Suddenly Beautiful (Entangled Covet)

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Suddenly Beautiful (Entangled Covet) Page 19

by Brux, Boone

  The attorney’s words hit her like a club to the back of the head. Nikki stopped, momentarily frozen. Then she remembered who was spouting the lie. She slowly turned. “What’s this, Demetria, a last-minute effort to keep Tor and me apart? If the Ambrosia you fed Tor and spreading lies to the paparazzi didn’t work, why do you think this would?”

  “I heard Tor and his mother talking about a week ago. From what I hear through the grapevine, that’s the same night he showed up on your doorstep.”

  Nikki spun and verbally lashed out at Demetria, not wanting to contemplate that what the woman said could be true. “You are a conniving bitch. Keep your toxic lies to yourself, or I’ll make sure you never open that pretty mouth of yours again.”

  Demetria shrugged, appearing completely unfazed by Nikki’s threat. “I’d want somebody to tell me if I was being bartered away like chattel.” She crossed her arms and smiled at Nikki, silently daring her to ignore the horrible accusation against Tor. “But you do what you want. It’s only your future we’re talking about.”

  The elevator doors slid open. Too angry and confused to speak, Nikki straightened her spine and walked into the elevator. With a surge of mental power, she commanded the doors closed. The metal barrier slammed shut, blocking out a smirking Demetria Mirrors.

  Nikki collapsed against the back railing. Did Tor’s mother really offer him the company if he’d marry her? And had he actually accepted? No. He’d told her he loved her. Not in so many words yet, but she knew he did.

  It was ridiculous to even consider anything Demetria said. The woman was a viper in heels. She saw her chance to land Tor slipping away and this was a last-ditch effort to break them up. She would not doubt the man she loved.

  Demetria’s accusation haunted Nikki all the way home. Though almost one hundred percent positive it was a lie, she couldn’t help but sift through the incidents that might make the statement true. Things had happened very suddenly, and his feelings had flip-flopped in the early stages of their relationship, but that was merely circumstantial. Six years of working for him was all the confirmation she needed about Tor’s character. His mother, she couldn’t say the same about.

  Once home, Nikki stripped down and climbed in the shower. Her mind wouldn’t let the scene with Demetria go. Why hadn’t she set the woman on fire or zapped her with another truth whammy? Damn, she really needed to become more proactive with her revenge.

  Without much thought, Nikki opened the medicine cabinet and froze. A box of unopened tampons sat on the bottom shelf. She counted back the days on her fingers. She was nine days late. She was never late—ever. Like clockwork the curse showed up, nearly to the hour. Could she be pregnant?

  Pulling her robe around her, she shuffled into her bedroom and opened the top drawer of her dresser. The words Open in case of emergency stared back at her. With a shaking hand, she picked up the box Stacey had gifted her and carried it into the bathroom. It took a few minutes to work up the nerve to actually open the box. The white stick slid into her hand.

  “Here goes everything.”

  She followed the directions and set the stick on the counter to wait. It was the longest three minutes of her life. She paced outside the bathroom door, her folded hand pressed against her chest.

  Did she want to be pregnant? A thousand emotions rampaged inside her. Unlike her own childhood, with its absent mother and father, Nikki would be there for her baby, if in fact there was a baby. She loved Tor and he loved her. Everything was going to be perfect—right?

  The thought of not being pregnant tore at her heart. Now that the idea had been forced on her, she knew a baby was exactly what she wanted.

  When the three minutes were up, Nikki crept toward the sink. Her heart thudded against her chest and her fingernails bit into her palms. She stared down at the test strip.

  “I’m going to be a mother.”

  Joy like she’d never felt encompassed her. She ran her hands over her stomach. “I promise I’ll be the best mom ever.” She glanced at the clock. “Crap.” She was running late. “This happy celebration will have to wait.”

  By five she was ready to head back to work and at six o’clock she stepped out of the elevator and back into her office.

  On the ride over, she’d decided to tell Tor before the event, and she was practically bursting with excitement now that the shock had worn off. Tor’s door stood open and voices wafted from inside.

  Nikki’s stomach sank as one word rang loud and clear: bargain.


  “I’m so glad you got smart, Tor, and took me up on my bargain.”

  His mother opened a glass ring case to reveal a five-carat tear-shaped diamond ring. “It was an offering I received from the king of Persia. I’ve always loved it.” She lifted it from the case. “I want you to give it to Nikki.”

  The ring was beyond beautiful. His first inclination was to decline her offer, but the jewel was priceless, just like Nikki. He took the ring from her and inspected it. The facets glinted when his overhead lighting struck them. A vine of roses embellished the thick gold band, and clamshell-shaped prongs held the diamond in place.

  He looked at his mother. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”

  She smiled and held out the glass case to him. He took it and set the ring back on the white velvet and closed the lid. When the gala was over and the line had been launched, he would take her somewhere special and propose. Then he’d make love to her for a week, stopping only to eat and sleep.

  “And now for your real wedding gift…” Aphrodite held out what looked like a scroll.

  He took the paper and unrolled it. “It’s your shares of the company.”

  “Just like I promised.” She folded her hands together in front of her. “You marry Nikki and I give you the business.”

  He opened his mouth to object but was cut off.

  “So it’s true.” Nikki stood in the doorway, holding her gown for the evening. “If you married me, she would give you the business.”

  “No.” He pushed past his mother and walked to her, stopping directly in front of Nikki. His heart pounded with unadulterated fear at the expression on her face. “Never.”

  She gripped the edge of the document and slowly pulled it toward her, as if she was too scared to look. He let the paper go, knowing it made him seem guilty. The document’s purpose was obvious. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that his mother had signed all of her shares over to him.

  “Nikki,” Aphrodite said from behind him.

  “Mother, could you leave us alone for a while?” He didn’t look at her. “Please.”

  After a second she said, “Of course, dear,” and disappeared.

  Nikki held the document out to him. “Explain.”

  “How did you even hear about this?” He took the paper from her and rolled it back up. “That was a private conversation between my mother and me.”

  “A little red bird told me.” She shifted her gown to her other arm. “But this time it seems she wasn’t lying.”

  “Demetria? Nikki, consider the source.”

  “I did consider the source.” Nikki voice grew louder. “All the way home I considered the source, convincing myself that this was another one of her stunts.” She pointed at him. “Then I walk in to overhear your mother confirm Demetria’s accusations.”

  “It’s not like that.” He tossed the paper on his desk. “Yes, my mother offered—”

  Nikki cut him off with a wave of her hand, sending a compulsion for him to stop talking so strong it nearly ripped his voice from his throat. He couldn’t utter a sound.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe this.” She glared at him. “I don’t want to hear your explanations right now. I thought you loved me. I should have known when you never said those words to me. God, I’m an idiot.” Nikki inhaled and stepped away from him. Her eyes sparkled a little too brightly and a single moist trail ran down her right cheek. “I need some time to think.” She walked to the door and opened it. “Maybe
I’ll see you at the gala.” She shook her head, and with a flick of her wrist sent another compulsion his way. “Until then, just stand here.”

  Tor stood in the middle of his office unable to speak, unable to move. Damn demigoddesses. What had just happened? Helplessness swamped him. He couldn’t lose Nikki. With immense focus, he concentrated on breaking Nikki’s compulsion. She was strong.

  His head throbbed from the exertion it took to break through each layer of her hold. Desperation pushed him. The idea of Nikki thinking he would marry her just to get the business gave him the last surge of anger he needed. His body sprang free and he raced to the door, but she was gone. He stopped. What was he going to do?

  Tor returned to his office and paced across the room to stare out the window, trying to plan his next move. He had everything: a penthouse, his own business, and money. Yet without Nikki in his life, none of it seemed important anymore.

  Damn Demetria Mirrors and her pot-stirring. He had cut her more slack than any demigoddess deserved. This little prank would be her last with Kythera Cosmetics. But how to deal with her? She was close to her uncle Narcissus, and he was famous for his temperamental mood swings. The last thing Tor needed to do was bring down the wrath of a powerful deity. Maybe the threat of someone even more powerful would be enough to rid his and Nikki’s life of Demetria.

  He picked up the phone and dialed the legal department. Most of the employees would be getting ready for the launch tonight, but if he knew the tenacious demigoddess, she’d still be in the office, probably plotting more nefarious deeds.

  “This is Demetria Mirrors.”

  He’d been right. “Demi, I need to see you in my office immediately.”

  Not waiting for her response, he hung up the phone. That should get her moving. Within minutes she was there. A soft knock rapped against the door, and she poked her head in. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes.” Tor stood behind his desk, taking the point of power. “Come in.”

  She was already dressed for the launch. The copper-colored gown clung to her figure, and her curls had been twisted into an alluring hairstyle. From the way she sauntered across the office, she knew she looked good, even adding a little extra hip to her sashay. She stopped in front of his desk but didn’t sit down. “What can I do for you, Tor?”

  “You can clear out your office.” He held her gaze, making it clear he wasn’t joking. “You’re fired.”

  All her sexual pretense evaporated, her eyes narrowing. “You can’t fire me. I work for your mother.”

  “Do you want me to bring her into this?” He picked up the phone receiver. “Because I’d love nothing more than to tell her about the little stunt you pulled this afternoon.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “And what stunt would that be?”

  “Telling Nikki that I was only marrying her to get the business.” He set the phone back in the cradle and placed his hands on the desk, leaning forward. “You crossed the line, Demetria.”

  “I heard you and Aphrodite talking.” She smirked, as if she’d had him dead to rights. “Are you going to deny it?”

  “Whether I marry Nikki because I want the business, or because she’s supposedly pregnant, or just because I’m madly in love with her is none of your business.” He straightened. “You’re so goddamn bored with your own life that you have to mess with others.” He shook his head. “I feel sorry for you.”

  “And I will remind you—” She mimicked his previous pose, flattening her hands on the desk and leaning forward, giving him a clear view of her ample cleavage. “I don’t work for you. I work for your mother. And I guarantee you that she won’t want to screw up the pact she and my uncle have.” Her eyes tracked down and back up Tor’s body. “Not even for her precious son. So I think I’ll keep my job, thanks anyway.”

  He sat down and leaned back in the desk chair, folding his hands against his stomach. “You’re forgetting one thing, Demetria.”

  She straightened and propped one hand on her jutting hip. “Oh really, and what’s that?”

  “Nikki’s father.” It was Tor’s turn to smirk. “How do you think he’s going to react when he finds out everything you’ve done to sabotage his daughter’s happiness?”

  She gave a dainty snort. “Like Ares cares. Never once has he claimed any of his bastards.”

  Tor nodded. “Until Nikki. Did you know he and my mother are actually planning our wedding on Mount Olympus?” He shrugged. “Doesn’t sound like a disinterested father to me. And I’d bet Narcissus won’t be willing to champion his favorite niece against the god of war. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Ares has a bit of a temper.”

  The color drained from Demetria’s face. “I don’t believe you.”

  Tor stood and walked around the desk, stopping mere inches from her. “You don’t have to believe me. You can ask him yourself at the gala.”

  She swallowed hard. “Ares is coming to the launch?”

  “Of course. Like I said, all he wants is his baby girl’s happiness.”

  Demetria took a step backward. Her gaze scanned the room as if searching for the right retort.

  “Save it.” Tor walked to the door and gripped the handle, turning back to her. “I want you out by Monday.”

  With a stiffening of her spine, Demetria spun and marched to the door, stopping just beyond the entrance. She pivoted and arched a single brow. “This is not over.”

  “Yes, Demetria, it is.” He slammed the door in her face. “Damn, that felt good.”

  Tor walked back to his desk and opened the top drawer, pulling out the glass case that held the diamond ring. Now it was time to prove to Nikki that he wanted her to be his wife, no matter what the cost.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Flashes of lights burst around Nikki. Numbness stole through her body as people pawed at her arms when she passed, as if by touching her some of the magic would rub off on them. The horde of models she talked to before her photo shoot swarmed her, each of them chattering at once.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Apollomae said.

  The gorgeous blonde, Hestia, Nikki thought she’d called herself, grabbed Nikki’s arm. “Will he be here tonight?”

  A pang of jealousy shot through her. “Yes, Tor will be doing the presenting.”

  “Not Tor.” Hestia leaned in. “Ares.”

  The group of women squealed, grabbing on to each other as if they’d faint at just the mention of her father.

  “Ares? That’s who you’ve been hoping to see?”

  “We’re his biggest fans.” Artemis raised her hand. “I’m the president of the Ares Fan Club.”

  “Please, please, please tell us he’s going to be here,” said a tall redhead, whose name Nikki couldn’t remember.

  Would he be here? This certainly didn’t seem like an event the god of war would attend. “I don’t know.” The women’s expressions fell, making Nikki feel bad for bursting their groupie bubble. “But if he is, I’ll send him over.”

  They squealed again and began jumping around. Nikki extricated herself from the group and began weaving her way toward the front of the arena. A heaviness had settled in her chest since she’d left Tor speechless in his office.

  More people pawed her, spewing congratulations and what a magical night this was. If only they knew how unmagical her life had become. The urge to flee had overwhelmed her, but other people besides Tor depended on her, and she couldn’t let them down.

  There was no fairy-tale ending or knight in shining armor. Even if he did really love her, the truth had been tainted by the very idea of his mother bribing him to marry her, and now with a baby on the way, his reaction was sure to be one of resentment. For her, the baby was the one good thing that had come out of this whole mess. She gently touched her stomach, sending loving thoughts to her child.

  Nikki approached the red ropes that blocked off the VIP area. Two hulking men with skin the color of charcoal, black sunglasses, and more gold around their necks than any
ancient king of England stood guard at the entrance. Charles and Daryl, she recognized them from other events she’d planned. “Evening, gentlemen. Has my mother arrived?”

  “Inside.” Charles unhooked the rope, his gaze continuing to track across the crowd. “Talking with Ms. Stephanos last I saw.”

  “Uh-oh.” She grimaced. “Thank you. You’re doing a great job.”

  They both gave her a single nod, and she had to wonder if the two behemoths were demigods as well. It was so tough to tell anymore. She’d have to remember to ask Tor—. She stopped. No, she probably wouldn’t be asking Tor much of anything. A tight ache clenched her heart. For six years she’d tried to keep her business and personal life separate. Then she’d lost her mind and dived in with both feet. Now she’d probably have to quit her job. If they ended things, then being around Tor every day would be too painful to bear.

  Azzura Li Fonti and Ms. Stephanos stood together, flanked by Ares. Nikki stopped, surprised to see her father here. Perhaps it was all the emotional trauma from earlier, but tears burned at the back of her eyes. She blinked them back and continued forward.

  Ares was stunning. Tall, coppery skin, with a presence that dominated the space around him. And he was wearing a tuxedo. As she approached, she couldn’t help but be amazed at how beautiful the three of them were. Though her mother was human, she was an appropriate match for the god of war—or any god.

  She closed the distance, unsure what the mood of the group would be. “Mother?”

  Azzura turned, a brilliant white smile lighting up her face. “Darling.” Her eyes grew wide and her hands flew to her mouth. “You are so beautiful.”

  The pride in Azzura’s voice filled Nikki with a bittersweet happiness. Her mother had never been impressed with any of her scholarly achievements. Only now when she embraced Azzura’s values did she receive praise. Nikki tucked the thread of resentment away and accepted her mother’s adoration with grace. “Thank you.”

  Ms. Stephanos approached, looking wary, and wrapped her in a hug. “You are even more beautiful than usual, sweetie.”


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