I'm Your Santa

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I'm Your Santa Page 7

by Castell, Dianne

  Levi’s heart nearly stopped, then went into a fury of pounding that might have bruised his ribs. She wasn’t letting him go?

  After several moments of stunned silence, he lifted his head to look at her. “Beth?”

  Her deep, even breaths gave the only reply. Well, hell. How could she make a statement like that and then just nod off? Did she mean what she said? Was she delirious? Too tired to think straight?

  Confusing him with someone else?

  No, not that.

  Levi slid his arm out from under her and left the bed. Beth didn’t stir so much as an eyelash. Feeling disgruntled, he went into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. When he returned, she didn’t awaken but she did immediately settle back against him.

  He understood her reserve, he really did. To go from being engaged to one man to marrying another in a matter of days wasn’t an easy change to accept. But it was right. They were right together. This was their big opportunity at happily ever after, and Levi wasn’t about to let her miss it.

  Staring at the shadowy ceiling, Levi realized that he hadn’t bothered to turn off the light. He looked at the lamp, but it was too far away from him to reach without getting up again.

  He’d never get to sleep, damn it.

  Confusion kept his thoughts churning for hours, but eventually the warmth and comfort of Beth’s body wrapped close to his lulled him. He listened to her breathe while stroking his fingers over her supple waist and hip.

  Finally, he drifted into a deep sleep.

  He didn’t stir once the rest of the night.

  Grace hung up her sweater and then turned to the big bed she shared with her husband. She almost sighed. Noah was by far the most gorgeous man on the earth, and so wonderful that she often wanted to pinch herself to make sure it was all real.

  Not that she ever doubted his love. Every day, in a dozen different ways, he made his feelings for her well known.

  Grace enjoyed the sight of him a few moments more, then whispered, “Noah?”

  Sprawled on the bed naked, Noah peeked open one eye. When he saw her in her undies, the other eye opened, too, and his gaze slid over her with heated appreciation. “Hmmm?”

  Grace knew that look oh-so well—and she loved it. But wanting them to stay on track, she quickly pulled a nightshirt over her head before going to sit on the mattress beside him. “I’m curious about something.”

  His big warm hand settled heavily on her upper thigh, and he made a sound that showed she had his full attention.

  As always.

  To keep Noah’s hand from roaming, Grace put hers over it. “What could Levi have done to Beth that she thought was so kinky?”

  Startled, Noah gave up his perusal of her body and jerked his gaze up to her face. “What? Who says they did anything kinky?”

  “Beth was embarrassed over what they’d done. She said she behaved like a sexual freak.”

  For a single moment, Noah looked horrified, then he gave a chagrined half laugh. “Hell, honey, I don’t want to think about anything like that, much less talk about it. Beth’s practically a sister. A baby sister.” He shook his head. “Her sexual activities are definitely on my list of taboo subjects.”

  Grace wouldn’t give up so easily. “Don’t be ridiculous. She’s only Ben’s stepsister, and though neither of you show it nor acknowledge it, Ben’s a half brother. That mean’s Beth’s not a blood relation to either of you, but she’s even less of a real relative to you than she is to Ben.”

  Noah blinked at that long jumbled argument. “A brother is a brother and a sister is a sister. Doesn’t matter how it comes about, it’s still the same.”

  Grace frowned at him. “I could see if Ben was a little squeamish talking about Beth and Levi, but you—”

  Noah shushed her with a groan. “Knowing Ben, he’d probably want details—so he’d have more reasons to demolish the guy. In case you didn’t notice, Ben doesn’t seem to like Levi much.”

  Grace waved that away. “Ben was just blustering, playing up that ‘big brother’ role. But we both know he wouldn’t actually hurt Levi without good reason, and no reason exists, so it’s not a problem.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do.” Grace bent to put a quick but interested peck on Noah’s chest. “So, what do you think the two of them did?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Grace bit her bottom lip. “Do you think they’ve done anything we haven’t done?”

  He made a sound that was half laugh, and half groan. “How the hell should I know?”

  Grace huffed. Sitting straighter and frowning at Noah, she said, “Okay, let me rephrase this then. Is there anything we haven’t done?”

  Noah started to laugh, caught her frown, and changed his expression to one of serious consideration.

  “You know what?” He hooked his arms around Grace, tumbled her down over him, and said, “Instead of talking about this, why don’t I just run a few possibilities past you?”

  It wasn’t quite what she’d had in mind, but Grace gave into that suggestion with enthusiasm. “Now that you mention it, I like that idea even better.” She put her arms around him. “Let’s.”

  As Ben stepped out of the bathroom in the suite of rooms he shared with Sierra, she said, “We need to go shopping tomorrow. Can you free up some time?”

  Still damp and busy drying, Ben glanced toward his wife where she sat cross-legged on the bed, a gift catalog opened over her lap. To his enjoyment, she wore only a ribbed undershirt and his favorite pair of pink and black barely-there panties.

  Ben had bought her the underwear, and a dozen other pairs in a variety of styles, fabrics, and colors. When Sierra opened her Christmas presents this year, she’d have a dozen more.

  He loved seeing her in sexy panties. They were such a contrast to her take-charge, tackle-any-job attitude and her sleek feminine muscles gained from hard work as a landscaper.

  As he looked her over, his blood heated. “I can take the afternoon off. But what are we shopping for? I thought we’d finished our holiday gift buying.” And he could definitely think of better ways to spend a free afternoon than shopping.

  Without looking up, Sierra flipped the page. “We need something for Levi. The problem is that I don’t know him that well. I guess I’ll get something generic. You know, something all men enjoy.”

  “Like?” If Levi wasn’t chasing Beth, Ben would suggest all types of things. But a man didn’t make sexual jokes about a sister.

  Sierra shook her head. “I don’t know yet. I’m hoping to find some inspiration in this gift book.”

  After briskly drying his hair, Ben dropped the towel over the back of a chair and strode naked to the bed. “Maybe Levi won’t be here that long and we won’t have to worry about it. Christmas is still a few days away and Beth seems to want him long gone.”

  Although, Ben reminded himself, Beth had asked for one room.

  But with two beds.

  Very confusing. Except that damned Levi had seemed awfully sure of himself…

  “She doesn’t.” Sierra continued with her perusal of holiday-inspired presents. “Want Levi gone, that is. She’s in love with him.”

  Ben cocked a brow over that disclosure. “You really think so?”

  “I know so.” And then, distracted, “It’s as obvious as it can be.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for that.” How was it that women always saw something different from what men saw?

  “You are such a smart man.” Sierra’s mouth curved in a smile.

  “Since Brandon’s out of the picture, can’t we just give his gift to Levi?”

  Her smile lowered to a frown. “Of course not. All things considered, it wouldn’t be right to give the man Beth will marry a gift that was meant for the man we thought she was going to marry.”

  Amused by that convoluted explanation, Ben stretched out beside her, took her catalog and dropped it on the nightstand.

  It was Sierra’s turn to raise a brow.r />
  While looking at her breasts beneath the undershirt, Ben asked, “Am I supposed to understand what you just said?”

  Sierra laid down on her side, facing him. “You could just trust me, I suppose.”

  “That I do, sweetheart.” Leaning forward to kiss her, Ben growled, “I trust you to keep me in a fog of sexual satisfaction.”

  Sierra snorted. “You’re so easy, that job’s a piece of cake.”

  Dead serious, he said, “I’m easy for you, Sierra. No one else.” Ben drew her down over him, and Sierra got to work.

  Standing in front of her dressing-table mirror, wearing only a camisole and panties, Brooke removed her earrings and a delicate necklace.

  As always, the sight of her charmed Kent. The way she moved, her posture, and the grace of her hands never failed to mesmerize him and turn him on.

  Brooke caught his reflection in her mirror and smiled. “You look pensive, Kent. Are you thinking about Beth and that brazen new man of hers?”

  Kent could have laughed, but he stifled his humor. “No.” At that moment, with Brooke nearly ready for bed, the last thing on his mind was his daughter. “I think it’ll work out just fine between the two of them.”

  After closing the jewelry box, Brooke turned to face him. “You do? Why?”

  “Because Beth looks at that young man the way you always looked at me.” The way Brooke still looked at him on occasion.

  Laughing, Brooke reached up to take down her hair. “And how would that be?”

  “With a little fear and a lot of fascination.” As her silky hair tumbled free, Kent caught her around the hips and dragged her between his legs. “It’s an incredible combination that gets to me every time.”


  Nodding slowly, he let his hands slide down to cup her bottom. “Fear at being so fascinated.”

  Brooke laughed again. “I’d say it was more awe than fear. You are such a big, impressive man, and so blatantly sexual. I’ve never known anyone else like you.”

  Filling his palms with her lush, soft backside made it almost impossible for Kent to follow the conversation. “So you’re in awe of me, huh?”

  “What woman wouldn’t be?” Inciting him with her gentleness, Brooke stroked her hands over his bare shoulders to his biceps. “Look at you.”

  “I’d rather look at you.” Kent kissed her throat. “God woman, you are so hot.”

  Brooke cupped his face so she could see him. “And you think Beth feels about Levi the way I’ve always felt about you?”

  His muscles tensed and heated. “This is not a good time to talk about my daughter.”

  Trailing one finger down the center of his chest, Brooke played coy and asked, “Why ever not?”

  Kent growled, “Because I have a jones, woman, that’s why.”

  Her gaze dipped down his body and she smiled. “Well my, my, my. I see that you do.”

  As if that wasn’t reason enough, Kent rubbed his nose into the fragrant place between her breasts, whispering roughly, “And because you smell good and taste even better.”

  Brooke’s fingers tunneled into his hair, drawing him closer to her.

  Taking that as a sign of her readiness, Kent drew her down to the bed and turned her beneath him. “And because I know Beth can take care of herself.”

  After a deep breath, Brooke forced her eyes open. “I know you’re right. And should she need anything, she does have Ben and Sierra in the hotel with her. It’s not like she’s alone—”

  Kent silenced Brooke with a kiss meant to put her mind on the task at hand. He loved it that she cared so much for his daughter, and vice versa, but there was a time and a place for everything, and right now it was time to love his wife silly.

  The second Kent nudged Brooke’s legs open so he could settle between them, she gave in to him with familiar enthusiasm.

  “That’s better,” Kent whispered to her. “Much, much better.”


  Watching Levi sleep proved an interesting pastime for Beth. He looked just as rugged and sexy in slumber as he did awake. Even a serious case of bed head that had his brown hair sticking up at odd angles didn’t detract from his masculine impact.

  Dark-beard shadow covered his jaw, and a low, even snore half mesmerized her.

  Never had Beth been this fascinated watching Brandon sleep. In fact, Brandon had never really fascinated her in any way. Yet looking back, she realized that she’d always been intrigued by Levi, his connection with kids and his easy smiles, his sense of humor and his loyalty to friends.

  She’d always liked being with him.

  She’d always enjoyed talking to him.

  Levi was a man’s man, but ladies adored him, too. Only…he hadn’t had a serious relationship with a woman in all the time she’d known him.

  Maybe because of that, she’d never consciously considered him beyond a sexual fantasy. He hadn’t struck her as the marrying kind, not when he seldom saw the same woman more than three times. To Beth, he was the quintessential bachelor—and that, along with his friendship to Brandon, had made him completely off limits for anything other than a very private fantasy.

  Yet here she was, by her own volition, in bed with him. And he wanted to marry her, had all but insisted on it.

  Out of guilt because he’d enjoyed making love with her? Or maybe out of that profound sense of responsibility, because she had been his best friend’s fiancée and they would have eventually married.

  Did he offer to marry her because he thought that’s what she wanted? Or because he wanted it?

  Did he hope to continue making love with her, except without the guilt?

  There were too many questions, and not enough answers for Beth to consider marriage. The only thing she knew for certain was that she had it bad.

  Unlike her mistaken feelings for Brandon, this was the genuine article. Love with a capital “L.” The real McCoy. Everlasting, overshadowing, “till death do us part” love.

  Now that she felt it, she knew how shallow and superficial her feelings for Brandon had been. At first, she’d have given anything to do over her wild weekend with Levi. Now she cherished the time she’d had with him. She wanted to do it over, again and again.

  But…did Levi feel the same?

  Her sigh roused him, and he began to stir. Stretching out his limbs while scrunching up his face a little, Levi flexed all those macho muscles that never failed to make her giddy. His biceps bulged, his abdomen drew into a tight, sexy six-pack, and a deep rumble came from his chest.

  Leaning over him, Beth put a peck on his mouth and whispered, “Good morning, Levi.”

  He froze in a comical pose. His movements halted, his breath caught. Suddenly his eyes popped open. When he saw her face so close to his, bewilderment darkened his green gaze. Without moving anything but his eyes, he searched the position of her body over him, then the room, and then her face again.

  Alert and wary, he murmured, “Good morning.”

  God, he even sounded wonderful to her now-enlightened ears. “You look incredibly sexy in the morning, Levi Masterson.”

  Keeping his gaze glued to hers, he asked, “I do?”

  Beth nodded. “I’ve been awake for an hour.”

  His brows pinched in a frown. “You should have nudged me or something.”

  “No, it’s all right.” She glanced down his body, but that took her thoughts in a dangerous direction so she quickly took her attention back to his face. “I stayed busy watching you sleep.”

  A new awareness came over Levi. His gaze grew piercing. “Busy how?”

  “Just thinking.”

  His eyes narrowed. “About?”

  Beth hated the watchfulness that tightened his expression. She’d been so unfair to him that he didn’t know if he should expect rejection or interest.

  She drew a deep breath for courage. “Levi, from now on I want to be as honest with you as I can be.”

  Relaxing into his pillow, he said, “So you’re admitting tha
t you haven’t been honest?”

  “Not with myself and not with you.” Rather than explain that she hadn’t misled him on purpose, Beth said, “I’m sorry about that.”

  “You’re forgiven.”

  Knowing he waited for an answer to his question, Beth gathered her nerve. “Since I woke up and found you asleep, I’ve been thinking about how nice it was to be this close to you without you pressuring me, or me molesting you.”

  The corners of his mouth quirked. “You can molest me any time you want, honey. I don’t mind at all.”

  That reply proved a perfect example. “There, you see? Now you’re awake, so the pressure starts again.”

  “It was just a joke, not a suggestion.” He encouraged her to continue by saying, “Tell me what else you thought about.”

  “Everything.” Daring and brave in light of her new attitude, Beth stroked a hand over his warm chest. She relished the feel of his crisp body hair, his strong muscles. And looking at his chest instead of into his eyes made it easier to say, “Mostly, I’ve thought about how foolish I’ve been.”

  Annoyance had Levi shoving upright. “Damn it, Beth—”

  She threw herself over him, flattening him again. “I have been foolish.” A finger over his mouth quieted his protests. “In lots of ways, but mostly for thinking myself in love with Brandon.”

  He bit her finger, and when she yanked it away, he caught her wrist and brought it back for an apologetic kiss that made her tingly.

  “You were in love with him.” Levi held her hand close. “Weren’t you?”

  She’d always thought so, but now that she could compare her feelings for Brandon with her feelings for Levi, she knew there was no comparison. “I was probably more in love with the idea of being in love with him. If that makes any sense.”

  Levi began kissing her fingertips one by one. “If you weren’t in love with him, I’m glad, but yeah, it makes perfect sense. You’re a mature, domestic, caring woman. You wanted to settle down.”

  “Gawd, I sound like a grandmother.”

  Taking her seriously, Levi said, “No, not grandmotherly at all. But you’re not a partier, either, and you’re not a woman who wants to spin her wheels on the dating scene. Like me, you value commitment and security.”


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