Let the Fur Fly (It's a Shifter Thing, 1)

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Let the Fur Fly (It's a Shifter Thing, 1) Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  LET THE FUR FLY (It’s A Shifter Thing, 1)

  Jenika Snow


  [email protected]

  Published by Jenika Snow

  Copyright © October 2014 by Jenika Snow

  Kindle Edition

  First E-book Publication: October 2014

  Edited by Kasi Alexander

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  READER NOTE: This is the first story in a new shifter series. This series is dedicated to quick, erotic reads. Basically good old-fashioned smut. If you’re not into shorter reads that focus solely on the sexual aspects of a relationship, this may not be for you.

  Two shifters, one night… the fur will definitely fly.

  Hannah has just come into her mating heat and wants Beau to ease her suffering. But Beau is an over-the-top alpha, used to having his way in all things. For what she needs him for, though, Hannah knows he is just the shifter to leave her blissfully sated.

  When she propositions him for one night of uninhibited sex, she doesn’t realize the feelings that will rise inside of her when she’s with the wolf shifter. But Beau doesn’t seem ready to let her go just yet either.

  Hannah must decide if being with a growly alpha shifter is really what she wants.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Book

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Where to find Jenika Snow

  Excerpt from Once Upon A Time

  Hannah woke and instantly knew she was in her damn mating heat. Her pussy ached, literally ached to have a male touching her, smelling her entire body, and fucking her so hard that she couldn’t even see straight. Damn her wolf shifting genetics, and damn the fact that only females went through the mating heat. Her nipples were rock hard, pulling right through the thin layer of her shirt in an obscene manner. She pushed herself up, pulled the material away from her chest, and closed her eyes. At twenty-one she shouldn’t be having these intense, pubescent desires to dry hump the opposite sex—at least if she was human she wouldn’t be. It wasn’t like she had never had a guy touch her, kiss her, or hell, get her off, but she was, embarrassingly so, still a virgin.

  The small shifter community she lived in was in the secluded town of Mount Redford in Alaska. Shifters weren’t hidden, didn’t need to be since they had “come out of the closet” several decades ago. No, they lived happily beside humans. But Mount Redford was exclusively for shifters. It was made up of any and all of the animal variety, and so even though Hannah had plenty of dick to chose from for this particular problem she was having, she knew that only one male could satisfy her. Only one male could make her feel so thoroughly satisfied that she wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a week.

  Beau McKenzie.

  Just thinking of the wolf shifter had her pussy growing even wetter, her nipples practically throbbing to be sucked on, and a flush stealing over her. God, he was so masculine, so potent and intense. He was a slut, a major man-whore, but he was so damn gorgeous, and his voice could have the female population getting buck naked and bending at the waist to grab their ankles. She didn’t know if he just had an abundance of sex appeal, or maybe the pheromones that came from him were so damn potent the females were eagerly willing to submit. Whatever it was she was feeling it to the nth degree now.

  Although this was her first mating heat, Hannah could tell how horrendous it would be. She stood, walked over to the bathroom, and turned on the light. Her skin was so sensitive she could feel the very air moving along her flesh. And her breasts, God, her breasts were so damn swollen. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she pushed away her long auburn air, took in how flushed her cheeks were and how wide her blue eyes seemed, and groaned. Yeah, she knew how this would go, and she was dreading it.

  Despite a female shifter going through her mating heat anywhere between the age of twenty and twenty-five, they still had sexual needs and desires before that. She just had never gone all the way with them. But now that this heat had consumed her she couldn’t ignore it, couldn’t hope that it would leave and she could go on with her life. She needed shifter cum in her to ease the hot, swollen feeling that was filling her pussy. It was the only “cure,” and although it might sound disgusting to a human, to her, especially right now, it sounded so fucking hot.

  Her pussy throbbed and her clit tingled at the thought of asking Beau to be her first, to come inside her, and to ease her discomfort. When she moved over to the shower her legs pressed together, causing her pussy to rub against her engorged clit.

  Hannah was so ready to be taken, to be under a male—Beau preferably since he wouldn’t want anything more from her than one night—and to feel him pump inside of her.

  Hannah’s arousal was still intense, even after she had taken her shower. She tried to ease her arousal-induced suffering by masturbating. All that managed to do was make her even hotter and more frustrated. The orgasm that she had had in the shower had been a torture after it was all said and done. Now she wanted to have sex, like so much more she’d forgo eating and sleeping just to make that happen.

  The small Internet café that she worked at in town was busy upon her arrival, but then again, when the only decent connection Mount Redford had was in this building, it tended to bring customers in. Most of the patrons right now were in their later teens and early twenties, and although they didn’t buy more than a soda and bag of chips, they did have to pay a small fee for using the Internet.

  “Wondered when you’d show. You’re like twenty minutes late,” Laura, the cashier, said as she checked someone out, but she wasn’t looking at Hannah. She handed the customer a plastic card with the Internet password. It gave the customers an allotted amount of time of usage, and although she was sure in some places around the country this shit was free, they were in the backwoods of Alaska, and this was as good as it got.

  When the customer walked away, Laura turned her back to Hannah to grab some cups and napkins. “Girl, you will not believe what Stewart left in the bathroom.” She set the cups on the counter. “Poopourri, and yes, it is exactly what it sounds like.” Laura faced Hannah, napkins in hand. “You okay?” She knitted her brows, clearly able to tell how flustered Hannah was.

  “I’m fine,” Hannah said on a breath, braced her hands on the counter, and breathed out. Her pussy was dripping wet, so soaked that her panties were saturated, her clit still throbbed, and she didn’t know how she’d be able to work through the entire day. When she went to move toward the backroom to get her apron, everything inside of her froze. The scent of wild, primed male filled her nose, and she had to hold everything inside of her and not moan.

  Beau. Beau was here.

  She felt it in her blood. It had her breasts becoming even fuller and her pussy tingling. Slowly turning around, she stared at him as he pulled the door fully open, stepped inside, and let it close behind him. He lifted his hand, removed his sunglasses, and the air whooshed out of her. He was just so dominant, even thoug
h he was just standing there in a pair of worn jeans that made his crotch look especially bulgy today.

  No, you’re just a horny bitch right now.

  Yeah, she was, but she didn’t care. He was big, so big and muscular. Reaching out and gripping the counter with a hand, Hannah clenched her thighs together. She swore that Beau inhaled and growled out, but maybe that was just her overly attuned senses right now wanting him to take notice that she was in a full-on mating heat.

  She just wanted to rip her pants off, put her fingers between her thighs, and thrust them into her wet hole to relieve the ache that had settled there. Beau looked around the café, his nostrils flaring slightly, and then he stared right at her. As if there was this intense heat that slammed into her, Hannah took a step back. The movement had her breasts jiggling. The way she pressed her legs together seemed to pinch her labia together until they were squeezing her clit mercilessly. And then she heard him growl, a low, deep, primal sound that had her heart stalling in her chest. A female shifter was more animal than human when the mating heat overcame them, and although it only happened with the females, that didn’t mean the males weren’t affected. But a male shifter… a male shifter was always more animal than human, always so feral and dominant, and Beau was so much more so. He moved a step closer, as if he couldn’t stop himself from coming toward her. The wolf inside of him flashed to the surface, and she knew that he couldn’t control himself around her, not when it was clear his animal wanted to ease her. She could smell it in the air, feel it cover her as he breathed in and out.

  She was in hell, plain and simple, but she must be a masochist because she wanted more, a lot more.

  Everything around her was amplified. The scent of the coffee was overwhelming, the sun outside was overly bright, and the voices in the café were ear-splitting. But despite all of that the one thing that held her attention was Beau. Only Beau.

  He kept coming closer, but she couldn’t move. She didn’t want to. And then he stood right in front of her, and although she felt like everyone was watching them, seeing this very intense nonverbal communication that was going on, she didn’t care. If she knew she wouldn’t get fired, and probably arrested for indecent exposure, she would have torn his jeans open, pulled out his dick, and bounced on him like he was her very own pogo stick.

  She had known Beau since she was a child—kind of hard not to when they had lived in Mount Redford their whole lives—and although she had always been attracted to him, it wasn’t until this morning that those feelings had gone rogue. He liked sex, a lot of sex in fact, and he didn’t care what anyone thought on the matter. Hannah had seen him on dates with females constantly. Each night it seemed it was with a different woman, and although she should feel disgust that he had so much random, meaningless sex, he’d only want that from her. She didn’t want a man in her life, especially not a shifter. They were too demanding, too alpha, and although she was independent, had her own place and life, right now for this particular situation, she wanted a male that could handle what she needed: a night of good, hard fucking.

  But despite the fact he was three years older than her, so very wrong for her on so many levels, he had been the male that she wanted to pop her cherry and ease this fucking heat from the moment she had known she’d be going through it.

  He lowered his head to her neck, and although this was totally inappropriate activity for her to be doing and allowing at her work, who the fuck cared. He inhaled deeply, and the sound went right to her clit.

  “You’re primed, female.” He pulled back only enough that he could look into her eyes. “And you’re in need of a male to help you with that, aren’t you?” He moved a step closer, and when she moved one back the counter stopped her retreat.

  It wasn’t as if she was trying very hard to get away, but she had to make it seem like she wasn’t easy… right?

  “Well, female? You want me to help you with your problem?” He placed his hands on either side of her, leaned in closer, and inhaled again. “Mmm, I’ve never been with a virgin, let alone one in her heat.”

  Hannah didn’t question how he had known about her being a virgin, because the scent of being untouched surrounded her. She could smell it, and knew that it was amplified because of this situation. Staring into his light blue eyes, she took in his black hair that was short and stood on end a little, and moved her gaze lower to take in his straight, strong nose, square jaw, and the dark stubble that covered it.

  “Yeah.” And that was all she said, because he growled low in his throat, looked down at her lips, and then moved away from her. He walked right out of the café without doing whatever he had initially come in for. When she snapped out of her haze, she glanced around. The noise was only coming from the overhead speakers. There were several gazes on her, some wide-eyed, others narrowed in disgust.

  “Wow,” Laura said.

  Hannah glanced at the other wolf female, saw that her cheeks were flushed and her eyes wide, and knew that she had put on a massively inappropriate show. But God, what a show it had been.

  When Hannah pulled into her driveway and cut the engine, she rested her head back against the seat. The condo she lived in was small, and with the couple that lived next door on vacation in Anchorage, she didn’t have to worry about small talk like she did every other time they saw her home. But she hadn’t even spoken to Beau about when and if he was going to help… ease her. He had asked the question, she had given her answer, but that was it. Hannah had suffered all damn day with damp panties, her nipples feeling like they would stab through her bra and shirt, and her mind filled with images of Beau bending her over any and every counter in her home as he fucked the heat right out of her.

  The sound of a motorcycle coming closer had her turning in her seat and watching in a haze as Beau pulled onto her street, and then right in beside her car. He cut the engine and Hannah felt her heart start racing, her pussy start creaming even more, and that damn heat filling her double-time. It had been at a semi-manageable level since she’d left the café, but now, seeing him straddling that massive black bike and looking right at her had her thinking of all the filthy fucking things she wanted him to do to her. This was unorthodox, probably slutty in every single way, but it felt right, and wasn’t that what mattered?

  He dismounted the bike, took off his sunglasses and stared at her for several seconds. As he watched her, like a predator about to attack his prey, she began to feel like she was in a surreal universe. She was about to fuck Beau McKenzie, that was a given.

  When she climbed out of the car and met him at the front bumper, all she could do was stare at him. He wasn’t a male of many words, but for what she wanted him for right now, that was fine by her. It didn’t matter if she had wanted more from him back in the day, or if she had wished she could be one of those women on his arms, having his attention, and not wanting for anything because she knew while she was with him he’d make sure she was taken care of in all aspects. Hannah was not ashamed to say she had a crush on him, but he wasn’t for her in any way except for right here and right now. She wanted him to use that big dick on her so she didn’t feel like she was going to crawl out of her skin with this arousal.

  He’s too alpha and demanding. Having anything more with him than a one-night stand will leave you chewed up and spit out at his feet.

  “You’re here,” she said on a breath.

  He cocked an eyebrow, not showing any emotion. “I am. You want me here, right?” He took a step toward her. “You need me here,” he said with more heat in his voice, and a chill raced up her spine.

  “Yes,” Hannah said, wanting to fall into him, have him carry her into the house, and make her come so many times she couldn’t see straight.

  “I can ease you, make you feel really fucking good.” His lips were full and pink, the stubble that covered his jaw dark and masculine. Yeah, he could really make her feel good; that was without a doubt.

  She let his words sink in. He was offering himself for one night, he
ll, probably for only a few hours, but it was more than enough for her… she hoped.

  “Come on, Hannah.” He took another step toward her. “Because I am harder than fucking steel right now, and I want your cherry.”

  And her freaking uterus just dropped.

  “I want your pussy sucking at my shaft,” Beau said in his deeply erotic voice. “I want you screaming in my ear to fuck you harder, faster. I want your pussy cream covering my cock, sliding down your thighs, and you so soaked that I can hear your cunt milking my dick.”

  Hannah shivered, feeling hot and then cold all at the same time. She could feel his body heat seep into her. Her nipples strained against the material of her shirt. She wanted his hot mouth sucking on them, easing the burn she felt.

  “You’re suffering. Let me help you,” he growled out, his arousal not hidden.

  She wanted to give herself to him, in every way imaginable. “Oh, God.” Hannah closed her eyes and breathed out when Beau moved his thumb along her bottom lip. It was such a sudden act, one that shouldn’t have her feeling even hotter, but it did. God, it made her want to just bend over her car and pull her pants down for him.

  And then Beau leaned down and placed his lips against her neck. His mouth was like fire. He gently bit the skin where her neck met her shoulder. It was such an animalistic and primal action, so very alpha that she couldn’t help but moan. She tilted her head to the side and offered him her throat in a purely submissive move.

  “That’s it, Hannah. Submit to me, give me that sweet little pussy all soaking wet and hungry for my dick.”

  She didn’t wait any longer. Hannah grabbed his hand, led him up the front porch and opened the door. Once they were both inside she shut it behind them and leaned against it. Placing her hands flat on the wood, she breathed in and out, wanting her clothes off because they felt too itchy, too unbearable.

  Without thinking she lifted her hands and started undoing her cardigan. She dropped the material to the floor and then went for her jeans. When she had everything off and stood before him completely nude, she instantly felt her pussy start to get wetter. He still had his back to her, still fully clothed, and here she was naked and wet for him, ready to be fucked.


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