I'm Your Santa

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I'm Your Santa Page 3

by Castell, Dianne

  Only what? New heat radiated through her. The world tilted. On a thin breath, she gasped out, “You didn’t.”

  “I did.” He smiled. “Because I am.”


  Done talking, Levi lifted her into his arms. “No buts.” He put a soft, fast smooch on her mouth. “Now come along quietly so we don’t incite a riot with what I plan to say and do to you.”

  Her body tightened. “Do to me?”

  “That’s right.” He glanced down at her. “And it’s all best handled in private. Don’t you agree?”

  It took no more than that simple, sensual suggestion from Levi to have Beth melting in a dozen delicious ways. She might want to forget what transpired between them, but her body was in no hurry to give up the memory.

  She gulped, thought again of Brooke’s advice, and finally found her voice. “Yes, I suppose so.”


  With each step he took, Levi pondered what to say to Beth. She needed to understand that she’d disappointed him.

  Infuriated him.

  Befuddled him and inflamed him.

  In order to get a handle on things, he had to get a handle on her. He had to convince Beth to admit to her feelings.

  He needed time and space to accomplish that.

  Thanks to Ben’s directions, Levi carried her through the kitchen toward the back storage unit, where interruptions were less likely to occur.

  The moment he reached the dark, private area, Levi paused. Time to give Beth a piece of his mind. Time to be firm, to insist that she stop denying the truth.

  Time to set her straight.

  But then he looked at her, and he forgot about his important intentions. He forgot everything but his need for this one particular woman.

  God, she took him apart without even trying.

  Among the shelves of pots and pans, canned goods and bags of foodstuff, Levi slowly lowered Beth to her feet.

  He couldn’t seem to do more than stare at her.

  Worse, she stared back, all big dark eyes, damp lips, and barely banked desire. Denial might come from her mouth, but the truth was there in her expression.

  When she let out a shuddering little breath, Levi lost the battle, the war…he lost his heart all over again.

  Crushing her close, he freed all the restraints he’d imposed while she was his best friend’s fiancée. He gave free reign to his need to consume her. Physically. Emotionally. Forever and always.

  Moving his hands over her, absorbing the feel of her, he tucked her closer still and took her mouth. How could he have forgotten how perfectly she tasted? How delicious she smelled and how indescribable it felt to hold her?

  Even after their long weekend together, he hadn’t been sated. He’d never be sated.

  Levi knew if he lived to be a hundred and ten, he’d still be madly in love with Beth Monroe.

  The fates had done him in the moment he’d first met her. She smiled and his world lit up. She laughed and he felt like Zeus, mythical and powerful. She talked about marrying Brandon and the pain was more than anything he’d ever experienced in his twenty-nine years.

  Helpless, that’s what he’d been.

  So helpless that it ate at him day and night.

  Then, by being unfaithful, Brandon had proved that he didn’t really love Beth after all—and all bets were off.

  When Beth came to him that night, hurt and angry, and looking to him for help, Levi threw caution to the wind and gave her all she requested, and all she didn’t know to ask for.

  He gave her everything he could, and prayed she’d recognize it for the deep unshakable love he offered, not just a sexual fling meant for retaliation.

  But…she hadn’t.

  She’d been too shaken by her own free response, a response she gave every time he touched her.

  A response she gave right now.

  They thumped into the wall, and Levi recovered from his tortured memories, brought back to the here and now.

  He had Beth.

  She wanted him.

  Until she grasped the enormity of their connection, he’d continue pursuing her.

  Lured by the sensuality of the moment, Levi levered himself against her, and loved it. As busy as his hands might be, Beth’s were more so. Small, cool palms coasted over his nape, into his hair, then down to his shoulders. Burning him through the layers of his flannel shirt and tee, her touch taunted him and spurred his lust.

  Wanting her, right here and right now, Levi pressed his erection against her belly and then cradled her body as she shuddered in reaction, doing her best to crawl into him.

  His mouth against hers, he whispered, “I need you, Beth.”

  Beyond any real verbal response, Beth moaned and clutched at him.

  And that gave him pause, because Levi knew she was with him—and he knew that she’d hate herself for it later.

  Damn it.

  Why did his conscience have to snap to life now? Why couldn’t he have stayed in the sensual fog a little bit longer?

  But he knew why; he loved Beth and he wanted her happy, not more humiliated. Until she admitted that it was love they shared, her embarrassment would continue. He had to remember that. He had to keep the ultimate goal—Beth as his wife—at the forefront of his every intention.

  Lifting his mouth from hers, Levi whispered, “Beth, wait.”

  Her mouth followed, seeking his again. She licked his bottom lip, pressed her breasts against him.

  Holding her shoulders, Levi managed to put a small distance between them. “Honey, no, wait.”

  Big sleepy eyes opened, heavy with lust, dark with desire. “I don’t understand how you always make me feel this way.”

  “I know.” He put his right hand to the back of her head and urged it to his shoulder. “But that’s why we’re here. So I can explain it to you.”

  Both rigid and soft, anxious and needy, Beth willingly leaned into him, giving him the weight of her worry. His left hand on the center of her back registered each broken breath, just as his heart understood her confusion. He put his cheek to her crown and inhaled the scent of her silky blond hair.

  Muscles prepared for her reaction, Levi said, “I want to marry you, Beth.”

  As he expected, she almost lurched away.

  “Shhh. I know that’s something of a shock. You thought for so long that we were just friends. But it doesn’t change anything—I want to marry you.”

  Her silence felt like condemnation. Like the ultimate rejection. “There’s something going on between us.” Something called love, but Levi didn’t want to spook her. “You go wild when I touch you.”

  “I know.” Her whole body trembled. “That’s why you can’t touch me.”

  Her panic struck Levi like a low blow. “Wrong. It’s why I have to touch you. It’s the only time you’re honest with me and with yourself.”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “Now that we’ve been together, the feelings aren’t going to go away. You may as well accept that.”

  “There’s nothing to accept.”

  As if she hadn’t spoken, Levi continued with his well-rehearsed speech. “You have to accept that Brandon doesn’t love you.” The last thing Levi wanted was to see her hurt, but denying the truth would only spare her for so long. “If he did, he wouldn’t have cheated.”

  “I know that. I’m not an idiot.”

  Relief closed Levi’s eyes.

  “But this…” Flattening her hands over Levi’s chest, Beth tried to shove away.

  Irritation brought his eyes open again, and he kept her secure.

  “…has nothing to do with Brandon.”

  “Of course it does.” Taking her shoulders in his hands, Levi stepped away so that he could see her face. “You’re condemning yourself because Brandon fooled you. He had you believing that you were in love with him, and that he loved you, too. He convinced you that you’d share this picture-perfect life together.”

  “And that was all a sham.” />
  “Because he misled you.”

  “It’s easy to fool a fool, apparently.”

  Levi wanted to shake her, so instead he released her and turned his back. It took two deep breaths to steady himself and tamp down on his anger. “You are not a fool, Beth.”

  “Then I’m a tramp.”

  He whirled around and stared at her in furious disbelief. “What did you say?”

  With one arm crossed over her middle, the other raised so she could rub her brow, Beth laughed without humor. “You said it yourself. I thought I was in love with Brandon. I slept with him, made plans with him. But even I have to admit I wasn’t really in love with him, or I’d be more hurt by his betrayal.”

  So she wasn’t hurt. Levi considered that a very good thing.

  Her gaze lifted to his, and she looked so lost and so ashamed, that Levi almost couldn’t bear it. “Instead, all I can think about is the situation with you.”

  “It’s not a situation, damn it. It’s a relationship.”

  “A friendly relationship, or so I thought. But now…” She ducked her head and groaned. “I’ve known you for two years, Levi. And not once did I ever think of sleeping with you.”


  She drew back in affront. “I beg your pardon?”

  Stalking closer, Levi said, “You’ve thought about it, honey. At least admit to that much.” Whether she’d ever planned to act on it or not, they’d been too close for her natural sensuality not to take over. “You’ve seen me at my worst, and at my best. We’ve swam together, danced together, laughed and complained together.”

  “Always with Brandon there!”

  “So?” As Levi advanced, Beth sidled away from the wall and backed up. Levi kept going—and so did she. “It didn’t stop me from fantasizing about you.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “A lot. I never would have sabotaged your relationship with Brandon by acting on my fantasies, but you can bet your sweet little ass that you factored into my dreams on a regular basis.”

  She shook her head, and continued backing away.

  “It’s human nature, Beth. Men find it impossible to block a sexy woman from their thoughts.” His gaze dipped to her heaving breasts, proof of her agitation. “And vice versa.”

  “You think you’re sexy?” she taunted, hoping to distract him.

  Levi grinned. “I’m the opposite of Brandon. Rough instead of polished. Open where he’s reserved. Daring when he’s cautious.”

  Beth had nothing to say to that.

  “Most importantly,” he added, watching for her reaction, “I would never cheat on you. I would never shame you.” He stared at her hard. “I would never do anything that I knew would hurt you.”

  She bit her lip.

  “Do you understand me, Beth? Never.”

  In a small voice, she said, “I believe you.”

  Those words thrilled Levi. At least she knew him well enough to trust in his honor. That had to count for something.

  He waited until she looked up at him, then added, “And whether you think I’m sexy or not, you’ve thought about me.”

  Temper sparked in her eyes. “Where Brandon’s modest, you’re obviously vain.” Done retreating, Beth took a stance and lifted her chin. “Add that one to the list, why don’t you.”

  Levi laughed. God, he adored her. “If I am conceited, then honey, you made me that way the night you came to me.”

  She inhaled so fast, she nearly strangled herself.

  Levi grinned at her. “Don’t get me wrong, honey. I loved it. A lot.”

  In a display of belligerence, Beth crossed both arms under her breasts. “So now you’re blaming me for your character flaws?”

  He stepped close enough to touch her, and then paused. “Think about it, Beth. When shit fell apart with Brandon who did you go running to?”

  Her mouth tightened, but she refused to reply.

  Levi touched a thumb to his chest. “Me.”

  “I thought you were a friend.”

  “Uh huh.” Levi nodded. “That’s why the first plan to come to your mind was having sex with me, right?”

  A rush of color stained her smooth cheeks. “I wanted to get even with Brandon.”

  Slowly, so he wouldn’t send her packing, Levi reached out and smoothed her hair behind her ear, then cupped her jaw. He could feel that flush of embarrassment, so warm and honest and sweet. “Sure you did.” And already knowing the answer, he asked, “So tell me, honey, what did old Brandon say when you told him?”

  Her brows came down, her eyes closed and her mouth pinched in denial of the obvious truth.

  Using both hands now to hold her face, Levi repeated, “Beth?”

  “I didn’t.”

  He tilted his head in deep satisfaction. “What’s that?”

  Braced by irritation, Beth slapped his hands away. “I didn’t tell him, all right? I couldn’t. After that weekend…after we…” She shook her head hard. “I didn’t tell him.”

  Of course, she hadn’t. “I haven’t said anything to him, either.”

  On a low growl, she stormed away, but only to put a little space between them.

  Staring at her stiff back, Levi said, “It doesn’t feel right to use something that was so wonderful as revenge, does it?”

  She whirled on him in a blaze of anger. “Wonderful? Is that what you think?” Three big strides brought her within touching distance of him again. She leaned in to him, her eyes bright with fury, and used one finger to poke at his chest. “It was carnal and extravagant and totally inappropriate.”

  “It was incredible. And hot. And honest,” Levi countered.


  “That’s right.” He was hard again, damn it. “You were everything I’d ever imagined and more. No one else will ever measure up for me now, not with the memory of how it is with you.”

  Beth’s expression went from rage to awareness in a heartbeat. “Levi, don’t.”

  “I lost count of how many times you came.”

  She groaned, and covered her face.

  “I loved every one of them though.” He eased himself into her space, then eased her into his arms—where she belonged. “The small sounds you made, and how they became throaty, rough sounds right before you climaxed.”


  That single word sounded weak and uncertain, so Levi disregarded it. “I have scratches on my shoulders, a bite bruise on my thigh.”

  “Oh God.” Her forehead dropped to his chest and her groan became a moan.

  Levi stroked her back, tangled his hand in her hair and kissed her ear. “When I close my eyes at night, I can still taste you, Beth.”

  Her hands curled into small fists. Her breathing deepened.

  “I can still feel you around me, squeezing me tight, and I can still smell you with each breath I take. It makes me hard every time.” Using the edge of his hand, Levi tipped up her face. “I’m hard now.”

  Her lips parted and he kissed her, soft and easy, long and deep. Without conscious thought, his hand sought her breast, cuddling her through the layers of her clothes and still able to feel her tautened nipple. Using his thumb, he circled her, rubbed over the tip, and gently applied pressure.


  “Yeah,” he murmured in approval, “that’s what I like to hear, you saying my name, your voice rough with lust.” He kissed her temple, her cheekbone—and all the while, he toyed with her breast.

  Beth leaned into him, nearly panting, heat pouring off her.

  Once again, her physical need helped her to forget her grievances, her embarrassment.

  It ate Levi up to know she’d also been with Brandon, and only one fact made it easier to take.

  Brandon had never really satisfied her.

  The night Beth came to him had started out awkward enough. She’d angrily stammered out what she wanted. He’d been floored, excited, and relieved.

  Hearing of Brandon’s infidelity had thrilled him, and that made
him feel like the biggest jerk alive.

  But he didn’t turn her down on her offer. No way.

  Seducing an enraged woman wasn’t easy, especially when she’d asked him to “just get on with it.” But Levi gave it his all.

  Beth had wanted sex.

  He wanted lovemaking.

  Beth wanted revenge.

  He wanted an opportunity.

  At first, she’d been stiff and distant, guided by her hurt feelings—until she succumbed to her first climax with sheer astonishment. Levi would never forget her blurted words after he’d left her replete and lax, her skin damp with sweat, her hair tangled, her skin rosy.

  Levi, she’d whispered. I had no idea.

  Her shock had left him so pleased and proud he wanted to shout. Then she’d reached for him with enthusiasm, and the next few days had been an orgy of exploration and, as Beth claimed, carnality.

  For Levi, they’d also been days filled with love.

  Everything he did to and with Beth had left her wide-eyed with wonder and excitement. She reveled in each new experience and glowed with sexual satiation. There’d been no denials, only anticipation.

  Just as there was now.

  “Levi,” she said again, and he knew what she wanted, what she needed.

  “Let me help you, honey.” He put one leg between hers, cupped her bottom, and snuggled her in close. She shivered as she dropped her head back in wanton acceptance.

  Levi guided her, one hand helping her keep a rhythm against his thigh, the other dipping into her shirt so he could touch the bare skin of her breast, really get to her nipples and—

  A shrill whistle pierced the thickening air of the storage area.

  Levi straightened in shock. Well, shit.

  Knowing they were about to be interrupted, he looked at Beth’s face. She looked relaxed in the way of rising release. Panting breaths puffed from between her parted lips. Her unfocused gaze and heavy eyelids, her warming skin, proved she wouldn’t have needed but a few minutes more.

  What to do?

  The whistle sounded again, and Beth blinked into reality. “Levi?”

  Damn, damn, damn. “I’m sorry, honey.” His hands remained on her, but still now. “We’re about to have company.”

  Confusion gave way to horror, and in a flash, she jerked free. “Ohmigod.”


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