Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 16

by Frank David

  “Felicia, times have changed, you do not need to be ashamed any longer. Say the words that have been stuck in your throat for so long. Explain to him why you now hate him. Help him to understand.” Braynard stepped toward her. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

  His touch brought peace to her. Her fears were removed. “Harris, I am sorry I allowed things to progress last night. I am to blame.” She looked at him. He was confused. “I have made it very clear that I do not like men, but I fear I have not been as clear as I should have been. I love women. I am a lesbian. I have known for many years where my desires lay. Last night, with you, I wanted to know what it was like to make love to a man – get it out of my system. It was a curiosity I wanted to be removed, and you accomplished that. I no longer wonder. I also no longer question if it is women that I truly desire.” She looked down as she spoke, not able to look him in the face.

  “Do you think I did not realize you desired women? I am not a fool, Felicia. The way you speak of men makes your position quite obvious. Your desires do not impact mine. I was drawn to you from the moment I saw you sleeping on the mountain. I did not expect the events of last evening, I must admit.” Harris lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I do not care where you desire lies, my desire was with you. I do wonder what we are to do about the baby.”

  “Do not worry about the baby,” Barynard interrupted. “The baby will be perfectly healthy. He will be a fine boy.”

  “A boy?” Felicia asked. “I am to have a son? God has a sense of humor.” A boy, she thought. She would have to raise a boy. She was not sure how she felt about it.

  “I am to have a son?” Harris’ voice was heavy with joy.

  “If Felicia does not control her anger, you will not see the birth of your son, Harris.” he looked at the two. He could sense her anger subsiding but worried she might still be a threat to Harris.

  “I will fight Harris fair if we are to meet in the games.” Felicia was not sure what the man was referring to.

  “Felicia, both you and Harris have great power. Harris would never use his powers against you, he cares too deeply. You, however, I see you using your powers against him in the games,” Braynard whispered the words to her.

  “I have no powers. What powers does Harris have? I have not seen him do anything spectacular.” Felicia started to think the man insane.

  “You have seen his power, on the mountain. What do you think caused your attacker to burst into flames?” Braynard watched as the confused look washed over her face.

  “He did that?” She looked to Harris, who nodded. “So, what are my powers then?”

  “You know your powers, you just are not aware of them,” Braynard advised her. “You are able to control others. You are not as skilled with the sword as you believe. You control the actions of others during the fights. It would seem the anger you hold for men released your powers, which had previously been bound.”

  “If this were true, how was the man on the mountain able to better me?” She found the hole in his story.

  “You are untrained. You do not understand your powers. Fear can interfere with your abilities. If you were properly trained, the events on the mountain would have never occurred. I believe you will improve the control over your power shortly, at least I hope so, for Hulsteria’s sake.” Braynard, once again leaving them with an enigma, was gone.

  “Where is he?” Felicia looked around, believing he disappeared into the crowd.

  “It seems that he disappears as quickly as he appears.” Harris had no other explanation. “Did you really plan to kill me today?”

  “I did, Harris. I am sorry. You brought out feelings in me that I did not want to acknowledge. You are the only man I ever slightly desired. I could not have that weakness around me and I knew you would not agree to part ways when this was finished.” She looked him in the eyes as she spoke, no longer feeling the shame.

  “I am glad you believe you could have beaten me,” he laughed.

  “According to the Scientia, you would have had no choice but to obey me,” she laughed also. “We must keep the baby a secret. We can never admit you are the father, Harris. If the truth of your peerage were to be made public, our son would be shamed more than being just a bastard.”

  “I agree, Felicia. It is best we never speak of last night ever again.” He sounded devastated.

  “If it is discovered you are my father’s bastard, at least you will be known as the child’s uncle,” she smiled, trying to ease his mind.

  “Please be careful today,” he cautioned.

  “I will, I promise,” she said as she vanished into the crowd.


  “Enter,” Stela called out. The knock on the salon door interrupted them. Roderick looked to see who was entering.

  Sofia entered, seeing her sister and brother already talking. “What are you going to do about Edmund, Stela?”

  “Roderick and I were just discussing it. Now that we know he lives, we have to prepare,” Stela answered.

  “I told Stela she should cancel the ceremony and prepare, but she refuses,” Roderick added.

  “Roderick may be right Stela. We need to prepare our armies and ready ourselves.” Sofia’s concern surprised Stela.

  “No, the ceremony will commence as scheduled. After the games today, I will focus on preparing. Allow us to have this last celebration. Who knows what the future holds.” Stela’s worry was obvious in her tone.

  “After the games, we start your training, Stela,” Roderick commanded. “I do not think you should fight, but I do not see you backing down. If you insist on fighting, then I will do your training.”

  “Very well, Roderick. Allow the ceremony and games. Then I will excuse myself from the other festivities. We can travel to Frostmoor for my training. We will take Jordan with us and only a few other guards. I will have him alert the troops to the threat.” Stela went to the door. Jordan was just outside. “Jordan, please come in,” she called out.

  “Majesty,” Jordan entered.

  “Jordan, it would seem Edmund lives and is in Xasha preparing his armies to invade. You will join Roderick and me in Frostmoor. Pick your best men to join us. Advise the other commanders of the Emperor Consort’s plans and have them prepare their troops. The festivities will continue as planned. Make sure none of the guests are aware of what is happening.” Stela hoped she could pull this off.

  “Very well, Majesty. I will prepare my men for the trip to Frostmoor and make sure the remaining troops are prepared.” Jordan left.

  “Sofia, I will need to you to be hostess in my absence. Make sure all of our guests are kept unaware of any of this. Please convince Astrid to keep the details about Edmund to herself.” Stela knew Astrid loved gossip and would be eager to spread the word of Edmund and his plans.

  “I will go find her now. Do not worry, Stela. When the Benedictus’ men arrive, we will be well prepared.” Sofia hurried out of the room.

  “Do you think I can do this, Roderick? Will I be able to stand up to Edmund? What if Antonio’s armies do not arrive in time?” Stela had a thousand questions, but there was no time for them now.

  “We will stand up against him, Stela. I am sure my grandfather will ensure his troops arrive before Edmund. He gave me his word.” Roderick worried that Antonio’s armies would not reach Hulsteria in time, but he was not going to share his fears with Stela.

  “Very well, let us try to enjoy today,” Stela said. The two left her room and headed down to the grand hall to prepare for the ceremony. They met Jacob in the Great Hall. Stela could see the pain on her brother-in-law’s face. She was sure he had been struggling with the details surrounding his wife’s infidelity.

  “Jacob, I am glad you have agreed to be Zephyr’s naming father. I know this will be difficult for you,” Stela said trying to be sensitive to his marital situation.

  “It is my honor, Stela. I do this for my Empress, not my wife.” Jacob bowed.

  “Jacob, formality is not necessa
ry. You are still my brother-in-law. Is there no way you and Sofia can sort this out? I do not like seeing either of you upset,” Stela asked.

  “I fear I cannot trust her. I know I would not have been her first choice for a husband. She was forced to marry me and she was miserable. However, I will not grant her a divorce until I have found another. I know she will find another quickly but will not be allowed to marry. I know it sounds selfish, but it is all I have.” Jacob’s sadness was obvious.

  “Do not hold her back. It will just cause her to hate you, which right now she does not,” Roderick added. “I know my sister can be difficult, but she does not mean to hurt you, of this I am sure.”

  “Perhaps my position will change, but right now this is the punishment I have chosen for her.” Jacob knew her siblings would try to defend her. “Stela, Sofia has asked that I bring Madeline back to Uhl with me. If I agree to keep her there and never allow her to return to Jascaessau, would you consider it?”

  “I have not yet decided what to do with my mother. When were you planning on returning home?” Stela knew this was her sister’s wish, but she did not want her mother to be so easily forgiven.

  “No one knows of her crime but family. Could it not just remain between the family?” Jacob asked. “I was planning on leaving after today’s activities. No offense, but I do not wish to be around Sofia longer than necessary.”

  “I, for one, would like to see your mother pay for her crimes, not just against our father, but those against my mother and grandmother as well, Stela,” Roderick added. “She did not only orchestra the death of our father but my family. I would like to see justice for them. Allowing her to live in Uhl would not be much of a punishment.”

  “You could strip her title. I could put her to work. Would not that be sufficient punishment?” Jacob offered a solution.

  “All of her actions have been based on title and aspirations. Perhaps what you suggest is a proper punishment. What do you think, Roderick?” Stela did not want to put her mother to death, but she did want her to be punished. Madeline was so focused on position that losing it would be a punishment worse than death.

  “I might be satisfied with that, but I would need assurance that she was being made to work in your palace Jacob.” Roderick would prefer to see her hanged but knew that would probably not happen, so this was a satisfactory alternative.

  “You have my word, I will make her work every day for the remainder of her life, Roderick. I agree she needs to be punished. What she has done is unforgivable but I do not believe her death is the answer. It is too easy an out. Putting her to work will make her pray for death.” Jacob would make Madeline suffer, partially for her crimes and those of Sofia also.

  “Very well, I will have the guards prepare her for the trip. She will not be attending the ceremony. If anyone asks, she is ill. Once the day is done, I will have her transported to your carriage, Jacob.” Stela hoped she was making the right decision. “Please take her directly to the docks and off of Jascaessau. The sooner she is gone, the faster we can all heal, I believe.”

  “Thank you, Stela. I know this will be for the best. Roderick, I hope with her gone, you can begin to heal. I know it has been particularly difficult for you.” Jacob entered the hall, leaving the siblings in the salon.

  “Should we have told him about Edmund?” Roderick asked.

  “There was no need. He will be leaving soon enough.” Stela responded as she entered the hall, followed by Roderick.


  Sofia entered the courtyard. It was alive with activity. She saw the warriors who had traveled to enter the contests. Guests from around the realm were beginning to arrive. The palace would soon be full. She needed to find Astrid before she told anyone of Edmund and his plans for Hulsteria. She saw her, over with the warriors. She was not surprised. Astrid was just like her.

  “Astrid,” she called out. “Astrid!” she called again. She was being ignored. Two guards approached her from behind.

  “Princess you cannot be out here unattended,” the guard noted.

  “Very well. Please ask the Imperial Princess Royal to join me. She is over there with the competitors. I need to speak with her,” Sofia ordered.

  She watched as the guards approached Astrid. Her guards quickly intercepted them. It seemed the men were arguing. Astrid turned to watch the interaction. The guards pointed in Sofia’s direction. Astrid smiled and started to walk over in her direction.

  “Sofia, why did you pull me away from those men? I was trying to figure out who would be the winner. There are many fine competitors,” Astrid said with a hint of annoyance.

  “We need to talk, Astrid. I am sorry to have to pull you away. Your betrothed could be arriving any minute. You would not want him to see you flirting with the commoners would you?” Sofia tried her best to not sound judgmental.

  “We are not yet married. Surely, I can still look at what is available until we are wed,” Astrid laughed. “It seems your people have no idea that Edmund is alive and well in Xasha.”

  “That is what we need to talk about. Please keep the information about Edmund to yourself during your stay. Stela would prefer to not cause a panic during the ceremony and festivities,” Sofia instructed.

  “I had no intention of spoiling Stelaphina’s celebration. I allow the people to talk about his death, without correcting them,” Astrid smiled. “May I return to choosing my champion?”

  “Of course. Thank you, Astrid,” Sofia returned the smile.

  “Imperial Princess,” the voice called out.

  Both women looked in the direction of the voice. The young man was stepping down from his carriage. Sofia knew at once it was Kyle, Astrid’s fiancé.

  “Imperial Highness,” Sofia responded as the man joined them. “Astrid, you remember Kyle Walters, the man you are to marry.” Though he was a twin, she knew it was Kyle as he had arrived alone. His brother, Imperial Grand Archduke Kendric of Shoudfield, would have been accompanied by his wife.

  “Imperial Princess Royal Astrid, I have not seen you in many years. The years have been good to you,” he said as he kissed her hand. “I did not expect to see you here.”

  “Imperial Highness, it is good to see you. It has been too many years. I must admit the years have been good to you as well.” She eyed her future husband. He had blonde hair that was cut just below his ears. His eyes were chestnut and his skin was much lighter than her own. His physique was hidden by the clothes that covered him, but she was sure his body was a masterpiece based on what she could tell. “I had no idea about the celebration when I decided to travel to Hulsteria. I was coming to just visit, but it seems it has all worked out in my favor.”

  “I am pleased you are here. Perhaps you will accompany me to the ceremony and festivities. Are you staying at Rothmar?” Kyle smiled.

  “I am. I would be honored to join you.” Astrid seemed to be at a loss for words.

  “I should go and give my regards to Stelaphina. Would you care to join me?” he asked, offering Astrid his arm.

  “Thank you,” she responded, taking his arm. The two went off in the direction of the palace doors. Astrid’s guards followed closely behind them. Sofia and her guards also returned to the palace.


  Stela sat in the salon with Zephyr, waiting to be announced and escorted into the Great Hall. She watched as he played with her necklace. His hair was getting thick like his father’s, only lighter. His eyes at birth were blue, but now, nearly six months later, they had changed to a deep green. She was glad he did not have his father’s hazel eyes. The less he reminded her of him the better. He was a pleasant baby. She never heard the nannies say a negative word about him. They always commented how he was a quiet child, rarely crying.

  Sofia and Jacob entered the room to wait with Stela. Sofia ran over and held her arms out. Stela immediately handed her son to her sister. Stela watched Jacob. He could not take his eyes off Sofia and Zephyr. She knew this must be difficult for him. She did
not ask him to be a Naming Parent as a way to torture him. She did it in hopes it would bring him and Sofia closer, which obviously had failed.

  Jordan entered the room, “Majesty, they are getting ready to announce you.”

  Sofia handed Zephyr back to Stela as she stood. Sofia and Jacob exited the room. Tears began to form in Stela’s eyes. She had not expected to be doing this alone. The tears quickly dried when his betrayal took over her thoughts. She would not shed a tear for the man she once loved. She was sure he never shed a tear over her.

  The door opened as the crier announced her. “Her Imperial Royal Majesty, Stelaphina the First of Hulsteria.” She entered the room as the guests stood. She carried Zephyr down the aisle. Sofia, Jacob, and the Sanctus of Jascaessau waited at the end. She smiled at the faces that greeted her as she walked. The child, snug in his mother’s arms, looked at the people gathered, laughing and cooing as they walked.

  She stood next to Sofia and handed her the baby. She then took her seat. The ceremony was about the Naming Parents, not her, so she was able to relax during it all. The Sanctus was a younger man, probably about 30 Stela thought. He had been serving Jascaessau for about 8 years. Normally the Recorder of Names would oversee the ceremony, however, Stela had not named a replacement for Rupert. Without a Recorder, the Sanctus was asked to stand in.

  The Sanctus faced Sofia and Jacob.

  “The Naming Ceremony is an important celebration in the life of a child. It cements the child’s ties to realm and kingdom. The ceremony makes the child a part of society. A name is given to the child, chosen by the Imperial Emperor or Empress, to remind the child of their responsibility to the realm. A second name is given to the child, chosen by the King or Queen of their home kingdom, reminding them of their responsibility to their kingdom.

  “The parents of the child choose two individuals to ensure the child is raised to serve realm and kingdom. The Naming Parents are an important part of the ceremony as the responsibility lies with them to see that the child is raised to understand their place within realm and kingdom.


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