A Vampire's Thirst_Grey

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A Vampire's Thirst_Grey Page 8

by Bella Roccaforte

  Hera’s expression turns serious, “What did this vampire look like?”

  Mila goes starry-eyed, “He was incredibly handsome with dirty blonde spiky hair, strong wide shoulders and incredible blue eyes. His jaw was pleasantly rugged, and his lips were full and kissable…”

  “Good grief.” Hera throws her head back. “You spent a sum total of what, three seconds in his presence.”

  “That’s all it took.” Mila puts her hand over her stomach.

  “What’s wrong?” Hera asks with concern.

  “I’m hungry.” Mila’s starry-eyed expression turns quickly to bloodlust. She eyes the few people filing their way into Underground Atlanta. “I need to feed.”

  “No, you do not need to feed. Not here.” Hera takes her wrist more forcefully, “We’re going now before this gets even worse. You can feed on Ty when you get home.”

  “No.” Mila’s eyes begin to take on the tell-tale red hue when the bloodlust takes over her kind.

  “Mila, do not do this. We have to go, the sooner, the better. Please don’t make me --”

  “You’re supposed to be my friend!” Mila jerks her wrist away, “You’re supposed to be helping me and all you’re trying to do is take me back to where I’m going to be miserable.”

  “I’m not your friend, I’m your caretaker. I’ve been your caretaker since you were born and your mother ran off. I’m going to do what I’ve done your whole life and make the best decision for you when you aren’t capable.” Hera’s words burn hard on Mila’s heart.

  “What?” She breathes out on a whisper, her being floods with anger at the thought.

  “Mila, you’ve always been a dreamer entertaining thoughts of finding your mother and living here, in the light above the realm. You don’t belong here, you aren’t welcome here. Your father figured you’d realize that when you spent a few days here and I was to bring you back. It’s for the best.” There’s a hint of pain in Hera’s voice.

  Mila’s emotions are running away with her. Betrayal, hunger, sadness, defeat all mingle inside her heart. “You’re just another one of my father’s hired goons.” Mila shakes her head.

  Hera takes two tentative steps toward her, “Honey, I love you. It’s not like that, but it’s been my role in your life to lead you toward what’s best.”

  “Liar.” Mila cries out and phases away from Hera.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Grey struggles harder against the spell. He has to get out of this now. He pools all of his energy, flexing every last one of his muscles. He growls out a loud roar and pushes against the invisible binds. With a flash, the spell is lifted.

  Angus collapses to the floor. “Oh thank the heavens.”

  Grey frantically looks around the room for any clue as to where they went. He has to get to her before she’s gone forever. His mind races with thoughts of how to get to the underworld. It’s forbidden to go there, “Angus, do you know anyone that can get me to the underworld?”

  “Oh, that’s not a good idea,” Angus warns.

  “If we can’t find her here, I’ll go anywhere, do anything to find her. I’m going to go mad without her.” Grey paces the room.

  “Let’s try to figure out where they went.” Angus looks around the room. “I don’t know anyone that can get you to the Underworld, not alive anyway.”

  “I don’t care if I have to die to get there.” Grey grinds it out. “I have to be with her.”

  Angus blows out a breath, “But there’s no guarantee --”

  “I don’t give a fuck, I have to find her.” Grey bellows and Angus is taken aback.

  “Okay, okay. Let’s find her.” Angus sifts through the tourist pamphlets on the table. “Hey, look at this.”

  “What.” Grey snaps at him.

  “Terminus.” Angus nods with wide eyes, “I bet this is where they are.”

  “Why there?” Grey asks snatching the pamphlet.

  “Because that battleax wants to get her home. There’s probably a portal point she can open at Terminus. There are rumors that they used to keep it guarded.” Angus starts for the door. “Come on, it’s the best we’ve got.”

  “You’re right. Let’s go.” Grey hurries out the door. He turns toward Angus, “Meet me there.”

  “We should really stick together,” Angus warns.

  “No time. You can’t keep --”

  “No, you can’t be seen using your vampire speed. It’s ten in the morning. The streets are full of people. You have to use prudence.” Angus tries to reason with Grey.

  “I don’t care.” Grey’s jaw is tense and popping.

  “You should.” Vash’s voice comes from the stairwell.

  Shit. Grey thinks to himself. “Listen, I have to go.”

  “Grey, I’ve been patient, I’ve not brought the home office in, but you’re leaving me with no choice. You’re little stunt this morning is all over the internet.” Vash tisks.

  “I solved that problem for you. Michael is tucked away at the Company safe house.” Grey points out.

  “That does not solve my problems.” Vash shakes his head. “We found three more bodies, one of them was still warm. It couldn’t have been the young vamp.”

  Grey blows out a breath, “Can you be sure?”

  “Yes, absolutely sure.” Vash affirms, “We got a report from Underground, one of the shopkeepers was found dead behind his counter, drained. An eyewitness saw your blood fairy there.”

  “No, God no. She’s got the Thirst. I have to get to her.” Grey starts for the hallway.

  “We have to bring her in,” Vash calls after him. “I’ve already contacted Clarence.”

  Grey can’t hear him, he has to get to Mila before anyone else does.

  All he felt from her is kindness, sweetness and the thought of this Thirst making her do bad things kills him. He races down the stairwell and slows to a brisk human pace when reaches the lobby.

  He crosses the street and stays on the sidewalk, trying to avoid the direct sunlight. He looks around at the people on the street wanting desperately to go faster, but there aren’t enough back alleys for him to walk through without being seen.

  After walking for five minutes, he has about another seven minutes left before he reaches Underground Atlanta at a human pace.

  “Fuck this.” He grinds out and uses his vampire speed to get to Underground in a minute. He slows his speed once down the stairs. He searches for other supernaturals, likely here looking for Mila.

  Grey straightens his suit and walks slowly through the darkened cobblestone pathways. His Thirst is undeniable and dangerous. He wants to drain every human that walks by him. He keeps his head down as he passes a bakery with three werewolves standing outside the entrance. The sign in the window says “Closed”.

  “Try not to look so much like a vampire,” Angus says coming up beside him.

  “How the hell did you get here so fast?” Grey asks.

  “I’m a brownie, I have my ways.” Angus waves his arms around. “Besides, I knew I had to get here to keep you from doing anything stupid.”

  “That’s a switch.” Grey widens his eyes.

  “True statement, old friend.” Angus nods, “Now, less like a vampire.”

  “How do I look less like a vampire?” Grey says while continuing down the sidewalk.

  “less arrogant. That’s a start.”

  “I am not arrogant.” Grey insists.

  “Yeah, okay so this is a lost cause.” Angus rolls his eyes, “Any idea where she is, or if she’s still here?”

  Grey gives his answer consideration. He’s known Angus for a long time, he knows that Angus’ loyalty is always hinged on self-preservation. “I don’t think she’s here anymore, I have no idea where she could be.”

  “Okay, so we do a quick sweep here and then where to?” He asks.

  “She could be anywhere, and with the easy access to MARTA, she could have hopped on the train and be anywhere by now.” Grey pinches the bridge of his nose. “Let’s split up,
you check here in the mall area, I’m going to look in Kenny’s Alley.”

  “Okay,” Angus hesitates. “Be careful.”

  “You do the same and if you find her, call me immediately,” Grey says in a severe tone.

  “Sure thing.” Angus heads in the opposite direction from Grey.

  Grey feels a an undeniable draw to Kenny’s Alley, it would be much less populated during the day. He enters the area where the bars are open at night. He feels her presence and her fear. She’s hiding here somewhere.

  He stalks toward her scent, his pace certain as he approaches an alley toward the back she steps out from the shadow and stands completely still.

  He’s torn between going to her and taking her, making her his and taking all of her in. He pauses for a moment and just gazes upon her beauty. Her long black hair, azure eyes and lips full of desire. He can’t remain still for one more moment.

  He goes to her and takes her into his arms, “Mila.”

  She surrenders to him, allowing her body to melt into his embrace, “Grey,” she breathes into his ear. “What took you so long?”

  “I’m here now.” He gazes into her eyes running his thumb across her alabaster cheek and crashes his lips over hers.

  He slowly explores all parts of her mouth, tasting her, trying not to be too hungry and frantic to take all of her in. He feels her surrender, the world around them disappears, and in this moment Grey feels alive for the first time in centuries. His heart pounds wildly in his chest and cock ticks to life being so close to her. He pauses, breathless, “I want you.”

  “I’m yours.” She gasps before wrapping her hand around the back of his neck and pulling him in for another epic kiss.

  They are lost in this moment, relief at finally being together spirals through them heating the air around them with incredible passion.

  “Grey!” Angus yells from across the alley.

  Grey goes on alert and catches the scent of werewolves nearby. “Directive, we’ve got to go.”

  “Elomere.” Mila’s worried tone catches in her throat. “Let’s go!” She wraps her arms around Grey, closes her eyes and phases out.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They phase in at street level. Grey is astonished and slightly confused, “How did we get here.” Mila looks around in a panic, “I’ll explain later, which way do we go?”

  “Come with me.” Grey takes her hand, “I’m going to get you out of here.”

  They start down the busy street riddled with tourists and mothers on a stroll with their little ones. Grey curses at the number of people around. He wants to use his speed, but there are too many witnesses. He’s already in hot water for his stunt this morning with Michael, and if he’s got any chance at all at saving Mila and keeping her here, he has to behave. Right now, though, he has to keep her safe.

  They weave in and out of the crowd. Every chance he gets he steals a glance in her direction, he can’t stop looking at her, marveling at her incredible beauty.

  She glances up at him with a demure smile.

  Grey pushes aside his desire to take her into his arms and take her right here. His drive to be with her is only getting stronger, he was hoping that once he found her, he’d be able to think clearer. His need for blood and sex is becoming more compelling, and his concentration is waning.

  “Where are we going?” Mila asks slightly out of breath.

  Grey really doesn’t know, he’s heading away from the perceived danger. He doesn’t want to tell her, but he needs to get her to safety. He’s not sure how long Angus can stall Vash and his pack.

  A memory of this morning pops into his head, “My car.”

  “Your car?” She asks confused. “Where is it?”

  “Not far from here, I left it in a parking lot this morning.” Grey changes direction and heads for the lot.

  “Shit.” Mila hisses looking behind them.

  “What is it?” Grey asks maintaining his focus on moving forward.

  “They’re coming!” Mila’s voice quivers with fear.

  “We’re almost there.” Grey tries to reassure her.

  They reach his car, and he opens the door for her, “Get in.”

  Mila climbs into the front seat, Grey hands her the keys, “Lock it and don’t open it for anyone but me.”

  “They can smash the windows.” Her eyes are wide and full of panic. It sends a shock of anger through Grey seeing his woman afraid.

  “They will have a very difficult time breaking through these windows,” Grey says in a calm tone.

  Mila looks unsure. Grey puts his hand on her shoulder, “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Mila nods. “How do I lock it?”

  “Press that button.” Grey points to the lock button on the keyfob and closes the door as Vash, and his pack of four werewolves reaches them.

  “Gentlemen.” Grey nods coolly fighting to maintain his composure. The bloodlust and rage running through him at the thought of Mila being in danger is proving difficult to cope with.

  “Grey, what do you think you’re doing?” Vash asks walking slowly toward him.

  “I’m getting her to safety.” Grey answers.

  “She can’t be here, it’s forbidden. We have to bring her in.” Vash says calmly.

  Grey maintains his awareness of the wolves flanking him, he eyes each of them making a game plan in his head of how he will kill every last one of them to protect Mila. “I’m afraid that’s not possible.”

  “That’s not wise.” Vash lowers his tone to emphasise the threat, “She is coming with us.”

  “It’s you who is being unwise. I will deal with The Directive in respect to Mila. You should leave it at that.” Grey lifts his head and continues to watch the wolves closing in.

  “You know I can’t do that.”

  “But you will.” A sly smile dances on Grey’s lips, “You see, we are in full view of a very busy street. If you do not let me go and take her to safety, I will destroy you and your cronies right here, full vampire style. The only way you’d have any chance of survival would be if you all shifted, and even then I will decimate every last one of you.”

  Vash surveys the area, a look of realization comes over him, “You know you’re going to have to answer for this.”

  “I’m sure,” Grey affirms.

  “And she’s going to have to answer for the murders and the treaty she’s breaking by being here.” Vash’s expression softens, and he takes a step toward Grey, “The best you can do for her right now is to get her back to the Underworld. It’s the only place she’ll be safe from The Directive.” Vash looks down and away, “You, on the other hand...are screwed.”

  “I’ll handle The Directive.” Grey takes his queue and walks to the driver’s side of the car. His thumbprint opens the door.

  “Or they’ll handle you,” Vash says as he and his men back away.

  “What did they say?” Mila asks wide-eyed.

  “They said everything’s fine.” Grey answers pushing the button starting the car.

  “Lying to me is not a good way to start things.” Mila pins him with a serious look.

  “We’ve got some issues to work out, but it will be okay.” Grey puts his hand on her thigh. “Right now, my goal is to get you somewhere safe.”

  He doesn’t finish the thought out loud, all he can think about is being inside her, tasting every part of her and making her his.

  Mila puts her hand on Grey’s, “Why are you doing this? Risking yourself for me?”

  “Because you’re mine.” Grey smiles pulling out of the parking lot.

  “Whoa, hold on a minute.” Mila gets riled up.

  “And I am yours.” He says.

  “I don’t understand.” She says shaking her head.

  “You knew my name. You knew me before we ever touched.” Grey says.

  Mila sits in silent contemplation for a moment, her lips part and with astonishment, “Yes, I did...how?”

  “We are Bloodmates,” Grey says with a nod. />
  “I don’t know what that means.” Mila studies his expression.

  “It means that long before either of us were created, we were meant to be together. The feelings you’re having of lust and hunger...that’s the Thirst created when you come close to your Bloodmate before you consummate.” He explains.

  Mila’s cheeks flush, and she squirms in her seat, “Oh. I-I thought it was the effect of being here, topside.”

  “You feel it.” He says with a growl squeezing her thigh.

  “Oh yes, I feel it.” Mila’s breath becomes labored and she’s resisting the urge to climb on him now. She reaches over running her hand up his thigh and wraps her hand around the form of his hard cock. “I feel it.” She moans.

  Grey swallows hard and releases a breath. “We have to get to safety first.”

  “This looks pretty safe.” Mila leans over running her lips along his ear. “I need you.” She growls out.

  “I need you too. But we have to get far from here.”

  “Now.” Mila insists nibbling his neck.

  “Holy hell.” Grey groans. “No. Just hold on a little longer.”

  “I don’t think I can.” Her breath is needy on his neck.

  “I was talking to myself.” Grey huffs a laugh. “I have to stop at the hotel, and we’ll get out of town. Then we can…”

  “Fuck,” Mila growls running her hands along the plain of his chest.

  “Everything.” Grey rolls his eyes trying to maintain his focus. But all he can think about is being inside of her.

  He slides his hand up her thigh to the warmth between her legs. He pushes her panties aside, sliding two fingers inside her pussy.

  Mila stills for a moment gasping for air, “I can’t…”

  Grey gently strokes her sliding in and out with purpose resting his thumb on the bundle of nerves piquing her excitement. He sees the hotel coming into view, slides his hand out leaving her feeling cold and empty.

  He looks into her eyes, “Soon my love.” He slips his fingers into his mouth slowly to savor her essence. “Soon.”

  His cock is raging, taking over all reason and sense. Grey can’t control it much longer, there’s nothing left in him to hold him back from feasting on her pussy.


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