That Sexy Stranger

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That Sexy Stranger Page 1

by Nadia Lee

  Table of Contents

  About This Book

  Series Reading Order


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Titles by Nadia Lee

  About Nadia Lee


  A sweet and sexy standalone romantic comedy!

  The Romans had carpe diem; I have carpe David.

  You know what’s frustrating about the love of my life? He thinks he’s in love with someone else…and has been dating her for five years! I know, right?

  Then they suddenly break up. And he and I are on the same business trip. My chance to convince him we’re meant to be!

  Except when I go to his suite in my sexiest lingerie and with my sexiest toys, David’s gone. Instead, there’s some guy who thinks I’m the evening’s professional entertainment.

  As if!

  Walking out of the room should’ve been the end of it…

  …until that man, Luke, shows up again, ostensibly to return something I left behind. (A sex toy…a very very dirty one…)

  …and refuses to go away because we apparently have “chemistry.” And okay, he’s admittedly hot, but there’s more to a relationship than chemistry, right…?

  What have I done to deserve this?

  Sweet Darlings Inc. Series Reading Order

  Book 1: That Man Next Door

  Book 2: That Sexy Stranger

  Book 3: That Wild Player (Working Title; Coming later 2018)

  That Sexy Stranger

  A Sweet Darlings Inc. Novel

  Nadia Lee

  To the HA gang.

  Chapter One

  If the Roman Empire had “carpe diem,” I have “carpe David.”

  And I finally have my chance—after waiting five years for this moment.

  David Darling and I are on a business trip together in San Mateo. Although Sweet Darlings Inc.’s headquarters is in Sweetridge, Virginia, there are a few mission-critical app dev teams and a secondary marketing group in the Bay Area. Unfortunately, although we flew in together, we aren’t in the same hotel. It’s like there’s some invisible force trying to keep us separated.


  But I’ll vanquish it. Good always triumphs over Evil.

  “So. He’s in a suite on the fifteenth floor, right?” I confirm as I put on a lacy black bustier and work on the hooks. Black is David’s favorite color. He called it chic when we met on my first-year move-in day at UVA. Since then, black’s become the only color I wear.

  “Um. Yes…” David’s new assistant Erin’s hesitant voice comes over the Bluetooth headset in my ear.

  I pull fishnet stockings over my freshly waxed legs and secure them to the detachable garter belts. “Perfect. So, the room number?”

  “I don’t know if that would be a good idea…” She clears her throat. “To give it out, I mean.”

  “Erin. Pleeeeeeease. You know he’s bound to be…” I search for an acceptable word. Sad is sort of pedantic. I need something impactful, with a little oomph. Then it comes to me: “…desolate after his breakup.”

  I sure as hell wasn’t. Practically danced the theme from Rocky when I found out. He and his skanky, leggy girlfriend finally ended their five-plus-year relationship last week. I would’ve heard about it sooner, but my best friend Jan isn’t working for him anymore. She moved to the app dev team immediately after Thanksgiving, and he went assistant-less until this month, when he finally found Erin.

  I lower my voice and infuse it with sincere concern for his well-being. “I don’t want him to mope in his room.” I want him to bone me. And then immediately realize I’m the missing half of his soul.

  Not that I’ll say that out loud to Erin, who’s already acting like she doesn’t want to do the right thing. If only Jan were still his assistant…! But I wouldn’t want her to go back to marketing. She’s happier and much more fulfilled in app dev, and I’m smart and quick enough to adjust.

  “I don’t know…” Erin says again.


  I’m leaving tomorrow for Virginia while David’s staying another day, so I can’t afford to waste time with Erin’s waffling. If she really “doesn’t know,” she should just take my directives.

  “Erin, listen. He looked really down during our flight. You know how guys get, with their shoulders drooping…sighing every so often for no reason,” I embellish. David spent the entire flight reviewing a PowerPoint presentation and napping four seats away from me, which proves that he isn’t at all hung up about his ex and therefore that now is the perfect time to make my move…before some other skanky, leggy somebody swoops in and snatches him away.

  I put on a tiny black thong with a pale satin pink ribbon in front—just in case David wants me to keep the stockings on—then slip my feet into classy fuck-me heels. The pink is vivid against the black, so I think it looks chic rather than odd. Or maybe I should’ve gotten the one with a black ribbon just because… Well. David’s very partial to black, even though pink is my favorite.

  “Really?” Erin says.

  “Yes, really. You’re new, so you probably don’t know, but it’s pretty unusual for him to be like that. He’s always so…upbeat. You know what I mean?”

  While Erin mumbles about being unsure, I adjust my boobs and study them critically in the mirror. God, they’re so small. It’s all the running, but I need an outlet for my daily stress. Hopefully the bra’s padding will help…but if not… Well. Maybe I’ll find a way to naturally grow my breasts. I’m not too keen on surgical methods because I heard they can deaden the sensation in your nipples, and seriously, what’s the point then?

  My legs are toned from running, though. And my ass isn’t too terrible either. Ideally David will be a gam lover. It’s hard to tell because all his exes had huge frontal melons in addition to long, shapely limbs.

  Inhaling deeply, I rearrange my unbound hair. It’s extra smooth and straight, like a black waterfall around my face. My eyes look smoky and my cheeks sculpted, thanks to the in-person makeup lessons with my bestie Michelle, who is an expert with stuff like this. The bright red lipstick is totally inspired. Michelle says it’s the best shade for seduction, since according to some recent surveys, men find red lips more attractive than non-red ones.

  Finally happy with how I look, I pull out a large glossy black box with gold lettering that says “Sensual Surprise.” It’s a collection of sex toys. I figured David and I need something that’s uniquely our own, so why not start with virgin toys? I lift the lid and check the items inside. I couldn’t choose what I wanted—the whole point of a box set is to be adventurous and try something you might not otherwise. I’m not sure about the nipple clamps or paddle, but I can be flexible in the name of love. I close it and turn my attention back to Erin, since without her help, I’m not going anywhere.

  “It’s just a room number,�
� I cajole her. “What do you think I’m going to do with it anyway, except to stop by and make sure he’s all right?” And break in the toys.

  “Yeah… But maybe you should call him first?”

  “He’s not answering.” I don’t tell her the marketing team in San Mateo took him out to dinner because their meeting was running late, and he never checks his phone during meetings. She’s still new. Plenty of time to learn stuff like that on her own. “It’s not a state secret. Even if it were, I already have the top security clearance. I’ve been working at Sweet Darlings Inc. for over six months, remember? I interned there for two summers, too.”

  She exhales audibly, and I know she’s about to crack. “Okay…”

  I fist-pump when she gives me the precious four-digit number.

  David Daaaaarling. Here I come!

  Chapter Two

  Collecting a room key from the front desk is much easier than getting the room number from Erin. I purposely seek out a young male clerk, then coyly tell him I’m David’s girlfriend. “Trying to surprise him,” I say with a wink. I know enough details that the front desk guy buys it. Flashing him a bit of my bustier under the long black leather coat doesn’t hurt either. The man can see that sexy underwear is all I have on underneath.

  David hasn’t come back from dinner yet, but that doesn’t surprise me. Those types of things can go a bit late, although I’m certain this one’ll end before ten. The West Coast marketing team lead always goes to bed by eleven thirty sharp, according to my sources in the San Mateo office.

  It’s good to be friendly with the locals.

  David’s suite is amazing. I let the door close behind me with a soft click and look around. The whole place has hardwood flooring, with a thick rug in front of a fireplace. The living room has two vases with fresh flowers and a seasonal fruit basket. A stiff white card next to it reads, “With our compliments.” Perfect. We can feed each other orange slices afterward. I’m sure we’ll be parched and tired. The night is long, and we’ll need to keep our strength up.

  I eye the white baby grand. I don’t play. Does David? He never mentioned it on social media, so maybe not. Doesn’t mean we can’t use the instrument, though. Do unspeakable things on it. I’m sure we’ll be hotter than Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. Should I pose on top and wait for him to come in? With my black outfit, I’d look amazing on the shiny black expanse. Sammi on the Steinway.

  On the other hand, maybe we should save that for later. Like when we’re tired of doing it in bed.

  I take off my coat, drape it over a high-backed chair in front of a desk, and make my way toward the bedroom. Housekeeping has thoughtfully done the turndown service and left a small golden box of chocolates. I give it a small shake. Probably four pieces inside. Great. They should go well with the post-coital orange slices.

  I smile as I place the box of sex toys on the nightstand and climb on top of the bed. After a brief internal debate, I decide to leave the room’s lights on. Men are visual creatures. And I’m definitely keeping these shoes on—classy fuck-me heels are a huge aphrodisiac. But maybe posing spread out on my back isn’t the best. After all, my breasts aren’t the most bountiful of my assets. I purse my lips. On the other hand, I don’t want to be waiting around on my hands and knees with my spine arched and ass in the air until he shows. That look is sort of stupid without a guy around to appreciate it. Isn’t the most comfortable, either.

  Finally, I settle for lying on my stomach, knees bent and heels waving slowly in the air. I can pretend to be examining the box of toys, while facing the windows, my body angled so that my legs and ass are the first thing he’ll see coming through the door. What guy wouldn’t be interested?

  I smother a triumphant laugh. This is how I feel when I hit compile on fully debugged code… No. Not quite. This particular euphoria is way better. It’s…sublime. Anticipatory. As I run a finger along the never-been-used vibrator, my clit throbs as though it’s David’s very own finger down there running along my…

  God. I clench my thighs. I hope the dinner ends soon, because I don’t want to use the toys without him, but thinking about what he’s going to do to me is—

  A low, appreciative whistle comes from the doorway.


  I paste on a coy, seductive smile, one I’ve been practicing for days. A masculine “Hello, beautiful” follows the whist—

  What the hell?

  Everything inside me freezes. The voice isn’t David’s—it’s deeper and slightly more gravelly.

  Shit! I scramble to get up, jumping off the bed. My stupid heels slip on the wooden floor, and I land on my ass with a thud. Ow, ow, ow! I stay unmoving for a few seconds, momentarily stunned.

  But my butt pain is nothing compared to the shock of seeing a total stranger watching me with a small smile tugging at his mouth.

  I blink up at him, my bare ass still on the floor. He doesn’t vanish.

  Could this get any worse?

  Yes, my mind whispers. The guy could be an erectile dysfunction lecher testing out his first Viagra prescription.

  Whatever. He isn’t David…even though he’s tall and has dark brown hair and gray eyes like the love of my life.

  The stranger is in a navy suit. He takes off his jacket and tosses it on the bench by the foot of the bed. The pristine white dress shirt looks freshly starched, and he pulls at his burgundy tie, undoing the knot. His clothes are expensively tailored to show off the lines of his wide shoulders and narrow hips. His torso is much thicker and more muscular than David’s. The stranger’s thighs are exceptionally developed as well, much to my chagrin, because it would really be better if he had bird legs. Men with scrawny legs can be easily dismissed. What kind of person exercises only half their body anyway?

  And his hands… They’re huge, but don’t look like bear paws. The fingers are long and strong, like a pianist’s. They look capable—exactly the kind of hands I find ideal. And watching them move is mesmerizing…

  He undoes his tie and tosses it down on the jacket, the burgundy startling against the cream-colored cushion and the navy of his clothes. The sight jolts me, and I suddenly realize I shouldn’t be admiring his hands. I’m alone in a hotel room with a strange man.

  Wearing lingerie.

  I push myself to my feet. There’s something undignified about sitting on my ass while he’s standing over me and casually getting undressed. Not that standing makes things any better. It only serves to highlight how small I am compared to him. Except being able to tower over him probably wouldn’t make a particle of difference; humiliation is blazing through my body, heating every cell. Sweat mists over my skin, but it isn’t enough to cool me. As a matter of fact, I’m so hot, I feel like I’m about to explode into a fireball.

  “Who are you?” I squeak out. I haven’t seen him in the San Mateo office or at any of the meetings or dinners…

  “Luke. You?”

  “Where’s David? What have you done with him?”

  “Nothing. He probably went to my room.”

  “Why the hell would he do that?”

  “He didn’t like this one.”

  “He should’ve asked the front desk to switch him.” So Erin could’ve given me the right room. Or at least the front desk could’ve guided me to the right place.

  Luke gives me a small smirk. “He didn’t want to.”

  He’s still getting undressed. He undoes his top two shirt buttons, revealing a strong, corded neck. The sight is distracting, which makes him extra irritating. And I’m further humiliated that I’m even noticing anything attractive about him. I’m not here for him. I’m here for David.

  “But does it matter? I’m happy to pay instead.”

  His words register. Pay? I blink at him, then my brain gets caught up. I inhale sharply. “You wish!”

  “Apparently, so do you.” He cocks an eyebrow, his gaze flicking to the open box of toys.

  Oh my God, just kill me now. My face heats so much, so fast, I feel like the top of
my head is about to fly off. I’d give up feeling anything in my nipples if a UFO would just beam me up right now. An alien anal probe would be less mortifying than this. I slap the lid down on the box. “They aren’t for you!” I meant to say that with righteous anger, but it comes out huffy and embarrassed instead.

  “But they could be. I can up the rate…”

  I pray for patience and sanity. If this man continues, I’m going to murder him and not bother to dispose of the body. There are lawyers I can call. “You think I’m going to sleep with you?”

  “Kind of looks like it, yeah.” He slowly eye-fucks me from head to toe and back. The dark intensity of his gaze makes me squirm, because it’s exactly the look I wanted from David tonight. If I have to be honest—which I really, seriously, legit don’t want to be—I’m even a little wet. Argh. What’s wrong with me?

  Then I remember. I was fantasizing about David earlier. Must be the residue from that…not this guy who’s trying to buy me.

  “You wish!” I say again, since I can’t think of any other snappy comeback. I’m usually sharper, but this…stranger is throwing me off.

  I snatch the box from the bed. I need to get out of here, but the only way I can leave is the door, which he’s blocking, and…

  I wet my dry lips. The door’s something I have to get past. And I’m not going to slink away like I’ve done something wrong. I’ll be damned if I’ll let him know how embarrassed I am.

  I tilt my chin up and start marching. When he doesn’t move out of the way, I give him a pointed look. He stares back at me, and I stiffen my back, refusing to retreat. It takes all my willpower, because I’d rather jump out the window and hope for the best, never mind that we’re on the fifteenth floor.

  With an amused smile, he finally takes a small step to the side, but not enough that I can maneuver around him without us touching.


  My arm brushes his. I can feel his body heat through his shirt and get a faint whiff of some aftershave…and a tiny bit of spark where our bodies connect. All the moisture evaporates from my mouth as my skin tingles.


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