His Secret Virgin: A Forbidden Romance (The Sons of Sin Book 3)

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His Secret Virgin: A Forbidden Romance (The Sons of Sin Book 3) Page 5

by Michelle Love

  What am I thinking?

  Not only was she my friend’s beloved daughter, but a girl younger than my own daughters. What a crime that this girl was the first to make my dick hard since my ex-wife had over twenty years ago.

  “I think we’ll work well together, too, Mr. Taylor.” She licked her pink lips as her eyes cut to the floor.

  She needed to gain some self esteem, and I knew I could instill that in her. I needed to think of her as a young person, and not a grown woman who attracted me more than I knew was possible.

  “First things first then.” I went back to take a seat behind my desk so as to hide my arousal and to make myself feel more like her employer and less like some old dude with a hard-on. “Mrs. Kramer will talk to you about appropriate office attire, and I want you to make sure you listen. You’ll be issued a company credit card for all the expenses that pertain to your job here. And that means getting clothes, shoes, makeup, etcetera, to make yourself look the part of an administrator’s assistant. That’s your job title, by the way.”

  Her pretty face lit up like a bottle rocket. “I get a credit card and a company car all on my first day?”

  “You do.” I loved the way she’d perked up so quickly. And then my damn eyes went to her breasts that had perked up with the rest of her as she sat up straight.

  Damn my eyes!

  Why do her tits have to be so damn perfect?

  Why is her ass so round and pert?

  Does her waist have to be just the right size for my hands to wrap around, moving her up and down as she…

  Stop it!

  The fabric stretching across my engorging male member became uncomfortable to say the least. It took all I had to write down what I wanted Mrs. Kramer to do for Emma. But I got it done.

  “This is like a dream come true.” She laughed lightly, and the sound made my heart thump hard in my chest. “Although I must say I never dreamt about an opportunity quite like this one. I guess I just never dared to dream this big. And Dad told me that you’re letting us live in your home—and what a beautiful home it is!” Her eyes sparkled, holding my attention as she gushed. “It’s like a mansion to us. We’ve never stayed in anything so… um…grand?”

  If she liked that place, she’d love my lake house. “I’ll be sure to have you all over for dinner sometime soon, and you can see my lake house.”

  “That would be so cool!” The way her face radiated with excitement turned me on even further.

  So not right!

  “Yes, so cool,” I mumbled. I wanted to close my eyes for a moment to distract myself, but I knew that would come across as weird and probably even creepy. I took a deep breath instead and thought about baseball statistics. “Anyway, let’s get you all set up. You’ll have the office next to my assistant’s.”

  Her eyes went wide as she looked thoroughly surprised. “No way! My own office too?” She looked out the window. “Is it up here on the top floor?”

  “It is.” I couldn’t help but smile at how excited she was. Never in all my years had I hired someone who got such a kick out of the little things. “You’ll have your own desk and computer and even a private bathroom.”

  “No way,” she whispered. “I can’t believe you’re doing all this for me. How can I thank you properly?”

  Well, you could come on over here and bend over my desk for me.

  I shook off that thought. “Just do a good job, and that will suffice, Emma.”

  With a sigh, she said, “I’ll give it my best shot. You’ll get one hundred percent from me, sir. I promise you that.”

  Inappropriate thoughts flooded my brain. I had to stop them before I did something totally unprofessional—and totally out of character. “I can see that you’ll work out well here.” Pushing the buzzer to summon Mrs. Kramer, I steadied myself to make sure she didn’t get any hint that I was quickly becoming enamored with young Emma.

  After a swift knock, my assistant came in, her eyes trained on Emma. “Hello, I’m Mrs. Kramer. And what can I do for you, Mr. Taylor?”

  “Well, you can ask Emma Hancock any questions you have as she’s your new assistant,” I told her.

  She cocked one brow. “You’ve hired her already?”

  “I did.” I supposed I’d aggravated her some by doing the hiring without her, and without her getting to even meet Emma beforehand. “She’s on a trial basis until we see which department she’ll be the happiest and most productive in. I wanted her under the very best tutelage, and that would mean working under you, Mrs. Kramer.”

  Her ruffled feathers were smoothed with my words. “Oh well, of course. I would love to take her under my wing and show her how this company runs.”

  “Good. She’s the daughter of that old friend of mine that I’ve just hired, Sebastien Hancock.” I pushed the notes I’d jotted down to the edge of the desk. “And I know this isn’t the usual protocol, but I want her to be issued these things. And please help her with appropriate office attire, please.”

  Emma sat up, placing her hands on her knees as she looked at Mrs. Kramer. “I do have a very good idea of what to wear when working here. The trouble isn’t my fashion sense, exactly; it’s more my father’s approval and his idea of what is and isn’t appropriate.”

  The way Mrs. Kramer looked at her told me she wasn’t sure about Emma. “How old are you, young lady?”

  “Twenty,” Emma said with a certain amount of pride.

  “Then you’re plenty old enough to wear what you want.” Mrs. Kramer took the note I’d written and placed it into the pocket of her skirt. “Office attire is the exact opposite of clothing that people would find offensive. If your father finds that the things I suggest for you are inappropriate, then he and I can have a discussion about it. You leave him to me, dear.”

  Sitting back, Emma nodded her head cautiously. “I can’t say my father is going to be a fan of this, but thank you very much for helping me.”

  I could see she was feeling a little nervous. “Don’t worry about your father, Emma. Mrs. Kramer and I are always professional when it comes to this company. I can promise you that neither of us will make your father uncomfortable. And may I say that I really admire that about you.”

  “Admire what about me?” she asked with a puzzled expression.

  “The way you care about your father’s feelings.” I had a feeling that beneath the child-like exterior, this one had a wealth of caring and loyalty beyond her years.

  My brain abruptly took that moment to reminded me that her father had said he’d never let her date. And that fact led me to make some other assumptions about this young woman—she was probably still a virgin. My imagination grasped onto that thought and went a step further, thinking that she might never have been kissed either. And then my cock went and thought that she had very likely never experienced an orgasm, and all it wanted to do was help her out with that.

  “Can I take her with me then, Mr. Taylor?” Mrs. Kramer asked, pulling me out of my sexual stupor.

  “Yes!” my word came out a bit too enthusiastically, earning me an odd look from my assistant.

  “Very well then.” She turned to look at Emma. “If you will follow me, we’ll get you all squared away. Today will be all about paperwork and issuing you everything you’ll need to be my assistant. Tomorrow we’ll get down to training you. By the end of the week, I think you’ll be all on your own. Won’t that be nice?”

  Emma got up, following Mrs. Kramer out of my office. “That sounds great.”

  My eyes were glued to her plump ass as it shifted back and forth underneath the loose-fitting dress. Closing my eyes, I said, “See you girls later, then.”

  Emma’s voice had my eyes opening again as she said, “Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Taylor. I promise that I won’t disappoint you.”

  “I’m sure you won’t.” Uncharacteristically, I waved at her. “Have a good first day, Emma Hancock.”

  Mrs. Kramer let Emma walk out first and stopped just before closing the
door. “I would like it if you called her Miss Hancock, sir.”

  “Okay then, Mrs. Kramer.” I wondered if she’d picked up on my attraction, and that possibility embarrassed me a little.

  “Thank you, sir.” She closed the door, leaving me alone with my terrible thoughts.

  Placing my head in my hands, I had no idea what had just happened. A girl walked into my office with her father, dressed like an overgrown child, and my libido went off the charts.

  Something had to be wrong with me. Maybe it had just been way too long since I’d had sex with a woman. Perhaps I’d have the same reaction to the next pretty face I came across.

  I decided to see if that was indeed the case and got up to leave my office. As I strolled down the long hallway, my erection finally eased off, leaving me feeling much more comfortable.

  When I got to the elevator to head down to the main floor, a very good-looking, age-appropriate woman stepped off of it. “Good morning, Mr. Taylor.”

  I had no idea who she was. “Hello. Good morning to you, too.” My cock paid no attention to her at all.

  “You don’t remember me, do you?” she asked.

  Shaking my head, I admitted, “No, I don’t. Should I?”

  “I temped up here last month.” She pointed at the reception desk. “Over there. You passed me each morning, and we said hello?”

  “Oh, yes. Of course.” I didn’t recall her at all. But it’d be rude to tell her that. “Nice to see you again. Are you temping up here for someone else today?”

  “No, sir. I had an appointment with Mrs. Kramer, your admin. She asked me to come up and interview with her about a position as her assistant.” She smiled brightly. “It would be a pleasure to get to work so closely with you both.”

  Scratching my chin, I wondered how to tell her that that wouldn’t be happening. “I should give you a heads up. I’ve already hired someone just this morning. Mrs. Kramer had no idea. But please keep your appointment with her, so she doesn’t think you skipped it.”

  Looking a little deflated, her smile faded. “Oh, I see.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find something else,” I offered before stepping onto the elevator to head downstairs.

  She hadn’t piqued my interest at all. I hoped someone would—and soon—so I could forget about little Miss Emma Hancock.

  Chapter 8


  Driving home in my new company car, a brand new Ford Fusion in dark blue, I listened to the radio and thought about how much my life had just changed.

  The day progressed swiftly, and I had felt a bit overwhelmed by everything. This could be the start of a real career for me—what if I ended up spending my whole life working at Global Distributing?

  Working with Mrs. Kramer had gone well, though—the woman couldn’t have been nicer. But she had seemed a bit surprised by all the things Mr. Taylor had given me.

  I couldn’t say that I was all that surprised. He and my father were good friends, after all. Mr. Taylor had proven to be a very generous man.

  Pulling into the drive, I decided to park in the garage in the space occupied by my current car. That one could be parked outside and maybe even sold sometime soon. After all, why would I need to drive it anymore?

  Jumping out to move my old Chevy, I ran around until I got everything situated. Just as I pulled the company car in, a delivery truck pulled up. Surprisingly, the clothing items Mrs. Kramer had helped me order online were already being delivered.

  Hurrying out to meet the delivery man, I greeted him cheerily, “Hi!”

  “Well, hello there, miss.” He opened up the large back door then took out three boxes. “These are for a Miss Hancock. Does that happen to be you?”

  “It does.” Giddiness took over as I thought about all the new clothes I could add to my closet.

  “Can you sign this for me?” He held out a clipboard with an invoice on it.

  I signed the bottom and then dug in my purse to give the older man a tip. “Here you go, sir.”

  He shook his head. “No need. Your boss took care of that. Mr. Taylor gave me a generous tip when he came by to make sure the clothes would be delivered today.”

  “He did?” I had no idea he’d done such a nice thing. “That was nice of him.”

  “Yes, it was,” he agreed.

  I couldn’t help but wonder why Mr. Taylor would go to all that trouble for me. But then I thought about how I’d dressed that day, and how helpful he had been in dealing with my father. It started to make a bit more sense to me; he wanted to help me become more independent, and getting clothing I actually liked was the first step. Taking the boxes, I thanked the man and went inside, marching straight up to my bedroom.

  After trying on each and every item, I put them all away and then laid out the outfit I’d chosen for the next day. Mom opened the door, looking with surprise at my now-filled closet. “And what’s all this, Emma?”

  “Mrs. Kramer, the woman I’ve been hired to assist, helped me pick out all these clothes.” I pointed at the clothes lying on the bed. “I’m wearing this tomorrow.”

  “Your father told me you’d been given a company car,” she said. “Were you given an expense account too?”

  I pulled the credit card out of my purse. “I got my own credit card to help with anything I’ll need for my job—clothes included. Mrs. Kramer said my limit each month is five thousand dollars. Can you believe that?”

  “No.” She took the card out of my hand. “Let me see that.”

  “It works,” I said. “I used it to purchase all this online. Mr. Taylor stopped by the actual department store downtown to make sure they got delivered today. He’s so nice, Mom.”

  “I know he is. I met him when he was one of your Dad’s groomsmen at our wedding.” Mom handed the card back to me. “So, he’s been very generous with you, I see.”

  “I bet if you want a job there, he’ll give you one too.” I thought about how cool it would be if we all worked at the same place.

  She didn’t seem to like that idea much. “Dad and I spend enough time together. It’s best to have a bit of distance in a healthy relationship. Think about that while you’re working, Emma. Dating someone you work with can get very hairy. It’s not something I recommend.”

  I rolled my eyes. “As if Dad would even let me date, Mom.”

  “Honey,” she wrapped her arm around my shoulders, pressing her head to mine, “you’re twenty now. Do you know what that means?”

  “Not really.” I pulled away from her so I could look at her. “What does that mean, Mom?”

  “Your father hasn’t told you this yet,” she whispered as if he was somewhere near when in fact he hadn’t come home from work yet, “so don’t tell him I told you this.”

  Curiosity compelled me to ask, “Tell me what, Mom?”

  She winked at me. “That your father has decided that he doesn’t need to meet any young man you want to date before you can go out now. But again, I must tell you that dating someone you work with is just a terrible idea. I cannot stress that enough.”

  I had no idea my dad had been planning on lifting his archaic rule. And I also had no idea who I would even want to date. What I did know was that Mr. Taylor immediately flashed in my mind.

  “Well, there’s no one to date yet. Maybe I’ll meet someone, somehow, outside of work.” I didn’t know how that would happen, as I had no friends yet and had never made friends quickly. But maybe things would be different here in Manchester.

  Things already felt different. I had to admit that I’d never felt the way I had when Mr. Taylor talked to me. The shyness that usually prevented me from getting to know people had all but disappeared when I spoke with him. And Mrs. Kramer made me feel okay, too. She was sweet and so much older that I hadn’t initially put her in the same league as one would put a friend.

  But in what league did I put Mr. Taylor?

  “There’s a pretty cute young man who delivered the newspaper today,” Mom said as she wiggled her eyebrow
s at me.

  “A paperboy, Mom?” I wiggled mine right back at her. “Come on. I think I can do better than that.”

  How about the owner of a multinational company?

  Who was I kidding? Christopher Taylor would never be interested in me.

  Mom walked toward the door. “Dinner will be ready in an hour. It’s Swedish meatballs. And your father called to tell me that Saturday evening we’ll be going to Christopher’s lake house for dinner. He’s set on introducing you to his daughters, I think.”

  My stomach twisted. “No! I don’t want to meet them. I know we won’t have anything in common.”

  Mom stopped at the door, turning to look at me. “Emma, I’m sure you three will have something in common. You’re all around the same age. If nothing else, you can talk about music. All of you kids like the same stuff in that area.”

  I was really getting tired of my parents treating me like a child. I wasn’t some kid who needed her mommy and daddy to arrange a playdate with the other kids. “Mom, I don’t want to go, so count me out.” I wouldn’t be pushed into meeting anyone I didn’t feel comfortable with.

  With a tsk, she let me know how my father would feel about that, “Emma, you know your dad will make you go.”

  I did know that he would try. “I’ll talk to him. Sometimes I can get him to see my side of things. Mom, it’ll make me look so…losery.”

  “I do not believe that losery is a word, Emma.” With a huff, she blew her hair out of her face. “I know you didn’t like school, but you were taught to use better grammar than that, young lady.”

  “Well, you do get what I’m saying.” Sitting at the end of my bed, I thought of a better way to word it. “I’ll come off as a loser who has to use her parents to meet other people my own age. And, by the way, I don’t generally get along with girls my own age.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Emma, you’re not eighty. I know you don’t like to do all the stuff most girls like, but I think that might be because your father never allowed you to. Maybe you and I should go get our nails done. We could even get facials and haircuts from a fancy salon. Heck, maybe I’ll even get some highlights put in my hair; I’m feeling adventurous. What do you think about that? A new look to go with your new clothes and new job?”


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