Tiger Lily: Part Three

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Tiger Lily: Part Three Page 27

by Duncan, Amélie S.

  “Before what happened at the prison,” I finished for him. “I was devastated about the book, but some good happened there too. I’m happy it’s over and thankful you were there with me.”

  He put his sketchpad down and crawled on the bed with me. “I agree. You were brave, strong, and gracious. I was grateful to witness your triumph.”

  “Hardly a triumph after what happened with Heather,” I said. My voice caught.

  “I’m sorry. I know how much the book meant to you,” Jonas said, rubbing my hip.

  “When he took it—it broke my heart. I thought it was my fault. I was always talking about my parents and how much it meant to me,” I said. My voice graveled.

  “And there was nothing wrong with you doing that. You shared your feelings with someone that you cared for,” he said, stroking the side of my face. “I know I was engrossed when you told me about it.”

  I ran my tongue over my lips. “On the first night I stayed with you at the hotel. You were nosing through my stuff.” I let out a dry laugh.

  “Yes, and you told me about your nickname and your parents. How the story inspired you to keep alive their legacy through the art program.”

  He moved on to his back and I shifted around to look at him. “When I realized we couldn’t find it, I thought reading the story with me in the loft would help you.”

  I snuggled closer to him. “It did help. I thought a lot about you reading the book to me in the loft.”

  He traced my jawline with the tips of his fingers. “Your book inspired me to add it to the fundraiser gala last month.”

  “I thought you put my program in the gala to win me back,” I mused.

  He kissed my smile. “Giving you things doesn’t win you over. You wanted me.”

  “I wanted you and your love,” I admitted.

  He tilted my face up and gazed into my eyes. “You have both.” He kissed me passionately then got up from the bed.

  “The book is more than a possession and I’m grateful that I have the good memories. I know they will never be taken away from me.”

  “This is the perfect time. I have something for you,” he stood up and walked out of the room, winking at me as he said, “Be right back.”

  He came back moments later with a case, which he sat down facing away from me.

  “You binding me again?” I joked.

  He gave me a salacious look. “If you’re good. You enjoyed that as much as I did.”

  I grinned and didn’t deny it. I hadn’t been up for it at first, but I wouldn’t be opposed if he wanted to try it again.

  “Not this time.” He handed me a beautifully wrapped medium-sized box. I jokingly shook it. It didn’t rattle. I tore it open, and my heart stopped. Peter and Wendy by J.M. Barrie 1911.

  It wasn’t the same as the one my father given me. This was a first edition. “Jonas. This is too much. I can’t—”

  “You will. I’ve inscribed this copy so you will have to keep it,” Jonas said. My hands trembled as I opened the book and read Jonas’s inscription.

  To my Tiger Lily,

  May you forever share your story and inspire generations to come.

  I love you,

  Jonas Crane

  I gingerly placed it down and threw my arms around his neck. “Oh, Jonas. I love it. I love you. Thank you so much.”

  He hugged me back. “I love you, too.”

  “It’s so…wow,” I admired when we parted. I carefully lifted it and placed it delicately back in the box, to his amusement. “I’m going to have to put it in a locked display case.”

  “It’s meant to be read,” Jonas said, the side of his mouth turning up.

  “It will be,” I assured. He had given me a new book, but it was much more than that. He’d given me a new story that would be added to my others. Truly, I knew now the life I shared with my parents and the inspiration they gave to me was much more powerful than the physical book. While it was destroyed, it would remain in my heart and live on for those I shared it with. It may even inspire their lives or help others, like it did for Jonas and me.

  “I’d like to read to you, if you don’t mind,” I said shyly.

  “Are you sure you’re ready?” he asked cautiously.

  “Yes. I am,” I said, and I believed I was. I wanted to move forward and go on. “How about at that little hut?” I said, pointing.

  “I’ll bring out our lunch,” Jonas said and kissed me.

  I met Jonas out by the small table near a silk-strung hut and ate the light lunch he produced. Afterwards, we crawled on the daybed inside of the tent and looked out over the sea. Then, with Jonas’s arms wrapped around me, I took a deep breath and started reading the book from the beginning.

  The sun was warm and we took a dip in the pool to cool off after an hour or so, only to rest again together inside. I was roused later by music. Beethoven’s “Appassionata.” It was evening and the room was casted in the soft light of candles. I sat up and looked out at the beach. The sky was filled with blues and whites.

  I was about to get up and search for Jonas when I found a sketch of me sleeping propped up alongside a note. Dinner in an hour. Beach formal.

  I rose and picked a pretty white cotton sleeveless dress from the closet and changed into it. I was brushing my hair back when Jonas appeared dressed in open-collared white linen shirt and tailored trousers. His full lips were turned up in a smile. “Ready?” I put the brush down and hugged him. “What’s that for?” he asked.

  “For everything.” I said. “Thank you for this vacation.”

  “You look beautiful,” Jonas said. He took my hand and led me out to the deck that was now lit by candle lights. A table set for two awaited us, with tiger lilies around a fluted ornate candle in the center. He held out my chair.

  I melted. It’s like a dream. “This is so beautiful,” I prattled.

  Jonas sat down and lifted his glass. “A toast from Voltaire. Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination. I borrow this evening as an expression of the love I have for you, Tiger Lily.” The sound of Beethoven’s “Pathetique” played in the background as the wait staff came out with our grilled seafood and fresh salad platter. “I knew I was in trouble the second you walked into Sir Harry’s.”

  “When I threw my handbag at you?” I teased and sipped my champagne.

  “Good. You admit it now,” he said and we laughed. “I knew you were special that night.”

  “I was nervous. You’re intimidating,” I said. “But you kissed me.”

  “You wanted that kiss,” Jonas said confidently.

  “Yes, I did,” I admitted. “I knew I would fall in love with you, but you wanted a companion.”

  “I wasn’t looking to get hurt again,” Jonas said. “Then you left and that was hard because I missed you. I was alone.” I took his hand and squeezed it. “I tried to move on like Dani did after our divorce. But I found you weren’t replaceable. You were more than sex. You were kind, sincere, open, and loving. You were irreplaceable, unforgettable.”

  “I was scared and at my lowest. I didn’t think I was worthy of you. I wasn’t strong like the women you had in your life,” I confessed.

  “I’d say the contrary,” Jonas said.

  “I know now there are many different layers of strength. You picked me up at my lowest. You loved and cared for me. I found my way and got my life. For all that, I will never be able to thank you enough. It’s not just what you do, it’s who you are. You work tirelessly and still find time to be an amazing father and friend. I admire you and I’m so proud of you,” I said.

  He kissed the back of my hand. I smiled at him and went back to eating until we finished and the wait staff removed our plates. I looked out at the sea. “This was the perfect evening.”

  “It’s not over. It’s just beginning,” Jonas said. He placed a small box before me and my heart leapt into my throat.

  “I got this ring just before I picked you up from Arch. I told myself if you ca
me back, I would never let you go again. And I won’t. I want to wake up to you every morning and go to bed with you every night. I want to have our special conversations and listen to you ramble and watch you blush. I want to watch you reach for your dreams and be a part of them. This is where I want our relationship to go and grow, with you by my side as my wife. I love you. Will you marry me?”

  Tears sprang to my eyes. I was trembling. “Yes,” I answered without hesitation. I got up and threw my arms around his neck. “Yes! I love you.”

  He pulled me onto his lap, then reached over and collected the box. “You didn’t look at the ring.”

  “You chose it for me. It’s perfect,” I said. He kissed me hard on the lips, then he took my hands in his and lifted the lid. It was a beautiful precision cut diamond and silver engagement ring. “I thought less flash, more feeling,” he said. “Look at the inscription.”

  I peered down and read.

  You’re mine. Always.

  “I am,” I said.

  He reached out and wiped the tears that were pouring down my face. I shook as he placed it on my hand.

  The sound of a violinist playing “Unforgettable” filled the evening. Jonas stood us up, took me in his arms, and we swayed. We kissed through the night and forever.

  A Month Later

  “LILY, JONAS AND Paul will be here soon.”

  I looked up from the computer to find Dani. She was wearing a white, embroidered churidaari, and I was still dressed in my T-shirt and jeans from the morning. I was running late for the Sunday dinner we were holding for our last weekend at the loft in Tribeca. Paul went with Jonas for the beginning of the promotional tours for his book, which was already a best seller. I had been working on the Love Legacy Art week that was starting in a few weeks and I hadn’t left the office all day.

  “I’m just making sure Betty has the additions to the instructors,” I explained.

  Dani smiled and shook her head as she walked over. “You have an assistant to do that for you now.”

  “I feel like she must be overwhelmed with the changes,” I reasoned. “I can’t believe all the volunteers we have pouring in. Penelope’s networking has us creating a tri-state program for next year,” I said and hugged her.

  “That just means you need to hire another assistant.” She waved around at the boxes in the office. “And movers. You’re moving to your new home in a couple of days. If Jonas finds you working on the art week instead of the wedding, you’ll be in trouble.”

  “I’m working on the wedding. Jonas is in charge of the move,” I said happily.

  Truthfully, I would have married Jonas during our beach vacation even if it was, by conventional standards, fast. We were in love and loved each other and had no intentions of delaying it for too long. However, we wanted our friends and love ones there. “I can help with both,” Dani volunteered.

  “I’d love that,” I said.

  We walked together out of the office. The chatter in the living room had us turning to find Ian talking with Alan, Dani’s husband. He was dressed in an embroidered Indian sherwani and jeans. Quite the contrast from Ian’s designer pressed suit. He was a hugger, too, and gave me one.

  “I’ll take one too,” Mary said and walked over and hugged me. When we parted, my brows rose at Mary, noting the change in appearance since her last visit. She was make-up free and wearing a high-collar, ankle-length dress. She shrugged.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” I asked.

  “I just walked in and went to help Lin,” she explained.

  “I’ll go help, too. You can go up and change,” Dani offered.

  I hitched my thumb toward Alan and Ian. “What about them?”

  Mary adjusted her glasses and walked away without a word as they all headed toward the dining room area.

  Ian gave her back a pointed look and Alan laughed. I would have to ask later.

  I went upstairs and took a quick shower and changed into a silver and black wrapped v-neck dress that hugged my curves. Thigh highs and heels finished off the look. I brushed my curls and put on a light bit of makeup, all the time anticipating a reunion with Jonas. I hated when he traveled, but I found he made up for it when he returned.

  I heard the sound of laughter when I finally left the bedroom, as well as the beginning of Beethoven’s “Pathetique” on the piano, and memories flooded my mind of my time with Jonas in the Waldorf. Jonas must be back! I took off my heels and rushed down the stairs and didn’t stop until I reached the living room. My shoes slipped out of my hand and everything else faded away.

  My Jonas. He had arrived and was standing next to the piano. He was looking incredibly handsome in a light grey shirt and dark slacks, the dark waves of his black hair slightly tousled. His sea blue eyes were all for me. The look he gave me was salacious, and my body responded. Without wasting another moment, he pulled me into a tight embrace and gave me a searing kiss that took my breath away. I answered with my own urgency and intensity. I would never get enough of him.

  The piano keys banging got our attention.

  “Dad, Lily, come on,” Paul groaned.

  “It’s warm in here,” Dani said, fanning herself.

  “Maybe we should leave?” Alan said, grinning.

  “Salomés always put on a great show,” Mary said in her best impression of my father, and I giggled.

  “No. I’m glad you’re all here,” Jonas said. He moved us a few steps away and cupped my face. “How’s my beautiful Tiger Lily?”

  “Happy you’re back,” I said softly.

  He stroked the sides of my face. “Any time away from you is too long.”

  My heart swelled with love and I smiled up at him. “I feel the same way about you.”

  We kissed. “Let’s have dinner so we can make up for the few days I missed,” Jonas said before pecking my lips one last time. He released me and walked over to greet Dani and Alan.

  Paul stared at Mary until she looked at him, but this time he boldly kept the eye contact until Mary turned her head. He even stood against the icy glare of Ian.

  I laughed and he turned his head toward me and gave a wink. He’s going to be just like his father, I thought proudly.

  “Dinner is ready,” Lin announced. Mary left for the kitchen while Ian joined in on the conversation Dani, Alan, and Jonas were having.

  I walked over to Paul and beamed at him. “Thank you for agreeing to instruct during the art week.”

  He put his arm around my shoulders. “I couldn’t turn down the chance to walk around introducing you as my mom number two,” he said.

  “As you like. I’m not bothered,” I said, giving him a hug. I knew better. He had already sent his classmates and instructors over to help with the New York Art Week for next year.

  “So, do you think Mary would go out with me?” Paul asked.

  I shook my head. “Not if she enjoys her freedom. You’re only sixteen and that’s illegal here.”

  “I was talking about in two years,” Paul said.

  I glanced over at Ian, who was clearly already missing Mary and walking toward the kitchen to join her. “I’m not so sure, but what about your girlfriend?”

  He gave me a mischievous grin. “You’re awfully nosy, Mom 2. Can’t we keep a few secrets from you? You’ve changed Dad, now you’re working on me. I’ve got to stop hanging around you.” He pretended to run away from me, but I grasped his arms and we laughed.

  “Come on you two,” Jonas called out. We walked into the room and I took the seat next to Jonas, then stared up at him. I was going to be his wife and maybe the mother of his child? Just get through the wedding planning, I chided myself.

  He leaned over and kissed my cheek, then whispered in my ear. “Baby day dreaming again?”

  I bit into on my lip and nodded.

  “Slow down, Salomé,” he said in a low tone. He turned his head, but I caught the twinkle in his eye.

  “I’d like to say the quote tonight,” Alan said once we filled al
l the glasses. “By John Lennon. Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. May we continue to be friends for many dinners and years to come.”

  Dani leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Absolutely perfect, Alan,” she said. We all held up our glasses and I couldn’t wipe my smile off as I stared around at the faces gathered at the table.

  Mom and Dad, you can fly home and rest now. I have a family.

  The End.

  Thank you readers!

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  For information about the story and my author’s blog, please visit my website: http://www.ameliesduncan.com I’m also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmelieSDuncan

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  This series means a great deal to me and I’m thankful to have the opportunity to share this story with you. There are a number of people I want to thank for making this trilogy possible.

  First, I would like to thank my husband, Alan, for reading everything I have ever written. I want to thank you for your love, patience, and support. I love you so much. I would like to thank my wonderful and supportive family across the pond. We miss you. I would like to thank Silvia, from Silvia’s Reading Corner, for her beta reading services. Silvia’s detailed feedback on every incarnation of the Tiger Lily Series was invaluable. Your friendship is priceless. I’d also like to thank Hermione and Deanna for their beta reading. I would like to thank Tanya, of TaSTy WordGasms, for the author takeovers, promotions, and for being a wonderful friend. I would like to give special thanks to Wendy and Claire, of Bare Naked Words, for hosting and promoting the series. The both of you are a pleasure to work with and I appreciate all you do in organizing the cover reveal and the release blitz. I would like to thank Leah Campbell for taking on the drafts in this series. I would like to thank Julie Collins for line editing this story. It was great working with the both of you. I would like to give special thanks to Jeannie, Danielle, Babel Td, and Kawehi. I truly appreciate all your support. I would like to thank all the bloggers for participating in the promotions. Most of all, I would like to thank the readers for taking the time to read my story. I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.


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