Salvaged (Embracing #2)

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Salvaged (Embracing #2) Page 14

by Delisa Lynn

“I’m so sorry, doll. I didn’t know. How old were you?”

  “It’s okay. I never bring them up, so how would you know, babe? Well, I was ten and my sister was twelve. We were both at school and came home to a burned down house. It was December the third, my tenth birthday, actually. The fireman said it was a faulty furnace. My mom was a stay-at-home mom and my dad was an accountant. He had just come home for lunch.

  “We went to live with our grandparents and then they died, too. So we were in foster care for about three years. It was awful, the worst years of my life. We will talk about that another day, my friend,” she says, smiling at Maddison and Addison. “I see some girls that want me to swim with them.”

  She runs off the deck and onto the beach, my girls following close behind. A tear falls down my cheek.

  I watch Kade and Megan play with the girls. I know they could be happy together, that they’d both make great parents. Who wouldn’t love Megan? She is an awesome person. I feel bad for bringing up her past, but I will find out why she thinks she isn’t good enough to be loved. I will make sure that Kade is the one to show her she is worth it.

  Her past brings back memories of my father’s death. I will never forget that day. I always thought my dad would end up dead from being in a shoot-out or some crazy criminal he had a past with, but he had health issues that I wasn’t aware of.



  Lila’s due date is tomorrow and she isn’t feeling too well today. Evan and Tatum are in California waiting for her to go into labor so we can have this test performed. They arrived last week. We haven’t seen them, but we have both spoken to Evan. The sad thing is, although he fucked my wife knowing she was married, he is a likeable person. He is well-mannered and seems to be a family man. Ashton ran into him the other night at a restaurant.

  Ashton said he was nice to Evan and pretended like he didn’t know anything. I’m glad he did. Nikki and Brody are here as well. They are staying with us. Kade has been staying at Meg’s house on and off. They haven’t said if they are an item or not. I think what they have is more of a friendship.

  “Liam! Liam, where are you?” Li screams.

  “I’m right here, baby” I run into the bathroom. I can tell she is uncomfortable right away. “What’s wrong? Oh hell, did your water break?”

  “Yes, and I need to put on makeup and make sure my legs are shaved. I’m not going to the hospital looking like a gorilla,” she says, turning the shower on.

  “Love, your legs aren’t hairy and neither is anything else. You look beautiful, no makeup needed.”

  “Just get my bag and call our moms. Where are Nikki and Meg?”

  “I’m not sure. No one is here but the girls and us. My mom will get them and I’ll send a text to everyone letting them know to meet us at the hospital.”

  “Okay, I’m going to shave and then I’ll be ready.” What the hell? Her water broke and she is worried about having hairy legs? “I don’t want the doctor thinking I don’t shave. Now go!”

  I call my mom and send out a group text. I load her bag and the baby’s bag in the truck and get the car seat. My mom is on her way, so I call Rosa. She is closer and can sit with the girls ’til mom gets here. I go back to the bedroom and find Lila with a Hello Kitty Band-Aid on her left knee. She’s wearing a yellow sundress trimmed in white and a pair of white flip-flops. Her blonde curls cascade over her shoulders.

  “I cut my fucking knee. I knew I should have went and got waxed last week. Dr. Brewster will think I’m a fucking hairy monster. Did you get everything? I need the baby book and I want that picture of Addison, Nikki, and me. It’s in a yellow frame in the nursery. Grab it, please.”

  “Get in the truck and I’ll get the book and the picture. Everything else is in there.”

  “The truck? How am I supposed to climb up there? Just hurry so you can help me in. By the time I waddle out there, you’ll be ready.”

  She grabs a bottle of water and her purse. I run and grab the picture for her. When I make it back outside, she’s not even near the truck yet, just like she said.

  “Okay, love. I’ll help you up. Ready?”

  I pick her up, bride style, sit her in the truck, and put her seat belt on. She looks at me with that beautiful smile of hers and kisses me before I turn to walk to the other side of the truck.

  Lila picks up her phone and quickly dials a number.

  “Nikki? Hey, we are on the way to the hospital. Find Meg. I need you both there. I don’t know. I never thought about that.”

  She turns to me. “Liam, should we call Evan and Tatum?”

  What the fuck? I don’t want them there, but I guess it would be for the best. The sooner we get this done, the quicker I can get him out of my life.

  I grab her hand, squeeze it and say, “Yes, go ahead.”

  I’ll be damned if he will ruin this birth for us. I don’t give a fuck whose blood is running through my son’s veins. He is mine and he will always be mine.

  “Oh my God, fuck, damn it! The contractions have started. Get me to the hospital, please.”

  “I’m going, baby. Ashton and Kade were at the office and they are on their way. So is Meg. Your mom isn’t answering, though. I’ll try and call her later. Damn, I forgot about Eric. He is probably there, though. Isn’t he doing his residency?”

  “Yes, he and Kaylin are both there. I’m sure we can find them when we get there.”

  I drive as fast as I can to the hospital. Once inside, I tell them her water broke and she’s having contractions. They wheel her off into a room and I unload the truck. I send a text to Eric to see if he is here, in the hospital. I go into the room they wheeled her in and see they already have Li in a gown and hooked up to the machines.

  “Hey, baby. The nurse said I’ll probably have Greyson within the next couple hours. I’m already dilated eight centimeters. Did you see Nik anywhere? She and Brody should be here by now.”

  “No, but I sent a text to Eric and told him we were here.”

  “Okay, good. I left my phone over there. Evan sent me a text and said they were on their way over. Liam, I’m sorry that we have to share this day with him. I promise you, I’ll never do anything like this again. I was dumb and wasn’t thinking.”

  “Stop! I know you won’t do it again. You were never his, Lila. You have always been mine. He may have kept you company and gave you what you needed, but you have been mine and will always be. Now, let’s get ready to have our son.”

  I kiss her. There is a knock at the door. I look behind me and see Evan and Tatum.


  “Sorry to interrupt y’all. We’ll just sit in the lobby. I just wanted to let you know we were here,” Evan says in his southern tone.

  “Evan, you and I need to talk, but not in here,” I growl.

  Lila gives me a wide-eyed look. She shakes her head.

  Tatum and Evan step into the room. “Okay, we can talk when and where ever you want. Tatum picked these up for you, Lila,” he says as he hands Li a bouquet of pink and purple daisies.

  “Thank you, Tatum,” Lila says. “They’re beautiful. It’s nice to meet you. I wish it was under better circumstances. And you men can talk after the baby is here. I don’t want any drama today. I fucked up and you both know it was wrong. You can’t blame Evan, Liam. I’m the one that pursued him,” Lila says, wiping tears from her face.

  “Baby, don’t cry,” I whisper in her ear. I feel like an ass, but I’m ready to rip his goddamn head off his shoulders.

  “You’re welcome. It’s nice to meet you too. I agree. There shouldn’t be any drama today. Liam, Evan knows you aren’t happy with him, and hell, I would punch him too if I were you. But not today. This is going to be a great day for all of us. Lila, is it okay if I hug you?” she asks.

  A smile spreads across Lila’s face and she nods. Tatum gives her a hug and kisses her cheek. “Everything will be okay, so don’t get upset about anything. Okay?”

  “Thank you. That’s a pretty dress. O
ne of my favorite colors is pink.”

  “Pink is one of my favorite colors too. Would you like some time to talk with Evan? Liam and I will grab some coffee, if that’s okay.”

  Lila looks at me. I shake my head and run my hands through my hair, then look at a very nervous Evan standing next to the door. I know he’s harmless, but I just can’t bring myself to trust a man who had sex with my wife, knowing she was married, even for a second. Hell, it’s as much Lila’s fault as his, just like she said.

  “Okay, we will be back. Tatum, shall we?” I ask as I motion towards the door.

  We walk out into the hallway and she smiles at me. She seems so nice.

  “I’m sorry,” Tatum says as soon as we’re far away from the door. “I just thought they should talk a little. I told him not to lose his temper. He isn’t a mean guy and doesn’t yell much. He knows she is hurting as much as he is, so I think it will be okay. Just so you know, if the baby is Evan’s, we would never take him from y’all. We know you and Lila are good people. Let’s just make the best of this until we see what the test says, okay?”

  She leans in and hugs me. This girl likes to hug.

  “Thank you. It was taking everything I had not to knock the shit out of him. I’ve been so pissed off at him and her lately. I know they had something special at one time, but why the hell would they sleep together after I was back and she was married to me? I just don’t get it.” I run my hands over my face. “You know that day you guys came to see Lila in the hospital? I knew, then, that they slept together. It was written all over his face. Then, when she woke up and I told her she was pregnant, that same look confirmed my suspicions.”

  “Liam, I know he will always love her and she him. They helped each other through a rough time. He was hurting and so was she. He was in love with me and she loved you, but you were gone and I was in a really bad relationship I couldn’t get out of.

  “I can’t say why they did it, but I know that the love they shared wasn’t just a college fling. She helped him and he helped her heal from losing you and then her best friend. He gave her what you couldn’t. I try to understand why they did this to you and the only thing I can think of is that that was her way of finally saying goodbye to him and their past together.”

  “I know he helped her a lot. I hate to admit it, but I’m glad she had him to help her through everything. But damn, that’s one hell of a goodbye gift,” I say with a sarcastic laugh.

  “Just try to go easy on her. She seems like she is hurting about it and knows she messed up. Life is too short. Love her with everything you have. I know she loves you just by the way she looks at you. I’ve seen pictures of y’all and your family is beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Tatum.”

  I walk in the cafeteria with her, wondering what my wife and Evan are talking about.



  Liam and Tatum walk out and leave Evan and me in the room, alone. He is standing by the door and hasn’t said anything to me yet. I can feel him staring at me. I don’t know what to say. Tatum is so sweet. No wonder her and Nikki have become friends. Who wouldn’t like a sweet, southern belle like her? Her baby bump is showing and she kind of looks like me.

  “Evan, you can come over here and sit next to me. I’m not going to bite you or anything,” I say, laughing.

  He smiles and walks over to the chair next to the bed, not taking his eyes off of me. He sits down and places a hand on mine.

  “Sweetheart, why didn’t you call me sooner? If he’s mine, I’ve missed out on your entire pregnancy. You know I would have been here for you and the baby. Tatum would have understood my commuting back and forth. She likes you, ya know. She and Nikki are good friends. Lila, can I touch your stomach? I mean, if that’s okay.”

  “She is super sweet. I think we will get along just fine. Of course you can touch it. I know he’s huge. The doctor said he already weighs close to ten pounds. He is going to be a big boy. The girls were so small when they were born. I never imagined having a child this big.

  “I’ll be honest with you, Evan. I didn’t call because I wasn’t sure what to do. When we slept together, you weren’t seeing Tatum, and then, when I woke up in the hospital, Liam told me the two of you were there. I didn’t want to mess up your life.”

  “My child would never mess up my life, darlin’.You should know that better than anyone. I would die for a child of mine, regardless of who the mother is. If this is my baby, you and Liam will have to get used to me being around. I will not walk away from him, ever. He will know me and Tatum and the rest of the family. He will come to Birmingham during the summer and spring breaks. I won’t take him from you, and I won’t allow you to take him from me.”

  “I was wrong. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I just couldn’t. I never meant to hurt you and keep you away from the baby, I promise you that. Will you please forgive me?”

  I start to cry. Tears well up in his eyes as well. Normally, I would feel some sort of attraction when I’m around him, but right now I don’t. I think the feelings I had for him have finally faded.

  “Don’t cry, darling. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just crushed. I feel like I’ve already missed out on so much. I missed all of your doctor appointments and the sonograms. But that all changes today, you understand me? Today will be the start of a new friendship between the four of us. If he is mine, of course. Will they do the test after you deliver?”

  “I’m just tired and feel so damn bad about everything that I kept from you. Yes, they will. The doctor said she would send someone in to swab you and Liam, then the baby. It normally takes weeks to receive the results, but we will get them today.”

  “Okay, good. I’m sorry for the way I acted on the phone. I was just shocked and surprised that you hadn’t told me sooner, but I’m here now. Thank you for calling me. I’m going to find Ta. Will you be okay?” he asks as he squeezes my hand. I still don’t have any emotional feelings toward him.

  “I’ll be fine. It means a lot, and I won’t keep anything from you again.”

  “Thank you,” he says as he leans over and kisses my cheek.

  I can feel my contractions again. Evan walks out of the room and I want to just break down and cry, but I don’t. I need to be strong for my little man. I don’t want to cause him any stress.


  I’m finally over Evan. Of course I may be having his baby, but I’m over him. As I lie here, staring at the picture of Addison with Nikki and me, I start to pray. I pray like I’ve never prayed before. If God answers any of my prayers, I would like for this one to be answered.

  Then I talk to Addison. She always seems to appear when I really need her to.

  “Ads, if you can hear me, please talk to God and let him know I’m sorry for everything I’ve done. We all make mistakes, but my family shouldn’t have to be punished because of my actions. I love my husband with every ounce of my being, and I would do anything in the world to make him happy. If you have any pull up there, please let Greyson be Liam’s. He can’t be Evan’s. I have hurt both men so much. I can’t hurt them like this anymore. It’s not fair to them. I promise I will never hurt either of them again. I will never be dishonest with my husband or myself ever again. I will live the rest of my life making what I’ve done up to him.

  “Addison, please. I need your presence now more than I ever have. Please watch over all of us and guide the doctors and nurses into helping me have a safe birth so that Greyson will be perfect. If he isn’t Liam’s, then I guess he was meant to be Evan’s. I love you, Ads. I wish things were different and you were here. I know I can’t see you, but you can see and hear me. Will you hug my daddy for me and tell him his pumpkin misses him? I’m sending you butterfly kisses, sweets.”


  “Lila, it’s me, Nurse Becky. Are you okay, sweetie? I know what’s going on. We are going to perform the DNA test as soon as you deliver. We can go ahead and swab the fathers now if you want. Also, do you want them both in the room wh
ile you deliver?”

  “Okay. Can you get my husband and ask him to come in so I can speak to him? Thank you.”

  I need to talk to him and see what he thinks I should do. I know he doesn’t want Evan in the room, but what if Greyson is his baby? Then he would miss his birth.

  A few minutes later, Liam walks into the room.

  “Hey, beautiful. Is everything okay? How did it go with Evan? Nikki, Brody, Meg, Kade, and Ashton are all here. Eric is doing rounds, then he will be down here. Do you need anything?” he says as he slides in bed with me and put his arms around me.

  “I’m okay, and the talk with Evan went well. I think he understands why I waited to tell him. Nurse Becky said she can go ahead and test you and Evan and then test Greyson once he is delivered—which, by these contractions, will be very soon. Do you want Evan in here when I deliver? I don’t know…if Greyson is his, then I’ll feel awful that he missed out on his birth, but if he isn’t, then it would be wrong to you.”

  Tears stream down my face. Liam leans over and kisses me.

  “If you want him in here, then that’s fine, but I won’t leave your side. I’m in here regardless. Understand?” He kisses me again.

  “Okay. Maybe you should go take the test and let me think about it. Can you send my friends in, please? I need girl time.”

  “Yes, I’ll send them in. You want more ice chips?”

  I laugh. “Please. I thought you would never ask.”

  I’ve been having contractions every ten minutes, but I put a smile on my face and keep on trying to figure out what to do.

  “Hey, bitch. Why is it that you are getting ready to pop out a ten pound linebacker and you look beautiful as ever? Seriously, did you do your makeup?” Nikki says as she hugs me.

  “I always look this good. What are you talking about?” I laugh and kiss her cheek.

  “Meg, what is that on your neck? Is that a fucking hickey?” I ask.

  She and Nikki burst into laughter. I roll my eyes. “What? I know what a hickey looks like. You both know I dated Ashton and we all know he is the king of them.”


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