The Mating Season (Lycan Romance)

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The Mating Season (Lycan Romance) Page 7

by Briers, M L

  Hope almost pounced on them as they walked in through the front door, a look of pure glee on her face as she announced, “And where have you two been?” before walking towards Fay and reaching up to yank a piece of foliage from her wayward curls snagging a few strands of hair with it as Fay yelped and frowned at her friend.

  Adam gave a low growl of warning in his chest as Hope turned her eyes towards him, a look of surprise on her face as she backed off slightly knowing what that growl meant from an Alpha Lycan- “Ok Mr Protective- no harm no foul.” As she suddenly remembered Fay standing there she quickly rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. “Men.” She gushed quickly as she snagged Fay’s free hand in hers and yanked her forwards with her, turning her back on Adam.

  “Let’s go find Faith and have a little girlie time.” She shot a look back over her shoulder towards Adam- not sure if he was going to be too happy with her for that and her eyes flicked to where Fay’s outstretched hand was in his and she noted the reluctance in him of letting her go.

  “Hope I-“ Fay started as Hope quickly turned back away from Adam’s eyes, she could almost feel them burning into her and she wanted to be away from him as quickly as possible, he looked like a man who was about to commit a flying tackle on one of them and she didn’t much feel like being wedged under the weight of an angry Wolf.

  “Here we go-“ Hope all but pushed and pulled her into the room with her, her eyes immediately locking onto Faith’s as she gave her a wide eyed stare of panic and Faith swallowed hard as she disengaged from the small group of newcomers she was standing with and rushed over.

  “What’s going on?” She half breathed out between clenched teeth and a fixed smile as her eyes took in the state of Fay- who now looked even more bemused.

  “Look a little mauled to you?” Hope motioned with a flicked of her eyes and her head towards Fay and Faith took Fay’s other hand, motioning towards the side door that lead into the study next door.

  “Stop with the manhandling already-“ Fay finally moaned out as she shrugged herself away from the pair of them when they reached the silence and privacy of the office and Faith turned closing the door, taking a moment to give a silent prayer to Freya to guide her in her endeavours.

  “Hey sweetie- how you doing?” She asked before walking past Fay and over to where Jake kept his liquor- pouring Fay a shot she walked back and slapped it into her hand. Fay looked down and frowned, she hated hard liquor- a beer she could handle- a nice sweet cold beer- but this? She put the glass to her lips and tipped the whole damn thing up, swallowing hard before practically breathing fire as it burned its way down her throat.

  “Wow.” Hope looked slightly amused as Fay thrust the glass back at Faith before walking over to the leather chesterfield and dropping down onto the firm surface while Faith and Hope eyed each other nervously.

  “So did you-?” Hope started and Faith gasped as she slapped out at her friend in disbelief, “What? Like you don’t want to know?” Hope shot Faith a look of contempt and Faith clamped down on her jaw as she spat fire back at Hope.

  “I think there’s something really wrong with me-“ Fay said slowly, her eyes fixed on the antique rug on the floor as Faith and Hope both took positions either side of Fay.

  “Not as much as you would think-“ Hope blurted out and Faith reached behind Fay to give her friend a warning shot in the arm- “Ouch- really?” Hope snapped- but Faith just pouted her an evil look.

  “What happened with you and Adam?” Faith asked as gently as she could. Fay shrugged her shoulders, her eyes still stuck on the rug.

  “The hell if I know- I’ve never been like that before- I almost-“ Faith saw Hope deflate beside her- she knew she had been more than hopeful that her friend had mated with Adam- probably so she could get all the juicy details- after all when Hope had learned that Faith had slept with a vampire she practically salivated over every detail.

  “So what stopped you?” Hope blurted out in sheer disappointment and Faith reached out and slapped her again. “Hey!”


  “Adam?” Hope turned her nose up at the thought as Faith went to slap her again and she drew back wide eyed giving her friend a look of warning.

  “He didn’t want to do it up against a tree-“ Fay narrowed her eyes and tipped her head to the side as though trying to mentally grasp something.

  “Nothing wrong with going back to nature-“ Hope muttered as Faith moved and Hope sprang back holding out her hands in mock surrender, “-just saying.”

  “Oh my god I nearly had sex against a tree!” Fay sprang to her feet, a look of pure shock and embarrassment on her face as she stared wide eyed and open mouthed ahead of her and Faith and Hope shot each other knowing looks.

  “Well at least Adam had the good sense not to-“ Hope started and Faith gave her a backhander across her bare forearm that made her clench her teeth and turn her anger on Faith as Faith reached up and pulled Fay back down to the seat between them. She dropped like a stone.

  “Look we all get carried away when we meet that special person-“ Faith started as she saw Hope’s eyebrows raise high on her forehead and her neck snap back. Fay turned sharply towards her, the look on her face said she was grasping at straws now.

  “We do?”

  “We do.” Hope and Faith said together, even though Hope had to hold onto the chuckle that threatened to roll from her throat.

  “So being totally out of control would be-?” Fay asked slowly as she narrowed her eyes at Faith waiting for her to finish the sentence for her.

  “-Normal-“ Faith offered and Hope echoed the word as Fay’s shoulders seemed to relax slightly.

  “So that would make Adam my-?” Fay left the sentence hanging again and Hope jumped in, she had this one covered.

  “Mate-“ Faith’s eyes flashed a warning as Fay’s brow furrowed and she shook her head about to open her mouth when Faith stepped in.

  “Someone special-“ She offered shooting daggers at Hope who shrugged apologetically on a grimace and Fay seemed to sag a little where she sat.

  “But I don’t even know him-“

  “Animal attraction.” Hope beamed as Faith rolled her eyes and Hope grimaced again. “Lust at- Love- Love at first sight.” Hope stammered over her words when Faith glared at her over the top of Fay’s head.

  “Yeah- I don’t believe in that kind of-“ Fay started to shake her head on an instant dismissal and Faith wanted to groan. It would have been so much easier just to be able to tell her the truth.

  “It happened to me and Jake-“ She offered knowing full well the first time they had met she had zapped him with so many volts of Fae electricity that he hummed of static for half an hour afterwards.

  “But that kind of thing doesn’t happen to me-“ Fay turned towards Faith and pinned her in her seat with her eyes.

  “It’s not something that’s going to happen every week Fay. When you meet that one true person you’re supposed to be with-“ she shrugged her shoulders as her friends eyes dropped to her lap. Hope shot her a questioning look and Faith shrugged her reply. The seeds had been sown, it was just a matter of if Fay would pour water on them.

  “So you’re saying he’s like my soul mate?”

  “Exactly. Mate. Soul- soul mate.” Hope said slowly taping her fingers rhythmically on her knees as she looked around her saying a silent plea to whatever deity would help them all out here.

  “Meh.” Fay dropped back against the hard leather of the chesterfield as Faith and Hope just stared at each other.

  “Hello Fay.” Sebastian’s deep velvet tones captured her attention as he swopped up alongside her at the top of the staircase- she hadn’t noticed anyone behind her as she climbed the stairs and she certainly hadn’t heard anyone come up after her- but then her mind was elsewhere right now- still trying to come to terms with what Faith and Hope had said about soul mates- she knew only too well that the two of them were into that new age kind of thinking- but she’d never put much stock in
it herself.

  “Hi Sebastian.” He reached towards her and plucked out a piece of foliage from her hair in much the same way that Hope had- only Sebastian had been a lot more careful about it leaving her hair still in her head.

  “Been for a night time stroll in the woods?” He asked with what appeared to be total innocence and yet Fay couldn’t help but wonder at the slight smirk that raised the corners of his deep red lips.

  “Something like that.” She offered back fighting the crimson tide that reached her cheeks.

  “Nothing like a moonlight stroll- but you should beware the wolves that I hear are roaming about Jake’s land.” He almost chuckled to himself with amusement as she bit down on her lower lip- a look of guilt washed over her face.

  “I’ve seen them- they are beautiful-“ She offered as Sebastian reached out to wrap his steely fingers around her wrist bringing them both to a stop and she turned towards him puzzled.

  “But so very- very deadly.” He informed her using every bit of his dramatic flair to warn her off.

  “What are you doing?” Adam’s deep voice penetrated the silence that hung between them as Fay almost whirled towards him on the spot feeling a rush of guilt even though she had nothing to feel guilty about.

  “Just telling Fay a few home truths, after all we wouldn’t want her to get mauled by the big bad wolf now would we? -“ Sebastian almost crowed out, a smile turning his features more animated than Fay had seen them before- there was even a little glimmer of mischief in his dark eyes, making him look more devilishly attractive- emphasis on the devilish she thought as he gave her a wicked grin.

  Fay’s attention was snatched back towards Adam- she was sure that she heard a low growl coming from him but when she turned her eyes towards him his eyes were fixed intently on Sebastian.

  “Fay understands the danger of the wolves-“ Adam bit out as Sebastian raised his brows.

  “The nature of the beast- the danger of getting too close with such an animal?” Sebastian taunted turning his nose up at the thought and Fay looked between the two in puzzlement- it was as if there was a whole different conversation passing between the two of them that she had no idea about.

  “Fay’s a big girl-“ Adam snapped back as Sebastian turned his whole body towards Adam, taking a firmer stance.

  “So we should just feed her to the wolves then?” Sebastian queried as Adam drew himself up to his full height. Fay felt the air become thick with testosterone. The atmosphere between them was almost electric and she didn’t much like it, although she had to admit there was a part of her that seemed to be drawn towards Adam right at that moment.

  “Maybe you should go see them for yourself Sebastian- I’d be more than happy to show you.” It sounded to Fay as though some kind of challenge was being handed out. Adam’s eyes seemed fierce right now as he glared.

  Sebastian sniffed the air, a smirk touching his lips, “Smells like someone’s been marking their territory.”He mused and Fay rolled her eyes.

  “Why don’t you two just get a room.” Fay growled out as she shook her head in dismay before setting off past Adam down the hall- the closer she got to him the more the pull towards him drew her attention and when she drew alongside him, Adam reached out and snagged her wrist with his fingers curling possessively around her.

  His touch sent a hot bolt of plasma right through her- his fingers warming the skin under his touch and she sucked in a breath of surprise as all of that heat pooled between her thighs. Her eyes flicked up to Adam’s face and it was as though he sniffed the air- his eyes narrowing on hers and holding her in his gaze and she heard Sebastian clear his throat behind her.

  “Well I guess my work here is done.” He mused before turning and walking back down the stairs.

  “What?” She managed- half demand half questioning him while trying hard to pull her gaze down from his eyes to the hand he had around her wrist- but didn’t quite manage it.

  “I want-“ He started but then breathed a long sigh down his nose as he tried to switch between his anger for Sebastian’s interference in what was a Lycan matter and the rising feelings her touch brought inside him.

  “I think we both know what you want-“ Fay wasn’t trying to be sarcastic, that was Faith’s genre, she just couldn’t shake off this damned attraction to Adam, a guy she didn’t know, a guy she had only just met and a guy who’s intense blue eyes felt like they were burning into her soul right now.

  “Do you not want me Fay?” He knew she did, he could see the desire in her eyes, the way her body was almost swaying towards him- a subtle movement that she may not even realise- the scent of her arousal more than evident in the air between them- but he wanted to hear her say it- say it so when it came she couldn’t deny it.

  “I- “ She was going to admit it, he told himself, his beast almost beating his chest with pride, but then she bit down on her lower lip and that little light went out in her eyes as fear slipped in.

  Adam swallowed hard- he didn’t like the fear he saw there, he didn’t want her to fear him- not in that way. He was an Alpha- there would be times when she would feel his wrath and fear would naturally coarse through her veins- but not for this- he would never deliberately hurt her- she was his mate, every instinct in his body drove him to protect her.

  “Don’t fear what you don’t understand little Fae.” He had taken a step towards her that she wasn’t even aware of, his hand cupping her face as he gazed down into her eyes- the stroke of his thumb across her smooth skin sending his beast roaring with approval at the feelings that raced through him and he watched as the fear in her eyes slipped away- replaced with need for more of his touch.

  But then she pulled back- a sudden movement that had taken every last bit of willpower that she could rein in- she wasn’t sure where she found it, a sudden rush of what felt like a hum through her nerves and she had removed him from her personal space.

  Her skin tingled with sensation- like silk being drawn across her skin and she found herself able to look away from his gaze for the first time since she had met him. It felt like someone had turned on the power supply to her free will and she almost sighed with gratitude. She still wanted him- still had a need for him gnawing inside her, but she felt more able to hold it down. Not for the first time her Fae blood was stirring within her.

  Adam watched her with interest- he had felt the stirring of Fae within her- a spark that had been ignited by her fear perhaps? Whatever it was- if she embraced her Fae heritage it would make both their lives easier- although he had to admit- he didn’t much care for the fact that she was exhibiting defiance for her attraction to her mate- but that would soon end the moment he decided to claim her- she would have no choice but to surrender to her own body- her own mind.

  “I’m going to bed.” Before she had finished her sentence she wanted to snatch it back, flashes of heat washed through her as an image of her and Adam together in her bed played like a movie within her mind, her desire swept through her body- she saw his eyes flash with renewed desire and tried taking another step back away from him, but this time it didn’t work- she had no more will left inside her and she knew she was in trouble when he took a long step towards her, his hand skirted her hip- setting the flesh beneath her clothes on fire as it travelled around to the small of her back and he pulled her against the length of him.

  Fay felt the full force of his desire for her when his lips came down over hers, his tongue seeking entry, a demand that she couldn’t deny either of them, parting her lips for him to enter and devour her mouth, his hand leaving her wrist to run over the bare skin of her arm until he had cupped her face again- moving to fist her hair as he tugged her head back slightly to where he wanted it, her curls spilling through his fingers.

  Her hands reached for his chest to push him away and pull him closer towards her in equal measure- her palms found the hard muscles through his top and stilled, splayed against him until the draw of the hard beat of his heart called her fingertips to search it out
through the thin cloth- it felt like it was beating time with hers, perfectly in synch and yet she knew that was impossible- a trick of her own heavy pulse tapping against her fingertips.

  When he broke away from her mouth to find where her pulse beat in her neck she found her voice, “I can’t do this-“ it was a whisper of the doubt that ran through her- but she didn’t feel strong enough to voice it aloud in case it actually came true and she didn’t want him to stop.

  “You can’t not do this.” He breathed against her ear, his breath so hot against her skin and she shivered clean down to her toes.

  “Dude- you have a room- use it.” Abel chuckled but didn’t come any closer than four stairs from the top. He knew his brother was claiming his mate and there was no way he was stupid enough to get too close to them right now- he liked his head where it was on his neck and felt it would be such a shame to lose it by getting to close.

  That didn’t stop Adam from raising his eyes to his younger brother, the glare of warning almost as chilling as when he pulled his lips back in a snarl and growled low in his chest- Abel swallowed hard and dropped down a step or two, his eyes finding the floor and his head tipped to the side in submission- really very eager to keep his head where I was.


  “Did you just growl?” Fay’s voice was breathless as she struggled to get control of herself- but that damned growl had triggered something more within her that was fighting her rationality- she wanted him now more than ever- wanted him to just throw her down on the floor of the hallway and take her there and then.

  Adam’s senses were suddenly in overload- her desire had spiked to an all time high- he knew she needed to be possessed- needed to be taken by her mate and his territory was no longer being invaded by the only other Lycan in the immediate vicinity- there was no danger. He ran his hand down over the swell of her backside and cupped her, easily lifting her against him as he backed them down the hallway towards her room.


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