The Tiger's Heart

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The Tiger's Heart Page 10

by Marissa Dobson

  “Regrettably I believe he places the blame on you, which is why he targeted your family.” Raja leaned against the wall, his hands in his pockets.

  “He’ll come after Bethany again.” James said as more of a statement than a question.

  Raja nodded. “I won’t let harm come to Bethany. That’s why we insisted on the meeting before reuniting you with Bethany.”

  “You thought…I had something to do with all this? With Pierce?”

  “It was a possibility we couldn’t rule out.”

  “And now?” James asked, fiddling with the picture that still lay on the table.


  “His wants matches ours. He wants Bethany safe and Pierce taken care of.” Shadow took one last look at James as she turned around to face Raja. “His words are true. I can feel his agony for the loss of his family and the concern for Bethany.”

  “What’s the meaning of all this?”

  “Shadow here is very valuable. We’re lucky to have her as a part of our clan. She can get into your psyche, she knows if someone is lying. I asked her to attend this meeting to give us a read on you. I wouldn’t risk the clan or reunite Bethany with someone that will only bring her heartbreak and pain in the end.” Raja pushed off the wall. “Shadow, give us ten minutes and then escort James. We’ll be waiting.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “James cleared the security meeting. Shadow will be escorting him shortly, but I wanted to debrief you on the meeting first. There are a few things I believe you should be aware of and if after you know them, you wish not to see him that’s your decision.” Raja sat on the couch next to his lounging mate, her hand in his, and went over what happened at the meeting.

  “Uncle James is cleared? You don’t suspect he had anything to do with what’s happened?”

  “If I doubted him for a second, he wouldn’t be on his way to our quarters.” Raja nodded. “He’d be out on his ass instead. Family or not.”

  “He’s all I have left.”

  “You’re wrong there, love.” He lifted her hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. “You have me and the Alaskan clan, not to mention my big-mouth sister.”

  “I like Tora.” She squeezed his hand.

  “Good because she is already nagging to find out when you will officially be her sister-in-law and telling me Scarlet wants cousins.”

  They were laughing when Shadow open the door. “May we enter?”

  Raja nodded before kissing Bethany’s hand again. “I’ll leave you two to get reacquainted. I’ll be in my office if you need me.” He rose from the couch, already missing her touch. “Shadow, if you could stand guard at the door.” His office was just off the living room, giving the impression of privacy while still allowing him to be close enough to her if he was needed. He couldn’t afford to lose her. His heart and soul were on the line.

  * * *

  “Oh Bethy.” He took a seat in the chair across from her. “Your knee.”

  “Uncle James, I’m fine. It’s been much too long since anyone’s called me Bethy.”

  “Your father started that when you were just a child. Oh how he adored you. You were the apple of his eye. My sympathies on your loss.”

  “They will be missed.” Her eyes moistened at the thought of her parents and sister. He looks so much like Dad. A little greyer around the temples, but other than that I’d swear he was Dad.

  “What’s going on with you and that man?”

  “Raja? He saved me…”

  “Don’t give me that, Bethy. I’m not blind. I can see there’s more than just that between you. I can smell him on you. You’re sitting in his living room looking as if you belong here.”

  “Maybe I do…Uncle James, I never believed you could fall in love with someone in such a short time, but I love him.” She played with a strand of hair that fell out of her ponytail. Wrapping it around her fingers, looking at the ends. It was something she did when she was nervous.

  “I was afraid you would say that.”

  “Uncle James. I don’t need a lecture right now. If you don’t support it, that’s your right but please, I don’t need this now.”

  “It’s not that I don’t support you. I just hoped you would settle down with a human. Shifters can be dangerous. Did he at least explain things to you?” He propped his ankle on his knee and leaned back in the chair. His well-worn cowboy boots caught her eye. Dad always loved cowboy boots. His were normally black and cared for, but had an office job. He didn’t have to do the hard work Uncle James did.

  “You mean mating?” When he nodded, she continued. “Yes, he has told me everything. It hasn’t changed my mind. I love him and want to be with him. If he asked me to marry him—if shifters even do that—tomorrow, I’d say yes in a heartbeat. I don’t care that he’s a shifter.”

  “As long as you know what’s in store for you. You realize your children could be shifters as well?”

  She nodded. “Why haven’t I seen you since I was a child?” she asked before she could talk herself out of it.

  “Did Raja brief you after the meeting?” She nodded. “Then you know of my son J.J. After that, I withdrew, keeping mostly to myself, only venturing into town once a month for food and supplies. Your father and I exchange letters a few times a year, but I never came to visit. Seeing him happy with his family when mine was taken from me was too hard.”

  “Through the years I asked about you. I missed you coming to visit, the way you would toss me into the air. Dad would tell me stories about you. He even told me about shifters, but then I thought he was making it up. Fantasy stories to put me to sleep. Now I realize he wasn’t.”

  “Bethy, I missed you more than anyone else. You were like the daughter I never had. I hope you won’t push me away now that you found someone to love.”

  “I won’t.” She yawned, her eyes getting heavy and her voice full of sleep. “Sorry, it’s been a long few days.”

  “Would anyone like anything to drink? I was going to put another pot of coffee on.” Raja stepped out of the office.

  “Is that all you drink?” She laughed.

  “It’s the only thing worth drinking.” He shrugged.

  “Thank you, but I believe Bethy is tired. I should let her rest.”

  “Want me to help you into bed?” Raja asked.

  She nodded, thankful for the help. She was exhausted and wasn’t sure she could make it to the bedroom with those damn crutches.

  “I’ll get her settled. Why don’t you stay and have a cup of coffee with me?” Raja asked James as he scooped her into his arms.

  “Uncle James, please don’t leave while I’m asleep.” She rested her head on Raja’s chest, her eyes at half-mast.

  “I’ll stay as long as you want me to and your friends allow.”

  “Thank you.”

  Raja carried her from the room as she fought sleep. He kicked the door shut after they entered the bedroom. Then he laid her on the bed.

  “Here you go, love. I’m going to talk to James for a bit then I’ll check on you. If you need anything just holler.”

  “You won’t make him leave while I’m sleeping, will you?” she asked her arms still around his neck as he lowered her to the bed.

  “No. He’s welcome to stay. We’ll put him up in one of the guest cabins. Now rest.” He kissed her before covering her with the blanket.

  * * *

  Two strong black coffees set on the table in front of them, and silence weighed heavy in the air while the two men stared at each other.

  “You mated my niece.” James finally broke the silence.

  “So I did.”

  “I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “Neither do I. I love her.”

  “But you’re the Lieutenant of the Alaskan Tigers. Danger follows you.”

  “I am, but she’ll be protected. I’m assigning guards to her. Danger follows every shifter. If anything, she’ll be more protected as my mate than some shifters. Any threat
against her could be seen as a threat against me, and you know what happens then.”

  “You would kill someone…” James’s hands were around the coffee mug as it set on the table.

  “It’s the life of being a shifter. If it came down to it, yes I would. I’m secure in my position and will protect it and my mate to the death.”

  “I’m not sure if that makes me more worried or comforted.” He raised the mug to his lips and took a drink.

  “You should be reassured by the fact your niece will be safe. That I will protect her at all costs. Could she get that with a human? I think not. A human wouldn’t be able to stand against Pierce and his men. A human wouldn’t be able to keep her safe.”

  “As a shifter you should be able to feel the love and bond between us. Besides, you heard it from her lips that she loves me.” When James’s mouth opened slightly as if surprised, Raja added, “Yes, I heard that. Did you really think I was far enough away not to allow my extra sensitive ears to hear? The place isn’t big enough to give you that kind of privacy. In addition, you might be family but I don’t know you enough to trust you mean no threat to me, to her or to the clan. I won’t allow you to ruin her happiness. Furthermore, keep in mind I won’t stand by idly and let you hurt my mate. And you would hurt her by coming between us.”

  “I have no desire to cause her any heartache. If she loves you, then I want her happy. But if she’s hurt because of you, I won’t stand by idly either.” James took the last sip of his coffee before setting the mug down.

  “Good. Now that we have come to an understanding, we have a guest cabin that you’re more than welcome to stay in. Bethany would like you to, unless you have some other engagement that you need to return to.”

  “No, I told her I would stay. Thank you. I left a small suitcase in the helicopter.”

  “I’ll have Shadow show you to the cabin. You can stop by and pick up your suitcase on the way. If you would join us for a family dinner this evening, I’m sure Bethany would like that. It’s at my sister Tora’s house, but she won’t mind an extra person and it will give you more time with Bethany.”

  “If you’re sure Tora won’t mind.”

  “It’ll be fine. Come back here at say…eight o’clock, and we’ll go together.” Raja hit the ear bud communication. “Shadow.”

  Moments later Shadow stood in the kitchen doorway. “Please show James to one of the guest cabins. He’ll be staying with us. Then if you would return.”

  She nodded. “If you’d follow me, James, we can get you settled.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Shadow let herself in and stood patiently by the door waiting for Raja’s attention.

  “Shadow, please have a seat.” Raja ran his hand through his hair, his body tight with tension. The lack of sleep was taking its toll on his body. “Have you had time to think over my offer?”

  “To be the Captain of Bethany’s guards? Yes, I have.” She came around to sit in the black leather chair closest to the door. Her white sweater made her look small against the stark black of the leather.

  “And?” There was a pregnant silence and for that brief moment, he wondered who he would choose to guard his mate if Shadow declined the position.

  “I’ll do it with two conditions. One, that I still have an option for fieldwork from time to time. I like being on active duty but this is an opportunity I can’t pass over. I realize it’s a promotion, one that might not come around again, and I like Bethany. I want to keep her safe. The second condition is I want a say in the other guards. I won’t trust her safety to just anyone.” She crossed her legs and sat back in the chair, making herself comfortable.

  “Very well. We can arrange for you to have fieldwork as long as there is someone I trust to keep Bethany safe. As for guards, do you have anyone in mind that you would like to work with?”

  “Styx for one. Also Drew and Jayden.”

  “I understand Styx is a great warrior. But Drew and Jayden, what makes them stick out from the other guards?

  “I’ve completed numerous missions with Drew and Jayden. They’re good soldiers, they take orders well and have great instincts.” She leaned forward in the chair placing her elbows on her knees.

  “Very well. I was also thinking Milo. He’s a very experienced warrior, but since the injury he has requested time out of the field. It will offer him a new position and responsibilities, while still giving him the time he needs to recover.”

  Raja ran his thumb down the fold of the couch arm as he remembered how Milo’s injury occurred.

  “I’m aware of his injury, but not of how it came about. Was it in the line of duty?” Shadow asked, leaning forward in the chair with interest.

  Raja nodded, taking a deep breath before answering. “There was a rouge shifter, I took Milo and Adam with me. It was supposed to be an easy assignment. While Milo was getting the human woman out safely, the rogue attacked from behind. The woman wasn’t injured, but in the fight the rogue cut through the nerves of Milo’s arm. It helped that he was able to shift after the incident, but still his recovery will take time.” He put his hand over his eyes, using his middle finger and thumb to rub his temples.

  “If you believe he’s up for the job, then so be it. I have only heard good things about him and his skills.” Shadow leaned back in the chair again.

  “Then we have the team together. Brief them. If you wish to have a training session to make sure they’ll work well together, go for it. Bethany and I will be at Tora’s for dinner tonight. I don’t believe she’ll need guards there, but I’d like someone on call at all times.”

  “Understood. I appreciate the chance to lead, Raja.” She rose from the chair to leave.

  “You deserve it.”

  * * *

  He held Bethany close as they snuggled in bed together. Breathing in the fresh coconut scent of her shampoo, he enjoyed the way her body felt against his. This is what I’ve been missing all these years. How is it possible to fall head over paws in love with someone in such a short time? I hope that I don’t make a blunder out of the situation.

  “You’re thinking too hard again. Your forehead crease is back.” Bethany lay in his arms, watching him closely.

  “I’m just thinking about how much I love you.” He kissed her, drawing her lower lip between his teeth and giving it a little nip. “Shall I show you again how much I love you?”

  “I can’t handle any more of your loving right now. As it is, I won’t be able to walk straight,” she teased.

  “Later then.” He kissed her again. I can never get enough of her sweet kisses. “We should get ready. We’re supposed to be at Tora’s in an hour.”

  “I need a shower.”

  “Bath…Doc’s orders. Unless you want me to shower with you. You have to keep your weight off your knee for a bit longer.”

  “A bath it is then, because if you shower with me we’ll be late.”

  He kissed her check. “I’ll run the water, then I need more coffee. Want some?” Not waiting for her reply, he strolled toward the bathroom to turn on the water, knowing he would be able to still hear her.

  “No thanks. My nerves are jumpy enough without adding caffeine into the mix. Do you drink anything besides coffee?”

  “It’s the liquid of the gods. A gift from Heaven. To drink anything else is a sin,” he said seriously. When she rolled her eyes at him, he laughed. “Need help into the tub? You’ll need to keep your leg out of the water. I put some towels on the edge that you can rest it on.”

  “I’m fine. Go drink your gift from the gods.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  An hour later James, Bethany and Raja stood in Tara’s country cabin living room. The oversized stone fireplace dominated the wall, with a large screen television mounted above. The hardwood floors gleamed as if they were in a showroom, while the rest of the house looked lived in. Scarlet’s toys cluttered the floor, with a rocking pony sitting next to the fireplace. A large, worn throw rug lay in front of the h
earth, making the area inviting.

  “Please make yourself at home,” Tora told James as she leaned in to hug Bethany. Then she laid a kiss on her brother’s cheek. “You’re just in time to read Scarlet a bedtime story. I fed her early so we could have an adult dinner tonight. Bethany, why don’t you join me in the kitchen? James, you’re more than welcome to join us or Marcus on the deck. He’s grilling the steaks.”

  What does she have up her sleeve? Raja eyed his sister with uncertainty. “Come on, James, I’ll introduce you to my brother-in-law Marcus.”

  * * *

  Bethany sat at the kitchen table, her leg stretched out to the chair across from her. She was surprised that the kitchen was very modern compared to the living room. The red walls made the cherry wood cabinets and the black granite with silver swirls pop.

  “Can I help you with dinner?”

  “No. It’s fine. I have the mixed greens salad chilling in the refrigerator. Marcus is handling the steak and baked potatoes, and mixed vegetables are also on the grill. I wanted a moment alone with you.” Tora took a seat at the end of the table next to her.

  “You did?” What could she want? Maybe she doesn’t approve of her brother with a human, instead of a shifter.

  “Raja means a lot to me. He’s been all I have had for years. When our parents were killed, he raised me, protected me. Even now that I’m mated to Marcus, we’re still very close. I want him happy…you seem to make him happy.” She fiddled with the silverware as if nervous.

  “Your brother means a lot to me.”

  “I don’t wish to be forward, but I must ask. What are your plans? I guess the main question I want answered is once Pierce is caught, will you leave my brother behind as if he means nothing?”

  Bethany realized why Tora seemed nervous. She was worried what Bethany’s answer was going to be.

  “I love Raja. I don’t wish to leave him. He has been my rock through all of this. I don’t know how I could have done it without him. As long as he’ll have me, I’ll stay by his side.”

  “Raja can be a hard man to live with. He cares deeply for people around him and does his best to protect everyone. He’s astounding at his job of Lieutenant, but it can make it hard on his family. You would be in danger because of his position.”


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