A Dogtown Christmas

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A Dogtown Christmas Page 8

by Hutton, Callie

  In the kitchen she found a soup bone in the icebox, along with some vegetables that she put into a pot of water to make a soup. Emily came into the kitchen and helped her make biscuits and cookies. Pricilla scrambled up some eggs for the child, which she devoured, along with the biscuits and cookies

  Mitch came in a few times, filling up the firewood box by the door. Taking Priscilla aside, he said, “It’s looking more threatening out there every minute. We should probably finish up so we can get Emily to her aunt’s house and us back to town.”

  “Emily is all packed, and I have soup on the stove and the biscuits and cookies are done. I think we can leave Mrs. Beeker now.”


  Mrs. Beeker was sound asleep when they put on their coats. Emily went to her mother and kissed her on the cheek. “Bye, Ma. I hope you feel better soon.”

  She opened her eyes and reached up to cup her daughter’s cheek. “You be good for Aunt Suzie. Tell her I’ll be by to fetch you when I’m feeling better.” She rose up on one elbow and looked at Mitch and Priscilla. “Thank you so much for doing this. I’m relieved to have Emily go to my sister’s.”

  “We’re happy to do it. Just take care of yourself and drink a lot of water and eat a lot of that soup.” Priscilla wrapped her scarf around her neck, and checked Emily to make sure the girl was warm enough. “Come on, let’s go.”

  The air had turned considerably colder while they’d been in the house. The first snowflakes fell as they entered the buggy and headed north toward the Milken farm. Emily was bundled up between her and Mitch, with the blanket wrapped around all three of them.

  Mitch glanced again at the sky. The snow was falling harder, and he was beginning to worry about dropping Emily off and getting back to town. If the snow started to accumulate, it would be near impossible for the horses to pull the buggy. He sighed with relief when he saw smoke coming from Emily’s Aunt Suzie’s house close by.

  “I’m just going to walk her in. We won’t have time to dawdle with the snow falling as fast as it is.” Mitch helped Emily down and grabbed her satchel. Hurrying her to the door, he knocked and was grateful when Suzie answered the door right away.

  “My goodness, Mitch, what are you doing here with Emily in this weather?”

  “I can’t stay. I have the new teacher, Miss Cochran, in the buggy. We have to get back to town. Martha is down with influenza, and she wanted me to bring Emily here so you can take care of her until she’s feeling better.”

  “Oh, of course. Come on in, honey,” the woman said, wrapping her arm around Emily. She drew the child to her. “You best be on your way. It’s getting pretty bad out there.”

  Mitch nodded and strode back to the buggy, his feet slipping out from under him. This wasn’t good. They still had a good forty-minute ride back to town, and that was without the snow. It would be better if he took another route that was shorter, opposite of the Beeker farm.

  “Everything all right?” Priscilla asked as he settled in alongside her.

  “As right as could be. For Emily, anyway. It’s going to be a tough ride for us.” He snapped the reins and the horses took off, the buggy already sliding as he continued down the road.

  Within fifteen minutes he could not see the road, and the horses were having a hard time keeping the buggy moving forward. The snow fell so hard, he wasn’t even sure he was going in the right direction. “I think we’re in trouble here.”

  “I think so, too. Are we anywhere near Emily’s house? Can we stay there until the snow stops?”

  He shook his head. “No. I took a different route that would be faster, but it also took us away from the Beeker farm. If I remember correctly, there’s an abandoned hunting lodge somewhere in this area. It will be hard to spot, but give it a try on your side and I’ll keep an eye out here.”

  If they didn’t find the lodge they would be in a lot of trouble. People had died in these circumstances. It was hard to believe they could be so close to civilization and still freeze to death.

  “I think I see something!” Priscilla pointed to the right.

  He stared through the snow and blinked several times. “Yes. You’re right.” With a sigh of relief he steered the buggy toward the small cabin. He had no idea if there was wood for a fire or any food there, but at least they would be out of the snow.

  The buggy slid to a stop near the cabin. Mitch helped Priscilla out of the vehicle. “Go on inside. I’ll put the horses in that small shed over there.” He pointed to the rickety stable. It wouldn’t provide a great deal of comfort for the horses, but at least they would be out of the snow and wind.

  By the time he reached the cabin after taking care of the horses, the snow had already drifted up to the door, making it difficult to open. Priscilla still had her coat and hat on, but was bending over the fireplace, trying to light kindling with shaky hands.

  “Here, let me do that.” He rubbed his hands together and blew warm breath on them, then took the flint from her hand and lit the kindling. “Do we have logs?”

  “Yes, they’re over in that box by the window.”

  He threw two logs on the fire and searched the rest of the house. There was an old bed that he took the mattress from and dragged near the fire.

  Two woolen blankets were added to the pile while Priscilla stood running her palms up and down her arms. “I’ll check the kitchen to see if there’s any food.”

  She turned up some canned meat, a jar of green beans, and a tin of peaches. “Well, this won’t be as spectacular as the Thanksgiving feast we had a couple of weeks ago, but it will fill our stomachs.” She handed the cans to Mitch who punctured the tops with his knife.

  “What about Ian? Will he be all right by himself?”

  “He knows enough to close the store when the snow started. He’ll take the walk home before it gets too bad. He’s a pretty self-reliant kid.” Mitch poked the blazing fire with a stick. “I guess he had to be, growing up with no mother.”

  Priscilla found a few cracked dishes in the cupboard and arranged the food on the plates and set them on the mattress next to where Mitch stood, leaning his forearm on the mantle.

  “Come and eat. It will warm you up.” She settled on the mattress, her legs tucked under her.

  This was a big mistake. The two of them here all night long, with one mattress to share. He could see trouble coming. Even now with her sitting there, her huge hazel eyes staring at him, her plump lips begging to be kissed. Were he a gentleman, he would spend the night in the rickety stable with the horses. Anywhere except next to Miss Priscilla Cochran with the full curves, golden brown hair, and warm smile.

  Trouble? Hell he was in as deep as a man could go.

  He removed his coat and settled cross-legged in front of her, and took a bit of the meat in his fingers. Priscilla tilted her head back, the smooth pale skin of her neck teasing him, aching to be kissed, nibbled on. She slid a piece of peach into her mouth, and he watched, fascinated, as her throat worked to swallow the fruit. Then she smiled at him and licked her lips. Were he not so absolutely sure she was an innocent, he would think she was bent on seduction.

  “Try a peach; they’re good.” She held out a glistening slice to him. Instead of taking it from her hand, he leaned in and sucked the piece from her fingers. She gasped and pulled her hand back. He took her hand in his and sucked the end of each of her fingers. He turned her hand and placed a small kiss on the inside of her wrist, noting the pulse beating frantically.

  “Wh-what are you doing?”

  He studied her under shuttered lashes. Her breathing was erratic, the pulse in her neck beat a matching rhythm where he still held his lips against her wrist. “You can’t still be cold. Take your coat off.”

  She licked her lips and unbuttoned the coat. She took her hand back and shrugged off the garment. “It is rather warm in here now with the fire going.”

  “Oh, yes, darlin’, there is a fire going.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He held his
hand out, aware that the outcome was inevitable. He’d known since Priscilla stepped off the mail coach and fell at his feet in the mud that this moment would arrive. “Come here, Priscilla.”

  She rose to her knees and shuffled over to him. “What?”

  He grabbed her hand and tugged, until she landed on his lap. His head slowly descended and his lips covered hers. She tasted sweet and spicy from the combination of the meat and peaches. He swept his tongue into her mouth, his fingers busy pulling her hair free of the sensible bun. Once he had it undone, he ran his fingers through her hair. “Like silk,” he murmured, inhaling its sweet scent.

  Tilting her head, he rained kisses over her cheeks, eyelids, jaw, and neck. He nibbled on the sensitive skin under her ear. “There’s only one mattress,” he whispered as he ran his tongue over the outside shell of her ear. “We have to sleep together to keep from freezing.”

  His hand crept up her body, and his fingers unbuttoned the front of her dress.

  “You can’t do that,” she moaned, not convincing anyone.

  “Shh. Let me feel your skin. So soft. So sweet.” His head dipped and he kissed her collarbone, pushing the dress off her shoulders until the bodice landed in her lap. He stared in her eyes as he unhooked her corset. Separating the pieces, he removed the garment as Priscilla took a deep breath.

  “I don’t know why you women wear these things.”

  He slipped the straps of her chemise off her shoulders, revealing her perfect breasts. Plump, dark-tipped nipples, already pouting, aching for his mouth. He accommodated her.

  She wrapped her hands around his head, making small mewling sounds that drove him further over the brink. He eased his hands around her slender back and moved her closer, the span of his hands almost covering her entire back. He kissed his way up her chest to her jaw and back to her mouth. He anchored her face with his hands and turned her head to deepen the kiss.

  He’d had his share of women over the years, but never had he burned like this for a woman. Everything about her surrounded him, the scent of lemons, her soft touch, her whimpering sounds, the sweet and salty taste of her skin. His fingers wrapped around her hair, fisting the locks.

  “God, I want you so much.” About to explode, he craved her with a raw desire that consumed him. He wanted her underneath him, naked and crying his name as he took her over the edge, to be the first—and only—man to teach her about the pleasures to be had between a man and a woman.

  Priscilla swore all her bones had melted. Were she required to run for her life right now, she would die on the spot. Mitch’s hands were everywhere, as was his mouth. Just as she thought she couldn’t take any more, he would move his hands and mouth from one place on her body and torture her in another spot. She was restless, unable to sit still. Her clothes felt restrictive, as if she needed to tear them off.

  Instead, she unbuttoned his shirt, tugging it off his shoulders. Once his shirt was loosened, he yanked the bottom from his pants and tossed it aside. Then he eased her down on the mattress and leaned over her body, once more suckling her breast as he teased the nipple on the other one, rolling it with his fingers. She shifted and moaned, tossing her head back and forth.

  “Darlin’, I have to see all of you. Help me with your dress.” He shifted and tugged the garment over her hips and down her legs, dragging her bloomers with the skirt, leaving her in only her stockings and half boots. Instead of embarrassment, she relished the heat in his gaze as his eyes ate her up from the top of her head to her feet.

  The flames from the fireplace cast a glow over the room, bathing them in the warm light. Sweat beaded Mitch’s forehead, and her heart pounded as if it would jump from her chest. Unknown feelings raced through her body, making her aware of places she never thought of.

  Her breathing was so erratic she wasn’t sure she would ever draw another deep breath. He slipped her half boots off and stretched out, settling alongside her, braced on his elbow. His hand ran over her curves. “You’re so beautiful.”

  His fingers drifted up the inside of her leg as he studied the movement.


  “Yes, sweetheart. Tell me what you want.”

  “I don’t know. But I need something, I feel as if something is missing.”

  He dragged his hand up until he cupped her intimately, using his fingertip to circle her opening, the moistness there making his finger slippery and her legs to shift. She pressed against his hand. “What’s happening to me?”

  “Ah, honey, you’re getting ready for me. Your body is preparing for what comes next.” He smoothed the damp curls back from her face. “You do know where we’re headed, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “Please…”

  “Are you sure? Once we take this step, there’s no turning back.”

  She reached up and cupped his face. “I need you. I need you to make this feeling end.”

  Mitch sat up and unfastened his trousers. He slid them off, along with his drawers, and turned to her. She might be a virgin, but she was not unaware of what he intended to do. Gingerly she reached down and fisted his member. It was silky smooth and hard at the same time.

  Mitch let out with a groan and moved over her, capturing her mouth with an intensity that only made her more frantic to have him help her reach what her body craved.

  He spread he legs apart and settled between them. “Sweetheart, this will hurt, but only briefly. I’m sorry.” He covered her mouth and slid into her body. A slight pinch made her jerk, but the pain went away immediately. What she noticed more was the fullness of their joining, the pleasure as he stared into her eyes and moved his hips forward, then back.

  She encircled his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss. Their panting filled the room, their sweat-slicked bodies sliding against each other. Mitch reached between them and used his thumb to tease the flesh between her legs. “Come with me, baby,” he said, his voice raspy.

  The closer she came to an edge, the more frantic she grew. “Oh, Mitch, please.”

  “Hang on, darlin’, you’re almost there. Relax. Don’t tense up on me.”

  He no sooner got the words out than she pushed hard against his hand and a wave of pleasure as she’d never felt before in her entire life washed over her. He covered her mouth with his and swallowed her moan. Before the last ripples of pleasure faded, he threw his head back and poured himself into her. He gasped out her name and collapsed on top of her.

  Chapter Nine

  Priscilla awoke in Mitch’s arms. They were both still undressed but wrapped in the blankets, nestled together like spoons in a drawer. The area between her legs was sore, but since Mitch had made love to her three times during the night, it would be a miracle if she could even walk.

  Mitch shifted and she felt him nuzzle her neck. “We have to talk.”

  Priscilla turned toward him and stretched, feeling like a contented cat. “About what?”


  She frowned. “Whose marriage?”

  He tucked a curl behind her ear. “Ours.”

  “What do you mean?” She edged back then sat up, wrapping herself in the blanket.

  “Honey, we spent the night together. We made love. Three times, in fact. We have to get married.”

  She stood and dragged the blanket with her, heat rising to her face when she left Mitch naked. She turned her back and bent to scoop up her discarded clothes. “I don’t have to do anything.”

  “Priscilla. There is no choice.” Still sitting, he tugged on his pants, then his socks and shoes.

  She shimmed into her dress, smoothing down the skirt. “There is always a choice.”

  Mitch stood and grabbed his shirt. “Yes. And we made that choice last night. It’s a final decision.”

  “How dare you?” She rounded on him. “There is no ‘final decision,’ Mr. Beaumont. I don’t choose to get married. I don’t want to get married.”

  He dragged his hand down his face then rested his hands on his hips. “Honey—�

  “Stop calling me that.”

  Taking a deep breath, he said, “Priscilla.”

  She walked across the room and looked out the window. “The snow isn’t too high. I think we can probably head home.”

  Mitch shook his head, then grabbed his coat and tossed Priscilla hers. “Fine. We’ll leave.” He helped her into her coat and escorted her out the door. “This conversation is not over.”

  With the storm finally ended and the snow not too deep, Mitch was able to steer the buggy away from the cabin and onto the roadway. Priscilla was bundled up in her coat, scarf, gloves and hat. They had the blanket wrapped around both of them. She stared at the passing scenery, the snow on the trees glistening in the sun like diamonds. But even their beauty didn’t distract her from her thoughts.

  Marriage. Not likely. When her cousin Ellie married Max, the school board forced him to fire her. Said they didn’t employ married women. Such a stupid policy. As if once you got married, you all of a sudden lost your brain. She wasn’t about to give up the job she’d just started.

  Aside from that, if and when she ever married—a long time from now—it would be to a man who offered a better proposal than “we have no choice; it’s a final decision.” She snorted. So romantic. No talk of caring, or a future, or how much he wanted to marry her. No. It was all about “we have to get married.”

  Mitch’s jaw ached from biting down so hard. How could Priscilla possibly believe they would not have to get married? When the townspeople learned they’d spent the night together in an abandoned cabin, all alone, she would be fired. Teachers had to maintain certain standards of behavior.

  But aside from that, what was so horrible about marriage to him? She didn’t want to get married. Well, hell, neither did he, but he was ready to do the right thing. Of course, the idea of crawling between the covers with that luscious body every night made marriage appear a lot more palatable.

  “Until we can make a decision on this, I suggest we keep our little adventure to ourselves. I can make sure Ian doesn’t say anything. It will give us more time to work out our issues.”


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