The Secret

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The Secret Page 25

by Julie Garwood

  “I cried.”

  For some reason, both women found that admission hysterically funny. Patrick and lain walked inside, both smiling over the way Frances Catherine and Judith were laughing.

  Patrick wanted to know what they found so amusing. His question only made the two women laugh all the more. He finally gave up. Women, he decided, didn’t make much sense.

  Iain’s gaze was centered on Judith. “Why are you here?” he asked.

  “I wanted to tell Frances Catherine what happened. We did get married, didn’t we?”

  “She thinks she might have married Graham,” Frances Catherine told Patrick.

  Iain shook his head. He went over to his bride and pulled her to her feet. She hadn’t looked at him once since he’d entered the cottage, and that notice bothered him. “It’s time to go home.”

  Judith was filled with trepidation. “I’ll just get a few of my things,” she said. She kept her head bowed and started toward the back of the screen. “Where is home?” she asked.

  “Where you were married,” Patrick told her.

  It was safe for her to grimace. No one could see her. Then she let out a sigh. She was going to have to live in the ugly keep, she supposed, but it wasn’t going to bother her. lain lived there and that was all that mattered.

  Judith could hear the two brothers talking together while she gathered her sleeping gown and wrapper and other necessary items for tonight. She would collect the rest of her things tomorrow.

  She had difficulty folding her nightgown and was surprised to notice her hands shook.

  She finished packing the small valise but didn’t leave her little sanctuary. The significance of what had taken place today was finally settling in her mind.

  She sat down on the side of the bed and closed her eyes. She was a married woman. Her heart was suddenly pounding a furious beat and she could barely catch a decent breath. She knew she was beginning to panic and tried to calm herself.

  Dear God, what if she had made a mistake? It had all happened so fast. lain did love her, didn’t he? It didn’t matter that he hadn’t given her the words. He wanted to marry her and he had absolutely nothing to gain other than a wife. What other motive could there be?

  What if she couldn’t fit in with these people? What if they never accepted her? Judith finally focused on her main concern. What if she couldn’t be a good wife? She sure as certain didn’t know how to please a man in bed. Iain would know she was inexperienced. It would be his duty to teach her, but what if she was the kind of woman who couldn’t be taught?

  She didn’t want him to think of her as inferior. She would rather die.


  His voice was little more than a whisper. She still flinched. He noticed. He noticed his bride looked ready to faint, too. Judith was afraid. He thought he understood why.

  “I’m ready to leave now,” she told him in a voice that shivered.

  She didn’t move after making that announcement. Her valise was on her lap and she appeared to have a death grip on the handle. lain hid his smile. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to her.

  “Why are you sitting here?” he asked.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  She didn’t answer him. She wouldn’t look at him, but kept her gaze locked on her lap.

  Iain wasn’t going to rush her. He decided to act as though there was all the time in the world. They sat side by side for several minutes. Judith could hear Frances Catherine whispering to her husband. She heard the word “flowers” and thought her friend might be complaining about the lack of decorations at the wedding.

  “Is it possible for me to have a bath tonight?”


  She nodded. “Shouldn’t we leave?”

  “You’re finished thinking?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  He stood up. So did she. She handed him her valise. He took hold of her hand and started for the doorway.

  Frances Catherine blocked their exit. She was determined to make them stay for supper. Since everything was ready, lain agreed. Judith was far too nervous to eat. lain didn’t have any trouble. Both he and Patrick ate like men who’d just completed the forty-day Lenten fast.

  He didn’t want to linger after the meal, however. Neither did Judith. They walked hand in hand up to the keep. It was dark inside. lain led her up to the second level. His bedchamber was on the left side of the landing, the first of three doors along the narrow corridor.

  The bedroom blazed with light and warmth. The hearth faced the door. A fire burned bright, effectively heating the area. Iain’s bed was to the left of the doorway. It took up a fair portion of the wall. A quilt, made of the colors of his clan, covered the bed, and a small chest with two candles on top was next to the wall.

  There was only one chair in the room, near the hearth. Another chest, much larger and taller than the one by the bed, was on the opposite wall. An ornate, gold-rimmed square box sat on top of the chest.

  lain wasn’t much for clutter, she decided. The room was functional, efficient, and very like the man who slept here.

  There was a large wooden tub directly in front of the fireplace. Steam filtered up from the water. lain had thoughtfully anticipated her request for a bath even before she’d asked him.

  He tossed her valise on the bed. “Is there anything else you need?”

  She needed not to be afraid, but she didn’t tell him that. “No, thank you.”

  She continued to stand in the center of the room, her hands folded together, waiting and praying he would leave so she could have her bath in privacy.

  He wondered why she was hesitating to get the chore done. “Do you need help getting undressed?” he asked.

  “No,” she blurted out, appalled by the very idea. “I remember how,” she added in a calmer voice.

  He nodded, then motioned with the crook of his finger for her to come to him. She didn’t hesitate. She stopped when she was just a foot away.

  He was pleased she didn’t flinch when he reached for her. He lifted her hair back over her shoulder, then slipped his fingers in around the neckline of her gown to catch hold of her chain.

  He didn’t say a word until he’d removed the chain and ring.

  “Do you remember the promises you gained from me today?”

  She nodded. Dear God, he wasn’t going to tell her he’d changed his mind, was he?

  He saw the look of panic on her face and shook his head. “I have never broken my word before, Judith, and I won’t break it now.” His guess had been proven correct. The fear immediately left her gaze. “If you knew me better, you never would have had that worry.”

  “But I don’t know you better,” she whispered, excusing her behavior.

  “I have a promise I want you to give me,” he explained. He dropped the chain and ring into her hand. “I don’t want you to wear this to bed.”

  It didn’t sound like a request to her, but an order. He didn’t explain his reasons either. Judith was about to ask him why he would want such a promise, then changed her mind. He hadn’t made her explain why she wanted him to promise he’d never get sotted when he was with her, and he deserved to receive the very same consideration.

  “I agree.”

  He nodded. He looked satisfied.

  “Do you want me to throw it away?”

  “No,” he answered. “Put it in there,” he told her, motioning to the small box on top of the chest. “No one will bother it.”

  She hurried to do what he suggested. “May I keep the brooch my aunt Millicent gave me in here, too?” she asked. “I wouldn’t want to lose it.”

  He didn’t answer her. She turned around and only then realized that he had left the room. He hadn’t made a sound.

  She shook her head. She must have a talk with him about his rude habit of disappearing like that, she decided.

  Since she didn’t have any idea how long he planned to stay away, she hurried through he
r bath. She wasn’t planning to wash her hair, but then changed her mind.

  Iain opened the door while she was rinsing the rosescented soap from her hair. He got a glimpse of golden skin before he pulled the door closed again. He leaned against the wall and waited for his bride to finish.

  He didn’t want to embarrass her. The woman was taking forever, though. He had walked a fair distance to the water basin, washed, and then walked back, fully expecting that his bride would be waiting in bed for him.

  He waited another fifteen minutes, then went inside. Judith was sitting on a blanket on the floor directly in front of the hearth, diligently drying her hair. She wore a prim white nightgown and matching robe.

  She looked absolutely beautiful to him. Her face was scrubbed pink everywhere and her hair was the color of pale gold.

  lain leaned against the door frame for several minutes, just staring at her. A tightness settled in his chest. She was his wife. Aye, she belonged to him now. A feeling of contentment swept over him, catching him by surprise. It all seemed so inevitable to him. Why had he put himself through the torment of trying to stay away from her? From the moment he first kissed her, he should have accepted the truth. His heart had always known he would never let another man have her. Why had it taken his mind so long to accept?

  Matters of the heart were damn confusing, he decided. He remembered how he’d boasted to Patrick that one woman was just as good as another. He understood the blasphemy in that arrogant remark now. There was only one Judith.

  lain shook himself out of his foolish thoughts. He was a warrior. He shouldn’t be thinking about such inconsequential things.

  He turned around to go back into the hall and then let out a shrill whistle. The sound echoed down the stairs. lain came back into the room and walked over to the hearth. He leaned against the mantel, not two feet away from his bride, and pulled his boots off.

  She was about to ask him why he’d left the door open when three men came hurrying inside. They nodded to their laird, crossed the chamber and lifted the tub. They were quite deliberate in keeping their gazes away from Judith while they carried the heavy tub out of the room.

  lain followed them to the door and was about to shut it when someone shouted his name. He let out a sigh and left the chamber again.

  He didn’t come back for almost an hour. The heat from the fire had made Judith sleepy. Her hair was just a little damp now and most of the curl was back. She stood up, put her brush back on the mantel, and went over to the side of the bed. She was removing her robe when lain came back inside.

  He shut the door, bolted it, and then took off his plaid. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

  She thought she was going to die of embarrassment then and there. She turned her gaze to the center beam in the ceiling, but not before she had gotten a rather healthy glimpse of him. No wonder Frances Catherine had cried on her wedding night. If Patrick was fashioned anything like Iain was, and she was guessing he probably was, she could well understand weeping. God’s truth, her eyes were already getting misty. Oh Lord, she really wasn’t prepared for this. She had made a mistake after all. No, no, she wasn’t ready for this kind of intimacy. She didn’t know him well enough . . . she never should have—

  “It’s going to be all right, Judith.”

  He was standing right in front of her. She wouldn’t look at him. He put his hands on her shoulders and gave her an affectionate squeeze. “It really will be all right. You trust me, don’t you?”

  His voice was filled with tenderness. It didn’t help. She took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. That didn’t help either.

  And then he pulled her into his arms and held her tight. She let out a little sigh and settled down. It was going to be all right. lain wouldn’t hurt her. He loved her.

  She leaned a little away so she could look up into his eyes. There was such warmth there, a little amusement, too.

  “Don’t be afraid,” he told her, his voice a soothing whisper.

  “How do you know I’m afraid?”

  He smiled. “Afraid” wasn’t quite the right word, he decided. “Terrified” was a far more accurate description. “You have the same expression on your face you had the night I told you Isabelle wanted you to help her deliver her son.”

  She turned her gaze to his chest. “I didn’t want to help because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to . . . lain, I don’t believe I want to do this, either. I know it will be all right, but I still would rather not—”

  Judith didn’t finish her confession. She went back into his arms and rested against him.

  lain was pleased she was able to be honest with him, but he was frustrated, too. He had never taken a virgin to his bed, and he hadn’t realized until this minute how important it was going to be to make it as easy as possible for her. It was going to require time, patience, and a good deal of stamina.

  “Exactly what is it you’re afraid of?” he asked.

  She didn’t answer him. She was trembling now, and he knew it wasn’t from cold.

  “There will be pain, of course, but if I—”

  “I’m not afraid of the pain.”

  She’d blurted out that announcement. He was more thoroughly puzzled now. “Then what are you afraid of?” He started rubbing her back while he waited for her to answer him.

  “A man can always . . . you know,” she stammered out. “But some women can’t, and if I’m one of those women, then I’ll disappoint you.”

  “You won’t disappoint me.”

  “I really do believe I will,” she whispered. “I think I’m one of the ones who can’t, Iain.”

  “You can,” he told her with great authority. He wasn’t at all certain exactly what she was talking about, but it seemed to be important to her, and she certainly needed his confidence now. He was the experienced one, after all, and he knew she would believe whatever he told her.

  He kept stroking her back. Judith closed her eyes and let him soothe her. He was surely the most considerate man in the world, and when he was being so gentle with her, she couldn’t help but love him.

  It didn’t take her long to get over her fear. She was still a bit nervous, of course, but she didn’t think that was unusual. She took a deep breath, then pulled away from lain. She couldn’t look at him and she knew she was blushing, but that didn’t stop her. She slowly lifted her gown up and over her head. Then she tossed it on the bed. She didn’t give him time to look at her either. The second her gown was discarded, she rushed back into his arms.

  He visibly shuddered. “You feel so good against me,” he whispered, his voice gruff with emotion.

  It felt much better than good to her. It felt wonderful. In a shy, halting voice, she told him so.

  His chin dropped to rest on the top of her head. “You please me, Judith.”

  “I haven’t done anything yet,” she replied.

  “You don’t need to do anything,” he explained.

  She could hear the laughter in his voice. She smiled in reaction. By not rushing her, lain was actually helping her get past her embarrassment. She knew that was his plan, and it didn’t even matter that it was deliberate. His consideration for her feelings fairly overwhelmed her. She didn’t even think she was blushing any longer.

  The heat of his hard arousal pressed so intimately against her lower belly still worried her, but lain wasn’t being at all demanding, just gentle, terribly gentle as he slowly caressed her shivers away, and it didn’t take long for that worry to seem unimportant.

  She wanted to touch him. She let go of her hard grip around his waist and tentatively stroked his broad shoulders, then his back, and finally his thighs. His skin felt like hot steel against her fingertips. He was so completely different in texture and tone from her, and she found herself marveling over all the wonderful differences. His muscles were like knotted rope along his upper arms, and in comparison she was built like a weakling.

  “You’re so strong, lain, and I’m so weak. It seems s
trange to me that I would please you.”

  He laughed. “You aren’t weak. You’re soft and smooth and very, very appealing.”

  She blushed with pleasure over his praise. She rubbed her face against his chest, smiling over the way his crisp hair tickled her nose. She leaned up and kissed him where the pulse beat at the base of his neck.

  “I do like touching you,” she admitted.

  She sounded surprised by her own admission. Iain wasn’t. He already knew she liked to touch him. He liked it, too. One of her most appealing traits was her desire to touch, to stroke, to hold him whenever possible. He thought about all the times she’d instinctively taken hold of his hand, the way she’d caressed his arm while she gave him hell about an opinion of his she had taken exception to.

  She had very few inhibitions when she was with him . . . but only with him. Aye, he had noticed how reserved she was with his soldiers on the journey here. She was very pleasant, of course, but she went out of her way to avoid touching any of them. She never relaxed in Alex’s arms when she had been forced to ride with him, yet she’d fallen asleep in his arms. She trusted him completely, and that fact was every bit as important to him as her love.

  And Lord, she really did love him.



  “Are you ready to quit hiding from me?”

  She almost laughed. She had been hiding from him, and he’d known that was her game all along. She let go of her hold on him and took a step back, away from him. Then she looked up into his eyes and slowly nodded.

  He had the most wonderful smile. She thought about that while she stared up at him. She had the most magnificent body he’d ever seen. He thought about that while he stared at her. She was exquisitely formed, from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, and Lord, if he didn’t get to touch her soon, to make her completely his, he knew he would lose his mind.

  They reached for each other at the same moment. She put her arms around his neck as he cupped her backside and pulled her up against him.

  He leaned down and kissed her, a deep, devouring kiss that left both of them breathless. His tongue moved inside to taste the sweetness she offered. A low growl of satisfaction came from the back of his throat when she imitated the erotic love play and rubbed her tongue against his.


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