When Worlds Collide

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When Worlds Collide Page 20

by Charles Blair

  He guided me through the pitch black, and helped me ignore the whispers. With zero concept of where I was, the drifter stopped walking. In his soft voice, the drifter said, "This is the end of the line. Walk through this door, find the light, and decide what you need to do."

  Before I walked through the door, I turned around to thank the drifter, but he was already gone. And I never once heard from him again. Twisting the door knob, I hadn't a clue what I was walking into. Entering the portal to the unknown, the door slammed behind me, on its own. Remembering what the drifter said to me, find the light, I searched the empty room. Walking with my arms and hands out, not to bump into anything, I stopped dead on my tracks when I hit a wall. Doing what felt right, I used my hands and swiped away at the wall. And when I did, layers upon layers of dust flew aside. I vigorously continued, until I saw light. Under-appreciating light throughout my life, I couldn't have been happier when I discovered a peep-hole that was hiding under inches of dust. When I placed my eye against the wall, I had a God's-eye-view of the astral plane. For the first time, my perspective of life drastically changed. I saw the beautiful aspects of life that eluded my vision. With one glance from the darkness, I understood that I created my own false realities. Most of all, I could see the truth.

  Please try envisioning that you're standing on the tallest skyscraper ever built. The height of this building is taller than anything imaginable. Reaching heavenly heights, you look down at the world below. Because you're already dead, your eye sight isn't what it was during your living years. Its better, times a million. You glance down, and you can see whom ever you wish. You can see what happened in their past, and you can see what's occurring in their here-and-now, in-addition, their future. Furthermore, believe it or not, you have the ability to read their minds. And probably the most fascinating part of this, for me at least, you can only see the truth. Denials, lies, fantasies, and illusions don't exist from the vantage point of the darkness. With-that-said, you should have an idea what my eye saw through the peep hole.

  Looking through the peep hole, my vision directly traveled toward my sister, Elizabeth. Observing Elizabeth living in my body made me sick to my stomach. Before Elizabeth was murdered, she was always the popular one. She received all the attention, had many friends, and minus my father's cheating ways; her life was good. Elizabeth loved to live, and appreciated life. However, when I looked at her from the darkness, I thought I was observing myself, because Elizabeth's new way of life, in my body, mirrored Shawn Walters. Elizabeth was struggling immensely as Shawn Walters. She couldn't adapt to her new life. Elizabeth wanted a second chance more than anything, but she never thought for a second that life as Shawn Walters would be so difficult. Elizabeth was finally getting a taste of what it was like to be me. At first I smirked, and thought, let that murderous bitch get what she deserves. If I followed through with my thought, I'd be no better than anyone else. Instead of being a glutton for revenge, although Elizabeth killed me, I didn't condemn her, or imprison her; I reached out my hand to help her.

  Although I wanted to help Elizabeth, I didn't know how. So, I needed someone among the living to assist me. When I gave a description of what it was like looking from the darkness, I left out an important detail. In the world of the living, there are those with special gifts, spiritual gifts. As for those who are living, it's difficult identifying these individuals, unless they want to be known. And for the majority of them, they don't. Please, remember this when you pay a psychic fifty dollars for a reading. Anyhow, from the darkness, you can clearly see who does or doesn't have a gift. Put it this way, those who do, are marked. I'm not disclosing how to find the mark, but trust me; it's there. Within the proximity of Elizabeth, I saw one of the marked, who could help her, not to mention, help me. His name, of course, is Patrick Lucid.


  Besides Patrick being marked, I liked what I saw. With Patrick was his beloved girlfriend, Joy. Joy was a bit weak, but I loved her to death. Communicating from the darkness was a bitch, but I was successful. I understood that Patrick would analyze everything, starting from day one of the haunting, at two-thirty in the morning. Two-thirty, the time I received my second chance, was spelled out in front of Patrick the entire time. I'm not sure if I could have made it any clearer, especially, when I made him search the house for a crying baby. And good gosh, I even made him step on a shitty diaper. How loud can one scream, I'm your unborn child! Speaking with Joy was even more difficult, because she allowed fear to get the best of her. But someday she'll look back, and the writing on the wall will make sense. When Joy fully comprehends that the younger-year pictures of her, I lied out on the bed on the night of their vacation, the hallucination of no teeth, and the crying baby at Cortoni's, weren't random acts, she will understand that you can love someone before you ever meet them. Heck, I even told her that I loved her, when I wrote the date of my birthday on the mirror. Yeah, I wanted a second chance, and I got one. In contrast, my old body continued to walk on this planet, with Elizabeth's emotionally distraught energy inside. I figured, let bygones be bygones, and give Elizabeth an opportunity for a new beginning.


  Elizabeth's quest for a new beginning started on the day of her suicide attempt. Watching over her, Elizabeth's desire to die was disgusting. Ironically, perceiving it from the other side was therapeutic. Not allowing her to die, and kill off my body for a second time, I interrupted Elizabeth's suicide attempt. I forced her to see the truth. And the truth was her reflection, which was a bloody reminder of who she used to be. My attempt worked with precision, prompting the medical professionals to admit her to Mountain Springs. Viewing the world from my dark peep-hole, I saw every possible ripple; at least I thought I did, including the deaths of Doctor Sholvin and Doctor Clarkston. Truth be told, I was fine with those murders, because Elizabeth killed them with good intentions. Plain and simple, every detail of this story was orchestrated by me, including pulling Patrick into the astral plane on the day of Elizabeth's apparition. Throughout the story, and present day, Elizabeth wonders if it was me who was responsible for her second chance. I believe I've done enough for her. Therefore, Elizabeth can figure that out by herself. And to make things clear, if it wasn't for me, Elizabeth would have destroyed my body, again. You see, without my help, bringing Patrick into the picture; Elizabeth would have killed my body at the age of twenty-two years old. At the age of twenty two, Shawn Walters, would have died from a heroine overdose. However, the future was rewritten, by yours truly, Shawn Walters. Shawn Walters, as the world knows, can now, reach up and touch the sky, because the future is whatever she desires.


  I'm not sure who to credit with this quote, but I love the message. In the end, everything will be alright. If everything isn't alright, then it's not the end. Ladies and gentleman, this isn't the end of our journey together, because everything isn't alright. Although on the surface, everything is as smooth as a baby's ass, many ripples were missed.

  As Elizabeth said, the battle isn't over.

  As you know, I used to be Shawn Walters. And at one point, I couldn't tell you my name, age, or even the gender of my body. My reason was valid, because I wasn't born yet. However, since then, I left the darkness on the night Patrick figured out who I was. My new beginning began on December 3rd, 2012, at 2:30 a.m…

  Without further ado, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Levi-Patrick Lucid, and I am a product of what it’s like when worlds collide.




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