  Daniella sat at the table, surrounded by her family and those who would soon be family. Her family from Norland relocated to live at Tarmlan Estate, her new home in Hornsdale. Her older brother, Elliot, remained in Norland to oversee their father’s shipping business. Her father, Stephen, was becoming used to life in a palace. Her mother, Casey, found privileged life boring. She had little to do, and Daniella refused to let her assist the staff. Her younger brother, Luke, enjoyed his new found fame and riches.

  After Daniella had received her title, she and Malcolm decided it best for his family to live with her in Hornsdale. The duke and his family were adjusting to life in the home of another. Having always been the lord of his manor, it was an adjustment, but he was making the best of things. His children were adjusting well. His mother was having a more difficult time with the adjustment. She found it difficult to accept that Daniella was of higher rank having only just recently been a commoner. The Dowager Duchess maintained her grace and followed accepted etiquette when addressing her future daughter-in-law.

  “Malcolm, once we are married I see no reason for you to maintain your duchy. You will be an Imperial Archduke and will have little time to focus on the duties required of you in Culia. Your duty will be first and foremost to the people of Red Hill.” Daniella watched as Malcolm stopped in mid chew to listen to her request.

  “Daniella, the duchy has been in my family’s name since the duchy was founded. I cannot possibly give it up, and Albert is too young to take the title. Once he is of age, I would be happy to abdicate the title then.” Malcolm had never considered their marriage would require him to give up his own birthright.

  “How can you serve two masters? The people of Culia will have demands that will require the Duke's attention, as will the people of Red Hill. You cannot be in both locations at once. Consider this your wedding gift to me. You could name Luke your heir. It would allow him to leave Tarmlan for Saltwater giving us a bit more privacy.” Daniella’s request started to seem more a demand.

  “The duchy is the only thing I have to give my son. If I give the title to your brother, what will I have to leave my son?” Malcolm was becoming uneasy.

  “Albert will be well cared for. He will be Lord Albert of Red Hill. He will have all the privileges associated. Once we have children, what will my brother have? He has no title, he will not be my heir. Do you not think it only right that my family has a title to call their own?”

  “Your Imperial Grace, as Dowager Duchess, I cannot agree to this request. I understand you want what is best for your family, but the duchy is my son’s and will not be your brother’s. I will see to that.” Helen was not happy with the suggestion that Daniella’s family receive another title to which they were not entitled.

  “Lady Helen, I appreciate your input, but I believe the decision is your son’s and not yours. I think it is time you allow your son to be a man and stop following the orders of his mother. I will be his wife. As such, he should be seeking to please me, not you,” Daniella gave her future mother-in-law a look of disgust.

  “There is no need to fight, ladies. Will you allow me time to think over your request, Daniella? It is not a decision I want to make in haste. While I do want to make you happy, I do not think giving up my duchy is the only way to do that,” Malcolm tried to continue his meal. He noticed all eyes were on him.

  “Malcolm, if you were to make me your heir, I promise I will make you proud and run the duchy just as you would,” Luke added his input. Luke was sixteen, a year younger than his sister. He was a tall skinny boy. His hair was a light strawberry blonde, an attractive boy in his own right. His green eyes and pale skin did make him appear sickly, but he was a robust young man.

  “I am sure you will, Luke. This is not a decision to be made over a meal. I must consider what this means for my children. Any children your sister and I have will be born with an Imperial title and would be well respected, while Albert and Olivia would have no true title,” Malcolm wanted his children to be well cared for once he was gone and giving up the duchy would not guarantee their futures.

  The family finished their meal in silence. Daniella was not pleased with Malcolm’s apprehension in granting his title to her brother. She was particularly displeased with Helen’s words. She found it incredibly rude to argue with an Imperial Archduchess. She believed the Dowager Duchess should be glad that Daniella still wished to marry her son after she was elevated in station beyond either of them. This discussion was far from over as far as Daniella was concerned. She would be visiting the Dowager Duchess later to continue their conversation.


  Malcolm sat in the library reading when Daniella approached him. She sat next to him by the fire. She watched him reading, waiting for him to acknowledge
her. Her patience was growing thin as it appeared he was ignoring her.

  “Malcolm, put that damn book down.” Daniella had waited long enough.

  “Daniella, what is wrong with you? You are out of character lately,” Malcolm said as he placed the book down and looked at her. Her face gave her feeling away. “Why is it so important that I give my duchy to your brother? It is not an easy decision. It would be like me asking that you make Albert your heir. We may have our own children, but I want you to deny them and make my son the future Imperial Archduke of Red Hill.”

  “Is that what you want, Malcolm? If I name Albert, my heir, will you make Luke your heir and give him your duchy upon our marriage? If that is what you want, I will gladly give you that.” Daniella moved closer to Malcolm. “I just want my brother to have a title for himself. He has no title and he is not a member of any court.”

  “You would make Albert your heir? What about our children?”

  “Our children will be of Imperial title from birth. Their futures will be secured. I understand your desire to see Albert and Olivia provided for just as I wish to see my brother provided for,” Daniella put her hand on Malcolm’s thigh. “I would be willing to do anything to see Luke given a title of his own.”

  “Perhaps there is another solution. Duke Suffolk of Wardry South. He is an old man with no heir. I could take Luke to visit with him, see if I could convince him to name Luke his heir. Thomas and my father were good friends. I am sure he would consider it, if it would please you,” Malcolm hoped this would stop the discussion.

  “You believe you could talk this duke into naming Luke his heir?” Daniella moved her hand up his thigh.

  “We will leave in the morning. I am sure Thomas will be very fond of Luke,” Malcolm looked down at Daniella’s hand as it met his crotch. “I will not return until the Duke has agreed.”

  “Very well, I will go prepare Luke for the trip. Thank you, Malcolm,” Daniella hurried out of the room, leaving Malcolm in a precarious situation.


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