Ballad of the Anarchist Bandits

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Ballad of the Anarchist Bandits Page 34

by John Merriman

Atget, Eugène

  Zoniers photo album, 44


  accident deaths, 11

  anxiety from, 176

  Delaunay-Belleville theft, 117

  first in France, 11

  middle-class ownership of, 175

  Paris panic over Bonnot Gang and, 170, 174, 175

  police investigation of anarchists with, 145

  as transformative force, 176–177

  wealth and, 18

  Bader, Marie, 91

  Bakunin, Mikhail, 55

  Balkan Wars, anarchist propaganda during, 150

  Balzac, Honoré de

  Père Goriot, 78

  Bande à Milo du canal Saint-Martin, 172

  Bande de Belleville, 172

  Bande de la Goutte d’Or, 172

  Bandits en automobile, 174

  Baraille, Barthélemy, 166

  Barbusse, Henri, 264

  Barricade, La, 73

  bas-fonds, les, 48

  Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre, 35

  Bataille syndicaliste, La, 236, 254

  Bélardi, Brutus, 125–26

  Bélardi, Jeanne Botelli, 125–126, 127, 147, 190

  Carouy, Édouard, and, 87, 125, 126

  police surveillance of, 149

  “Belgian Trio,” 186

  See also Callemin, Raymond la Science; Carouy, Édouard; Kibaltchiche, Victor

  Belle Époque, 37

  Bélonie, David, 115, 116, 149, 158

  arrest of, 155

  Bonnot, Jules, and, 155

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 234

  Gorodsky, Bernard, and, 169

  Rodriguez, Léon, and, 156

  Berliet Company, 175

  Bernhardt, Sarah, 13

  Bertillon, Alphonse, 129, 157, 165, 171, 174, 230, 234

  Bertillon System, 129

  Besse, Marie, 189, 241

  bicycles, 175

  Bill, Charles, 151, 156

  Blériot, Louis, 175

  “Bloody Week,” 12, 16, 34, 48, 252

  Bloy, Léon, 206

  Bon Marché, 40

  Bonaparte, Mathilde, 15

  Bonnot, Jules, 4, 5, 109, 122, 147–148, 149–150, 151, 158, 158, 159, 169, 187, 193, 201, 268

  arrests and incarcerations, 108

  attempts to sell stolen securities, 136

  auto repair shops, 110

  Burdet, Sophie, and, 108, 109–110, 205

  burglaries, 110

  Callemin, Raymond, and, 107, 116

  Carouy, Édouard, and, 107

  Chantilly bank robbery and murder and, 164, 165

  childhood, 107–108

  children of, 108

  Choisy-le-Roi Dubois garage last stand, 198–202

  Comar, Inspector, and, 192

  Conan Doyle, Arthur, and, 111

  death of, 200–202, 219, 220

  Delaunay-Belleville auto theft, 117

  evading authorities after Jouin shooting, 196–197

  expulsion from Switzerland, 108

  Garnier, Octave, and, 107

  Gauzy, Antoine, and, 191–193

  grave, 204

  Jouin, Louis-François, and, 192–194

  in London, 111

  military service, 108

  Monier, Élie, and, 116

  notebook, 202–3

  in Paris after shooting Joseph Platano, 112–116

  Platano, Joseph, and, 112, 113–114, 132

  police identification as anarchist, 109

  police identification as Bonnot Gang member, 147

  police raid on auto repair shop of, 111–112

  post-death martyrdom, 206

  rue Ordener bank courier shooting and robbery and, 118, 120

  Seine-et-Marne carjacking and, 163–164

  shootings and killings by, 112, 113–114, 192–194

  Thollon, Judith, and, 110

  Valet, René, and, 107

  verbal attacks on Victor Kibaltchiche and Rirette Maîtrejean, 116

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Bonnot, Sophie Burdet, 108, 109–110, 205

  Bonnot Gang

  attempted notary office burglary, 152

  attempts to sell stolen securities, 136–137

  auto thefts, 117, 137–38

  Chantilly bank robbery and murder and, 164, 165, 170

  Choisy-le-Roi garage siege, 198–202, 199, 201, 202, 203–204, 212

  in collective memory of France, 267–268

  Excelsior front page, 158

  executions, 241–242

  first mentions of in newspapers, 115, 158–159

  Gand night watchman shooting and, 137

  gun store burglaries, 120

  illegalists as members, 178

  leader, 159

  Moreau-Arfeux murders and, 128, 129, 132, 167

  panic in Paris from, 170–171

  police attempts to capture, 122–123, 179–187

  posters featuring, 157

  press coverage, 138–139

  public sympathy for, 213

  rue Ordener bank courier shooting and robbery, 1–4, 118, 130, 132, 135, 145, 154, 177, 220

  Seine-et-Marne carjacking and murder, 163–164

  shooting of policeman François Garnier and, 148, 156

  sightings of members on the run, 181–182

  See also names of specific gang members; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Bouchet, Léon, 149

  boulevards, Paris grands, 9, 10, 11, 41

  Boulogne-Billancourt, 39

  Bourget, Paul, 73

  bouziller, 112, 114

  Braque, Georges, 10

  Browning, Le, 174

  Brutus, 87

  Burdet, Sophie, 108–109, 110

  See also Bonnot, Sophie Burdet

  Butte Montmartre. See Montmartre

  Caby, Ernest

  Callemin, Raymond, and, 239

  identification of Eugène Dieudonné as shooter of, 154, 227, 234

  identification of Octave Garnier as shooter of, 135, 227, 234

  rue Ordener shooting and robbery of, 1–3, 2, 4, 118, 119, 120, 139, 232

  Vuillemin, Marie-Félice, comments on shooting of, 219

  Caesarism, 17

  Caillaux, Henriette, 253

  Caillaux, Joseph, 253

  Callemin, Napoléon, 22–23

  Callemin, Raymond la Science, 4, 5, 23, 84–85, 88, 95, 104, 159, 232, 233, 268

  accidental shooting of self, 138

  anarchist beginnings, 29

  arrests and incarceration, 26, 27, 33, 184, 185

  attempted escape from Paris to Alès, 148

  attempts to sell stolen securities, 136

  Bonnot, Jules, and, 107, 116

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 227–229, 232, 234

  as burglar, 33, 132

  Carouy, Édouard, and, 185

  Chantilly bank robbery and murder and, 164, 165

  countryside excursions from Romainville, 97

  de Boe, Jean, and, 24–25

  defense of Sokolov, 31

  Delaunay-Belleville auto theft and, 117

  Dieudonné, Eugène, and, 154, 226

  Dieudonné, Louise, and, 183, 184

  early life, 23, 24, 26–27, 32, 33

  execution of, 240, 242, 252, 260

  father, 22–23

  Gand night watchman shooting and, 137

  Garnier, Octave, and, 92

  hiding post-rue Ordener shooting and robbery, 123–124

  identification of as Bonnot Gang member by police, 147

  interrogation of, 98, 221

  Kibaltchiche, Victor, and, 22, 24, 84, 183, 235

  L’Anarchie and, 100, 102, 236

  Macha and, 26, 84

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, and, 139–140, 225

  1907 visit to anarchist community, 30

  prison guards and, 238–239

  Romainville and, 96, 98, 99, 100–101

  rue Ordener bank courier shooting and robbery and, 118, 120

p; Seine-et-Marne carjacking and, 163–164

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Calmette, Gaston, 253

  Camus, Albert, 267

  Cardi, Pierre, 100, 118, 188

  Carnot, Marie François Sadi, 55, 110

  Carouy, Édouard, 85–88, 86, 95, 97, 103, 158, 158, 160, 169

  arrests and incarceration of, 85, 167

  Bélardi, Jeanne Botelli, and, 87, 125, 126, 147

  as Belgian burglary suspect, 132

  Bonnot, Jules, and, 107

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 230–31, 232, 233, 234

  Callemin, Raymond, and, 185

  Chantilly bank robbery and murder and, 165

  countryside excursions from Romainville, 97

  Delaunay-Belleville auto theft and, 117, 147

  Garnier, Octave, and, 92

  interrogation of, 167

  Kibaltchiche, Victor, and, 87

  L’Anarchie and, 236

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, and, 87

  Moreau-Arfeux murders and, 129, 167

  Romainville and, 96, 98, 99, 100

  rue Ordener bank courier shooting and robbery and, 118, 121, 127

  suicide, 235

  suicide attempt, 168

  Valet, René, and, 101

  witness testimony about 220–221

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Casque d’Or affair, 173

  causeries populaires, anarchist, 50, 56, 64, 71

  See also names of specific anarchists

  Cesario, 110, 245

  Cézanne, Paul, 10

  CGT. See Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT)

  Chaîne, La, 188

  Chamber of Deputies, 16–17, 251

  Champs-Elysées, 14, 39

  Chanel, Coco, 14

  Chantilly bank robbery and murder, 164, 165, 166, 170

  Chaperon, Jean-Baptiste, 124, 128

  Chat Noir, 35

  child labor, 44–45

  Choisy-le-Roi garage siege, 198–202, 199, 201, 202, 212

  press reaction to, 203–204

  Church of the Madeleine, 12–13

  cinema, Paris, 13–14

  Cirque d’Hiver, 13

  Clemenceau, Georges, 71–72, 73, 74, 75–76, 122, 260

  Clément-Thomas, Jacques, 34

  Cler, Henri, 81–82

  cocottes, Les, 14

  Colmar, Inspector, 191

  Jules Bonnot shooting of, 192, 194, 231

  Communiste, 31

  Comte, Auguste, 24

  Conan Doyle, Arthur

  Jules Bonnot as chauffeur for, 111

  novels, 131

  Sherlock Holmes, character of, 171

  Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), 45, 47, 54, 76, 248, 251

  Amiens gathering of 1906, 53, 72

  1907 arrest of general secretary, 75

  Coty, François, 14

  Coupeau, Édouard, 89

  Courrières mine explosion of 1906, 71


  fiction, 171, 173

  newspaper coverage of, 171

  panic in Paris and, 170–178

  theater pieces, 173

  violent, 172, 174

  See also names of specific criminals; apaches; Bonnot Gang

  Crimes et criminels étranges, 171

  criminology, 171

  Cubism, 10, 36, 255

  Daumier, Honoré, 14

  d’Avray, Charles, 67

  de Boe, Jean, 24–25, 86, 88, 158, 264–265

  arrest of, 153

  attempts to sell stolen securities, 136

  as Belgian burglary suspect, 132

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 234

  Callemin, Raymond, and, 24–25

  early life, 24–25

  Garnier, Octave, and, 92

  identification of as Bonnot Gang member by police, 147

  Kibaltchiche, Victor, and, 24–25

  Romainville and, 96

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang

  death penalty, 174

  See also executions, Bonnot Gang

  Debussy, Claude, 10, 249

  Deibler, Anatole, 174, 241

  department stores, Paris, 40–41

  Dépêche de Toulouse, La, 139

  Derain, André, 10, 121

  Dettweiller, Jean-Georges, 124–127, 158

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 234

  interrogation of, 153

  Diaghilev, Serge, 252

  Dieudonné, Eugène, 116, 150, 150–51, 158, 168, 203, 265

  arrest of, 151

  “Aubertin” alias, 149, 150, 151

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 226–227, 228, 232, 234

  identification as Bonnot Gang member by police, 147

  identification as Ernest Caby shooter, 154, 227

  Kayser, Louise, and 150, 226

  pardon of, 242

  police search for, 149

  prison escapes, 242

  rue Ordener bank courier shooting and robbery and, 133, 154

  Vuillemin, Marie-Félice, comments on, 219–220

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Dieudonné, Louise, 183, 184

  See also Dieudonné, Eugène

  Dion-Bouton auto plant (Puteaux), 39

  Dondon, Anna, 168, 207, 208

  Don’t Touch Our Flag!, 249

  Dreyfus, Alfred, 15, 47

  Dreyfus Affair, 15, 230

  Dubois, Jean, 111

  Dubois, Joseph, 197–198

  garage death of, 200

  grave, 204

  police siege of Choisy-le-Roi garage of, 198–202

  Dupoux, 151

  Élie, Amélie, 173

  Estorges, Anna. See Maîtrejean, Rirette

  executions, Bonnot Gang, 241–242

  Exposition Universelle of 1900, 10

  Fabre, Joseph, 222, 232, 233

  Fantômas film, 173, 174–175, 267

  Fantômas novels, 173, 175

  fashion, Paris haute couture, 14

  Faure, Sébastien, 49, 59, 141, 226

  Fauvistes, 10

  Fédération Bruxelloise des Jeunes Gardes Socialistes, 27

  Fédération Communiste Anarchiste (F.C.A.), 248

  anti-Three Years Law brochure, 252

  Revolutionary Manual, 251

  Ferdinand, Francis, 253

  Ferrer, Francisco, 81

  Figaro, Le, 153, 253

  fin de siècle, 12, 37, 171

  Folies-Bergère, 13

  Fortan, Paul, 200, 203, 204

  Fouquet’s, 14

  France, Anatole, 47, 79

  support of Antoine Gauzy, 194

  Franco, Francisco, 244

  Franco-Prussian War, 12, 249

  Franklin-Bouillon, Henry, 170

  French Society of Munitions (Issy-les Moulineux), 39

  Fromentin, Alfred Pierre, 188, 197

  Galeries Lafayette, 40

  Galliffet, Gaston, 16

  Gare d’Orsay, 10

  garment industry, Paris, 40

  Garnier, Charles, 11, 13

  Garnier, François

  funeral, 153

  murder, 148, 156

  Garnier, Octave, 4, 5, 91–92, 92, 94–95, 97, 104, 158, 158, 160, 168, 169, 187

  attempted escape from Paris to Alès, 148

  attempts to sell stolen securities, 136

  as bank courier shooter, 124, 135, 157

  as Belgian burglary suspect, 132

  Bonnot, Jules, and, 107

  Bonnot Gang leader, 159

  burial of, 211

  Caby, Ernest, and, 157

  Callemin, Raymond, and, 92

  Carouy, Édouard, and, 92

  Chantilly bank robbery and murder and, 164, 165

  as Charleroi burglary suspect, 132

  countryside excursions from Romainville, 97

  crime spree, 122

  de Boe, Jean, and, 92

  death of, 210, 219

  early convictions and incarceration of, 92r />
  hiding post-rue Ordener shooting and robbery, 123–124

  identification of as Bonnot Gang member by police, 147

  last written testament, 211–212

  letter to Xavier Guichard, 156–157

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, and, 139–140

  Nogent-sur-Marne raid on hideaway of, 207–212

  police search for, 133–135

  Romainville and, 96, 98, 99, 100

  romance with Marie-Félice Vuillemin, 92, 94, 185

  rue Ordener bank courier shooting and robbery and, 118, 120, 121

  Seine-et-Marne carjacking and shooting and, 163–164

  as shooter of policeman François Garnier, 148

  Valet, René, and, 101

  Vuillemin, Marie-Félice, comments on, 219, 220

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Garros, Roland, 175

  Gauguin, Paul, 10

  Gaumont Palace, 14, 250

  Gauzy, Antoine, 190–195, 194, 203

  anarchist organizations defending, 236

  Bonnot, Jules, and, 191–193, 231

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 231, 233, 234

  employment, 190

  Monier, Élie, and, 189, 191, 194, 230

  store of, 189, 190, 191

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang; Gauzy, Nelly

  Gauzy, Nelly, 190, 194–195, 231

  Gide, André, 264

  Gilbert, Maurice, 123, 154, 156, 186, 195

  Callemin, Raymond, interrogation, 185

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, interrogation, 160

  Vuillemin, Marie-Félice, interrogation, 219–220

  Giobellina, Émile, 74, 75

  Girard, André, 243

  Gorodsky, Bernard, 107, 169

  grand bourgeoisie, 15–16

  Grand Café, 13

  Grand Palais, 10

  grands boulevards, Paris, 9, 10, 11, 41

  Grave, Jean, 59, 139, 179

  Griffuelhes, Victor, 75

  Gris, Juan, 121

  Groupe de la Fédération Revolutionnaire, 180

  Guerre Sociale, La, 205, 213, 252

  Guesde, Jules, 29

  Guichard, Paul, 200, 204

  Guichard, Xavier, 131, 147, 151–152, 195, 203

  anarchist sweeps ordered by, 196

  Bonnot Gang trial testimony, 231

  Choisy-le-Roi Dubois garage siege and, 198–200

  disagreements with Louis-François Jouin, 170

  Frémont, Juliette, interrogation, 197–198

  Gauzy, Antoine, interrogation, 194

  letters sent to office of, 180–181

  medal awarded to, 204

  Nogent-sur-Marne Garnier-Valet villa operation, 207–212

  preferred nickname, 182

  presence at Bonnot Gang executions, 241

  Soudy, André “Pas-de-Chance,” interrogation, 166

  struggling with public opinion, 152

  threats to, 240

  Guide Michelin, 176

  guidebooks, 11, 176

  Guillebaud, Paul, 210

  Guimard, Hector, 11

  Hamard, Octave, 122, 131, 132

  Hartenstein, Vladimir. See Sokolov, Alexander

  Haussmann, Georges, 9, 10, 39, 41

  Hell of Cayenne, 60


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