Tiger Lily: Part Three

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Tiger Lily: Part Three Page 2

by Duncan, Amélie S.

  “She said she loves you,” I said evenly.

  “Yes, there is that,” he said it like it was a curse.

  I blanched. “Yeah.”

  “She went too far. I don’t know when I will forgive her,” he said.

  I swallowed hard and averted my eyes, reminding myself I didn’t have Jonas’s love either.

  He ran his hand down my side and a tingle went through me, flaring our connection. He leaned close to my ear. “I don’t feel the same way about her.”

  My heartbeat sped up. As me?

  He turned me around to face him. “Maybe we can have Dani, Alan, and Paul over for dinner soon? We used to do that when I lived here.”

  I glanced at him. “We’ll need to talk about how this will all be working first. I need to start searching for my new apartment. I’d like to know more about this storage Samuel was referring to. And I have to get back to work…”

  “Slow down,” Jonas reached out and took my hand, kissing the back of it. “We’ll talk.”

  “But,” I said, just as Samuel came back into the room, a folder tucked under his arm.

  “It’s all set. I’ll call you later with updates, Mr. Crane. I’ll just need your signatures,” he said obliquely.

  Jonas nodded and Samuel walked over and handed him a pen. He used the top of the piano to sign, before turning to me. “This is to give me permission to act on your behalf, to help you.”

  My lips parted as I eyed him questioningly. “In what capacity?”

  “I need your permission to represent you through my legal division. Your authorization for me to proceed in the resolution of your apartment lease, and to pursue other issues. If possible, the theft of your property. Samuel will provide a copy for you to read over later,” he said, holding out the pen.

  I hesitated. This would not only be placing me further in his debt, but also under his control in the decisions affecting my life.

  I trusted Jonas. He had shown his genuine interest in helping me, and had given me no reason to believe he didn’t have my best interest at heart. Refusing would only leave me with the difficulty of trying to find and hire someone to do all of this on my own. But still, giving in felt too close to giving up, particularly after all I had tried to do to take care of myself.

  I tried for a compromise. “I need a copy and for someone to explain this all to me, along with an added clause that states I can reject this agreement at any time, should I choose to do so.”

  Jonas’s brow rose a fraction and he broke into a broad smile. “If that will make you feel better. Samuel here is your witness.” The announcement of his involvement prompted Samuel to take a step forward and gesture with his hand in a semi-salute, acknowledging his willingness to do his part in the role assigned to him. Then again, the way Samuel was looking at Jonas had me thinking he would deny his own mother to stay in his favor.

  Nevertheless, I reached out and took the pen, signing along the line where asked to do so. Jonas exhaled and handed the paper to Samuel, then walked with him to the door. My mind worried over the implications, but also reminded me that I didn’t fare well on my own. In fact, things often got worse. I needed help, and he was willing to give that to me.

  “Thank you for trusting me,” Jonas said when he returned to my side, holding out his hand for me.

  I walked over and clasped it. “I wish I could say I didn’t need help, but I do. Thank you.”

  He led me out of the living room area and past the circular staircase to a modern, open-plan kitchen. Stainless-steel appliances, dark wood, and marble. Modern lights. A long island bar with steel and leather barstools, custom cabinets and wine racks. A small breakfast nook completed the space.

  A petite, elderly women with short, wispy gray hair and large, dark brown eyes stood before a five-burner stove. Her little bow mouth creased. “Jonas and…?”

  “Lily. This is Lin, our amazing friend and housekeeper,” Jonas said. “I had to bribe her away from Dani.”

  Lin laughed. “No, Jonas. I was more than happy to come over and help.” She pushed up the sleeves of her pink shirt and came around the counter, surprising me with a kiss on my cheeks. “Lily, our little beauty. Or…what was that name you called her, Jonas?”

  “Tiger Lily. Or did you hear me call her my lioness?” Jonas said, with a bit of huskiness to his voice that made me blush.

  Lin beamed as her eyes shifted between the two of us. “Oh, yes. I see.” Her eyes lingered on us for a moment, and then she added, “I’ve made my special homemade steak truffle pie with a delicious crème sauce and rosewater custard for dessert.”

  The smile froze on my face as my mind flashed. Danger—bazillion calories alert. Lin’s face was prideful and my heart melted. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I wasn’t sure about such a heavy lunch. “I had a big breakfast and my stomach has been upset.”

  Lin looked a question at me, her smile wilting a little.

  “How about you try a bit, Lily. We can get you something light for dinner,” Jonas said.

  My brows rose. A compromise? Who was this Jonas Crane? “That sounds good. Thank you, Lin.”

  She beamed and squeezed my arm. “One more thing.” She turned and held out a glass of water and a bottle. “Iron pills. This helped when my friend’s daughter was anemic.”

  I took the pills and water without fuss. I wasn’t sure yet that I was anemic, but I did want to get better. Jonas gave me an approving smile and motioned for me to take a seat at the built-in breakfast nook while he pulled out a bottle of wine.

  “Take a seat,” Lin commanded as she came up behind him and patted him on his back, taking the bottle from him.

  I laughed as Jonas took the seat across from me, delighting in someone else ordering him around.

  His stare warmed me all the way down to my toes. My heart skipped a beat as I returned his gaze with my own intensity.

  “I love seeing you smile,” he said softly.

  Lin walked up and put our plates of food down in front of us. I shook my head to try to dispel the effect he had on me. I was utterly besotted with him. I needed to get ahold of myself or I might scare him off again.

  “What are you thinking?” Jonas asked, no doubt picking up on the change in my demeanor. Nothing got past him.

  I lifted the corner of my mouth. “Nothing,” I muttered.

  He frowned at me. “Why can’t you just tell me?”

  I shrugged. “I’m trying. You don’t need to know every passing thought in my head.”

  “I do if it wipes the happiness off your face. I want to know,” he replied.

  I licked my lips. “My thoughts are…personal. Please give me time.”

  We ate in silence for a few minutes. The rich food was incredibly delicious and I nodded over to Lin when I noticed her smiling at us.

  “I’d like to look over your spa treatment from this morning. You’ll show me before your nap.” His tone suggested he could have been discussing the weather, but his words made my breath hitch. His face remained straight as he continued to eat his food. I must have been staring off for a few minutes, because his next words were, “Your food is getting cold.” Though he wasn’t looking into my eyes, his mischievous grin told me he knew exactly what he had just done to me.

  I shifted in my seat. “I’m enjoying it,” I managed. “Thank you.” I took a sip of my wine and went for my own change of subject. “So, how long before you have to go out of town?”

  “I have a possible day trip to Miami Friday for work. Maybe in a few weeks we can go on a mini vacation,” Jonas said.

  I moved my food around my plate. My heart ached at the thought of him flying away on business so soon, but I understood. He enjoyed his work. I only wished we’d have more time together.

  “If I decide to go, you’ll come with me,” he added.

  I looked up and caught his eyes, a slight smile breaking across my face.

  I ate more of my food and thought about the possibility. I loved that he wanted me
to join him on his business trip, but I knew I wasn’t financially in a position to pay to do so, let alone to go on a vacation. Finally, I spoke up, “I can’t afford…I do appreciate your offer, but…”

  “But nothing,” Jonas interrupted. “I meant it when I said I want us to spend more time together. I think a compromise on both of our parts is in order. I’m making time, and you will too. You’re on leave anyway.”

  “Yes. For a week, I suppose,” I said and sipped my wine.

  “I’ll speak to Gregor and get him to agree to let me decide when you return,” Jonas said, as if the thought had just formed in his mind.

  My eyes widened. “He’d never do that.

  Jonas sipped his wine and said, “Oh, he will. If I agree to publish my book with Arch, he’ll do anything I ask.”

  I opened my mouth to tell him he was wrong, but thought better and closed it. Gregor would wrap a bow around me and hand me to him on a platter if Jonas agreed to give his business. Wasn’t that how I had come to meet Jonas in the first place? Hell, he would be able to expand his office from the press release alone. “You can’t…he needs me,” I muttered.

  But if that happened, would Gregor still need me?

  My eyes darted as my mind raced onto what I would do with my life.

  “Oh, please eat,” Lin said, breaking my thoughts. She walked up to the table and added more pieces of steak. “I’ll like to know your favorite meals, too. So I can cook them for you.”

  “Great idea, Lin,” Jonas said and grinned. She beamed at him.

  “Thank you, Lin,” I said and plastered on a smile for her. When she walked away, I chewed my bottom lip and stared down at my plate.

  “Calm down. I haven’t done it,” Jonas said. The word ‘yet’ hung in the air.

  I exhaled. “So, you will be making the decisions for me? I know you found me the way I am right now, but I can fix these things on my own…”

  “Not without me.” He reached over and took my hand. “Not on your own.”

  I looked up at him through my long lashes. “Because you’re my friend…”

  A small smirk appeared at the edge of his lips. “You fishing, Lily?” he asked coyly.

  I turned my head to hide my grin, thoroughly resolved to eat every last morsel of my lunch.

  I WAS SURE I WOULD burst after eating a small dish of the rosewater custard. I tried to help Lin clear the dishes, but she shooed Jonas and me out of the kitchen. He took my hand and led me to the stairs, where he started removing his shoes. The carpet was pale and soft underfoot as we climbed up to the second floor and down a short hallway, passing a few doors and a bathroom. At the end, we walked into a large and modern master suite with a small, floating fireplace and a sitting area that had modular couches and tables.

  Four floor-to-ceiling factory windows dominated the space, draped by built-in blinds. A large, custom leather and steel bed with dark grey and white bedding and colorful pillow accents was against one wall.

  Jonas let go of my hand and moved over to a walk-in closet that was divided by a short wall, while I admired the built-in shelves and groups of framed, abstract photos that decorated the space. I walked in the opposite direction toward the bathroom, which was also impressive—built-in cabinets, an extra-large garden tub with a large glass-enclosed shower with a stone bench, and a custom vanity area.

  “Big enough for two,” Jonas said. I turned to look at him and my pulse sped up. He had changed and was now wearing a shirt that showed off his sexy, muscular upper body. His pants hung low on his waist and looked oh-so right.

  I forced my gaze back to the tub. “Or four. It’s huge.”

  He kissed my lips, and I got a taste of mint. “I’d like to brush my teeth. Do you have spare toothbrushes?”

  He walked me over to the cabinet, where I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth. When I finished, I asked, “Off for a workout? I could use one too.” I rubbed my stomach.

  His arms circled my waist. “Yes. My trainer will be coming soon. This place has a small gym, but,” Jonas said, curbing my enthusiasm, “not for you right now.” He kissed the side of my neck.

  I sighed and he took my hand, leading me back into the bedroom and walking us over to the bed.

  “Sleeping and eating,” I smirked. “Just so you know, I gain weight pretty quickly.”

  “Good. I want you better,” Jonas said. He sat down on the bed and put his hands on my hips, pulling me between his legs. “Now, I want you to take off your clothes and climb into bed. We’ll talk until you fall asleep.”

  My body responded to his command. I enjoyed him taking over when we were intimate. However, there was something besides my desire for him overtaking me now. Something different. I stared up into his eyes that were fixed on me, and my heart swelled. His need was reflecting back to me, but so was something else. I took in a shallow breath as my fingers trembled to work at unbuttoning my shirt.

  Jonas’s hands closed over my own as he leaned forward and planted a light kiss on my knuckles. “Want me to undress you?” he asked.

  I nodded. I couldn’t speak, but felt a tingle down to my core. He went at a slow pace and finished undoing my button-down shirt, then I helped him pull it off my arms and into his hands, where he paused to fold and place it on the side table. My breathing and pulse teemed with anticipation.

  “Why do you always fold my clothes after undressing me?” I whispered.

  He turned me away from him and unclasped my bra.

  “How does it make you feel?” Jonas said, answering a question with a question. He eased the straps down my arms and kissed my shoulders. My breasts responded, swelling and hardening my nipples. He turned me around to face him. His eyes roved over my naked upper body.

  My feelings were full of romanticism. I didn’t trust he was ready to hear them, especially after his reaction to Melissa’s love. So I answered, “I don’t know.”

  “I think you do know,” he said in a low tone.

  I exhaled as he cupped and kneaded my breasts. He closed his lips around my nipple and traced it with his tongue as he continued to massage the other one. I moaned. I couldn’t help but put my hands in his hair and hold his head there, arching my back to him. He gently bit down, then licked lightly, soothing the pain with his tongue. He suckled my other breast and my breathing became staggered. Heat coursed through my body. I thought he would take off my pants next, but he surprised me by capturing my lips and kissing me.

  Deeply massaging his tongue against mine, he sucked my bottom lip, just to cover my lips again in a sensuous tangle that had me pressing in closer and squirming to get more from him.

  “Don’t be afraid to share your feelings,” he said in a gentle tone as our lips parted. He placed his hands on my hips to still me. I looked over, taking in his half-lidded gaze and swollen, full mouth. I felt wetness gush between my thighs. He was so incredibly hot. I squirmed.

  “I’ve got you,” he said in a soft tone. He unbuttoned my jeans and hooked his thumbs in the sides of my panties, pulling them down together until I stood before him, naked and struggling not to cover myself. He wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me into a hug. “I’m worried about you, Tiger Lily. I want you to gain weight and get healthy.”

  His term of endearment warmed me and the thickness in his voice constricted my heart. “I’m fine. I’m going to be fine.”

  “Yes,” he rubbed over my hips. “You will be. I’ll make sure of it.”

  His caress elicited a familiar spark, coursing across my skin. I shifted my legs. “Do you just want to talk right now?” I asked, my voice raspy.

  He ran the back of his knuckle over the top of my mound in an unhurried manner. “So soft. I want to feel you on my lips, but if I start there we both know I won’t stop.” He was using his low tone. The one that turned me on to no end. He was also teasing me, making me desperate enough to do something I would likely find embarrassing under other circumstances. Like standing naked, parting my thighs in front of him and mov
ing against where his knuckle stopped, making him press against my slit.

  His gaze was dark as he watched me. “You’re soaking my finger. Is that what you want?” he purred. He held his knuckle still as I slid it against my swollen clit. I moaned and moved faster, the sensation sending pulses of pleasure through me.

  “Answer.” He moved his hand back and rested it on his thigh.

  My pulse pounded in my chest and I whined. “Why can’t you just do instead of making me say…?” I hissed, frustration in my tone. He pulled me closer and kissed along my collarbone and neck. “Because I want you to tell me. Straddle my lap.”

  A blush crept up my cheeks. “I’ll ruin your clothes,” I whispered.

  His eyes danced with amusement. “I know your pussy is wet. I don’t care. But since that bothers you, you can pull down my clothes. Just know, getting in my lap wasn’t a request.” His crass words and command worked as affectively as his hands and I heated up all the more.

  Pulling down his pants and bringing his long, thick erection into view, I crawled on his lap. Before I could sit, he pressed the head of his cock against my clit. I whimpered, “Jonas.”

  He inhaled sharply. “I’m not fucking you right now, though it’s tempting,” he gritted. “Mmm, but that whimper. So sexy.” He paused, seeming to think for a moment. “You don’t want my hand. You want my cock? Tell me.”

  A smile formed on my lips despite his torture. This was a play on the dream he had woken me from last night. Oh, I had the answer alright. “Your cock, please, Jonas,” I rasped.

  He laid back and dragged me up and down the outside of his shaft. He grabbed my ass and pressed in hard. “I want you to come on my cock.” Rocking my hips, I arched and slid against the base of his cock. Pleasure and need taking over me with every drag and press of my sex to him. Oh, Jonas.

  His eyes were fixed on me as he groaned and panted below me. Even there he was in control. The last threads of my own broke, and I humped him unabashedly. He had reduced me to primal desire and all I could think about was that sweet release within my grasp. I grunted, “I’m close. I’m, ohhh. Jonas!”


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